English will help me everywhere in my life план урока

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Директордың ОЖ орынбасары

Ағылшын тілі пәнінен ашық сабақтың ДАЙЫНДАМАСЫ

Дайындаған: ағылшын тілі пәнінің

оқытушысы А.К.Кабдыгалиева

2015-16 оқу жылы

The theme: English will help me everywhere in my life.

Күні: 9.12.2015ж

The aim of the lesson: 1. To teach pupils the importance of learning the English language. To form correct speech when you answer the questions.

2.To develop grammar skills, oral speech

3. To bring up the interest to the learning English language

The procedure of the lesson:

Good morning, I’m very glad to see you. Let’s work!

What date is it today? What day of the week is today? Who is absent today?

- As you know you should learn English very well and it will help you. But at first I want to ask you some questions”. Answer my questions please

1)In which countries English is the official language?

2 ) Why is learning English becoming important for everyone?

3) Why is it said English around us?

4 What fields (сала) is English used in?

5. Why should we living in Kazakhstan learn English too?

6 Why should people learn English?

7. What language is the most popular in the world?

8) Where can we meet English language?

Today the theme of our lesson is “English will help me everywhere in my life”.

Who can translate the theme of our lesson? As you know the English language is very popular nowadays. There are different reasons why people all over the world learn English. I think English is one of the most important languages in the world. And if you want to go to such countries as England or the USA you should know English.

Look at the blackboard there are some new words. Open your vocabulary and write down these words:

Communication байланыс

Possible мүмкін

Widespread кең таралған

Advertisements хабарландыру

Signboards маңдайша

a proper way дұрыс жол немесе әдісі

Lets read the text. At first I`ll read the text then we must translate it. Listen to my reading

I am sure every well-educated person should speak English. I learn English because I understand that I can use it. I learn English because I want to read foreign literature in the original. Nowadays, a lot of people study foreign languages in every possible way

English is now the most important and widespread language in the world. In many Asian and African countries people speak English besides their native one. People also speak English in Europe. English is spoken practically all over the world.

It is necessary to learn foreign languages. Everybody knows his own language, but it is useful to know foreign languages. . Knowledge of foreign languages helps young people of different countries to understand each other, to develop friendship among them.

You can see a lot of advertisements, signboards and names in the street. They are in foreign languages. Very often they are in English. If you know English well, you can read and understand them.

Now we buy many clothes from other countries. If you know English well, you can read something about the size of this or that thing. It is clear for you what it is made of.

In short, I understand that I have to learn English in a proper way and I try to do it.

Why every educated person must know English?

Modern English is sometimes called the first world language. Why is it so?

Where can we see English words?

Your task is to find right translation of the words

Communication байланыс

Possible мүмкін

Widespread кең таралған

Advertisements хабарландыру

Signboards вывеска

a proper way дұрыс жол немесе әдісі

To write sentences using conjunctions words such as and, but, or, and so.

1.I went to work but she went shopping. 2. A cold wind was blowing and a snowstorm began. 3.Joe waited for the train, but the train was late. 4.The family visited a museum and they explored a state park. 5.The weather was fine, and there were lots of people on the beach. 6.I must go or I’ll be late. 7. You can take a bus, or we can walk together. 8. He not only spoke better, but also he spoke more correctly. 9. I really want to go to work, but I am too sick to drive.

Next task is to find right place of the words:

1) She learned to speak English well in only a year.

2) I wrote my composition in thirty minutes.

3) We walk to college every morning in about fifteen minutes.

4) While translating the article she used a dictionary.

5) You can master the language by speaking English every day.

6) She never did a thing without asking somebody's advice.

7) The teacher will examine the students next week.

8) They will translate this book into English next year.

9) The students had translated the text before the bell rang.

If we tell about English language I think we may do the crossword ( on the blackboard is a crossword) if we do it right we will see key-word of our lesson.

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Подписи к слайдам:

English speaking contries

“English is everywhere.”

“İngilis dili hər yerdə”

      “İngilis dili hər yerdə “ mətninin məzmununu mənimsədiyini mətndəki söz və söz birləşmələrindən istifadə etməklə mətndəki əsas fikri ifadə edir.

    Dərsin tipi: Deduktiv

    Fərdi, böyük qruplarla iş,kollektiv

    Beyin həmləsi,klaster,Venn diaqramı,arzular ağacı

    Power point –də hazırlanmış slaydlar,marker, iş vərəqləri,fləşkart

    What does this flag remind you? Why does the word wear this flag?

    What do you know about English?


    What countries ARE ENGLIH speakING?

    The world’s main languages

    The number of the people

    “Elizabeth” group: What do these figures stand for?

    “The Union Jack” group: Where is English used?

    What these figures stand for?

    English is used…

    Making friends from different countries

    1.English is an international language.

    2.There is no differences in different kinds of English?

    3.The official language of the Olympics is English.

    4.America has the largest number of English speaker.

    5.Very few people speak as their native language.

    6.About 400 million people use English as their first language.

    7.English is the language of diplomacy, business, sport and poli-

    1.English is an international language.

    2.There is no differences in different kinds of English?

    3.The official language of the Olympics is English.

    4.Amerika has the largest number of English speaker.

    5.Very few people speak English as their native language.

    6.About 400 million people use English as their first language.

    7.English is the language of diplomacy, politics, business and sport.

    1.English is an international language.

    1.mother tongue a)talk or write to somebody

    1. Match the words

    1. Match the words

    1.Fill in the gaps with proper words.

    to communicate* international* chief* competition * mother tongue*per cent* top * official*

    1.Over 250 million people use English as a --------------- .

    2.English help people ----------- with their friends from different countries.

    3.What other ------------ languages do you know?

    4.My friend didn’t take part in the -------- last Monday.

    5.He is at the ------- of his profession.

    6. The Prime Minister made an ------- visit to France.

    7.The ------- of the company let me come in.

    1.Fill in the gaps with proper words.

    to communicate* international* chief* competition * mother tongue*per cent* top * official*

    1.Over 250 million people use English as a --------------- .

    2.English help people ----------- with their friends from different countries.

    Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

    Тәрбиелік: Мәдениеттілікке, тәртіптілікке және Ағылшын тілін, мәдениетін құрметтеуге баулу және болашақ мамандығына қызығушылығын арттыру.

    Write positive sentences in the future I (will).

    Complete the sentences in the future I (will).

    It (rain/not) ______ tomorrow.

    I promise I (be/not) ________ late.

    Write questions in the future I (will).

    2. (it/snow) ________?

    Қорытындылау, бағалау

    Dear students, Thanks for your being so active, and your marks are …

    Үй тапсырмасы

    Астана қаласының Білім басқармасы

    Ашық сабақтың тақырыбы:

    English will help me everywhere in my life(Ағылшын тілі маған әрқашанда көмектеседі).

    Future simple (Келер шақ)

    Топ: 2ТРа-215

    Гуманитарлық пәндерінің циклдік комиссиясы

    ПЦК төрайымы________Абельдинова Д.К.

    Келісілді: Әдіскер ______Хасенова С.Е.

    Дайындаған: ағылшын тілі пәні оқытушысы

    Сабақ жоспары

    Оқытушы: Махан Базарбек

    Пән: Кәсіби шет тілі

    Мамандық,топ: Туризм, 2ТРа-213

    Тақырыбы: English will help me everywhere in my life(Ағылшын тілі маған әрқашанда көмектеседі). Future simple (Келер шақ)

    Күні: 02.11.2016

    Сабақ түрі,өткізу үлгісі: Аралас сабақ

    Сабақтың мақсаттары:

    Тәрбиелік: Мәдениеттілікке, тәртіптілікке және Ағылшын тілін, мәдениетін құрметтеуге баулу және болашақ мамандығына қызығушылығын арттыру.

    Әдістері: Баяндау, мәтінмен жұмыс, аудару, жазу және сұрақ-жауап.

    Сабақ жабдығы: Интерактивті тақта, оқулық, үлестірмелі материалдар.

    Пәнаралық байланыс: Информатика, қазақ тілі пәндері.

    Әдебиеттер тізімі:

    English is becoming the universal language of our planet. I would like to go abroad.

    It will be interesting to speak to people in England, Italy, France, Germany. Because all of them speak English well. It will be easy to learn about the life in these countries, their history and culture.

    I am convinced that English will help me to become a highly-qualified specialist in working with computers.

    First of all I would like to read books and periodicals in original and understand TV and radio programmes.

    English will help me to find a good job and improve my life in the future.

    English is a subject in my school curriculum. I would like to get good marks. That is why I try to learn English well.

    Содержимое разработки

    English is becoming the universal language of our planet. I would like to go abroad. It will be interesting to speak to people in England, Italy, France, Germany. Because all of them speak English well. It will be easy to learn about the life in these countries, their history and culture.

    English is becoming the universal language of our planet. I would like to go abroad. It will be interesting to speak to people in England, Italy, France, Germany. Because all of them speak English well. It will be easy to learn about the life in these countries, their history and culture.

    I am convinced that English will help me to become a highly-qualified specialist in working with computers.

    I am convinced that English will help me to become a highly-qualified specialist in working with computers.

    First of all I would like to read books and periodicals in original and understand TV and radio programmes.

    First of all I would like to read books and periodicals in original and understand TV and radio programmes.

    English will help me to find a good job and improve my life in the future.

    English will help me to find a good job and improve my life in the future.

    English is a subject in my school curriculum. I would like to get good marks. That is why I try to learn English well.

    English is a subject in my school curriculum. I would like to get good marks. That is why I try to learn English well.


    English in my life The presentation was done by Aleksandra Shvyrkova Form 7B Sch

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    English in my life The presentation was done by Aleksandra Shvyrkova Form 7B School 571 with advanced learning of English Saint-Petersburg

    Introduction Nowadays the knowledge of English is very important in the world. E

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    Introduction Nowadays the knowledge of English is very important in the world. Everyone will understand you if you speak English. That is why many people learn English all over the world. I’m not an exception.

    A little about myself I’m 13 years old. I study at school 571 with advanced lear

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    A little about myself I’m 13 years old. I study at school 571 with advanced learning of English. I’ve been learning English for eight years. Now I have upper-intermediate level. I like English. For me it’s always interesting to learn a foreign language.

    How it all started I started learning English when I was six years old. My mum h

    № слайда 4

    How it all started I started learning English when I was six years old. My mum helped me a lot, though she doesn’t know English very well. She made different games to make it more interesting and easier.

    Where I’m taught english Of course I’m taught English at my school, but after sc

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    Where I’m taught english Of course I’m taught English at my school, but after school I have extra English lessons in Orange Language centre and at school Olympics. I really like all the teachers. They often teach me new skills.

    Reading If I want to read some book I often read it in English. Some time ago I

    № слайда 6

    Reading If I want to read some book I often read it in English. Some time ago I read only adapted books, but now I can read even original texts. I’ve already read “The Canterville ghost”, “Harry Potter” and now I’m reading “451 Fahrenheit” by Ray Bradberry.

    music I like music very much, especially English music. One of my favourite sing

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    music I like music very much, especially English music. One of my favourite singers is Aura Dione. Almost all of her music is calm and relaxing. Some of her songs are easy to understand. Above there is one of her songs.

    Films Sometimes I watch films in English. Though the speech is hard to understan

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    Films Sometimes I watch films in English. Though the speech is hard to understand it’s very interesting because you learn the real colloquial language. The best film was “Furry vengeance”.

    Abroad I have been to Egypt this summer. Many workers spoke Russian, but I manag

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    Abroad I have been to Egypt this summer. Many workers spoke Russian, but I managed to use English to communicate with them. But there were many English and Italians in our hotel. It was pleasant to talk with them.

    Daily use Everyone needs English to understand signs or just for surfing in the

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    Daily use Everyone needs English to understand signs or just for surfing in the Internet because some sites are in English.

    Practicing I think it’s more important to talk easily in English. There are peop

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    Practicing I think it’s more important to talk easily in English. There are people who can read and write but can’t even say a word. And we have people who don’t know much grammar but can talk. In the evenings my mum often asks me to tell what has happened today in English. It’s a good practice!

    Some future plans Let’s imagine that I’m about 25 years old, I’ve already finish

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    Some future plans Let’s imagine that I’m about 25 years old, I’ve already finished school and graduated from the university. Why do I need English now? Why is it important for me?

    Work Firstly, I like Mathematics and I’m going to be a programmer. They need Eng

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    Work Firstly, I like Mathematics and I’m going to be a programmer. They need English because they work with international programs. They usually create or correct mistakes in them.

    Travelling Secondly, I need English for travelling. I like to travel. I think ev

    № слайда 14

    Travelling Secondly, I need English for travelling. I like to travel. I think everybody does. I use English to find out some information I need.

    Meeting new people Thirdly, I can meet new people from different countries. We c

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    Meeting new people Thirdly, I can meet new people from different countries. We can even become friends. It’s really cool!

    Conclusion If you are young it will be easier for you to learn a foreign languag

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    Conclusion If you are young it will be easier for you to learn a foreign language. That’s why I’m trying my best to work as hard as I can now. I know-I’ll need it for my future life.

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