Том купил маме цветы чтобы извиниться за свое плохое поведение в школе

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

1. Fill in: too, wardrobe, stare, spacious, butcher’s, home and dry, household chores, enough, neighbourhood, works out, lack, terraced house, porch. I usually _____ the window for the entire journey when I am on a plane. It’s such a beautiful evening, let’s go and sit on the ______for a bit. Is your new ______ very crowded and noisy? I live in a pretty ______ in an attractive area of London. Don’t leave your clothes all over the room. Hang them in the _______. Could you give me directions to the ______. I need to buy some meat. John ______ in the gym two times a week. Now that the most difficult part of the project is over, we are ________. Jenny would like a house with a _______ study where she would work. Objects in space float because of the _____ of gravity. Of all the ________ doing the washing is the one Jenny hates most. The park is _____ close to walk to walk to from here. Did you get ______ sleep last night? You seem tired. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. I saw Mary _____(write) a report for tomorrow. _____(break) a mirror results in seven years of bad luck. Translate the sentences from Russian into English with the phrasal verb “make”. Что вы думаете об этом новом фильме? Том купил маме цветы чтобы извиниться (компенсировать)за свое плохое поведение в школе. Грабитель убежал с деньгами но был пойман. Боб очень творческий человек, он любит сочинять истории для детей.

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

I saw Mary _____(write) a report for tomorrow.

_____(break) a mirror results in seven years of bad luck.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English with the phrasal verb “make”.
Что вы думаете об этом новом фильме?
Том купил маме цветы чтобы извиниться (компенсировать)за свое плохое поведение в школе.
Грабитель убежал с деньгами но был пойман.
Боб очень творческий человек, он любит сочинять истории для детей.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Spotlight 9 module 2

Ex. 1. Match the words.

Compensate for make up for изобретать

Steal and run away with make out компенсировать что - либо

Invent make of четко видеть

See clear make off with убежать с украденным

Think about make up понимать

Ex.2. Put the preposition.

Go … in the direction of

Be close … the city centre

… the corner of the street

… the corner of the room

Live … the suburbs

Ex. 3.Put the verbs in brackets into the to-infinitive or the –ing form .

They have managed ___________ (gather) all their supplies in one week.

The trip is expected ___________(last) for two or three years.

Tanya has spent a lot of time __________(learn) about the solar system.

Their spaceship must avoid __________ (hit) asteroids and UFOs.

Their parents asked them if they had forgotten _________ (buy) enough dried food and e-books to take with them.

Phillip promises ___________ (help Tanya pilot their rocket ship.

We like ___________(explore) new planets and ________(see) new things.

Although their parents would prefer them _________ (remain on earth, they can see that it is no use __________(try) to get them to change their minds.

It’s too late now. There’s no point in ___________ (argue) with them.

Ex 4 Match the words in Column A with the words/ phrases in Column B.

Column A Column B

zero A station

vacuum B against

press C away

float D hose

space E gravity

Ex. 5. Match the words.

Very comfortable as safe as houses

Very safe a home from home

Get on very well home and dry

Not expecting further problems get on like a house on fire

Ex 6 Write true sentences about place you live in.

I live in … There are … and … There aren’t any … There is a … where I … My neighbourhood is …There’s a … in front of my house. There’s a … to the left/ right. My next- door neighbour, … , is very … I really like the place I live in.

Ex 7 Translate the sentences from Russian into English with the phrasal verb “make”.

1. Что вы думаете об этом новом фильме?

2. Том купил маме цветы чтобы извиниться (компенсировать)за свое плохое поведение в школе.

3. Грабитель убежал с деньгами но был пойман.

4. Боб очень творческий человек, он любит сочинять истории для детей.


Spotl ight 9 module 2

Ex. 1. Put the preposition.

Be close … the city centre

… the corner of the street

Live … the suburbs

Go … in the direction of

… the corner of the room

Ex 2. Write true sentences about place you live in.

I live in … There are … and … There aren’t any … There is a … where I … My neighbourhood is …There’s a … in front of my house. There’s a … to the left/ right. My next- door neighbour, … , is very … I really like the place I live in.

Ex 3. Match the words in Column A with the words/ phrases in Column B.

Column A Column B

sleeping A into

football B out

household C bag

work D pitch

bump E chores

Ex. 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the to-infinitive or the –ing form .

Super Hero Phillip has decided _____________ (take) a trip to Mars.

He has almost finished ___________________(pack) his suitcases.

Our other Super Hero Tanya is busy ___________ (prepare) for the adventure.

She has admitted __________(be) a little scared of space travel.

But she wants _____________(accompany) Phillip on their exciting voyage.

Tanya hopes _____________(photograph) the stars and the planets.

Phillip would like __________(travel) to the edge of the solar system.

Although Tanya says that she can’t stand ___________ (live) without her friends and family for very long, she says she doesn’t mind _________ (be) far away from home for a few years.

They are looking forward to _____________ (visit) as many planets as possible. Bon voyage!

Ex. 5. Match the words.

Invent make up for четко видеть

Steal and run away with make out понимать

Compensate for make of изобретать

Think about make off with убежать с украденным

See clear make up компенсировать что-либо

Ex. 6. Match the words.

as safe as houses Very safe

home and dry Not expecting further problems

a home from home Very comfortable

get on like a house on fire Get on very well

Ex 7. Translate the sentences from Russian into English with the phrasal verb “make”.

1. Что вы думаете об этом новом фильме?

2. Том купил маме цветы чтобы извиниться (компенсировать)за свое плохое поведение в школе.

3. Грабитель убежал с деньгами но был пойман.

4. Боб очень творческий человек, он любит сочинять истории для детей.


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Контрольная работа для 9 класса. Учебник Spotlight. Модуль 2.

Complete the sentences using the appropriate verb from the list below.

• do • makes • hang out • keep • dusting • take • mopped

1. I don’t know how Samantha manages to…..the ironing so fast; it takes me an hour just to iron two shirts!

2. Pamela always …. her bed as she gets up in the morning.

3. Messy people find it difficult to…. their rooms tidy

4. You can’t ….. the washing now. It’s raining and all

the clothes will get wet.

5. The only thing left to do is ….. the furniture, and then the house will be ready for tonight’s party.

6. Timmy likes helping around the house, but he hates having to……. the rubbish out every night.

7. Take off your shoes before going into the kitchen; Mum has just …… the floor.

II. Choose the correct item.

8. David was tired of the noise and pollution of the big city, so he decided to move to a small, isolated/industrial town in the countryside.

9. Of all the housework/household chores, doing the dishes is the one Jenny hates most.

10. Mrs Finch is very arrogant/nosy; she always peeps at us from behind the curtains to see what we’re doing in the garden.

11. Dan’s muscles relaxed/went soft after his accident, as he was unable to exercise for months.

12. Astronauts who work on the International Space Station use a(n) airless/vacuum hose to wash with.

13. Peter and Frank play football at their local football hall/pitch every day.

14. Jenny would like a house with a crowded/ spacious study where she can put her big desk and her two big bookcases.

15. Ian isn’t a very sociable/silly person, as he’s not very comfortable with meeting new people.

16. Deforestation and the effects of tourism on natural habitats are two of the reasons why many plant and animal species are in danger of becoming extinct/ destroyed.

17. The astronauts who work on the International Space Station make/do a lot of experiments

18. Objects in space float because of the lack/zero of gravity.

III. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets

19. George has offered ………….. (take) the dog for a walk while I’m busy with the chores.

20. They are tired of ……… (live) in the dirty, noisy city, so they’ve decided to move to the countryside.

21.Sam avoids ………… (shop) at the corner shop because it’s a bit expensive.

22. I don’t remember ….. (turn) off the lights upstairs. Can you please check?

23. Mark’s parents never let him …………… (stay) out late on weeknights.

24. Why don’t we leave a bit later tomorrow? I can’t stand ……. (wake) up early!

25. Do you mind …. (get) off the phone? I need to make a call.

26. You must …. (tidy) up your own room. I’m not your slave, you know!

27. Danny wants ……… (become) an astronaut when he grows up.

28. Sarah made her sister … (promise) never to take her things again.

29 .John has been working all morning, but he’s stopped ……….(have) some lunch.

IV. Use too or enough and the words in brackets to complete the sentences.

30. Tom is …. (forgetful) to remember that he has an appointment with the dentist; you’d better remind him.

31. Our living room isn’t … (big) for this sofa; we need to get a smaller one.

32. Christine is …….(busy) to babysit for Timmy tonight; she has a lot of homework for tomorrow.

33. Did you get ….. (sleep) last night? You seem tired

34. James doesn’t like the cottage his parents want to rent for the summer because he doesn’t find it ……. (modern).

35. One thing that I don’t like about this area is that it’s ……. (noisy).

36. The park is ……. (close) to walk to from here.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English with the phrasal verb “make”.

Что вы думаете об этом новом фильме?

Том купил маме цветы чтобы извиниться (компенсировать)за свое плохое поведение в школе.

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