National celebrations план урока 11 класс

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

The Aims:
To develop student's abilities in speech;
To teach students to appreciate culture of other countries;
To arouse student's interest in the USA, Kazakhstan and to widen their scope;
To educate the feelings of international friendship and love to our Motherland.
Type of the lesson : teaching new technology and getting new information

Teaching methods and techniques: speaking,reading, working with audio tasks, writing, Insert, to group.

Inter-subject connection: Geography, Kazakh language.
The Aids: presentation, A map of the world, poster,blackboard, audio,video, interactive board and chards, game loto with chards.

The procedure of the lesson

Organization moment
I. Warm-up. Greeting 2 min.

a) Good morning 2

Good morning to you,

I’m glad to see you!

- How are you?
b) Explanation of the lesson objectives
c) Asking about the dates absents, etc.
- Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent?
- What date is today?
- What season is it now?
- What is the weather like today?

Phonetic drill

“ Washington’s birthday” sing. 2 min.

Dry your eyes, Mrs. Washington
Through all the years have passed you by
Mmm, we know him well and he sends you his love.

Glad you called, Mrs. Washington
Your boy has gone out for the day
He tried to call on his anniversary.

Ooh, Washington's birthday
Ooh, Washington's day
Ooh, Washington's birthday
And he wishes he could be with you this day .

Are you still there, Mrs. Washington?
We have to leave you soon, you know
The spirits fly, it's a long way to go.

Ooh, Washington's birthday
Ooh, Washington's day
Ooh, Washington's birthday
And he wishes he could be with you this day
And the time is soon when you will pass this way.

Washington's, Washington's birthday
Washington's, Washington's day
Washington's, Washington's birthday
Washington's, Washington's day.

Let’s go, pupil’s take one chards and sit-up with flags in your place.

1 group 2 group

“ USA” “Kazakhstan”

Checking up the home - task: We are playing the game “Who is the best?”. I give you questions and you must quickly answer the question. 3 min.

1. Where so tigers come from?

2. Do people threaten some animals?

3. Do animals disappear?

4. Where so elephants come from?

5. How many elephants live in India?

6. How many rhinos have in the world?

II. Working with pair.

Draw the semantical chard in the blackboard. 2 min.

Today’s our lesson’s of theme is “National celebrations of Kazakhstan and the USA”.

Presentation about the theme “National celebration of the USA” and “National holidays in Kazakhstan” 3 min.

I group . “National celebrations of the USA” 10 min.

Federal law establishes the following public holidays for federal employees. If the holiday falls during the weekend, it may be observed on a different day.

Many government offices are closed on federal holidays and some private businesses may close as well. If you plan to visit a government office on or around a federal holiday, you should contact them to determine when they will be open.

New Year's Day

New Year's Day is January 1. The celebration of this holiday begins the night before, when Americans gather to wish each other a happy and prosperous coming year. Many Americans make New Year's resolutions.

Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is celebrated on the third Monday in January. The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. was an African-American clergyman who is recognized for his tireless efforts to win civil rights for all people through nonviolent means.

Washington's Birthday

Washington's Birthday is observed the third Monday of February in honor George Washington, the first President of the United States. This date is commonly called Presidents' Day and many groups honor the legacy of past presidents on this date.

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a observed the last Monday of May. It originally honored the people killed in the American Civil War, but has become a day on which the American dead of all wars are remembered.

Independence Day

Independence Day is July 4. This holiday honors the nation's birthday - the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. It is a day of picnics and patriotic parades, a night of concerts, and fireworks.

Columbus Day

Columbus Day is a celebrated on the second Monday in October. The day commemorates October 12, 1492, when Italian navigator Christopher Columbus landed in the New World. The holiday was first proclaimed in 1937 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Veterans Day

Veterans Day is celebrated on November 11. This holiday was originally called Armistice Day and established to honor Americans who had served in World War I. It now honors veterans of all wars in which the U.S. has fought. Veterans' organizations hold parades, and the president places a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. In the fall of 1621, the Pilgrims held a three-day feast to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Many regard this event as the nation's first Thanksgiving. The Thanksgiving feast became a national tradition and almost always includes some of the foods served at the first feast: roast turkey, cranberry sauce, potatoes, and pumpkin pie.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day is a celebrated on December 25. Christmas is a Christian holiday marking the birth of the Christ Child. Decorating houses and yards with lights, putting up Christmas trees, giving gifts, and sending greeting cards have become holiday traditions even for many non-Christian Americans.

Columbus Day- Калумбо күні

Veterans day-Ветерандар күні

the legacy-мұра, мирас

the adoption- қалыптасу

a wreath- гүл шоғы

II group . “National celebrations of Kazakhstan”

Kazakhstan is a large multinational country which is rich with its both old traditions and new ones acquired for the period of Independence. The Republic of Kazakhstan observes international holidays such as New Year, 8 March but it also has holidays specific only for this country such as Unity Day,Capital Day etc.
All the holidays of Kazakhstan may be divided into national, state and professional ones. The national holidays are held in honor of the events having a special historical importance for the development of independent Kazakhstan. Celebration of the national holidays is accompanied with holding of official events. Such holiday is considered Independence Day of Kazakhstan.
The state holidays are devoted to the events having social and political importance, they also include traditional Kazakh holidays. This category of the holidays includes New Year , 8 March , Nauryz , Unity Day , Capital Day , Constitution Day etc.

In addition to these holidays Kazakhstan has another type of holidays – professional ones celebrated by some categories of citizens:

• Fatherland Defender’s Day – 7 May
• Political Repression Victims Memory Day -31 May
• The Republic of Kazakhstan National Symbols’ Day – 4 June
• Police Day – 23 June
• Health Professionals’ Day (third Sunday of June)
• Press, Television and Radio Day (last Sunday of June)
• Diplomatic Service Day - 2 July
• Tax Service Day – 6 July
• Metal-Maker’s Day (third Sunday of July)
• Transport and Communication Workers’ Day (first Sunday of August)
• Builders’ Day – (second Sunday of August)
• Sports Day (third Sunday of August)
• Miner’ Day (last Sunday of August)
• Knowledge Day – 1 September

The holidays of national and state nature are days off for the whole Kazakhstan population. These days Kazakhstan holds open-air merrymaking and official events. Various festive events and festive concerts with participation of both Kazakhstan and foreign stars are arranged for the country’s population.

Урок разработан для учащихся 11 класса УМК Биболетовой М. З. По степени новизны материала - комбинирование нового с ранее изученным. Урок обучения письменной речи. На уроке учащиеся учатся писать о праздновании какого – либо события.

Материал урока может быть использован для подготовки учащихся к ЕГЭ. Формируемые УУД: коммуникативные, регулятивные, познавательные.

Урок разработан для учащихся 11 класса УМК Биболетовой М. З. По степени новизны материала - комбинирование нового с ранее изученным. Урок обучения письменной речи. На уроке учащиеся учатся писать о праздновании какого – либо события.

Материал урока может быть использован для подготовки учащихся к ЕГЭ. Формируемые УУД: коммуникативные, регулятивные, познавательные.

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Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

Гимназия № 19 имени Н. З. Поповичевой г. Липецк

Конспект урока по английскому языку

преподаватель английского языка

Жаглина Татьяна Владимировна

Цель урока: Обучение письменной речи.

Деятелъностная: Тренировать в аудировании, чтении и устной речи.

Содержательная: расширение знаний о празднованиях в других странах.

  • тренировка произносительных навыков;
  • развитие речевых умений;
  • Научить писать статью о праздновании какого – либо события.
  • воспитание положительного отношения к изучению иностранного языка;
  • воспитание интереса к учению и формирование познавательной активности;
  • формирование потребности в практическом использовании языка в различных сферах деятельности.
  • расширение объема знаний по теме;
  • умение написать о праздновании какого – либо события.
  • проявление интереса к изучению английского языка;
  • формирование уважения учащегося к культуре изучаемого языка.
  • осуществлять подбор аргументов для решения учебных задач.
  • уметь оценивать результаты своей деятельности, анализировать собственную работу, планировать свое действие в соответствии с поставленной задачей. (Регулятивные УУД);
  • уметь определять цель учебной деятельности, формулировать собственное мнение и позицию. Уметь с достаточной полнотой выражать свои мысли (Коммуникативные УУД);
  • уметь систематизировать материал, сравнивать и рассуждать. (Познавательные УУД).
  • умение осуществлять деятельность с учётом конкретных учебных задач.
  • умение выполнять действие в соответствии с заданием;
  • умение выполнять самооценку.

Оборудование: Компьютер, экран, презентация, раздаточный материал.

I. Организационный момент.

T: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you.

II. Речевая зарядка.

  1. What is “an annual event”?
  2. What is the most interesting/ exciting annual event you have attended?
  3. When/where was it?
  4. What is the reason why the event is held?
  5. What happens during the event?

An annual event is an event which is held every year. The most exciting event I ever attended was Shrovetide . It was in March, during the last day before Lent. Lots of people came to eat pancakes, to see the performance “ Farewell to Shrovetide” and to burn the straw winter on a huge fire.

III. Актуализация навыков чтения.

1) T: Read the text “The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth” and then answer the questions.

Before reading let’s learn some new words. (2, 3 слайды)

T: What will the topic of our lesson be today?

( Celebration of an annual event )

T: Write down the topic. (4 слайд)

T: 1 What type of composition is this?

2 Which of the following do you think are main topics in the article? (5 слайд)

  1. . preparations for the event
  2. . description of town/area where the event took place
  3. . the clothes people wore, the food they ate, etc
  4. . your feelings/general remarks about the experience
  5. . description of the event itself
  6. . how you got there, where you stayed
  7. . what the event is, when/where/why it is held
  8. . what you did after the event finished

(Key: preparations for the event; your feelings/general remarks about the experience; description of the event itself; what the event is, when/where/why it is held ) (5 слайд, по щелчку)

2) T: Read the article again and label the paragraphs with these headings, then find the topic sentences in the main body paragraphs and suggest alternatives. (6 слайд)

• preparations
• name, place, time, reason
• feelings, general remarks
• description of event itself

Let’s check your answers. (6слайд, по щелчку)

(Key: Paragraph 1: name, place, time, reason. Paragraph 2: preparations. Paragraph 3: description of event itself. Paragraph 4: feelings, general remarks.

Paragraph 2: Final preparations for the festival started days before the Stampede began. ( People began preparing long before the start of the festival. )

Paragraph 3: During the Stampede everyone had a great time. ( The festival itself was fantastic. )

3) T: Read the article again and list:

  • what happened before the event
  • what happened during the event

(Key: before the event:

• streets lined with wooden fences, bales of hay

• people building floats for the parade

• marching bands kept practising

• chefs prepared food

during the event:

• streets filled with crowds dressed in jeans, bandanas and Western boots

• cowboys rode wild horses, bulls in rodeo events

• Native Americans performed traditional dances

• firework displays lit up sky every night )

4) T: Read out the words/phrases in the article which express the writer’s feelings.

(Key: Paragraph 1: I was recently lucky enough . ; I love the Wild West, so I was in heaven . Paragraph 4: I'll never forget. ; . the most exciting experience of my life . )

5) T: Fill in the blanks with words from the list, then make sentences using the completed phrases. (7 слайд)

brightly-coloured, wooden, marching, wild, bales, firework, heaven, outdoor, film, talented

T: Let’s check your answers. (7 слайд, по щелчку)

(Key: 1- wild; 2 – heaven; 3 – wooden; 4 – bales; 5 – film; 6 - brightly-coloured; 7 – marching; 8 – talented; 9 – firework; 10 – outdoor )

IV. Активизация грамматических навыков.

1) T: (8 слайд) Adjectives can be made by adding suffixes to nouns or verbs: -ful (beauty - beautiful), -ous (fame -famous), -al (tradition - traditional), -ing ( interest - interesting), - ed (thrill - thrilled).

• Adjectives ending in -ing describe what somebody or something is like.

The fireworks were amazing.

• Adjectives ending in -ed describe how somebody feels.

We were amazed by the fireworks.

2) T: Choose the correct adjective. (9 слайд)

1 The children were very exciting/excited when the clowns came in and the show began.

2 The audience enjoyed the performance because the ballet dancers were amazing/amazed.

3 I found the art exhibits at the festival very interesting/ interested.

4 My friend Jill was embarrassing/embarrassed when the performer asked her to come on stage.

5 There were plenty of different things to do at the fair, so our children didn't get boring/bored at all.

T: Let’s check your answers. (9 слайд, по щелчку)

(Key: 1 excited; 2 amazing; 3 interesting; 4 embarrassed; 5 bored. )

3) T: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the word in bold, as in the example. (10 слайд)

We spent three . delightful . days at Flower Festival. We were 1) . by

the flower displays, and the 2). Rose Park was fantastic. There were lots of

3) . events for the whole family. There were 4) . arts and crafts

exhibits and 5) . activities for children, as well as 6) . rides and

games. We also enjoyed 7). .local food and listened to 8).

folk music played by various, groups.

T: Let’s check your answers. ( 10 слайд, по щелчку)

(Key: 1 amazed, 2 famous, 3 wonderful, 4 interesting, 5 exciting, 6 amusing, 7 traditional,

V. Обучение написанию статьи.

1) T: When we describe an event we have attended, we use past tenses - e.g. It was an amazing experience. People sang and danced.

2) T: Use the prompts to write a paragraph. (11 слайд)

1 We / be / very busy / and / have / lots / do / before / Pete's surprise party / last week.

2 We / send out / invitations / all our friends / and / make / big cake.

3 We also / buy / drinks / snacks / and / we / decorate / house / colourful balloons / streamers.

4 Finally, we / hire / magician / entertain / guests.

T: Let’s check your answers. ( 11слайд, по щелчку)

1 We were very busy and had lots to do before Pete's surprise party last week.

2 We sent out invitations to all our friends and made a big cake.

3 We also bought drinks and snacks, and we decorated the house with colourful balloons and streamers.

4 Finally, we hired a magician to entertain our guests. )

4) T: We use present tenses to mention the name, time, place and reason the event is held.

We use past tenses to describe the preparations before the event and what happened during the event itself.

5) T: The sentences below describe a high school prom, an event where American students celebrate the end of their school careers. Read the sentences and say which describe preparations and which describe the event itself. (12 слайд)

  1. The organising committee booked fancy ballroom months before the prom.
  2. The girls wore flowers on their wrists.
  3. Parents took pictures of their children wearing elegant outfits.
  4. Seniors hired limousines to drive them to the prom.
  5. Everybody went shopping to find the perfect dress or tuxedo.
  6. Students decorated the ballroom with colourful balloons and streamers.
  7. Seniors had dinner and then danced the night away.

T: Let’s check your answers. (12 слайд, по щелчку)

(Key: Preparations: A, D, E, F Event itself: В, C, G )

6) T: Read the writing tip. (13 слайд)

7) T: Read the plan and write it down. (14 слайд)

VI. Домашняя работа. (15 слайд)

T: Write an article about the event, describing what happened both before and during the event, and saying how you feel about the experience. (200-250 words). Use the writing tip, the plan to write your composition. Use the article as a model.

VII. Итоги. Оценки.

T: What have we done today? (We’ve listened read, answered the questions, spoken about sports and hobbies, and revised the grammar rules. )

T: What have we learnt? (How to compare different sports).

VIII. Рефлексия. (16 слайд)

T: Continue the sentences:

1.На уроке я работал…
2.Своей работой на уроке я…
3.Урок для меня показался…
4.За урок я…
5.Мое настроение…
6.Материал урока мне был…
7.Домашнее задание мне кажется…

The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth

I was recently lucky enough to attend the Calgary -Stampede, one of Canada’s most spectacular festivals. I love the Wild West, so I was in heaven during the ten-day event, which takes place every July to honour the Native American Indians and the cowboys of the Old West.

Final preparations for the festival started days before the Stampede began. In order to make the modern city of Calgary look like a town from the Old West, the streets were lined with old-fashioned wooden fences and bales of hay, as they do on a Hollywood film set. People were also hard at work building fantastic, brightly-coloured floats for the parade, while marching bands kept practising their lively music. The most extraordinary thing, though, was all the delicious food which talented chefs prepared for Calgary’s hundreds of thousands of visitors.

During the Stampede everyone had a great time. Calgary’s streets were filled with happy, noisy crowds dressed in jeans, bandanas and Western boots. Fearless cowboys rode wild horses and bulls in the rodeo events, Native Americans performed traditional dances, and spectacular firework displays lit up the sky every night. It was like being at an enormous, nonstop party.

I’ll never forget my visit to the Calgary Stampede. It was the most exciting experience of my life - no wonder they call it "the greatest outdoor show on Earth"!

Использованные материалы: (17 слайд)

I. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. Reading &Writing Targets. Student’s book. - Swansea: Express Publishing, 1999.

II. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. Reading & Writing Targets. Teacher’s book. - Swansea: Express Publishing, 1999.

Урок разработан для учащихся 11 класса УМК Биболетовой М. З. По степени новизны материала - комбинирование нового с ранее изученным. Урок обучения письменной речи. На уроке учащиеся учатся писать о праздновании какого – либо события.

Материал урока может быть использован для подготовки учащихся к ЕГЭ. Формируемые УУД: коммуникативные, регулятивные, познавательные.

Цель урока: Обучение письменной речи.

  • Деятельностная: Тренировать в аудировании, чтении и устной речи.
  • Содержательная: расширение знаний о празднованиях в других странах.

Задачи урока:

  • тренировка произносительных навыков;
  • развитие речевых умений;
  • научить писать статью о праздновании какого – либо события.
  • воспитание положительного отношения к изучению иностранного языка;
  • воспитание интереса к учению и формирование познавательной активности;
  • формирование потребности в практическом использовании языка в различных сферах деятельности.

Планируемые результаты:

  • расширение объема знаний по теме;
  • умение написать о праздновании какого – либо события.
  • проявление интереса к изучению английского языка;
  • формирование уважения учащегося к культуре изучаемого языка.
  • осуществлять подбор аргументов для решения учебных задач.
  • уметь оценивать результаты своей деятельности, анализировать собственную работу, планировать свое действие в соответствии с поставленной задачей. (Регулятивные УУД);
  • уметь определять цель учебной деятельности, формулировать собственное мнение и позицию. Уметь с достаточной полнотой выражать свои мысли (Коммуникативные УУД);
  • уметь систематизировать материал, сравнивать и рассуждать. (Познавательные УУД).
  • умение осуществлять деятельность с учётом конкретных учебных задач.
  • умение выполнять действие в соответствии с заданием;
  • умение выполнять самооценку.

Оборудование: Компьютер, экран, презентация, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент.
T: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you.

II. Речевая зарядка.

  1. What is “an annual event”?
  2. What is the most interesting/ exciting annual event you have attended?
  3. When/where was it?
  4. What is the reason why the event is held?
  5. What happens during the event?

(Suggested answer)
An annual event is an event which is held every year. The most exciting event I ever attended was Shrovetide. It was in March, during the last day before Lent. Lots of people came to eat pancakes, to see the performance “Farewell to Shrovetide” and to burn the straw winter on a huge fire.

III. Актуализация навыков чтения.
1) T: Read the text “The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth” and then answer the questions.
Before reading let’s learn some new words. (2, 3 слайды)
T: What will the topic of our lesson be today?
(Celebration of an annual event)
T: Write down the topic. (4 слайд)
T: 1 What type of composition is this?

2 Which of the following do you think are main topics in the article? (5 слайд)

  1. . preparations for the event
  2. . description of town/area where the event took place
  3. . the clothes people wore, the food they ate, etc
  4. . your feelings/general remarks about the experience
  5. . description of the event itself
  6. . how you got there, where you stayed
  7. . what the event is, when/where/why it is held
  8. . what you did after the event finished

(Key: preparations for the event; your feelings/general remarks about the experience; description of the event itself; what the event is, when/where/why it is held) (5 слайд, по щелчку)

2) T: Read the article again and label the paragraphs with these headings, then find the topic sentences in the main body paragraphs and suggest alternatives. (6 слайд)

  • preparations
  • name, place, time, reason
  • feelings, general remarks
  • description of event itself

Let’s check your answers. (6слайд, по щелчку)
(Key: Paragraph 1: name, place, time, reason. Paragraph 2: preparations. Paragraph 3: description of event itself. Paragraph 4: feelings, general remarks.
Topic sentences:

Paragraph 2: Final preparations for the festival started days before the Stampede began. (People began preparing long before the start of the festival.)
Paragraph 3: During the Stampede everyone had a great time. (The festival itself was fantastic.)

3) T: Read the article again and list:

  • what happened before the event
  • what happened during the event

(Key: before the event:

  • streets lined with wooden fences, bales of hay
  • people building floats for the parade
  • marching bands kept practising
  • chefs prepared food

during the event:

  • streets filled with crowds dressed in jeans, bandanas and Western boots
  • cowboys rode wild horses, bulls in rodeo events
  • Native Americans performed traditional dances
  • firework displays lit up sky every night)

4) T: Read out the words/phrases in the article which express the writer’s feelings.
(Key: Paragraph 1: I was recently lucky enough . ; I love the Wild West, so I was in heaven . Paragraph 4: I'll never forget. ; . the most exciting experience of my life . )

5) T: Fill in the blanks with words from the list, then make sentences using the completed phrases. (7 слайд)
brightly-coloured, wooden, marching, wild, bales, firework, heaven, outdoor, film, talented

  1. . west
  2. I was in.
  3. . fences
  4. . of hay
  5. . set
  6. . floats
  7. . bands
  8. . chefs
  9. ……….displays
  10. ………. show

T: Let’s check your answers. (7 слайд, по щелчку)
(Key: 1- wild; 2 – heaven; 3 – wooden; 4 – bales; 5 – film; 6 - brightly-coloured; 7 – marching; 8 – talented; 9 – firework; 10 – outdoor)

IV. Активизация грамматических навыков.
1) T: (8 слайд)Adjectives can be made by adding suffixes to nouns or verbs: -ful (beauty - beautiful), -ous (fame -famous), -al (tradition - traditional), -ing (interest - interesting), -ed (thrill - thrilled).

  • Adjectives ending in -ing describe what somebody or something is like.

The fireworks were amazing.

  • Adjectives ending in -ed describe how somebody feels.

We were amazed by the fireworks.

2) T: Choose the correct adjective. (9 слайд)

  1. The children were very exciting/excited when the clowns came in and the show began.
  2. The audience enjoyed the performance because the ballet dancers were amazing/amazed.
  3. I found the art exhibits at the festival very interesting/ interested.
  4. My friend Jill was embarrassing/embarrassed when the performer asked her to come on stage.
  5. There were plenty of different things to do at the fair, so our children didn't get boring/bored at all.

T: Let’s check your answers. (9 слайд, по щелчку)
(Key: 1 excited; 2 amazing; 3 interesting; 4 embarrassed; 5 bored.)

3) T: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the word in bold, as in the example. (10 слайд)
We spent three . delightful. days at Flower Festival. We were 1). by
the flower displays, and the 2). Rose Park was fantastic. There were lots of
3). events for the whole family. There were 4). arts and crafts
exhibits and 5). activities for children, as well as 6). rides and
games. We also enjoyed 7). local food and listened to 8).
folk music played by various, groups.

T: Let’s check your answers. ( 10 слайд, по щелчку)
(Key: 1 amazed, 2 famous, 3 wonderful, 4 interesting, 5 exciting, 6 amusing, 7 traditional,
8 marvelous)

V. Обучение написанию статьи.
1) T: When we describe an event we have attended, we use past tenses - e.g. It was an amazing experience. People sang and danced.
2) T: Use the prompts to write a paragraph. (11 слайд)

  1. We / be / very busy / and / have / lots / do / before / Pete's surprise party / last week.
  2. We / send out / invitations / all our friends / and / make / big cake.
  3. We also / buy / drinks / snacks / and / we / decorate / house / colourful balloons / streamers.
  4. Finally, we / hire / magician / entertain / guests.

T: Let’s check your answers. ( 11слайд, по щелчку)

  1. We were very busy and had lots to do before Pete's surprise party last week.
  2. We sent out invitations to all our friends and made a big cake.
  3. We also bought drinks and snacks, and we decorated the house with colourful balloons and streamers.
  4. Finally, we hired a magician to entertain our guests.)

4) T: We use present tenses to mention the name, time, place and reason the event is held.
We use past tenses to describe the preparations before the event and what happened during the event itself.

5) T: The sentences below describe a high school prom, an event where American students celebrate the end of their school careers. Read the sentences and say which describe preparations and which describe the event itself. (12 слайд)
A The organizing committee booked fancy ballroom months before the prom.
B The girls wore flowers on their wrists.
C Parents took pictures of their children wearing elegant outfits.
D Seniors hired limousines to drive them to the prom.
E Everybody went shopping to find the perfect dress or tuxedo.
F Students decorated the ballroom with colourful balloons and streamers.
G Seniors had dinner and then danced the night away.
T: Let’s check your answers. (12 слайд, по щелчку)
(Key: Preparations: A, D, E, F Event itself: В, C, G)

6) T: Read the writing tip. (13 слайд)
7) T: Read the plan and write it down. (14 слайд)

VI. Домашняя работа. (15 слайд)
T: Write an article about the event, describing what happened both before and during the event, and saying how you feel about the experience. (200-250 words). Use the writing tip, the plan to write your composition. Use the article as a model.

VII. Итоги. Оценки.
T: What have we done today? (We’ve listened read, answered the questions, spoken about sports and hobbies, and revised the grammar rules.)
T: What have we learnt? (How to compare different sports).

VIII. Рефлексия. (16 слайд)
T: Continue the sentences:

  1. Сегодня я узнал.
  2. Было трудно…
  3. Я понял, что…
  4. Я научился…
  5. Я смог…
  6. Было интересно узнать, что…
  7. Меня удивило…
  8. Мне захотелось…

The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth
I was recently lucky enough to attend the Calgary -Stampede, one of Canada’s most spectacular festivals. I love the Wild West, so I was in heaven during the ten-day event, which takes place every July to honour the Native American Indians and the cowboys of the Old West.

Final preparations for the festival started days before the Stampede began. In order to make the modern city of Calgary look like a town from the Old West, the streets were lined with old-fashioned wooden fences and bales of hay, as they do on a Hollywood film set. People were also hard at work building fantastic, brightly-coloured floats for the parade, while marching bands kept practicing their lively music. The most extraordinary thing, though, was all the delicious food which talented chefs prepared for Calgary’s hundreds of thousands of visitors.

During the Stampede everyone had a great time. Calgary’s streets were filled with happy, noisy crowds dressed in jeans, bandanas and Western boots. Fearless cowboys rode wild horses and bulls in the rodeo events, Native Americans performed traditional dances, and spectacular firework displays lit up the sky every night. It was like being at an enormous, non¬stop party.

I’ll never forget my visit to the Calgary Stampede. It was the most exciting experience of my life - no wonder they call it "the greatest outdoor show on Earth"!

- развивать умение учащихся составлять высказывания о праздничных традициях.


Обучающие: совершенствование лексических навыков говорения; совершенствование навыков письма, введение и закрепление лексики по теме, освоение новых способов словообразования, исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные.

Воспитательные: способствовать осознанию возможностей самореализации средствами иностранного языка, воспитывать основы культуры, воспитывать уважение к праздникам, традициям народов разных стран.

Тип урока: Урок введения нового материала.

Оборудование: УМК Spotlight 5, компьютер, аудиоприложение.

Ход урока.

1. Организационный момент.

Our lesson has started. Stand straight, please. Let’s check your readiness for the lesson. Are you ready? Sit down, please. Now, tell me who is absent today?

2. Фонетическая разминка.

Look at the blackboard and repeat after me.

New Year, Christmas, Motherland Defenders Day, Women’s Day, Labor Day, Victory Day.

Translate. What are they?

3. Речевая разминка.

When do we celebrate New Year? Christmas? Motherland Defenders Day? Women’s Day? Labor Day? Victory Day? What do you think we are going to talk about? (Celebrations). And their traditions.

Now, I want you to open your books on page 96. Look at the pictures. Let’s read and translate what people usually do for holidays. What do you do on New Year? Christmas? Motherland Defenders Day? Women’s Day? Labor Day? Victory Day?

План-конспект урока по английскому языку Celebrations

5. Чтение.

Look at ex.2. You can see new word. Pay your attention to meanings of this word. Let’s translate them. So, what is a difference? (It can be like a noun and like a verb) How can we distinguish the meanings? (In the text). Read sentences in the text where this word is highlighted. Translate them. Read the title of the text, please. What is this text about? (I think the text is about different harvest times around the world.) Now read the text and complete the gaps. It’s time to listen, check and translate it.

6. Словообразование (конверсия)

Now you know that one word can be a noun and a verb. In ex.4b you can see some words. Mark them with “V”, if it’s a verb, “N” – if it’s a noun and “B” – if it has both meanings. Then make your own sentences with words marked with “B” in two meanings. Let’s check some of them.

7. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные.

Read the rule in ex. 6. As you know, nouns can be countable (what we can count) or uncountable (what we can’t count). With countable nouns in singular form we use article a/an. We can’t use this article with countable nouns in plural form and uncountable nouns. Before these words we use “some”. Now let’s do ex. 6b in oral form.

8. Аудирование.

Now read questions in ex.7 and look at the pictures. What months are for the first question? (October, September, November). What flags do know in the second question? (Flags of Canada and the USA). What is for the third question? (Bananas, potatoes and biscuits). Now listen and tick the correct answer.

9. Подведение итогов урока.

What new have you studied today? (Holidays traditions, harvest time in different countries, difference between countable and uncountable nouns, using a/an and some with nouns, one word can be a noun and a verb)

10. Домашнее задание.

Open your mark books and write down your home task. In your student’s book page 96 word combinations learn by heart. And in workbooks page 59. The lesson is over. Your marks are … You can clean your desks. Good bye.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

План урока на тему праздники. Праздники в нашей стране и зарубежом.

developing reading, writing, listening, speaking skills

To check knowledge about words for special occasions


SWBAT ask and answer questions

Cards, CD, flipchart, assessment sheets

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность ученика

Teacher greet children and asks them to choose the card with picture, divide students into group (food, sport, animals). Teacher shares assessment sheets.

Students choose one card and take their sits according to the picture.

2. Phonetic exercise

Teacher corrects pronunciation, helps with the difficult vocabulary

Students read the words.

Teacher monitors, checks answers.

Students change their exercise-books and check it.

Teacher asks students, checks answers, and helps with the vocabulary.

Read and choose the words with –ar.

Teacher pre-teaches new vocabulary: names places in a town

Students learn the new words, repeat after the teacher.

Teacher explains the use of question form of past simple , checks answers, and helps with the vocabulary.

Students answer the questions.

Teacher explains the task, checks answers, and helps with the vocabulary.

Students make questions in Past simple

Teacher asks students, checks answers, and helps with the vocabulary.

Students ask and answer the questions.

Extra task for weak students

Teacher asks students, checks answers, and helps with the vocabulary.

Students read the text.

Teacher shares petals of flower to students and explains what they need to do.

Students write their feedback about the lesson on the petals and clue it to the flower

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