Economy of great britain план урока

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

Отрабатывать фонетические навыки на конкретном примере; учить понимать иностранную речь в игровых ситуациях. Прививать интерес к культуре, традициям, достопримечательностям англоязычных стран; воспитывать умение работать в коллективе

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Предварительный просмотр:

План – конспект урока английского языка, 8 класс

Тема: Great Britain

Тип урока: повторение и закрепление изученного материала

Учебный аспект: отрабатывать фонетические навыки на конкретном примере; учить понимать иностранную речь в игровых ситуациях.

Развивающий аспект: развивать умение применения полученных знаний, умений и навыков в конкретной обстановке.

Воспитательный аспект: прививать интерес к культуре, традициям, достопримечательностям англоязычных стран; воспитывать умение работать в коллективе (группе).

Оборудование: Карты Великобритании и Северной Ирландии, флаги и эмблемы стран Соединенного Королевства, аудиокассета (песни группы “The Beatles”), сигнальные карты, игровое поле, черный ящик, карточки для викторины, карточки с лексикой для разминки, песочные часы, диск с видами и достопримечательностями Великобритании.

  1. Организационный момент.
  2. Фонетическая разминка.
  3. Речевые упражнения.
  4. Страноведческий тест.
  5. Игра – викторина.
  6. Подведение итогов.

Teacher: London is full of parks and gardens. Here are the mixed names of some of them. Try to guess.

  1. Речевые упражнения

Teacher: Name these sights and say a few words about them.

(На экране появляются виды Лондона)

(Правильное название – 1 балл, описание – 1балл.)

  1. …Park
  2. …Square
  3. …Gallery
  4. …of London
  5. …Cathedral
  6. …Bridge
  7. …Abbey
  8. …Palace
  9. The River…
  10. The Houses…

Примерные тексты для описания достопримечательностей:

HADE PARK covers an area of 360 acres. Beneath Hyde Park there is a car park for 500 cars and also a tube station. On the north of Hyde Park there is a very famous place called Speaker’s Corner where, only on Sunday, any person can talk on any subject. One of the most famous speakers there is Lord Soper who is a politician. Here you will see what we call “hecklers”. They are people who try to upset the person speaking. It is well worth a visit on Sunday from 10.00 until they finish.

TRAFALGAR SQUARE is a very famous square where on New Year’s Eve people gather to celebrate. At midnight people jump info the fountains fully clothed and enjoy themselves. In the middle of the square there is a very famous statue “Nelson’s Column” which is over 170 feet high. The statue on the top is in memory of Lord Horatio Nelson who won the most famous sea battle at Trafalgar. This column is cleaned once evere seven years. It is a very difficult job as they have to climb to the top and clean all the mess the pigeons have made on the statue. Trafalgar Square has become famous as a rallying point for all kinds of demonstrations, marches and political meetings.

NATIONAL GALLERY. The whole of the north side of Trafalgar Square is dominated by the National Gallery. It houses one of the finest art collections in the world. It includes paintings from British, Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, Flemish and other famous schools. It has a priceless collection of paintings by the famous artists Van Gogh, Reubens, Constable and any other painter you wish to name.

WESTMINSTER ABBEY is a symbol of English tradition at its best. The coronations of nearly all English kings and queens since William the Conqueror have taken place here. Many of them are buried within the Abbey. Beneath the roof of this Gothic building there are also the graves and memorial slabs of statesmen, philosophers, men of letters and other distinguished people. Here you can see memorials to Isaac Newton, Charles and Thomas Hardy.

THE TOWER OF LONDON is a very old building - nine hundred years old! In the early days of English kings lived in the Tower. Then it was a prison where many people died. Black ravens had much food near the walls of the Tower in those days. Now the Tower of London is a museum housing the National Collection of Armour and Royal Regalias, and many tourists from other countries come to see it. They see the dark stone halls with small windows and thick doors. Something that should not be missed is the Crown Jewels, a priceless collection of every jewel known. The Tower is still guarded by the Yeomen Warders, the famous Beefeaters, who wear a traditional sixteen-century uniform.

THE THAMES is not a long river. It is three hundred and thirty kilometers long and it flows into the sea. The English people call it “the Father of London”. London began on the Thames. When we go in a ship up the Thames we pass under London Bridge, the Tower Bridge and other. There is a museum of old ships on the Thames. These ships are from the history of Great Britain. One of these ships, the “Discovery”, went to the South Pole from 1901-1904. If we go down the Thames we pass the port of London and arrive in Greenwich - a very old town. We can see the place where the Greenwich Meridian passes.

(и другие тексты на английском языке)

Цель: выявить, какая команда начнет игру.

  1. The capital of the UK is…
  1. Belfast;
  2. Cardiff;
  3. London.
  1. You can see waxen figures of different famous people in…
  1. National Gallery;
  2. Madam Tussaud’s Museum;
  3. the Tower of London.
  1. The highest mountain in Great Britain is…
  1. Ben Nevis;
  2. Snowdon;
  3. Snowpeak.
  1. The population of the UK is…
  1. 45 ml. people;
  2. 57 ml. people;
  3. 60 ml. people.
  1. The longest river in Great Britain is…
  1. The Thames;
  2. The Clyde;
  3. The Severn.
  1. Daniel Defo was a famous English…
  1. Sqientist;
  2. Sea explorer;
  3. Writer.
  1. The colours of the British Flag are…
  1. White, blue, green
  2. White, blue, red
  3. Blue, red, yellow
  1. The name of a famous stadium in England where football matches take place is…
  1. Wimbledon;
  2. Wembley;
  3. Luzhniki.
  1. A double-decker is…
  1. A car;
  2. A train;
  3. A bus.
  1. British monarchs are crowned in…
  1. Westminster Abbey;
  2. The Tower of London;
  3. The Houses of Parliament.
  1. A school year in Britain has…
  1. Four terms;
  2. Two terms;
  3. Three terms.

Teacher: Well, my friends, and now we’ll see if you know geography and history well. Take your cards and pub the number of the right answer. Those who are first, will start the game. You have only 3 minutes.

(Пока учитель объясняет правила игры, жюри подводит итоги и объявляет, какая команда начинает игру.)

Teacher: You can see six parts on the field. The card on each part is of a different colour. On the cards there are tasks and questions on: Geography, Economy, Culture, Sport, Sightseeing; plus Musical Intervals. The team _______________ is first. They will start the game.

(четкое правильное чтение вопроса – 1 балл, правильный ответ 1 балл; отвечающего назначает капитан.)

Teacher: You have worked well, thank you. The winner of the game is the first team. The members of the second team also have good results. Your marks are…

(Учитель сообщает оценки классу)

Did you like the game “Great Britain”?

What did you like most of all? (дети говорят о том, что им понравилось на уроке, что запомнилось)

Teacher: Thank you for the lesson. Good-bye.

  1. Give the name which is proper both for a mountain pony and for one of the countries of the UK. In the plural it means a mountainous area of that country.
  2. William Wordsworth, a popular English poet, wrote a poem about flowers which bloom in valleys. There are a lot of such flowers in this country and in the Lake District. This flower is the emblem of one of the countries of the UK. Name this country and the flower.

ECONOMY (black boxes)

  1. It is an island in the Pacific Ocean. And it is a name of a chocolate bar with coconut filling. And it is a prize (the benefit) for the army of volunteers. It is here, in the black box.
  2. It is a type of car which was produced from 1900-1925. And a washing powder which is very popular has the same name. The washing powder is a product of the Proctor and Gamble Company.
  1. It is a very famous theatre. First it was a wooden square surrounded with a fence. Then it was rebuilt of stone. It existed from 1599-1644. A famous English poet wrote plays for it and staged them there.
  2. Extra question. The British are fond of flowers. Every year in May they organize an exhibition of flowers in this district in the Western part of London. This is also the name of a London football club. What is the name of the district?
  1. The one hundred anniversary of this game was celebrated in 1963, but the game is really much older. The ball game did not take place in stadiums, but on squares and the streets for many centuries. It was dangerous for windows and gates.
  2. It is a national team sport game. It takes place on a grass field. Its aim is to hit the other team and to return the ball with a bat as far as they can and score points. This word means the name of an insect as well.
  1. There are a lot of different museums, galleries and exhibitions in London. One them was opened in 1824. It is situated on Trafalgar Square and it contains the greatest collection of fine arts. There one can see masterpieces of the most famous painters.
  2. This is a unique museum, named after founder. It was opened in 1802. One can see there waxen figures of different famous people. In this museum there is a Chamber of Horrors, where they demonstrate figures of criminals.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

план-конспект урока английского языка в 8 классе "Great Britain"

Цель данного урока - закрепить знания учащихся по теме "Great Britain". Проходит в форме игры.

План-конспект урока английского языка для 2 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка

Конспект урока английского языка "Opening Great Britain"

Урок страноведения в 9-м классе, на котором с помощью компьютерной презентации рассказывается о Великобритании, ее географическом положении, странах и эмблемах, флаге и гимне Великобритании, националь.

План-конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе "Английский язык - язык мира"

План - конспект урока в 7 классе по УМК "Enjoy English" Биболетовой М.З. по теме "Английский язык - язык мира" с применением сингапурских структур.

План-конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе (с углубленным изучением английского языка) по теме "Времена английского глагола"

Урок содержит элементы метапредмета "Знак". Проводился в рамках школьной методической недели "Мыследеятельностная педагогика и метапредметный метод обучения".

Технологическая карта урока английского языка в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС с применением ИКТ.

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Сабақтың тақырыбы: The economy of Great Britain.

Тема урока:

Сабақтың мақсаты/ Цель урока: to know about economy of Great Britain, active words and word

Білімділік/ образовательная: combinations;

Дамытушылық /Развивающая to develop their writing, reading, speaking skills and literacy;

Тәрбиелік /Воспитательная: to enrich students’ cultural knowledge.

Сабақтың түрлері/ Тип урока ______combined____________________________________________

Әдіс-тәсілдер/ Методы ___practical, explanational_________________________________________

Материалдар, оқу-әдістемелікәдебиет, аңықтамалықәдебиет / Материалы, учебно-методическая литература, справочная литература

Essential grammar by Raymond Murphy

Құрал-жабдықтар, көрнектіқұралдар / Оборудование, наглядные пособия

Пәнаралық байланыс / Межпредметные связи

Сабақ барысы / Ход урока

Сабақ кезеңдері /

Этапы урока

Оқытушы іс-әрекеті /

деятельность преподавателя

Оқушылар іс-әрекеті /

деятельность обучающихся

Құрал-жабдықтар, көрнекті құралдар / оборудоние, наглядные пособия

Үйымдастыру-мақсаттық кезені / Организационно-целевой этап

Ұйымдастыру кезеңі/Организационный момент.

Сабақ мақсатын қою/Постановка цели занятия.

Оқу жұмысының мотивациясы/Мотивация учебной деятельности.

Сабақта оқу жұмыстарын ұйымдастыру/Организация учебной работы на занятии

Greet the students. Ask them about their mood, feelings.

Ask about the day, date.

Mark the absent students.

In order to create working atmosphere do activity ‘Take a compliment’. Students take a compliment from the board and keep it for themselves or give it to another student.

Students answer the questions of the teacher.

Say about their mood, feeling.

Say the day and date.

Say who is absent.

Students take a compliment and keep it for themselves or give someone else.

‘Take a compliment’ handout

2. Операция-танымдықкезеңі / Операционно-познавательный этап

2.1 Үй тапсырмасын тексеру/

Этап проверки домашнего задания:

To check their homework:

Make up a report

p. 263-270, ex. 316, 318, 325

Students say the rule and show their homework.

2.2 Жаңа материалды белсенді меңгеруге оқушыларды даярлау кезеңі /

Today we’ll continue to know about Great Britain and talk about its economy.

Students listen to the teacher and get acquainted with the topic.

2.3 Жаңа білімді меңгеру /

Этап усвоения новых знаний:

Let’s get acquainted with new vocabulary. Translate the words:

private enterprises – жеке меншік кәсіпорындар

agriculture – ауыл шаоруашылығы

international trade – халықаралық сауда-саттық

GDP – ЖІӨ (жалпы ішкі өнім)

GNP – ЖҰӨ (жалпы ұлттық өнім)

Read the text “The economy of Great Britain.”

Students translate the words.

to reduce – қысқарту

Chief imports – басты импорт

metallic ores – металл рудалар

labour force – еңбек нарығы

investment – салым, инвестиция

Ss read the text.

2.4 Жаңа білімді бекіту /

Этап закрепления новых знаний:

What is the economy of Great Britain mostly based on?

What manufacturing is less developed in Britain?

What makes the country self-sufficient in energy?

What were the years of economical growth in Britain?

What are the chief imports of Great Britain?

What are the chief exports of Great Britain?

What does the government do to keep the economy at highlevel?

Why is Great Britain a good place for investments?

Ss answer the questions

3. Рефлексивті бағалау кезеңі / Рефлексивно-оценочный этап

3.1 Үй тапсырмасы бойынша мәлімет беру кезені /

Этап информации обучающихся о домашнем задании:

Make up a report

Students write down their homework

3.2 Сабақты қорытындылау / Подведение итогов:

I’m very pleased with you. Keep it up! See you next time.

Thank you for the lesson. Good bye!

The Economy of Great Britain.

The economy of Britain is based mostly on private enterprises. Different services and manufacturing are well devel­oped, while the agriculture does not take the leading place here. Britain has the possibility to use oil and natural gas from the North Sea and this makes the country self-sufficient in energy. More than half of domestic oil production Britain exports to other countries. The United Kingdom’s coal industry, despite its steady decline since the early 1950s, remains one of the largest and most technologically advanced in Europe.

We know that for any economy the international trade is very impor­tant. In Britain nearly 25 % of national production of goods and services are exported. 1981—1989 were the years of economical growth in Britain. But unfortunately as it often happens after the growing comes the reces­sion. Only in 1992 the rate of inflation went down. Today we can say for sure that manufacturing production of Britain grows much faster than in any other industrial country.

Agriculture is intensive, highly mechanized, and efficient by European standards, producing about 60% of food needs with less than 2% of the labor force. It contributes around 2% of GDP.

In the north-west of England, Wales and Scotland, farmers keep cattle and sheep. Sheep can survive the cold winters on the hills and moors.

In the east of England (East Anglia), wheat, barley and vegetables grow in enormous fields.

In the south-west of England, the rich grass is ideal for feeding dairy cows.

Chief imports of Great Britain are metallic ores, except iron ore, food. Chief exports are China automobiles and other vehicles, wooden goods, steel, electrical and mechanical machinery, tractors, scientific instruments, chemicals, petroleum.

Just under half of the total population is in the labour force. The highest proportion of employees (more than two-thirds) is in the service sectors, financial services and distribution. Manufacturing, although it has declined, employs more than one-fifth of all workers. Smaller numbers are in construction, energy, agriculture, forestry and fishing.

To keep the economy at high level the government controls the infla­tion and public spending and borrowing. Markets and promote enterpris­es are not left without attention. Privatisation also takes its place. Nearly all major businesses are privatized now.

private enterprises – жеке меншік кәсіпорындар

agriculture – ауыл шаоруашылығы

international trade – халықаралық сауда-саттық

GDP – ЖІӨ (жалпы ішкі өнім)

GNP – ЖҰӨ (жалпы ұлттық өнім)

to reduce – қысқарту

Chief imports – басты импорт

metallic ores – металл рудалар

labour force – еңбек нарығы

investment – салым, инвестиция

What is the economy of Great Britain mostly based on?

What manufacturing is less developed in Britain?

What makes the country self-sufficient in energy?

What were the years of economical growth in Britain?

What are the chief imports of Great Britain?

What are the chief exports of Great Britain?

What does the government do to keep the economy at highlevel?

Why is Great Britain a good place for investments?

Exercise 1. Translate the words.

Exercise 2. Read the text.

The Economy of Great Britain.

The economy of Britain is based mostly on private enterprises. Different services and manufacturing are well devel­oped, while the agriculture does not take the leading place here. Britain has the possibility to use oil and natural gas from the North Sea and this makes the country self-sufficient in energy. More than half of domestic oil production Britain exports to other countries. The United Kingdom’s coal industry, despite its steady decline since the early 1950s, remains one of the largest and most technologically advanced in Europe.

We know that for any economy the international trade is very impor­tant. In Britain nearly 25 % of national production of goods and services are exported. 1981—1989 were the years of economical growth in Britain. But unfortunately as it often happens after the growing comes the reces­sion. Only in 1992 the rate of inflation went down. Today we can say for sure that manufacturing production of Britain grows much faster than in any other industrial country.

Agriculture is intensive, highly mechanized, and efficient by European standards, producing about 60% of food needs with less than 2% of the labor force. It contributes around 2% of GDP.

In the north-west of England, Wales and Scotland, farmers keep cattle and sheep. Sheep can survive the cold winters on the hills and moors.

In the east of England (East Anglia), wheat, barley and vegetables grow in enormous fields.

In the south-west of England, the rich grass is ideal for feeding dairy cows.

Chief imports of Great Britain are metallic ores, except iron ore, food. Chief exports are China automobiles and other vehicles, wooden goods, steel, electrical and mechanical machinery, tractors, scientific instruments, chemicals, petroleum.

Just under half of the total population is in the labour force. The highest proportion of employees (more than two-thirds) is in the service sectors, financial services and distribution. Manufacturing, although it has declined, employs more than one-fifth of all workers. Smaller numbers are in construction, energy, agriculture, forestry and fishing.

To keep the economy at high level the government controls the infla­tion and public spending and borrowing. Markets and promote enterpris­es are not left without attention. Privatisation also takes its place. Nearly all major businesses are privatized now.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.


Exercise 1. Mind the pronunciation of the fol­lowing international terms. Check their meaning.

Economy; economic; industry (2 meanings); in­dustrial; chemical; pharmaceutical; mathematical; geographical; civil; military; importer; exporter; farming; textiles; plastics; electronics; technology; technique; services; institution; communication; components; medicine (2 meanings); construction; machinery; airbus; airliner.

E nergy resources; natural gas; financial centre; financial services; multinational project; virtual reality; visual; visualisation.

Check the meaning and pronunciation of these words.

software// hardware (n)

Exercise 2. Note how suffixes change the mea­ning of the words.

Produce — producer — production; manufactu­re — manufacturer: design — designer; process — processing; refine — refining — refinery; — mining — miner; equip — equipment; — employment: excel — excellence — excel­lent; fertile — fertility — fertilizer.

Text 1. Britain’s economy in brief.

Britain ’s economy is based primarily on private enterprise. Private sector accounts for 79 per cent of output and 95 per cent of employment.

Manufacturing has an important role in the economy. Britain excels in high-technology industries, such as pharmatheuticals, electronics, aerospace and offshore equipment, where British companies are among the world's largest and most successful.

Britain 's chemical industry is the third largest in Europe. Over half of its output is exported. Traditionally, Britain has been a major producer of basic industrial chemicals, plastics and fertilizers. ICI is the sixth largest chemical company in the world and the world's largest paint manufacturer.

Britain 's pharmaceutical industry is the world's fourth biggest exporter of medicines, accounting for around 12 per cent of the world market. Glaxo Wellcome is the largest pharmaceutical company in the world. British firms have discovered and developed 13 of the world's fifty best-selling drugs.

Machine-building is an area where British firms excel, especially in construction equipment, wheeled tractors, internal combustion engines, textile ma­chinery, medical equipment, pumps and compres­sors.

Britain has the fourth largest electronic industry in the world. Products include computers, commu­nication equipment and a large variety of compo­nents. As well as an extensive range of computer hardware and associated equipment, British firms design computer applications software and are particularly strong in specialist markets such as computer aided design, mathematical software, geographical information systems.

Britain 's aerospace industry is the third largest in the Western world. British Aerospace (BA) produces both civil and military aircraft. The com­pany has a 20 per cent share in the European multi­national giant Airbus Industries, which manufac­tures a family of airbus airliners. It is also a partner in multinational projects, including the Tornado combat aircraft and the Eurofighter 2000. Rolls-Royce is one of the world's three prime manufacturers of aero engines.

Britain has the largest energy resources of any country in the European Union and is a major producer of oil and natural gas. The main energy sources are coal, nuclear power and water power. The two largest British oil companies are British Petroleum (HP) and Shell Transport and Trading.

Services account for two-thirds of Britain's GDP. The number of people employed in services rose from about 13 million in 1983 to 16.5 million in 1995. Britain is a major financial centre, housing some of the world's leading banking, in­surance, and other financial services and markets. The heart of the financial industry is the collection of banks and markets in and around the City of London.

Exercise 3. Summarize the contents of the text by answering the following questions.

1) What manufacturing industries are charac­teristic of Britain's economy today?

2) What do British chemical companies produce?

3) What is Glaxo-Wellcome?

4) What industry does the manufacturing of tractors and pumps belong to?

5) In what area of computer technology do British firms excel?

6) How does British aerospace industry rank?

7) What is Eurofighter 2000? Is it manufactured by a British company?

8) What does Rolls-Royce produce?

9) What energy resources does Great Britain pos­sess?

10) What brings more money to the nation's wealth: manufacturing or services?

11) In what kinds of services does Britain excel?

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences.

1. The private sector accounts for_____________________per cent of Britain’s economic output.

2. Services ____________ for two-thirds of the country's GDP.

3. Britain's____________________ industry accounts for around 12 per cent of the world market.

4. Britain's chemical industry is the_____________ largest in Europe.

5. Its pharmaceutical sector is the____________biggest exporter of medicines.

6. Britain has the_____________largest electronic industry in the world.

7. Its aerospace industry is the third largest in the_______________.

8. Britain has the largest energy resources in the ___________________.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the comparative forms.

1. England has the highest population density of the four lands composing the UK.

2. In recent years trade has come to represent a larger portion of the economy.

3. In some manufacturing industries British com­panies are among the world's largest and most

4. Britain is the world's fifth largest trading nation.

5. Services play a much more important role in Britain's economy nowadays.

6. The City of London houses the world's biggest financial markets.

Exercise 6. Read the sentences using correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. Service industries (play) a dominant role in Britain's economy.

2. Britain 's economy (base) mainly on private en­terprise.

3. All kinds of equipment and heavy machinery (produce) by machine-building plants.

4. Britain 's chemical enterprises (produce) organic and inorganic chemicals, plastics and fertilizers.

5. At the present time, high-technology indus­tries (grow) rapidly.

6. Thirteen of the world's fifty best-selling medi­cines (develop) in Great Britain.

7. Rich coal and iron deposits (influence) the growth of Britain's economy in the 19 th century.

8. In the early 1990s the British Government (privatise) such major businesses as British Tele­
com, British Gas, the non-nuclear electricity com­panies, etc.

9. In 1994, over 1.5 million cars (manufacture) in Great Britain, though most of the automobile plants
(belong) to foreign investors.

10. British agriculture (know) for its efficiency and productivity.

11. Agriculture-related exports (include) speciali­sed products such as fresh salmon, Scotch whisky,
jams and conserves, tea, beef and lamb.

Exercise 8. Read the following introductory remarks and try to explain in what way the early economic development of the country was determined by its geographic situation, availability of natural resources, climate, etc. Basing on Text 1, say what changes in the economic pattern have ta­ken place since the 1990s.

Britain became the world's first industrialised country in the late 18 th and early 19 th centuries. Wealth was based on the manufacture of iron and steel, heavy machinery and textiles, coal mining, shipbuilding and trade. The economic and industrial pattern has changed considerably in the last few years. . . .

ADDITIONAL TEXT. Main Economic Regions of the UK

The United Kingdom was the first country in the world which became highly industrialized. Dur­ing the rapid industrialization of the 19th century, one of the most important factors was that coal deposits were situated near the ground surface, which made mining easy. Great Britain is rich in coal. Coal mining is one of the most developed industries in Great Britain. The big­gest coal and iron mines are in the north-east of England, near Newcastle, in Lancashire and York­shire; in Scotland near Glasgow; in Wales near Cardiff and Bristol.

Among other mineral resources, iron ores found alongside coal layers are of primary importance, but the iron content of most of the ores is very low. Lead and silver ores are also mined in Derbyshire and Cumberland and Lancashire.

There are tin and copper mines in Cornwall and Devonshire, copper and lead mines in England.

Until recent times, Britain's heavy industry was mainly concentrated in the centre of England and in the London region. Such towns as Birmingham, Cov­entry and Sheffield produced heavy machines, rail­way carriages and motor-cars. In the 20th century new branches of industry have appeared: electronics, radio, chemical industry and others.

Of great importance for Britain is ship-building industry. It is concentrated in London, Glasgow, Newcastle, Liverpool and Belfast.

Great Britain produces a lot of wool, and woolen industry is developed in Yorkshire. British woolen products are exported to many countries.

Sea-ports play a great role in the life of the coun­try. London, Liverpool and Glasgow are the biggest English ports, from which big liners go to all parts of the world. Great Britain exports industrial prod­ucts to other countries and imports food and some other products.

Sheep-farming, cattle-farming and dairy-farming are also important branches of Great Britain's economy. The south of England is often called the "Garden of England", because there are many gardens and orchards there where people grow apples, pears, cherries, plums and other fruits, and there are also large plantations of different berries.

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Данная разработка ориентирована на студентов неязыкового вуза специальности экономика. Целью практического занятия изучить особенности экономики Великой Британии и США на английском языке. Тренировать навыки монологической речи, активизировать и закрепить изученную лексику.


Тип занятия: практическое

Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, конспект, ватманы, маркеры, компьютер, презентации.

- изучить особенности экономики Великой Британии и США, тренировать навыки диалоговой и монологовой речи;

- активизировать и закрепить изученную лексику в знакомых речевых образцах английского языка;

- активизировать познавательный интерес студентов, сформировать умения анализировать и сравнивать экономики зарубежных стран;

- воспитывать чувство уважение к друг другу, содействовать воспитанию культуры общения, потребности в самообразовании.


Проверка домашнего задания.

Подготовка учащихся к восприятию нового материала.

Основная часть занятия.

Подведение итогов практического занятия.


Организационный момент.

Преподаватель говорит приветственное слово, организовывает студентов к работе. Проверяет отсутствующих на занятие.

Teacher: Good afternoon everybody. I hope you’re a good mood and this practical lesson pass with good memories and learning a new knowledge. Well, I’ll check who is present and absent today. (Всем добрый день. Я надеюсь, у вас хорошее настроение и это занятие пройдет с хорошими впечатлениями и полученными знаниями. Отметим, кто сегодня присутствует и отсутствует на занятии).

Проверка домашнего задания.

Teacher: but first of all I want to remember our previous practice financial audit. Аnd your home task was to learn words on the topic. Please I will say in Russian and you try translate

Фронтальный опрос студентов

Teacher: Today we are going to speak about the economics the most powerful countries are The United Kingdom of Great Britain and the United States of America. We are to repeat our learning vocabulary in this theme after all, we have to know it. We will to listen our students with their reports and to compare both economics in a creative way. We will also examine in detail the sectors of the economy. Analyze and find the disadvantages and advantages in them. (Сегодня мы поговорим про экономику самых великих стран это Соединенное королевство Великой Британии и Соединенных Штатов Америки. Мы повторим нашу уже выученную лексику по данной теме. Послушаем наших студентов с презентациями и сравним две экономики данных стран. Также мы проанализируем преимущества и недостатки в экономике этих двух стран).

Подготовка учащихся к восприятию нового материала.

Преподаватель комментирует план практического занятия.

Беседа с учащимися.

- what you know about the economic of Great Britain?

- what you know about the economic of the USA?

- by our time what the most powerful economic in the world?

The answers of students.(Ответы студентов).

Teacher: ok, well done and now please open your copybooks and write the new words

Студенты записывают новую лексику в тетрадь.

Чтение и перевод the interesting facts about economics of the USA and Great Britain.

Teacher: and now some interesting facts about economics both contries.

Студенты фронтально читают и переводят.

Основная часть занятия.

Teacher: and now, please your presentation. You are listen and write the main points on the export, import, financial sector, agriculture. After your reports we will summarise the results and you will have to answer questions (вы слушаете и записываете главные пункты об экспорте, импорте, финансовом секторе, сельском хозяйстве. После ваших докладов мы подведем итоги и вы должны будете ответить на вопросы).

Студенты защищают свои презентации.

Teacher: you wrote the main products of imports and exports of Great Britain agricultural produce in the field of transport and the place of the financial sector and tourism of Great Britain (Вы выписали главные продукты импорта и экспорта Великой Британии, сельского хозяйства, что производят в сфере транспорта и какое место занимает финансовый сектор и туризм Великой Британии).

Teacher: ok, everybody, well done!

Подведение итогов практического занятия.

Работа в группах.

Teacher: now, please divided into two teams! I’ll give you posters and 5 minutes, you should analyses both economics and highlighting advantages and disadvantages (а сейчас я вас попрошу разделиться на две команды, раздам вам ватманы и 5 минут, вы должны проанализировать преимущества и недостатки двух экономик).

Студенты работат в группах, затем выступают по одному (два) представителя от команды.

Домашнее задание.

Преподаватель комментирует ответы студентов.

Teacher: your home task will be to analyze the economy of Russia, Ukraine, Lugansk people's Republic (вашим домашним заданием будет проанализировать экономику России, Украины, Луганской Народной Республики).

The aim of the lesson: to control the pupils’ knowledge about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The objectives of the lesson:

Developing: to develop pupils’ knowledge, logical thinking, to improve reading, writing, speaking, listening comprehension skills through doing a lots of tasks.

Brining up: to motivate pupils interest in learning English, to bringing up pupils respect to their individuality.

The type of the lesson: revise lesson.

The form of the lesson: a travelling lesson.

The methods of the lesson: Brainstorming, a pair work, demonstration, critical thinking.

Visual aids: interactive board, pictures.

The procedure of the lesson:

Good morning, children.

Good morning, teacher.

How are you feeling today?

We are active and confident. (in chorus)

“Sunny thoughts make the whole day better” (repeat in chorus)

T: I wish you that your thoughts will be sunny!

  1. The main part of the lesson: (35 min)
  1. Introducing with the theme and the aim of the lesson: (3 min)

T: The subject of discussion is Great Britain. You know a lot about Britain and its people. Let’s revise the material. And now please let me introduce you with our guest.

Stewardess: Good morning, ladies & gentlemen. I am a stewardess from British airlines. Today you will visit the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. And you can show us a good knowledge about this country. I would like to welcome you abroad Delta Flight. We are flying from Aktobe to Great Britain. Please, keep your seatbelts fastened all the time. I wish you a wonderful flight!

Listening the song “One way ticket”

  1. Developing the skills of oral speech:
  1. Work with presentations: (5 min)

Ladies & gentlemen! Welcome to Great Britain! I am your guide. I am glad to see you. Please, take your seats at our red double - decker bus and you will see many interesting places.

England – Red rose.

Wales – Daffodil, leek.

Northern Ireland – Shamrock.

The capital of England is LONDON.

The capital of Scotland is EDINBURGH.

The capital of Wales is CARDIFF.

The capital of Northern Ireland is BELFAST.

The official language is English.

  1. And now let’s listen to some information about London. Be attentive please. ( 5 min)

(listening “London’s sights” level 9 reading The world around us)

1. The next task is to match the words and the pictures. ( level 9 The world around us reading activity 1)

2. Are the sentences True or False? ( level 9 The world around us reading activity 2)

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