План урока east or west home is best

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

Цель урока: Развитие коммуникативных навыков на основе технологии дебатов.

отработка коммуникативной мотивации обучения, направленной на практическое овладение английским языком;

тренировать учащихся в умении вести аргументированный спор; слышать друг друга;

развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи;

развитие логического и критического мышления, памяти;

развитие творческих способностей учащихся;

социокультурное развитие учащихся;

создание полноценной мотивации к изучению иностранного языка;

воспитание общей культуры ведения спора и толерантности;

Оборудование: магнитная доска, карточки с лексическими опорами.

Формы работы : фронтальная, парная, групповая.

Организационный момент. (1 мин)

Основная часть урока.

Мозговая атака. Брейншторминг.( 5 мин)

Активизация навыков говорения.( 10 мин)

Отработка навыков поискового чтения.( 10 мин)

Динамическая пауза. (1 мин)

6. Подведение итогов, задание на дом. Рефлексия. (2 мин)

Lesson Plan

Debate: speech making; cross examination;

I . Организационный момент. (1 мин.)

-Good morning, my friends! I'm glad to see you today. Sit down, please.

Тоday some guests are present at our lesson, but I think that does not disturb you to work good. Let`s begin. Who is on duty today? What day is it today? What is the date? Who is absent?

The topic of our lesson is written on the blackboard. How can we translate it? What Russian equivalent can you give? (В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.)

Тоday at the lesson we` ll speak about advantages and disadvantages of living in different places. We’ll find out what is more or less important for people’s choice. We’ll learn how to advertise and write an advertisement of a place you would like to live in.

Основная часть урока.

Метод мозгового штурма .

-What, do y ou think, can influence people’s life in any place and people’s choice where to live?

( Ученики называют факторы и записывают их на доске и в тетради)

Активизация навыков говорения .

-Now, let’s decide which of these factors are very important, which ones are less important and which factors are not important at all when people choose where to live. You can use a structure on the sheets as an example for your answer.

. ( Ученики получают лексические опоры. Индивидуальная опора).

- Very well! We have decided what makes people to choose where to live.

Now work in pairs and divide all these points into negative and positive.

( Ученики работают в парах по лексическим опорам)

- It’s time to discuss! ( Ученики дают ответы)

Отработка навыков поискового чтения ._

- Our next work is connected with different places for living. You can see five short texts. Read them and decide what places they are about. ( Ученики читают предложенные тексты, дают ответы на вопросы).

- Pupils, now look through the texts once again and think of the advantages and disadvantages of the place.

VI. Динамическая пауза . Let’s play the game “ Be attentive”Listen to me and do what I ask you.

Hands down! - Руки вниз!

Hands on hips! - Руки на бедра!

Sit down! - Садись!

Stand up! - Встань!

Hands up! - Руки вверх!

Hands to the sides! - Руки в стороны!

Turn to the left! - Поворот налево!

Bend right! - Наклон вправо!

Stand still! - Стойте смирно!

Hands up! - Руки вверх!

Now I propose to discuss such question as` What is better to life in the country or in the city?` in content of debate . Do you remember what debate is?

P. 1 :A debate is a well – organized , structured argument.

P.2: There are two “sides” in a debate 2 they take turns in spealcing.

Р .3 : Each side is expected to listen to the other side and to “clash” with what they say.

- You are right. We divided into 2 groups. We need yury, Time-keeper. I hope you remember the rules. It`s important to be polite, to listen carefully, do show respect, yourself cool, to give examples and to speak slowly, clearly and in a pleasant voice.

- Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear quests! We start to discuss what is better to life in the country or in the city?`

It`s better to live in the country.

It`s better to live in the city.

P 1 . We say If you want to live good or very good you should live in the village. The house in the village is the very special space for rest and life. You can enjoy such simple things of primary importance as sunlight and fresh air.

P 2 . The first reason is good ecological conditions. Pollution is the greatest disadvantage of the city life of today. You can not agree polluted air is hanging like a brown cloud over cities. It causes respiratory distress, particularly in children and elderly people. There are a lots environment problems connecting with urban garbage, the exceeding output of industries and urban communities.

P 3. It is fairly certain that there are a lots environment problems in the city. But people try to lost these problems. And we can see a garbage on the village`s streets. But we would like to speak about job in the village. Without a doubt life in the countryside is rather hard. The truth of the matter is the problem of employment.

P4 . In the city people have more chances to be employed, as the range of jobs is greater than in a village. Besides in the city people have more chances to succeed. And more and more young people leave the countryside for a better life in the city.

P 5. As a rule there are some labour places for skilled agricultural workers and for professionals. Although villages do need teachers and physicians. No secret that the educational level is not so high as in the city but there are so many talent pupils here. And these professionals help to develop children`s skills .

P 6. There is something in what you are saying, but the possibility of getting good education makes the city attractive for living and gives you many chances to become a successful person.

P 7. . Working and living conditions are difficult, social and cultural life in the countryside is not full of entertainment

P 8 . That`s why living in the countryside is cheaper and safer than in a city. It provides people with more security.

P 9. The rush-hour" with crowded streets, packed trains, full buses makes people nervous. Besides life in the village is quite and peaceful. People are friendly and hospitable here.

P 10. I am pretty such that it does not matter where people live. It is more important what traits of character they have. And place of living does not play a role.

- What are opinions of our jury?

Jury- What are disadvantages in the city? What are disadvantages in the country?

Pupils of the first group.

2) Pupils of the second group.

P-s : Certainly, the problem of employment in the countryside is very crucial today. Working and living conditions are difficult, social and cultural life in the countryside is not full of entertainment. There are few schools and clinics in the countryside. I’d like to add that there is no place like your home town, no matter what it is.

-What are opinions of our jury?

(Respected opponents! Dear guests! Both speakers managed the time well, showed respect to each other and to everybody present. They’ve spoken in a pleasant voice. They tried to be convincing. Both used quotations appropriately in our opinion. They listened to each other. There was some analyses of the issue on both sides. They both stayed on task. )

VI Подведение итогов, задание на дом. Рефлексия. (2 мин)

- I believe that it's not the size of the place where you live that matters, but the way you feel about it.

-Thank you for your work. - You were very active today.

Дополните фразу: Урок был……. Теперь я знаю………Хочу больше узнать…..

Thank you for the lesson, it's over. Good-buy.

Развивающая: автоматизация сформированности навыка говорения;

Развитие логического и критического мышления учащихся;

I believe that it's not the size of the place where you live that matters, but the way you feel about it.

we say "East or West, home is best ", the English say "My home is my castle."

In conclusion I’d like to add that there is no place like your home town, no matter what it is

According to the definition of the dictionary, "East or West, Home is best" is a proverb that means "Home is the best place to be no matter where it is"

Certainly, the problem of employment in the countryside is very crucial today

There is no place like, home!

.. At the end I’d like to thank all of you for your active work and wish and ability to do it. Excellent

I am sure If I could choose where to live I would have the best of both places as each of them has its own advantages to say nothing of disadvantages.

Шабанова : Certainly, the problem of employment in the countryside is very crucial today. Working and living conditions are difficult, social and cultural life in the countryside is not full of entertainment. There are few schools and clinics in the countryside. I’d like to add that there is no place like your home town, no matter what it is.

Сивохина : I am sure If I could choose where to live I would have the best of both places as each of them has its own advantages to say nothing of disadvantages. I believe that it's not the size of the place where you live that matters, but the way you feel about it. Today we have no winner in our debate. .. At the end I’d like to thank all of you for your active work and wish and ability to do it. Excellent!

We say "East or West, home is best ", the English say "My home is my castle." According to the definition of the dictionary, "East or West, Home is best" is a proverb that means "Home is the best place to be no matter where it is"

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. Отбор слов в каждом уроке определяется:!) их употребительностью, 2) темой урока. 3) практической необходимостью . Russian equivalents.): East or West, home is best. There is no place like home. So many . мог бы ты дать мне конспекты при условии, что я .

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3) Формирование уважения учащихся к культурам разных стран.

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Предварительный просмотр:


Topic: East Or West — Home Is Best?

Цель: Совершенствование навыков говорения.

  1. Обучить навыкам монологической речи;
  2. расширение кругозора;
  3. Формирование уважения учащихся к культурам разных стран.

Grammar: Cause and effect relations.

Оборудование: компьютер, раздаточный материал.

Good morning boys and girls.

I’m very glad to see you too. Take your seats, please.

How are you today?

Who is absent today?

What is the day today?

What’s the weather like today?

Your week-end is over. It seems to me that they are always great. Young people have free time to do what they want and just to relax. Let’s start our work with your news.

Where did you go on Sunday?

What did you do at the weekend?

Do you often travel at the weekend?

Do you like traveling?

And today will have a shot trip to.

Ps: Good morning, good morning, good morning to you,

Good morning, good morning, we are glad to see you.

Today is the 14 th of September.

II Основная часть

Well, the subject matter of our lesson is ‘’ East Or West — Home Is Best?’’ . Today we are going to visit different places I hope that we’ll speak about any country and its famous sights. It seems to me that our world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page. Can you explain the following words: “The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page”.

At the end of our lesson you will say your opinion where you would like to live in?

Well, it’s time for our sightseeing tour. Can be ….. one of the judges at our lesson? The team which will be the best will get good marks. The first team represents Britain, The second team represents Australia and the Third team represents America. And I represent Russia. Your representation will consist of four parts: 1) Represent your team; 2) Geographical position and famous sights of your country; 3) Symbols of your country; and Questions.

Let’s start if you are willing!

(Используя свои проекты о достопримечательностях города, учащиеся совершают воображаемое путешествие по странам)

Don't try to get it with your mind,

Don't try to fit in your dimension:

There is no Russia of your kind -

Here your belief is only mention.

  • Geographical position and famous sights of your country

The Russian Federation is the largest of the 21 republics that make up the Commonwealth of Independent States. It occupies most of eastern Europe and north Asia, stretching from the Baltic Sea in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east, and from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Black Sea and the Caucasus in the south. It is bordered by Norway and Finland in the northwest; Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, and Lithuania in the west; Georgia and Azerbaijan in the southwest; and Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, and North Korea along the southern border.


The Kremlin at the center of Moscow is an outstanding historical and architectural monument that serves as a symbol for the whole Russia. In Old Russia the word "kreml" meant the central, fortified part of a city . The Moscow Kremlin that originally was made of wood was mentioned in the chronicles in 1156 as "Moscow fortress". At that time it occupied only the south-western part of the Borovitsky Hill.

The national flag of Russia is a tri color flag-white color which lies on the top, blue in the middle and red on the bottom. White stands for nobility and frankness; blue symbolizes loyalty, honesty, chastity and scarlet represents self-sacrifice, generosity and love. While some Russians believe that red means the land, blue stands for sky, and white symbolizes heaven.

The two-headed eagle first appeared in Russia, during the time of Moscovia, in the 15th century. Two-headed eagle has been the symbol of the monarchy of Russia for more than four hundred years. But with the advent of Russian revolution and dethroning of the Tsar Empire, it was on the verge of extinction. In 1993, under the initiative of President Boris Yeltsin it was again adopted on 30th November 1993.

The two heads of the eagle stands for the two parts of vast Russian empire - European and Asian, which are believed to be an important part of the country of Russia.

Thus, an analysis of the background of the national symbols of Russia gives you an idea of the rich historical heritage of the country.

I hope that you remember the subject matter of our lesson. It is “ East Or West — Home Is Best? ”. Today we have traveled around different country. I want to know your opinion. Could you tell me where you would like to live in, please?

As for me, I’d like to go to work in Britain or may be America, but I wouldn’t live in. I love my native country and I never leave it. That’s why my motto is:

There are a lot of great names on a map:

Rostov, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol,

Rich and famous from most ancient times,

But I like each your poplar, my country.

Now we will present a word to our jury and we'll know what command has proved best

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Федеральное агентство по образованию РФ

ГОУ ВПО “Шадринский государственный педагогический институт”

кафедра иностранных языков и методики преподавания

зачетного урока по английскому языку на тему

проведенного в Мишкинской общеобразовательной средней школе

студенткой 544 группы

факультета иностранных языков

Павловской Ольги Николаевны

19 октября 2009 года

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цель урока: формирование навыков говорения на основе прочитанного/ услышанного текста.

Задачи урока:

Познавательная: познакомить учеников с высказываниями зарубежных сверстников о том, где они хотели бы жить.

Развивающая: развить коммуникативные умения; развить языковую догадку при чтении; развить умения выделять нужную информацию из услышанного, прочитанного.

Воспитательная: воспитывать толерантное отношение к мнению окружающих, умение осознавать уникальность каждой страны, ее жителей.

Образовательная: обучить аудированию со зрительной опорой; пополнить лексический запас учащихся.

Практическая: развить аудитивные умения учащихся, совершенствовать навыки устной речи в монологических и диалогических высказываниях учащихся по изучаемой теме на основе услышанного/ прочитанного текста.

Речевой материал : фразы - клише : Firstly…, Another reason is…,more than that…. лексика для выражения собственного мнения: in my opinion , so I can make a conclusion ……, лексический и грамматический материал предыдущих уроков.

Предполагаемая речь учителя

Предполагаемая речь учеников

Запись на доске

I . Начало урока

Введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения, совершенствование произносительных навыков, работа над интонацией.

Good morning boys and girls, I’m glad to see you, sit down please.

Look at the proverbs on the blackboard. Let’s read and translate them.

Ksuysha, read and translate the first proverb, please.

Oleg, read and give the Russian equivalent of the second proverb.

Very good, thank you.

Katya, read and translate the third proverb please.

You are absolutely right!

Let’s read these proverbs together. Listen and repeat after me.

Now try to read by yourself, mind the intonation.

After you have read and translated these proverbs, can you tell me please what we will speak about during our lesson.

You are right. Today we will speak about places where you and teenagers from all over the world would like to live in.

Ksuysha: Men make houses, women make homes. Мужчина строит дом , а женщина его создает.

Oleg: East or West- home is best. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

Katya: There is no place like home. Всякому мила своя сторона.

Дети повторяют пословицы за учителем и имитируют интонацию.

Дети читают индивидуально .

Tanya: In my opinion , during our lesson we will speak about our homes and the place we would like to live in.

II .Основная часть. а)Аудирование.

Развитие навыков аудирования, совершенствование навыков говорения.

Now I will read you one text . Listen properly and be ready to answer my questions

(Учитель читает 1 текст на стр. 22 упр1)

1) Where does the girl want to live?

2) Why Australia is called “the lucky country”?

3) Has the girl ever met Australians ?

4) What character features do the Australians have?

Дети воспринимают текст на слух

Igor: The girl wants to live in Australia.

Tanya: Australia is called “the lucky country” because the weather in the country is very good, the sun is always shining.

Oleg: Yes, she has. Becky has met Australians before.

Ksuysha: The Australians are very hospitable and much friendlier than the British.

Б) Чтение обучаещего текста

Развитие навыков чтения с полным пониманием текста, практика в говорении, повторение грамматического материала: Indirect questions .

Open your books at page 22, exercise number 1.

Let’s read the second text, Tom’s opinion about the place where he wants to live in. Read one by one.

Ksuysha, read the first sentence please.

Now I want each of you to make 2 indirect questions and be ready to ask your schoolmates.

Дети читают текст по очереди.

Ученики придумывают вопросы и задают их одноклассникам.

Ksuysha: Oleg, could you tell me where Tom would like to live in.

Oleg: Tom would like to live in a home on a green hillside near river.

учебник- стр.22 упр1

У детей на столе

В) Изучающее чтение текста, составление ситуации по тексту с опорой на образец

г) Обучение говорению: монологическая речь

VII .Конец урока.

a ) выставление оценок.

в) домашнее задание.

Развитие навыков чтения с полным пониманием текста, практика монологической речи.

Составление ситуации на основе наглядности, совершенствование речевых навыков

Подведение итогов, запись домашнего задания

Read the third text by yourselves and make a situation about the place where Sveta wants to live.

The phrases in the box on page 23 will help you to do this task.

The next task for you will be to make an advertisement of the area on the picture and advise your friend to buy a house there. The advertisement should be short but very informative .

(учитель раздает ученикам картинки с изображением различных местностей)

Nicely done, thank you!

Our lesson is almost over. I’m pleased with your work today. Thank you. Your marks for the lesson are……………………..

Write down the home task for the next lesson. Exercise number 7, page 25.

Thanks for the lesson.

Дети читают текст про себя и придумывают ситуацию, используя выражения на стр. 23

Oleg: Sveta likes to live in Russia because she can’t imagine her life in another country without Russian friends, Russian frost and Russian language. Another reason for Sveta’s choice is that Russian cookery attracts people most of all because it is very tasty

Oleg: Fresh air, green grass, beautiful forest around- it is the best place to live for you and your family. Buy the house in the village and enjoy the view the whole life.

учебник стр. 22-23

Краткое описание документа:

"Описание материала:

Цель урока:

формирование навыков говорения на основе прочитанного/ услышанного текста.

Задачи урока:


познакомить учеников с высказываниями зарубежных сверстников о том, где они хотели бы жить.


развить коммуникативные умения; развить языковую догадку при чтении; развить умения выделять нужную информацию из услышанного, прочитанного.


воспитывать толерантное отношение к мнению окружающих, умение осознавать уникальность каждой страны, ее жителей.


обучить аудированию со зрительной опорой; пополнить лексический запас учащихся.


развить аудитивные умения учащихся, совершенствовать навыки устной речи в монологических и диалогических высказываниях учащихся по изучаемой теме на основе услышанного/ прочитанного текста.

Речевой материал:

фразы-клише: Firstly…, Another reason is…,more than that…. лексика для выражения собственного мнения: in my opinion, so I can make a conclusion……, лексический и грамматический материал предыдущих уроков.


Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Формы работы на уроке: индивидуальная, работа в мини-группах; практическая работа в портале ММК.

Ресурсы урока: мультимедиа оборудование, ноутбуки, аудио-технические средства, портал ММК, АРМ учителя

Конспект урока

Цель урока: учащиеся получат возможность развивать способности к осуществлению продуктивных речевых действий

совершенствование навыка аудирования с целью извлечения детальной информации

Задачи урока:

создание условия для погружения в языковую среду посредством речевой зарядки;

организовать беседу на запрос к постановке цели урока;

создать условия для развития умения активного слушания (этапы работы с аудио-текстом);

обеспечить способ понимания текста аудирования по принципу самоконтроля через тестирование;

создание условия для формирования монологических высказываний через использование логические опоры (работа с учебником);

обеспечение условий для воспроизведения монолога через личностное отношение к жизни в городе, в котором живут обучающиеся (региональный компонент);

создание условия для проведения проблемного диалога в микро-группах (позитивное и негативное отношение к теме урока);

рефлексия урока: формулировка выводов и собственного отношения по теме урока.

Проектирование урока

Задача этапа

содержание урока

Действия учителя

Действия ученика

Организационный момент, речевая зарядка (3 мин)

погрузить в тему и проблему урока

вступительный диалог, ставит проблему

отвечают на вопрос учителя,

определение цели и задач урока

Teacher: Good morning. Take your seats, please, and get ready for the lesson. If you are ready for the lessons, let's start.

Look at the blackboard. Please, say. What about will you speak at the lesson?

Предполагаемый ответ учеников:

Probably we'll speak about our country

погрузить учащихся в языковую среду

задает проблемные вопросы

участвуют в речевой зарядке через микро-диалог с учителем

Teacher: Home is considered to be one of the best places. What do you think of?

Do you like to live in your country? Give your reasons:

Teacher: Where would you like to live? Why?

Предполагаемый ответ учеников:

Pupil: Yes. I live with my parents in my house. I have a lot of friends.

Этап организации восприятия и осмысления аудитивного материала (10 минут)

Аудирование с целью детального понимания содержания

предлагает снять лексические трудности

2. Аuding practice

этап активного слушания (два раза), предлагает прослушать аудио фрагменты и выполнить индивидуальные задания

1.Прорабатывают новую лексику для понимания новой информации

2.Индивидуальная работа с аудио фрагментом

умение активно слушать аудио-материал

Teacher: Ok. I want you to listen to the tape and answer the questions. Look at the questions that you must answer. Where would teenagers like to live? What are these places?

Предполагаемый ответ учеников:

Pupil 1: One of the teenagers would like to live in Australia.

Pupil 2: Tom would like to live in his country.

Pupil 3: Sveta is a teenager who likes only Russia

организовать самоконтроль для обучающихся

отправляет программные тесты на ноутбуки учащихся, задает время

выполняют индивидуальные тесты в ММК

Самоконтроль знания материала аудиофрагмента

Teacher: Now you will listen to the text once again. Pay attention to the details. Then you'll do the test. (учащиеся выполняют тест)

Проходят тест множественного выбора варианта ответа. (ММК)

Этап первичного применения полученных знаний (12 минут) (работа с учебником)

практическая отработка речевых навыков (монологические ответы)

предлагает ответить на вопросы с аргументированием

высказывают аргументы по заданию учебника (на основе опорных фраз)

монологические высказывания на логические опоры

Teacher: Please, open the books. Read the text.

Answer the questions. What are the teenagers' reasons for living in these places?

Предполагаемый ответ учеников:

Pupil 1: Becky would like to live in Australia because the Australians are very hospitable and friendlier.

Pupil 2. Another reason for Becky's choice is the weather. Sunny weather attracts Becky.

Pupil 3. I want to say about Tom. Tom would like to live in a home on a green hillside it doesn't matter much what country. Because he likes horses, fruits and vegetables.

Pupil 4. Sveta would like to live in Russia because she was born here. Another reason for her choice is her friends, frost, cookery.

практическая отработка речевых навыков (монологические ответы)

Предлагает выполнить упражнение из учебника

учащиеся называют аргументы положительные или отрицательные и дают объяснения

Развитие речевых навыков

Предполагаемый ответ учеников

It's too hot and dry there's nothing to do.

It's a great life out here. We can be outdoors all day.

It's all so clean and natural here. We find plenty to do. We're not bored.

There is plenty of work there from growing vegetables, fishing to raising cattle.

Этап закрепления полученных знаний на основе регионального компонента (20 минут)

отработка лексических навыков в аргументированных репликах

предлагает высказать собственное мнение о предпочитаемо месте для проживания

высказывают личностное отношение к жизни в городе

Teacher: Here is what other people say about their native places. Would you like to live in places with such characteristics? Why? Why not?

Предполагаемый ответ учеников

Pupil 1: I like places with rising mountains. It's great if the mountains add attractiveness to the city. But I hate when you feel terribly isolated. And I don't like at all droughts, fire, flood and other disasters. So, I'd prefer to live in the city that lies in a valley.

Pupil 2: On the one hand I like city near the oceans, but on the other I am afraid of floods. So, I'd prefer to live in the village.

Pupil 3: I like places with fields and rich vegetation. It's lovely if the countryside around the village is green. But I hate when I can't visit museums, theatres, clubs, and cafes.

создать условия для проведения проблемного диалога в микро-группах

напоминает правила ведения диалога

ведут диалоги по проблемному вопросу, учатся правилам дискутировать

высказывание позиции и личного отношения к теме диалога

Подведение итогов, домашнее задание. (3-4 минуты)

оглашает отметки, благодарит за урок, вводит домашнее задание

дают оценку своей деятельности на уроке, анализируют качество усвоения материала

Тип урока: обобщающее повторение.

Задачи урока:

  • Формирование и развитие коммуникативных умений учащихся на основе языковых, лингвострановедческих и социокультурных знаний, навыков.
  • формировать, углублять и расширять компетенции учащихся по данной теме;
  • продолжать знакомить с культурными реалиями страны изучаемого языка;
  • систематизировать уже имеющиеся знания.
  • совершенствовать знания, умения, навыки в говорении, чтении, письме, аудировании;
  • обогащать лексический запас по теме;
  • тренировать умение употреблять временные формы;
  • совершенствовать навыки поискового и изучающего чтения;
  • совершенствовать фонетические навыки;
  • практиковать монологические высказывания по теме.
  • формировать и развивать у учащихся межкультурную компетенцию; расширить лингвистический кругозор; способствовать развитию творческой деятельности учащихся.
  • развивать познавательные умения: задавать и отвечать на вопросы, искать нужную информацию, рассуждать, обосновывать, доказывать.
  • Развивать познавательный интерес к стране изучаемого языка, формировать устойчивую мотивацию к изучению английского языка;
  • Воспитывать уважительное отношение к культуре страны изучаемого языка и собственных традиций.

Учебные пособия:

Оснащение урока: компьютер, магнитофон, интерактивная доска, доска.

Ход урока

1. Beginning of the lesson.

2. Introduction of the lesson

One of the way to learn about the world is travelling. To begin with let’s recall proverbs (match the two parts and read them):

There is no place like home.
The wider we roam the welcome home.
East or West, home is best.

Today we’ll start travelling all over the world. We’ll visit countries, cities, towns.

Teacher: I want you to express your own opinions. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

3. Warm-up activities.

Some people live in the country
Where the houses are very small,
Some people live in the city,
Where the houses are very tall.
But in the country where the houses are small,
The gardens are very big,
And the city where the houses are tall,
There are no gardens at all.
Where would you rather live?

Teacher: Let’s answer the question from the poem.

4. Follow-up activities.

Activity 1.

Teacher: Well, let’s start our tour. I believe, all of you dream of visiting Great Britain. Great Britain invites you. In every town you will find charming places. Have you ever seen the famous valleys of England? Come and enjoy! A sightseeing trip by riverboat is one of the best ways to see London today. Now let’s see how well do you know this country?

Complete the sentences using the right answer.

  1. There are-------countries in the UK.
  2. The buses and telephone boxes are------------in Britain.(red)
  3. The symbol of England is------.(red rose)
  4. The London Zoo is in-----------(Regent’s Park)
  5. The London home of the Queen is--------(Buckingham Palace)

Activity 2.

Teacher: Your home task was to read some interesting facts about the sights of Great Britain. What do you recommend that the tourist who is in London for the first time see?

I would recommend you to visit the London Eye-the biggest wheel in Britain. There’s a wonderful view from it.

I think it would be better to start sightseeing with Trafalgar Square-the most popular place for people to meet.

I suppose, Tower Bridge is one of the oldest bridges in London. It is over a hundred years old.

I believe, Madame Tussaud’s is the world’s most famous waxwork museum. Over two million people go there every year to see figures of presidents, film stars and pop stars.


I think it would be a good idea to start a trip with Hyde Park-the most famous park in London.

Activity 3.

The Tower of London is a very big castle. It is the oldest place in London. I’m sure you know a lot about this place. Can you answer my questions:

  1. When was the Tower founded?
  2. Who founded it?
  3. What is the symbol of the Tower?
  4. What legend about Tower ravens do you know?
  5. Who guards the Tower?
  6. For many centuries it served as…

Activity 4.

We finish our sightseeing trip at London. I hope you enjoyed it. Now we‘ll see who was the most careful listener. Try to find the hidden words which denote London sights.

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