Teenage fashion in the uk план урока

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Научимся строить высказывания с использованием введенных лексических единиц.

Сможем употреблять введенные лексические единицы в речи

Перечень вопросов, рассматриваемых в теме:

Fashion? What is it?

Nowadays it’s almost impossible to imagine our life without some fashion brands like Prada or Gucci. But does being fashionable or following every trend mean that you are in the centre of the attention? Does fashion differ from country to country?

Глоссарий по теме

We all love clothes, but whether the clothes we love can be described as fashionable, or stylish depends on many factors. And while fashion designers argue about the length of the dress which is going to be in trend the next spring-summer season, you can pick up some very cute items in your local second-hand store. Let’s have a look at some words that can help us to have a closer look at the mysterious world of fashion.

reasonably - довольно, в разумных пределах

well dressed – нарядный, элегантный,

bothered about – беспокоиться о чем-то,

tend to stick to – склонен придерживаться ,

keeping up with – не отставать от,

top designers – топ дизайнеры,

trendy – модный, ультрамодный,

hit the shops – устроить набег на магазины,

trends – веяния, тенденции,

pick up bargains – скидки, хорошие предложения,

second-hand shops – магазины подержанных вещей,

stand out in a crowd – выделяться в толпе,

influenced by – находящийся под влиянием чего-либо,

the other way round - наоборот

Основная и дополнительная литература по теме

Афанасьева О.В., Дули Д., Михеева И.В., Оби Б., Эванс В. Английский язык 10 класс: Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений. 10 класс. – М.: Просвещение, 2017. с. 21, WL-3

Теоретический материал для самостоятельного изучения

  • Christine, wow, what a beautiful dress!
  • Thank you, Liz. I like bright colours. I think, they help me to stand out in the crowd.
  • I think you are right. Blue colour suits your eyes. Anyway, where did you get this pretty item of your wardrobe? I saw something similar in the Prada boutique.
  • Oh, it was a real bargain. This dress was 70% off.

We all love clothes, but whether the clothes we love can be described as fashionable, or stylish depends on many factors. And while fashion designers argue about the length of the dress which is going to be in trend the next spring-summer season, you can pick up some very cute items in your local second-hand store. Let’s have a look at some words that can help us to have a closer look at the mysterious world of fashion.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Шарикова Юлия Леонидовна

г.Белоозёрский, Московская область

Методическая литература :

Научить обращаться за разъяснениями, уточняя интересующую информацию путём задавания вопросов; познакомить с форматом выполнения задания 2 устной части единого государственного экзамена.

Необходимое оборудование : мультимедийный проектор; раздаточный материал.

What students do.

What’s the weather like today? What did you put on today not to be cold outdoors? What are you wearing now? Why you do NOT like and want to have school uniform?

To involve Ss in speaking the foreign language;

To activate Ss’ background knowledge on the topic of clothes.

Answer teacher’s questions.

Open the books on page 21. Look at the pictures and compare Ss’ ideas of fashionable clothes with the pictures given in the textbook.

To get Ss cognitively engaged; to elicit and activate the necessary words.

Make statements on the task given.

Activity based on exercise 2 page 21.

Reading to find out the necessary information.

Show the picture on the screen, give instructions to the next stage.

Give out the worksheets.

Ask questions on the task:

- What is being advertised?

- What are you considering?

- How many questions will you need to ask?

To draw Ss’ attention to the next stage4 to get Ss learn task 1;

to check if students understand the task.

Study the advertisement on the screen, answer the questions.

Get Ss match the questions and the prompts given.

Provide students with examples of questions.

Read the task and do the exercise given: match questions with a prompt.

Show one more picture on the screen. Give instructions to do exercise 2 from the worksheets.

To check if students got the idea of the task; to check their ability to ask questions on their own.

Get Ss’ variants.

To check and discuss the Ss’ variants, elicit good ones and explain the unrelevantness of others or grammar mistakes (if any).

Read aloud the questions, make corrections and notes.

Give home assignment:

Imagine you are considering taking a language course and now you’d like to get more information. Ask questions to find out about the following: 1) average class size; 2) price; 3) intensive program; 4) online classes.

To finish the lesson.

Get home assignment.

Worksheet for the lesson:

Exercise 1.

Study the advertisement on the screen.

You are considering to go to the show and now you’d like to get more information. Ask questions to find out about the following:

Exercise 2.

Study one more advertisement on the screen.

You are considering to go to the cosplay and now you’d like to get more information. Ask questions to find out about the following:

2) age of participants

3) location

4) registration fee

5) opportunity to get professional photos or videos

Pictures for the lesson:

Краткое описание документа:

  • подготовка к ЕГЭ/ОГЭ и ВПР
  • по всем предметам 1-11 классов

Курс повышения квалификации

Дистанционное обучение как современный формат преподавания

Курс повышения квалификации

Инструменты онлайн-обучения на примере программ Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, Bandicam

  • Курс добавлен 31.01.2022
  • Сейчас обучается 30 человек из 19 регионов

Курс повышения квалификации

Специфика преподавания английского языка с учетом требований ФГОС

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Дистанционные курсы для педагогов

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  • Гибкий график
  • Удаленная работа

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Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

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  • Подготовка к ЕГЭ/ОГЭ и ВПР
  • Для учеников 1-11 классов

Московский институт профессиональной
переподготовки и повышения
квалификации педагогов

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Учителя о ЕГЭ: секреты успешной подготовки

Время чтения: 11 минут

Отчисленные за рубежом студенты смогут бесплатно учиться в России

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ГИА для школьников, находящихся за рубежом, может стать дистанционным

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Новые курсы: преподавание блогинга и архитектуры, подготовка аспирантов и другие

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Минтруд предложил упростить направление маткапитала на образование

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Подарочные сертификаты

Ответственность за разрешение любых спорных моментов, касающихся самих материалов и их содержания, берут на себя пользователи, разместившие материал на сайте. Однако администрация сайта готова оказать всяческую поддержку в решении любых вопросов, связанных с работой и содержанием сайта. Если Вы заметили, что на данном сайте незаконно используются материалы, сообщите об этом администрации сайта через форму обратной связи.

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- научить использовать изученные лексические и грамматические единицы в кратких высказываниях.

Цели урока:

-формирование навыка использования изученных лексических и грамматических единиц в монологических высказываниях.

- воспитывать интерес к изучению иностранного языка;

-воспитывать культуру общения, эстетический вкус;

- умение работать в группе;

-развитие внимания, памяти;

- развитие способности и готовности общаться.

- приобретение знаний об отношении подростков к индустрии моды, их вкусах.

Тема:Culture Corner 1. Teenage fashion in the UK..Одежда подростков в Великобритании.

Цели: обобщить и систематизировать материал по страноведению;

развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи;

развивать познавательные интересы учащихся;

развивать навыки систематизации, обобщения, сравнения;

воспитывать интерес к изучению иностранного языка;

воспитывать культуру общения, эстетический вкус;

формировать личностные качества: самостоятельность, трудолюбие, творчество.

развивать логическое мышление;

формировать качества гражданина и патриота;

воспитать нравственные ценности и ориентиры.

Оборудование:УМК "Spotlight"- 10, под редакцией Ю.Е. Ваулиной, Дж. Дули, аудиодополнение, доска, презентация.


Greeting 1.Беседа.

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

P-s: Good morning, teacher.

T: I’m glad to see you.

P-s: We are glad to see you too.

T: Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson. Answer my questions, please. What date is it today?

T: Fashion is very important to you, isn’t it? Some of you want to be attractive and look different from others. Sometimes clothes the students wear are not suitable for school. E.g. If you like sport style it doesn ’t mean that you should wear sport suits to school. I think you can look stylish if your clothes are suitable for the occasion. Today we’ll try to discuss the problems of school uniform and dress code.

Warming - up 3.Введение в иноязычную атмосферу .

T: Everybody knows our appearance is very important/ But people in different countries prefer to wear different clothes. First, we are going to revise some facts about teenagers’ fashion in the UK. What can you say about fashion in the UK? What English pupils think about fashion? This table will help you.

P1: I know that boys wear comfortable clothes just to show their individuality/ They are not really bothered about brands and logos.I want to add they prefer cheap clothes.

P2: Speaking about the girls, we can say they keep up with the latest trends. They want to be fashionable and buy clothes from top designers.

P3: I don’t agree that every girl in England is crazy about fashion/ Some of them use their inspiration.

P4: They buy clothes in supermarkets and in second – hands shops.


Presenting vocabulary 1.Введение нового лексического материала. Ex1, p21.

to describe fashion

T: Pay attention to thepictures. Answer the questions individually. Listen to the recording and follow the text in your books. Let’s explain the meaning of any unknownwords in the rubric.

Reasonably well-dressed

dressed quite well


being yourself/different to others

Bothered about

interested in sth

to usually do sth

Keep up with

following a trend

Top designers

the most famous designers

at a reasonable price

Hit the shop


sth that influences your decisions/ choices


involving people of different cultures

Pick up bargains

buying things at a low price

Second-hands shop

Магазин подержанной одежды

shops that sell used items

Stand out in a crowd

Выделяться из толпы

Influenced by

Быть под влиянием

The other way round

P: British teenagers like wearing comfortable, cheap clothes like baggy jeans and trainers, second-hand clothes and modern colourful designs.

Presentingvocabulary 2.Активизациялексическогоматериалаурока. Ex4, p16.

to describe fashion

T: Use your dictionaries to explain the words in bold and give an example, explanation or synonym. Try to guess the meaning of the words from the context first.

T: You have some time to scan the text for words related to shopping places. Say what similar places exist in our country.

P1: high street shops, street markets, second-hand shops

P2: Yes, we have similar places to buy clothes in my country.

P3: shopping expedition, shopping centre/mall,shopping therapy, shopping around, discountshopping

P4: There’s a large shopping centre opening in thetown centre soon.

P5: Shopping therapy is a good way to cheeryourself up when you feel down.

P6: Shops in my town are open for late-nightshopping on Thursdays.

Reading 3. Поисковоечтение. Reading for specific information.Ex2, p21.

T: You have some time to read the text. Answer the questions individually.

P: 1 John 2 Lisa 3 Amy 4 John 5 Lisa/Amy


Speaking 4. Развитие монологиеской речи. Practising vocabulary on teenage fashion.Ex4, p21.

T: Take roles and work in pairs.

P1: So, Amy, tell me, do you like to keep up with the latest fashion?

P2: Oh, yes! I just love fashion and I buy a lot of fashion magazines.

P1: Where do you shop mostly?

P2: I do most of my shopping in the high street shops.

P2: Because they are full of trendy affordable clothes.

Writing 5.Развитие навыков письма. Writing a short paragraph on teenage fashion.Ex5, p21.

T: Look through the questions. You have some time write a short paragraph.

P: In my country, there are always several trends and so teenagers wear a variety of clothes. Alot of teenagers are influenced by American TV and they copy the clothes some American kids wear. Many boys like to wear large baggy trousers, Nike or Adidas trainers and baseball caps. Most girls seem to follow the latest fashion that they see in magazines and so they wear whatever is in. Others are inspired by rock groups and wear the same clothes that their favourite singer wears. Teenagers who keep up with the latest fashion and who have the money to spend, tend to go to high street shops while others like going to markets or second-hand shops. I think most teenagers would spend about ъ100 a month on clothes.


Homework 1. Домашнеезадание.

T: Openyourdiaries, please, andwritedownyourhometask:Прочитатьиустноперевестиупр 2 настр.22. Письменновыполнитьупр.2настр.166. Повторить лексический материал прошлых уроков. Выучить новый.

Summarizing 2. Подведениеитоговурока.

Подростковая мода в Великобритании.

Погода в Великобритании известна за то, что была холодной и влажной, но есть одна вещь, это всегда горячо, и это - мода I, Мы говорили с тремя подростками об их представлениях об одежде и что им нравится носить.

"Я думаю, что я довольно хорошо одет. Я обычно ношу удобную одежду, которая показывает немного индивидуальности. Я люблю кататься на скейтборде, так большинство дней, Вы найдете меня в очень мешковатых джинсах, кроссовках и hoodie; это - трикотажная рубашка с капотом для тех из Вас, кто не знает! Я действительно не обеспокоен о фирменных знаках или эмблемах. Я склонен придерживаться более дешевой одежды, которая не будет разрываться, когда я уменьшусь свой скейтборд!"

"Я люблю не отставать от всех последних тенденций. Столь же легко быть модным в эти дни, как много главных проектировщиков делает одежду для более дешевых магазинов главной улицы. Я провожу слишком много времени и денег во всех них, но они полны модной, возможной одежды! Так, что девочка, как предполагается, делает? Поразите магазины, конечно!"

"Когда дело доходит до моды мне нравится брать мое вдохновение от многих различных мест. Великобритания - очень относящееся к разным культурам место, таким образом, Вы видите много различных стилей и тенденций все время. Мне нравится поднимать сделки на уличных рынках и магазинах секонд-хенда. Затем я соединял эту одежду с вещами, которые я нашел на главной улице. Тем путем я всегда выделяюсь в толпе! Молодые люди сегодня столь творческие когда дело доходит до моды, что поп-звезды под влиянием их стиля а не наоборот!"

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Предлагаемый материал разработан на основе учебника Spotlight 10.

Класс: 10

Тема: Teenage Fashion in the UK (Module 1, Culture Corner 1)

Цель урока: совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся.

Задачи урока: развитие навыка и умения аналитического чтения,

формирование умений говорения на базе прочитанного текста.

I. Pre-reading Activities

A. Discussion. Discuss the following questions in pairs or small groups.

1. What is “the fashion” ?

2. Is the fashion important for you?

3. What is more important for you, the shape and the style or the brand and the label?

4. What are your favourite clothes?

5. What do you wear to look fashionable?

5. Do all clothes suit you?

6 Can you wear any style or colour you like and still look good?

7. Do you think you have a dress sense?

8. Why do we have to choose our clothes carefully to suit ourselves?

9 Are you afraid of bright colours, horizontal or vertical stripes, big belts or patterns?

10. Who buys clothes for you? Where? Do you think you are well-dressed?

(This is a good revision exercise to use opinion phrases and linking words.)

B. Vocabulary. Match the words with their meanings.

to cut or tear away

suggestion, sudden idea

to be notable in a crowd

to stand out in a crowd

to have the financial means for

something that you buy at a low price

to affect, to impress

C. Predicting. Take a look at the pictures and say what kind of clothes British teenagers like wearing.

II. Reading Activities

1.Scan Part 1 and say what kind of clothes John sticks to and why.

Scan Part 2 and say what kind of clothes Amy buys and where.

Scan Part 3 and say in what way Lisa always stands out in a crowd.

2. ex.2 p.21. Read again. Who (John, Amy or Lisa):

chooses clothes based on practical reasons?

likes to look different?

has money to spend on trendy clothes?

doesn’t like dressing just to impress?

B. Reading for Details

1. Read the text carefully and сору out the key words to describe teens’ preferences. Fill in the chart:

take one’s inspiration

different styles and trends

pick up bargains

baggy jeans, trainers, hoodie

high street shops

be bothered about

stand out in a crowd

be influenced by

III. Post-reading Activities

Retelling. With a partner, look at the table again. Take turns to tell about your new friend (John, Amy or Lisa).

IV. Role Play

The two friends (Amy and Lisa, or Lisa and John, or Amy and John) are going to buy a birthday present for the third one. Discuss the problem and choose a piece of clothing for her/him.

( Be on hand to help weaker students if needed. Any answers should be accepted.

1. Amy and John are talking about a present for Lisa.

– Well, John. It’s hard work to find a present for such an unusual person as Lisa.

– When it comes to fashion, tastes differ. As for Lisa, she always stands out in a crowd.

– That’s quite right. You see. I keep up with all the latest trends and spend too much time and money on them but she usually picks up bargains at the street markets and second - hand shops

and looks fine in any style and colour!

– That’s an idea! Why not go to the second - hand shop?

– You must be joking! It would be awful to give her something used as a birthday present.

– Not at all. She’s creative enough and has a good sense of dress to put things together and feel comfortable.

– In this case she must have a good sense of humour! By the way, I know a high street shop full of trendy but affordable clothes not far from here. Let’s go!

2. Lisa and Amy are talking about a present for John.

– Amy, what about a present for John? Any ideas?

– No problem. He’s keen on skateboarding and not bothered about brand names and logos, so.

– So, you mean we should buy him another pair of jeans or, say, a hoodie.

– Sure. His clothes often rips when he falls off his skateboard.

– Well. On the one hand, he sticks to cheaper clothes, on the other hand, he likes being well - dressed. I suggest buying him a trendy T- shirt made by a top designer for a change.

– We see eye to eye. I’m all for it!

3. John and Lisa are talking about a present for Amy.

– John, what are you doing in the evening?

– Nothing special. Why?

– Don’t you remember about Amy’s birthday? It’s time to buy a present.

– Oh, no.. To choose a present for a girl is always a great problem for me.

– Never mind. You know she keeps up with all the latest trends and we can buy something stylish.

– It’s so easy to be fashionable if you can spend much time and money in the shops!

– Stop grumbling! Lots of top designers make clothes for the cheaper, high street shops. They are full of trendy, affordable clothes.

– That suits me. Let’s hit the shops!

V. Writing

Ex. 5 p. 21. Write a short paragraph.

What do the teenagers in your country like wearing?

Where do they go shopping for clothes?

How much money do they spend on clothes?

(Depending on the language level of students, this task may be done as class activity or at home.)

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