Independence day план урока

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

Задача урока: формировать навык независимого мышления при решении проблемы – как быть независимым, используя средства английского языка.

1. Вступительное слово учителя. Цели урока. План урока.

Let’s start. Today we are going to work together. (Слайд №2)

The topic of our lesson is “Being independent”. We should understand how to be independent in our life, we should be ready to decide different problems and suggest different independent solutions. At the end of our lesson you should think of your own advice for people who want to be independent.

2. Вхождение в тему урока. Значение понятий.

Please, pay attention to the red color of our writing. It is also connected with the topic of our lesson.

- What means the red color? (Ученики высказывают свои предположения.) (Слайд №3)

Wikipedia explains: “Red means the power, the will to win, leadership. Red is the color of strong energy. Red gives self-confidence, the willingness to take action…”.

In brief description of test Luscher (scientist) red color expresses “the life force, striving for success, greedy desires of all life's gifts. It is the will to win, the desire to sport…. The choice of the red in the first place means the desire for fullness of life, leadership, creativity, strong activities.”

According to the topic of the lesson these qualities are necessary for the independent person.

- Being independent-what does it mean?

- Can you name some relative words?

- What does it mean? Independence - ? Independent – ? (Слайд № 4, 5, 6)

  • Independence – freedom from influence, freedom from control.
  • Independent – a person who does not have to depend on others, not depending on the help, advice or opinions of others.

3. Раскрытие темы урока.

А. Независимость – это умение отличаться от других. Независимость во мнении.

We live in society and we have to follow some rules of this society. (Слайд №7)

We all eat the same food, wear the same clothes and watch the same films; we are all in danger of becoming the same as everyone and in danger of depending on each other.

- In this case what should we do for our independence?

- Do you want to differ from others? What makes people different?

If you want to be independent, you should differ from others.

- But how? Many people believe this quality is the main thing in personality, especially in teens.

  • appearance
  • opinions
  • tastes
  • behavior and manners
  • views on life
  • preferences in music
  • fashion and clothes
  • relationship with friends
  • family relationships
  • relationships in school
  • attitude to money
  • dreams and plans for the future

In all matters you express your own opinion, in such way you express your independence.

- What rules should you follow to express your own opinion? (Учитель выслушивает идеи учеников, затем делает обобщение)

Be ready to tell everybody your own opinion and explain it. Think different.

Today we are going to discuss only some options concerning independence. They are independence at home, independence in relationships with friends, independence of opinion, independence in choice.

В. Независимость в семье. (Слайд №9)

Let us speak of relationships in family.

- Have you ever heard of the generation gap, inevitable gap between parents and children? - What does “gap” mean?

- Do you know the causes of the generation gap? (Ученики дают возможные объяснения, учитель обобщает их ответы) (Слайд №10)

All teens consider themselves adult and independent people. They think they are ready to decide all problems without parents. It is not always true. Children want to be independent in family and parents want their children to obey and respect them.

- But how to keep independence in family and to be independent from parents? (Ученики дают предполагаемые решения проблемы, учитель обобщает их ответы)

So, how to be independent in your family? It is very simple. Children should respect and love your parents.

С. Независимость в отношениях с друзьями. (Слайд №12)

There is a problem, which is closely connected with the previous topic. It is the relationships with friends.

- How to be independent in the relationships with friends?

You think Alice is your best friend. She has the same interests and outlook on life. She can support and help. But your mother does not think so. She considers Alice is not real friend and you should not believe her.

What would you do?

1 - do not follow mother’s advice

2 - try to convince your mother that you can rely on Alice

3 - be indifferent

Chris is your friend. He telephoned you and invited you to see a new film. You explained him that it was time for your piano practice.

What would you do?

1 - accept invitation (yes)

2 - refuse invitation (no)

3 - suggest watching this film tomorrow

Kate is your best friend. She did not pass the term test. She was very disappointed and asked you not to tell her parents about it.

What would you do?

1 - tell her parents, because they should know all truth

2 - keep the secret, because it is not your business

3 - give advice for your friend

4 - ? (Suggest your own decision)

Now you are ready to make a conclusion - how to make friends and how to keep friends not depending on situation. (Слайд №16, 17)

D. Независимость в выборе. (Слайд №18, 19)

Let us discuss the matter of being independent in your choice. It’s very difficult in our life to decide something. There are many choices. One of them is to find yourself in job. Let us speak about choosing a profession. As you remember your home task was to say in brief about main aspects of your future profession, get ready to answer the questions about it and decide what qualities you should have to be successful in this profession. (Приложение 1)

(Несколько учеников выступают с аргументацией своего выбора профессии)

  • My motto is “Don’t give up, take this step, it doesn’t matter what they said.”
  • I’m ready to live my life with every difficulty I‘ll be given, I know I’ll overcome it. I’m ambitious.
  • I have chosen my future job: I would like to be a lawyer and work in Interpol.
  • I have skills need for this job: dedication, teamwork skills, strength of will.

My future job. (Слайд №21)

I'd like to become a programmer, because I think that this job should be interesting and not so hard for me. I like Mathematic and Informatics. Work with computer pleasures me. This job does not involve hard physical actions. I'd like to help people with their problems with computer programs.

My choice. (Слайд №22)

I have chosen my future job. I want to be an economist. I think it is very interesting to work with numbers and to solve mathematic tasks. When I have solved my tasks I feel satisfaction.

Being an economist is a very good chance to travel all over the world. I can speak people from different countries. I can improve my knowledge of foreign language.

Conclusion. (Слайд №23)

Finally, choosing the profession is the most important step in every person’s life. You have to be sober-minded to make a good decision. I have made it. And you?

If you are independent, you are ready to make choice.

If you are independent, you can suggest your own decision.

4. Заключение. Выводы. Рефлексия. (Слайд №24, 25)

Everyone has ambitions and wishes but sometimes we have no possibilities to make true our wishes. There is а great difference between our ambitions and real life. That is why you should remember it when you make choice, express your own opinion and communicate with your friends. Respect yourself and respect other people. And, of course, be independent.

- Are you ready to give advice – is it important to be independent? Why?

- What should we do for that? (Ученики делают свои выводы, учитель подводит их к главному выводу)

- Do you want to be independent?

- Follow this advice: be independent!

At home you should make up your own list of advice how to be independent and you’re your explanation.

Now to find out the positive results of our lesson you will be given the next task – draw in a schematic form your understanding the concept of being independent. (Ученики получают листы с надписями “being independent” в различной форме и конфигурации при помощи Microsoft Word, затем схематично пытаются изобразить это понятие, опосредованно идет процесс рефлексии). Then you should explain what you have drawn.

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В данном файле представлена методическая разработка по теме "Independence Day", которая может быть использована как на уроке, так и на внеклассном мероприятии. Материал представлен в виде ролевой игры, чтобы развивать позвательный интерес учащихся,формировать умения межкультурного общения, способность исполнять роль культурного посредника между родной культурой и культурой англоязычных стран.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

1. Образовательная: обеспечить условия для развития коммуникативных навыков;

2. Развивающая: развивать произвольное и непроизвольное внимание, память, мыслительные операции, языковую догадку, речевую деятельность учащихся;

3. Воспитательная: формировать интерес к изучению иностранного языка, познавательный интерес через приобщение к культуре страны изучаемого языка, воспитывать инициативу и самостоятельность в учебной деятельности.

Задачи урока: развивать и совершенствовать умение работы с новой лексикой, формировать лексические навыки чтения.

I .Организационный.
(2 мин)

Постановка целей и задач.

Фонетическая разминка.
(2 мин)

II Проверка домашнего задания
(8 мин)

III Работа с брошюрой
(8 мин)

Упражнение (6 мин, на доске)

IV Организация диалогической речи
(10 мин)

V .Заключительный этап.

Домашнее задание.
(2 мин )

-Good morning, pupils!

-Good morning, teacher!

-I’m glad to see you, sit down please. Who is on duty today? Who is absent?

Ok. What is the weather like today?

- The weather is sunny. It’s cool outside.

- Today we’re going to continue to work with our lexical material - the topic: “Happy birthday, America!” We’ll talk about America. Before that we’ll check your hometask. Рита , please, what was your hometask? Right.

Let’s revise some words and word combinations that you’ve already known. Look at the blackboard. Repeat after:

the United States of America (the USA)
the Flag of the United States
the Statue of Liberty
The Liberty Bell
the War of Independence
the Declaration of Independence
Independence Day
a colony
The British Empire
the Continental Army
Boston Tea Party
- Does anybody want to present a report about one of the American symbols?
Let’s check your hometask. Ex 2c. You should answer the questions using the text. Read the question, translate it and give an answer. (7) good job!
My question is ‘when is your birthday?’ Lena, when is your birthday?
My birthday is on…

Who know when the birthday of America is? Yes, it’s on the 4 th of July.
Как по-другому можно назвать день рождения Америки? День независимости. And we’ll talk about it.

Open your books at page 58. Look at the picture and guess what it is.
(It’s a schedule of events – расписание ) put down in your copy-books.
Loot at the glossary, you see American word and its British equivalent. Записываем в тетрадь .

So let’s read and translate the schedule of events.
And now answer the question how the Americans celebrate Independence Day
( На доске )

Let’s answer the question at ex 3c. Давайте повторим, как мы отвечаем на вопрос в простом настоящем времени.
What time does the Grand Parade start?
It starts at 4 p.m.

Now say what would you like to visit in this city? Ex 5a
Using the example write about your desires. (2 minutes)
Find others who want to attend the same events using the example at ex 5b
Would you like to go to ….?

- What new interesting things have you learnt today? Have you understood everything?

Open your diaries and write down your home task: to prepare your holiday or special day in the USA.

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Look at the screen and read. Where do people celebrate these festivals and have these traditions?

  • People cook pancakes and eat them with honey, butter and caviar.
  • People colour eggs and present as a symbol of endless life.
  • People celebrate birthdays and sing “Happy Birthday to You”.
  • People send cards when they get a new house,
  • People organize wedding parties.
  • People organize military parades when they celebrate Victory day.
  • People say “Good day” when they meet.
  • Men usually give flowers to women.

Grade or class name 10.

Date 9.02.15

The theme –Independence day of Canada

The equipment-student’s book, chalk ,blackboard, cards, hand outs.

-learn new words

-do grammar and lexical exercises

Org. moment- Good morning, dear students! I am glad to see you. How are you today? Who is absent today? Who is on duty today?

Procedure of the lesson

1.Warming-up activity

Look at the screen and read. Where do people celebrate these festivals and have these traditions?

People cook pancakes and eat them with honey, butter and caviar.

People colour eggs and present as a symbol of endless life.

People celebrate birthdays and sing “Happy Birthday to You”.

People send cards when they get a new house,

People organize wedding parties.

People organize military parades when they celebrate Victory day.

People say “Good day” when they meet.

Men usually give flowers to women.

People say “Happy New Year” when they see the New Year in.

Children put their stockings near the bed and find presents in the morning.

People decorate the X-mas tree (New Year Tree).

People celebrate Mother’s Day.

People eat turkey and a pumpkin pie when they celebrate Thanksgiving day.

Decide where they have these traditions:( use numbers only)

1. In Russia: 2. In G.B:3. In the USA: 4. In all the mentioned countries:

3You know that people like to celebrate holidays all over the world. Nowadays different people celebrate different holidays: public, national, religious and family.

Семейные праздники. What about you families? What are the most favourite holidays in your family?
What holidays do you prefer to celebrate?

We celebrate New Year, Christmas, Sagaalgan, Easter, Victory Day, Birthdays and Wedding.

And how do you mark them? Слайд 12

First, we invite friends. Then we clean and decorate our house. Usually Mummy prepare holiday dinner with tasty dishes: different salads, cakes, fruit, pozy and so on. Guests bring a lot of presents. We sing songs, play games, dance and we have a good time together.

OK. I’m pleased to know holiday traditions in your family. Слайд 13

Your home task was to prepare some sentences about holidays and customs. You have some sheets with pictures on your desks. I ask you to fill these sheets with your information.

Now we are going to have speaking practice. You will tell us about British and American and Russian and national Buryat holidays. You can use the words on the screen.

1 Christmas Day is celebrated on December 25. It is the most important holiday of the year. Christmas is a family holiday. People stay at home and spend the time with their families. The traditional food is turkey and Christmas cake. Christmas pudding is made of fruits. Over the end of the bed people hang stockings. Children believe in Santa Claus and he fills the stockings with presents.

2 Every family tries to have Christmas tree, which is decorated with coloured lights. They also hang little toys, sweets and put presents under the tree. People send and receive Christmas cards, gifts and presents. On Christmas morning grown-ups go to church. But the children play with their new toys, sing carols. People wish each other : “ Merry Christmas!”

3 We love holidays in Russia too. We celebrate Christmas on the 7 th of January. It is celebrated with all-night services in churches. The first holiday of the year is New Year’s Day. There are a lot of New Year traditions in Russia. In every home there is a New Year tree with lights and decorations. Children always wait for Father Frost a Snow Maiden to come and give them a present. Many people think New Year’s Day brings happiness to all the year. We believe that the wishes of that day would realize during the year. So we wish a happy new year to each other.

4 In our Republic we also celebrate the main holiday of the year Sagaalgan. Sagaalgan is above a family holiday. It is customary to wish Happy New Year to close and distant relatives, neighbours. People receive guests, give presents and feasting all White Moon. The Buryats have a good tradition of congratulate the old people during Sagaalgan. The ceremony starts with presenting Khadak. They also present a white milk products, headscarves, piece of fabric and a pack of tea. They are the sign of respect and friendship.

Урок с применением технологии развития критического мышления.

urok_den_blagodareniya_v_ssha.docx 39.69 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Автор: Ческидова О.С.

Тема урока: День Благодарения в США: история и традиции.

Цель урока: повышение творческой активности учащихся путем использования новых педагогических технологий в обучении.

Задачи урока:
1. Учебный аспект: систематизировать знания учащихся о праздниках России и стран изучаемого языка, обучить новым приёмам учебной деятельности. 2. Социокультурный аспект: актуализировать знания об истории страны изучаемого языка (о Дне Благодарения, о жизни первых поселенцев).
3. Развивающий аспект: развивать критического мышления, внимания, памяти.

4. Воспитательный аспект: поддержать у детей интереса к изучению английского языка, воспитывать в духе мира, доброжелательного и уважительного отношения к истории других стран.
Тип урока: урок совершенствования знаний, умений и навыков.

Оформление: раздаточный материал по теме урока.

Ход урока:

T: Good morning, boys and girls. I am very glad to see you.

Ps: We are very glad to see you too.

T: Take your seats. Is everything OK? Ps: Yes.

T: Are you ready to start our lesson? Ps: Yes.

T: Do you think you’ll learn something new today? Ps: Yes.

T: Do you like holidays?

T: What Russian holidays do you know?

Ps: New Year, Independence Day, Easter, Victory Day.

T: Each holiday has its own symbol. Look at the board. You can see symbols of some holidays. I want you to say what holiday do these things symbolize?

На доске символы праздников: ёлка, чулки, сердца, шоколадный кролик ( слайд 1 ).

Ps: Stockings are symbols of Christmas. (слайд 2)

Ps: The fir-tree is a symbol of New Year’s Day.( слайд 3 )

Ps: Sweet-hearts are symbols of St. Valentine’s Day.( слайд 4 )

Ps: A chocolate rabbit is a symbol of Easter.

На доске картинки с изображением американского флага, тыквы, индейки, букета из осенних листьев. ( слайд 5 )

T: What can you say about this holiday looking at these pictures?

Ps: This holiday is celebrated in the US. This holiday is celebrated in autumn. ( слайд 6 )

The symbols of the holiday are pumpkin and turkey.

T: Very clever of you. This is an American holiday and it’s called Thanksgiving Day. Do you have any idea of the Russian equivalent for Thanksgiving Day?

Учащиеся предлагают варианты, в случае затруднений, учитель переводит название праздника на русский язык.

II. Фаза осмысления содержания.

T: You can see some sheets of paper on your desks. Please, take sheets of paper №1. There is a text about this holiday on them. Before reading find the words given below in vocabulary. Repeat them after me ( слайд 7 ).

T: Read this text. I’ll give you one minute.

T: So tell me, please, who were the Pilgrims?

Ps: Pilgrims were a first small group of people who came to America many years ago for religious freedom. ( слайд 8,9 )

T: What was the name of the ship?

Ps: “The Mayflower”. ( слайд 10 ).

T: And now take sheets of paper №2. You can see the table with 5 columns. Let’s fill in this table. It’s called “5w”. ( слайд 11-20 )

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