План урока на английском языке на тему holidays

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Unit of a long term plan Holidays

School: № 5 named after B. Momyshuly

Date: 18.05.2018

Teacher name: Dinara Yesseyeva

CLASS: 5 grade

Number present:

Lesson title

In all weathers

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

5.R4 read with some support a limited range of short fiction and non-fiction texts

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.UE10 use present continuous forms with present and future meaning on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All students will be able to:

Speak about holiday activities in different countries in 4-5 simple sentences using present continuous forms with some support

Most students will be able to :

Create the dialogue in 4-5complex sentences using present continuous forms with little support

Some of students will be able to :

Discuss about holiday activities in different countries in group work using present continuous forms with no support

Assessment criteria

Learners can speak about holidays using present continuous forms in pair and group work

Values links

Respect and support classmates’ points of view and their choices

Russian and Kazakh culture, Geography

Previous learning

Vocabulary, different kinds of holidays. Present Continuous Tense

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Look at the pictures and tell me what these pictures are associated with. And now let's try to guess a name of the lesson?


There is a word “Holiday” on the blackboard. Name words which connecting with the word “holiday”.

(e.g. summer, beach, different countries, swimming, sunbathing etc.)

Watch the video and mark the following sentences

Y (yes) or N (no)

1.The weather is hot and sunny in Australia. Y N

2.There is not much to do except sunbathe on the beach in Australia. Y N

3.At Shymbulak, it is cold but it is sunny. Y N

4.Shymbulak is for very good skiers only. Y N

5.The weather is always warm and sunny in Thailand. Y N

6.The market has got stalls that are boats. Y N

• watches the video and marks the following sentences Y (yes) or N (no)and checks with given key

Read the text “In all weather” and match the pictures to the texts

Sunday 27th December

Hi Molly, Greetings from Australia! We’re having a fantastic time here. Today, it’s hot and sunny and we are at the beach. I’m sunbathing and my sisters are making a sandcastle. Dad and Meruert are windsurfing. Some people are swimming and others are playing beach volleyball or sailing their boats. We all love it here! See you when we get back. Lena

Monday 6th April

Hi Will, We're having a wonderful time here at Shymbulak in the Zaili Alatau Mountains in Kazakhstan. It's a beautiful place and there is snow everywhere! It's freezing cold, but the sky is blue and the sun is shining. Assel and Sanzhar are skiing at the moment. My lesson is this afternoon, so I'm having a hot chocolate now. We're having lots of fun. Talk to you soon. Berik

Saturday 11th July

Hi Barney, Hello from Thailand. The weather’s strange here but we’re having a wonderful time! It’s warm and sunny today, but it’s often cloudy and rainy. Saule and Nurlan are visiting the floating market, and Nurzhan and I are having a snack. It’s great. This is an amazing country. We love it. Take care. Ruslan

Key: 1 B, 2 C, 3 A

• reads the text “In all weather” and matches the pictures to the texts

Physical activity

Make up the dialogues using Present Continuous


-What is the weather like in Turkey today?

-What are you doing now?

-Are you happy with your holiday?

-Sanzhar, do you like holiday?

Yes, I do. Now I ‘m sunbathing on the beach of Thailand.

I’m swimming now. I like it.

See you when we get back.

Enjoy your holiday.

We are having lots of fun.

Creates the dialogue in 4-5complex sentences using present continuous forms

Check the dialogues by evaluating each other

Create the dialogue in 4-5complex sentences

Us e present continuous forms

The correct structure of the dialogue

Keys for assessment

Be more attentive!

Pupils are divided into three groups Australia, Shymbulak, Thailand. They will get the parts of the pictures. According to the parts of the pictures all the students create the puzzle and are grouped together.



Discuss about holiday activities in different countries according to the text and name of the groups.

На уроке происходит развитие критического мышления в процессе самостоятельной работы учащихся с использованием метода проектов.

Никитина Татьяна Владимировна, учитель английского языка, ВКО, Зыряновский район, КГУ "Тургусунская средняя школа"

Описание разработки


Развивающая : развивать культурологические знания, повышение общей культуры общения, устно - речевые умения и навыки. Умение работать в группе. Развивать память, внимание, мышление, восприятие.

Воспитательная: формирование уважительного отношения к языку, умения активно и плодотворно работать в коллективе.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент. Организация внимания учащихся. Приветствие учителя и учащихся. Небольшой психологический тренинг.

Good morning, children! I am glad to see you! How are you for today? (на доске мордашки с настроением, дети отвечают на вопрос, используя фразы – подписи)

Девиз урока: Скажи мне – и я забуду, покажи мне – и я запомню, позволь мне сделать – и то станет моим.

2. Основная часть. Актуализация знаний:

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

This is the season

When mornings are dark,

And birds do not sing

In the forests and park.

This is the season

When children ski

And Father Frost brings

2) Постановка учащимися задачи урока.

Today we have a revision - lesson. Today we shall speak with you about the most famous holidays and customs of Great Britain. I hope that it will be interesting for you during our lesson. Today we’ll work in groups, your project work, you’ll show your costumes, toys, pictures. Good luck.

Фонетическая зарядка, отработка хором произношения слов (повторение лексического материала). Слайд 2

decorate, chimney, celebrate, neighbour, costume, guest, knock, trick, roast, turkey, sign, pie, sock, party - parties, cards, flowers, play tricks, pudding, potatoes, sweets, a pumpkin pie, money, gather together, gifts, presents, whitches , ghosts, traditional dinner, fireworks, bonfire, candle, national, tradition, guy, straw, sticks.

3) Работа в группах (учащиеся выбирают слова, которые относятся празднику, который отмечен у них на табличке)

Chose some words which describing your holiday.

(подчеркивают в карточке)

2. Pечевая зарядка. Беседа с учащимися.

Answer the questions.

You know that people like to celebrate holidays all over the world.

Nowadays different people celebrate different holidays.

- What about your families? What holidays do your families prefer to celebrate ?

- What is your favourite holiday?

- When is it celebrated ?

- What do you usually do?

- What do you eat?

3. Работа в группах.

1) Учащиеся читают тексты и составляют кластер. Подходят к столу, где разложены основные атрибуты праздников, расклеивают их на плакаты, что - то подрисовывают, добавляют.

2) Физкульт. минутка

3) Защита мини - проектов. Учащиеся в группах представляют праздники с подготовленными презентациями, рисунками, подарками и т. д.

1. St. Valentine’s day – February, 14

2. Halloween – October, 31

3. Thanksgiving – November, 4 th Thursday

4. St. Patrick’s day – March, 17

5. Christmas day – December, 25

6. Guy Fawkes’ - November, 5

Учащиеся защищают свои мини - проекты. Взаимооценка.

Let’s see your project works according to this table.

Весь материал - смотрите документ.

Содержимое разработки

Развивающая : развивать культурологические знания, повышение общей культуры общения, устно-речевые умения и навыки. Умение работать в группе. Развивать память, внимание, мышление, восприятие.

Воспитательная: формирование уважительного отношения к языку, умения активно и плодотворно работать в коллективе.

1. Организационный момент. Организация внимания учащихся. Приветствие учителя и учащихся. Небольшой психологический тренинг.

Good morning, children! I am glad to see you! How are you for today? (на доске мордашки с настроением, дети отвечают на вопрос, используя фразы – подписи)

Девиз урока: Скажи мне – и я забуду, покажи мне – и я запомню, позволь мне сделать – и то станет моим.

2. Основная часть. Актуализация знаний:

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

1) Стихотворение Слайд 1

This is the season
When mornings are dark,
And birds do not sing
In the forests and park.
This is the season
When children ski
And Father Frost brings
The New Year

2) Постановка учащимися задачи урока.

Today we have a revision- lesson. Today we shall speak with you about the most famous holidays and customs of Great Britain. I hope that it will be interesting for you during our lesson. Today we’ll work in groups, your project work, you’ll show your costumes, toys, pictures. Good luck.

2) Фонетическая зарядка, отработка хором произношения слов (повторение лексического материала). Слайд 2

decorate, chimney, celebrate, neighbour, costume, guest, knock, trick, roast, turkey, sign, pie, sock, party-parties, cards, flowers, play tricks, pudding, potatoes, sweets, a pumpkin pie, money, gather together, gifts, presents, whitches ,ghosts, traditional dinner, fireworks, bonfire, candle, national, tradition, guy, straw, sticks.

3) Работа в группах (учащиеся выбирают слова, которые относятся празднику, который отмечен у них на табличке)

Chose some words which describing your holiday.

(подчеркивают в карточке)

2. Pечевая зарядка. Беседа с учащимися.

Answer the questions.

You know that people like to celebrate holidays all over the world.

Nowadays different people celebrate different holidays .

-What about your families? What holidays do your families prefer to celebrate ?

- What is your favourite holiday?

- When is it celebrated ?

- What do you usually do?

- What do you eat?

3. Работа в группах.

1) Учащиеся читают тексты и составляют кластер. Подходят к столу, где разложены основные атрибуты праздников, расклеивают их на плакаты, что-то подрисовывают, добавляют.

2) Физкульт.минутка

3) Защита мини-проектов. Учащиеся в группах представляют праздники с подготовленными презентациями, рисунками, подарками и т.д.

1. St.Valentine’s day – February, 14

2. Halloween – October, 31

3. Thanksgiving – November,4 th Thursday

4. St. Patrick’s day – March, 17

5. Christmas day – December, 25

6. Guy Fawkes’ - November,5

Учащиеся защищают свои мини-проекты. Взаимооценка .

Let’s see your project works according to this table.

Группа 1.

St.Valentine’s day is celebrated on February, 14. This holiday in honour of St.Valentine’s – a martyr. In this lovely day people of all ages exchange of ‘’valentines’. They send cards, gifts, sweets, flowers to people they love. They do not sign these cards.

Thanksgiving is celebrated on November,4 th Thursday. On this day families in the USA gather together in a home for traditional dinner. They have a roast turkey, sweet potatoes, a pumpkin pie. All give thanks together for the good things that they have.

St. Patrick’s day is celebrated on March, 17. It’s an Irish holiday. It’s day when people wear green shirts, ties, hats. Green is one of the national colours of Ireland and the sign of spring.

Christmas Day is celebrated on December 25. The traditional food is turkey, Christmas cake, Christmas pudding made of fruit. Candles at Christmas - their light helped people to forget the darkness of winter. Christmas Tree is in the living room at Christmas. A lot of people go to Trafalgar Square to see the Christmas tree. Santa Claus comes down the chimney and leaves presents in long socks.

Guy Fawkes’ Night is on 5 November. That day in 1605 some conspirators wanted to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James 1 and his ministers. Guy Fawkes was one of them. But they couldn’t do that because the King’s men caught Guy Fawkers and killed him. On 5 November when it gets dark, people go out into the streets and watch beautiful fireworks. In the country people make the guy of sticks and straw, put an old hat on his head and old gloves on his hands. Then they light it in the bonfire.

3. Проверка усвоенного учебного материала. Слайд 3

Выполнение теста, самопроверка по ключу.

1.When is Christmas celebrated?

1. on 5 November

2. on December 25

3. on February, 14

2.Green is a sign of

3. On this day families have a traditional dinner.

2. Bonfire Night

3. Thanksgiving day

4. On this day people make the guy of sticks and straw and light it.

1. Christmas day

2. Bonfire Night

3. St. Patrick’s day

5. St. Patrick’s day is

1. an Irish holiday

2. a Russian holiday

3. an English holiday

Ключи: 1) 2. 2) 1. 3) 3. 4)3. 5)1.

Если останется время - предложить кроссворд (закрепление лексики)

4. Подведение итогов урока. Саморефлексия. ‘Blab tree’’

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

- тренировка диалогической речи (учащиеся научатся составлять диалоги по теме).

- расширение общего и филологического кругозора

- воспитание внимательности, самостоятельности, трудолюбия;

- формирование навыков интеллектуального труда.

- развитие языковой и речевой догадки;

- развитие памяти, мышления, воображения.

Для повторения: to provide an excellent relaxation after a hard day, to develop social skills, to provide a break from studying, to help to cope with boredom/stress, to improve problem solving skills, to build team spirit, to be aware, to approve/disapprove of, to affect smth., to keep up, to devour books, to dance to music, to browse museums, to be glued to smth, to overweigh, concern, opponent, to reduce, telly addict, addictive, to exaggerate, holiday, vacation

- диалог “The Worst Holiday I’ve Ever Had”

- микротекст из упр. 8.8 с. 91-93

1. Запись на классной доске

3. Карточки с диалогом

4. Карточки с языковым материалом

I. Подготовка учащихся к речевой деятельности на английском языке

ОЗУ: Good afternoon. Nice to see you. Sit down, please. How are you? I hope you are in a good working mood even after a long working day.

Режим: Т – Р1, Р2, Р3…

ОЗУ: At the previous lessons we spoke about your hobbies and different patterns you take up to spend your leisure time. As far as I’m concerned people find the most leisure when they are on holiday. That is the topic of our today’s lesson.

3) Речевая подготовка.

One of the pupils must be really in a good mood. As you may remember Sasha has his birthday today. Sasha, I congratulate you on this remarkable day of your life and wish you many happy returns of the day. I wish all your dreams come true. What about the rest of you? What would you like to wish Sasha?

Режим: Т – Р1, Р2, Р3…

II. Отработка ранее введенного языкового материала и овладение видами речевой деятельности

А. Контроль умений монологической речи на основе текста

A birthday is also a kind of a holiday. People may spend their holidays in various ways. So now I’m eager to listen to your home prepared monologues about your holidays. Who wants to be the first? Sergey, do you mind speaking? The rest of you, listen to him attentively because I’ll ask you questions on his story.

2) Рассказ монологов и вопросы учителя по основному содержанию. (Режим: Т-Р1, Р2, Р3 …)

Thank you for your stories. They were worth listening to.

Б. Практика учащихся в чтении и устной речи на основе прочитанного текста

There are holidays and holidays. Some of them are perfect while others leave much desired. And now we are going to read a dialogue about one frustrating holiday out loud.

2) Чтение диалога и вопросы учителя по основному содержанию. (How can you prove that the woman had a tiring holiday. )

Режим: Т-Р1, Р2, Р3 …

В. Тренировка диалогической речи

Your reading was really expressive. Now you are to work in pairs. Make up dialogues using the phrases that express surprise, sympathy (from the dialogue), the conversational formulas and the active vocabulary written on the cards. Imagine that one of you has just returned from a holiday that was a complete failure. The other sympathizes with his/her friend. You’ve got 4 minutes to go.

2) Контроль диалогической речи. (Режим: Р1 – Р2, Р3 – Р4…)

Your time is up. You are welcome to act out your dialogues.

Thank you for the dialogues. They were really nice. I hope they will help you to fulfil your home task.

III. Заключительный этап

At home you are to make up a story “The Worst Holiday I’ve Ever Had”. Use your active vocabulary and grammar. Your story should contain not less than 20 sentences. Moreover, read units 31, 32 in Murphy’s book.

I liked the way you worked today. Your marks are …

3) Организационный конец урока.

The lesson is over. See you tomorrow.

План урока 20

Подтема: Holidays, Festivals, Celebrations

- практика учащихся в чтении и устной речи на основе прочитанного текста;

- тренировка диалогической речи (учащиеся научатся составлять диалоги по теме).

- расширение общего и филологического кругозора

- воспитание внимательности, самостоятельности, трудолюбия;

- формирование навыков интеллектуального труда.

- развитие языковой и речевой догадки;

- развитие памяти, мышления, воображения.

Новый: Shrove Tuesday, May Day, Late Summer Bank Holiday

- микротексты на с. 93, 94

1. Запись на доске

3. Карточки с упражнением

I. Подготовка учащихся к речевой деятельности на английском языке

ОЗУ: Good afternoon. Nice to see you. Sit down, please. How are you?

Режим: Т – Р1, Р2, Р3…

ОЗУ: So we continue speaking about holidays but already in the meaning of celebrations.

3) Фонетическая зарядка

На доске написана цитата “Love doesn’t consist of gazing at each other, but of looking together in the same direction.”

ОЗУ: But first I’d like to begin our lesson with the quotation written on the board. Do you agree with the author of it? Do you have any ideas why we started the lesson with it?

4) Речевая подготовка. Вопросно-ответное упражнение по теме.

ОЗУ: Today is St. Valentine’s Day. What do you remember about this holiday? Do you know any traditions connected with it? It is quite popular in Great Britain, isn’t it? What other festivals celebrated in Great Britain do you know?

Режим: Т – Р1, Р2, Р3…

II. Введение нового лексического материала

1) На доске написаны праздники и месяцы, в которые они отмечаются. (January: New Year’s Day, February: St. Valentine’s Day, February/March: Shrove Tuesday etc.)

ОЗУ: Now I’d like you to look at the board where you can see the British Holiday Calendar. Let’s read them out loud altogether. Then you are to complete the descriptions given to you on the cards with the name oа an appropriate holiday. I’ll give you 2 minutes to do this task.

III. Отработка ранее введенного языкового материала и овладение видами речевой деятельности

1) ОЗУ: So at home you were to read the texts about some other British and American holidays. Let’s read the texts on p. 93, 94 and translate some parts of them. Sasha, will you start reading?

В. Упражнение в развитии умений диалогической речи.

1) ОЗУ: Now that we’ve learnt about the holidays celebrated in America and Great Britain, let’s speak about our country. I’d like you to work in pairs. Make up dialogues. Discuss the holidays in your country and your favourite ones as if you were an American and a Russian/ an Englishman and a Russian. The texts we’ve just read are to help you.

2) Контроль диалогической речи.

Boys and girls, your time is up. You are welcome to present your dialogues.

Режим: Р1-Р2, Р3-Р4, Р5-Р6…

So, you’ve just talked about the holidays celebrated in the USA, Great Britain and our country. I hope it will help you do your homework.

IV. Заключительный этап

At home you are to make up monologues about the British, American and Russian holidays, compare them. The information in the texts is to help you.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

1 Практиковать учащихся в аудировании и монологической речи.

2 Развивать творческую ориентацию, познавательный интерес, инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности.

3 Расширение кругозора учащихся.

4 Воспитывать уважение и интерес к традициям других народов.

-Good morning, dear girls and boys! I am glad to see you!

So, the theme of our lesson “Holidays”

It goes without saying that it is impossible to tell about all holidays during one lesson. We will try tell you about favorite ones most important ones

Look at the blackboard and let us read the proverbs over there.


Try to translate it from English into Russian or find Russian equivalents of these

Сколько стран, столько и обычаев.

Что город, то норов, что деревня – то обычай.

Что двор, то свой обычай.

Во всяком подворье - своё поверье.


Когда находишься в Риме, поступай, как поступают римляне.

В каком народе живёшь, того обычая держись.

В каком народе живёшь, тем богам и молись.

С воронами по-вороньи и каркать.

В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят.

4.Мозговая атака. Brainstorm.

-What holidays do Americans people celebrate?

-What holidays do Kazakh people celebrate?

New words read and practice the pronunciation

Trick- хитрость, трюк

Pie- пирог, пирожное

Pie- пирог, пирожное

English Teacher: What can you say about Halloween Day.

Ученица показывает тыкву со свечой внутри и рассказывает о празднике Halloween Day:

Who prepared the project about St. Valentine's Day

Ученица показывает свои рисунки и рассказывает о дне Святого Валентина: Pupib: “St. Valentine's Day is not a legal or national holiday. Banks and offices do not close, but is a happy little festival, especially for children and young people. It is celebrated among persons of all ages. A “valentine” may mean a special greeting card or a little present. It way also be the person who receives the gift. The greeting cards are often colored, have red trimmings and pictures of hearts. The day is a time to send little gifts to those you love. Flowers and candy are favourite presents which sweethearts send each other. Valentine candy is packed

7. Чтение текста.

Thanksgiving Day in the USA.

Every year all Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day. The story started in 1620. A group of people decided to leave England and go to live in America. They wanted to be free to practise their religion. And they wanted a new and better life. On 16th September 1620 they left Plymouth, a port on the south coast of England. Their ship was called “the Mayflower”. There were about a hundred of them. They took their animals with them: pigs, goats and chickens. It took them about a month or two to cross the Atlantic Ocean. Don’t forget, there were no engines in those ships - only sails and the wind. At last they saw America on the 9th November. Some people didn’t live to see America. They had become sick and died before they arrived in America. The first winter in America was very hard for the travellers, the Pilgrims as they were called. The Indians helped the Pilgrims. They were shown how to hunt, fish and grow corn. The next year the Pilgrims had a lot of food.

The Pilgrim fathers built the town Plymouth. And they thanked God for their new home. It was almost four hundred years ago. And every year on the fourth Thursday in November American families get together and celebrate Thanksgiving Day. The traditional food on this day is turkey and pumpkin pie.

“St Patrick’s Day”

It is an Irish holiday . It’s a day when people wear green shirts ,ties and hats , because green is one of the national colours of Ireland and also one of the signs of spring

January 1 – New Year

People in Britain begin celebrating this holiday on December 31. Sometimes they have parties where guests dress up in costumes and cover faces with masks. Next day people visit friends, relatives ,neighbors. There is a lot to eat and drink. Many families watch televisions

25 of December Christmas Day

People in many countries decorate Christmas trees and give each other presents. Children leave a long socks or stockings at the end of the bed on December 24. They hope that Santa Clause will come down the chimney during the night and bring them presents. The special food is a big turkey and Christmas turkey

Work with pictures

Now, children look at the blackboard and guess what holiday are they

What holidays are they?

Game “Guess holiday”

Now, Ilvira will you tell date of holiday and you must guess what is the holiday celebrated in this day?

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