The worth of wealth краткое содержание

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Humans are generally good at noticing beautiful things. Humans are also generally good at building beautiful things. A Wonder of the World is a landmark 1 or a natural phenomenon that is significant 2 enough to be noticed by any person around the world. Many different lists of the Wonders of the World were made over the course of history, so let’s have a look at some!

The first of such lists was made by a Greek historian Herodotus. Only three places were mentioned in it. Eventually the list was expanded up to seven Wonders. Probably everyone can name at least some of those monuments: the Great Pyramid of Giza; the Hanging Gardens of Babylon; the Lighthouse of Alexandria; the Colossus of Rhodes; the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus; the Temple of Artemis; the Statue of Zeus at Olympia. The curious thing about these Wonders is that almost all of them represent 3 the Greek culture. Another thing to note is that the ancient Greeks haven’t actually used the term ‘wonder’, but instead it was a list ‘of things to see’, making such lists essentially 4 just a travel guide. Almost all of these Wonders were destroyed one way or another, and today only the Great Pyramid of Giza, also known as the Pyramid of Cheops or the Pyramid of Khufu, still stands.

This wasn’t the only list of supposed Wonders though. Later on, many attempts were made (with a little to no consensus) to either make a new list or add more Wonders to the existing one. The most remarkable candidates were Colosseum of Rome, Hagia Sophia of Istanbul, Taj Mahal and the Great Wall of China.

Another peculiar 5 attempt was made in 1994. The American Society of Civil Engineers made a list of Seven Wonders of Modern World, focusing mainly on an engineering scope of selected projects. Among other projects, this list features Panama Canal, Channel Tunnel and CN Tower of Toronto, which was the tallest structure in the world up to 2007.

There is also a list of Natural Wonders of the World. It included the Great Barrier Reef, Mount Everest, the Grand Canyon of Arizona and, curiously enough, aurorae 6 , making it the first list of its kind to include a phenomenon instead of a place.

But what about the world beyond Earth? Surely, it must have its wonders too! And indeed, in 1999, an attempt was made to list Seven Wonders of the Solar System. Amongst those were the rings of Saturn, the asteroid belt and the Great Red Spot of Jupiter.

Ultimately, the world is too big of a place to make an exhaustive list of all landmarks worth visiting. But those that didn’t make into any prominent list are still protected and treasured by their neighbours. The organization that manages the lists of such landmarks and attends 7 to any legal matters regarding them is called UNESCO.

Чудеса света

Люди достаточно хорошо замечают красивые вещи. Люди также достаточно хорошо красивые вещи строят. Чудом Света называется некоторая достопримечательность или явление, достаточно заметное, чтобы обратить на себя внимание любого человека во всём мире. Много различных списков с Чудесами Света было сделано в ходе истории – давайте взглянем на некоторые!

Это был не единственный список так называемых чудес. В дальнейшем было сделано множество попыток (в которых было мало консенсуса) создать новый лист или добавить что-то еще в уже существующий. Наиболее заметные кандидаты – римский Колизей, мечеть Айя-София в Стамбуле, Тадж Махал и Великая китайская стена.

Ещё одна любопытная попытка была сделана в 1994 году. Американское общество инженеров-строителей составило список семи чудес современного мира с фокусом на инженерных достижениях. Среди прочих проектов, в листе был также Панамский канал, Евротоннель и Си-Эн Тауэр в Торонто, бывший самым высоким сооружением в мире вплоть до 2007 года.

Есть также список чудес природного мира. В него вошли Большой Барьерный риф, гора Эверест, Гранд-Каньон Аризоны и, что интересно, полярные сияния, что делает этот список первым в своём роде, включающим не только места, но и явления.

А что насчёт мира за пределами Земли? Ведь там тоже должны быть чудеса! И действительно, в 1999 году была сделана попытка составить список Семи чудес Солнечной системы. Среди них были кольца Сатурна, пояс астероидов и Большое Красное Пятно Юпитера.

В конечном итоге мир слишком большой, чтобы составить исчерпывающий список всех достопримечательностей, которые стоит посетить. Но те, что не попали в какие-то знаменитые списки, также охраняются и ценятся своими соседями. Организация, занимающаяся оформлением подобных списков и касающимися их юридическими вопросами называется ЮНЕСКО.


  1. 1 landmark – достопримечательность;
  2. 2 significant – значительный;
  3. 3 represent – представлять, быть примером (кого-либо/чего-либо);
  4. 4 essentially – по сути;
  5. 5 peculiar – необычный, своеобразный;
  6. 6 aurorae (множ.) – полярные сияния;
  7. 7 attends (контекст.) – поддерживать что-либо в порядке, обслуживать.

Окончание -ae в слове aurorae – ещё один позаимствованных латинизм, стандартное окончание множественного числа существительных первого склонения в латыни.

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Once upon a time, there lived a generous and kind-hearted king. Yet, people weren’t happy with their king, because, the king was lazy. He spent days and weeks and months in his bed either eating something or sleeping.

One day he realized that he couldn’t even move his body. He became very fat.

He invited doctors from various parts of his country and offered them generous rewards to make him fit. Unfortunately, none could help the king.

One fine morning, a holy man, (Rishi) visited the land of the king. He heard about the ill-health of the king and told his minister to meet him at his place. When the minister met him, he informed the minister that he could easily cure the king.

The holy man lived far from the palace. Since he could not move his body, the fatty king asked the minister to bring the holy man to palace, but the holy man refused and askedthe king to meet him.

The king met the holy man. He asked the king to come for treatment every day. Also the holy man told the king that he would treat the king only if he came on foot to his place.

The king came to the holy man’s place. But the holy man was busy and asked the king to come next day.

This was repeated for two weeks and the king never met the holy man, never had any treatment. Suddenly, the king realized that he felt a lot lighter, he lost considerable amount of weight and felt more active than before. He realized the reason why the holy man asked him to reach his place by walking.

King had a lot of wealth, but no amount of wealth made him healthy.

generous- великодушный

wealth - богатство

reward - награда

fit - в хорошей форме

unfortunately - к сожалению

cure - лечить

refuse - отказывать

treatment - лечение

realize - осознавать

holy - святой

considerable - значительный

I. Who in the story.

  1. . was lazy?
  2. . visited the region of the King?
  3. . couldn’t help the King?
  4. . went on foot to the holy man’s place?
  5. . had a lot of wealth?

II. Find English equivalents in the text.

III. Match the beginning and the end of the sentences.

One fine morning, a holy man, (Rishi)


never met the holy man, never had any treatment.


People weren’t hap­py with their king,


visited the land of the King.

The holy man told the king that he would treat the king


because, the king was lazy.


This was repeated for two weeks and the king


and felt more active than before.


Suddenly, the king realized that he felt a lot lighter, he lost considerable amount of weight


only if he comes on foot to his place.

IV. Say if the sentences are true or false.

1.Once upon a time, there lived a naughty king.

2. He spent days and weeks and months in his bed either reading something or watching TV.

3. One fine morning, a holy man, (Rishi) visited the land of the King.

4. Rishi asked the king to come for treatment once a week.

5. The king didn’t realize the reason why Rishi asked him to reach his place by walking.

V. Can we buy good health? How do you understand “Health is wealth”?

So a couple of trillion dollars' worth of wealth has been wiped off the books around the world.

Arguably it is, inasmuch as Britain already has a long-established principle of taxing unearned capital gains, and inasmuch as Britain is home to a fair number of people sitting on a million quid's worth of wealth simply because they were adults in, say, 1965, and bought a house for, say, £15,000.

The MyDoom virus destroyed $4 billion worth of wealth in January of this year, says Ichizo Nakai, a senior manager at McAfee.

"These are highly skilled people who have taken back billions of dollars worth of wealth and the knowledge of western markets with them," he said.

Even founders owning common stock eventually realize that the billions of dollars' worth of wealth , they had purportedly created, was only on paper.

The American majority has lost 75 years' worth of wealth .

Instead of simply focusing on building six, seven or eleven figures worth of wealth , change your focus to making things and crafting solutions instead.

English sentences from reliable contexts

Ludwig finds examples from newspapers, reliable and well written scientific journals, official documents and more!

This means that both farm and non-farm sources of wealth should be considered in constructing estimates of household net worth.

Это означает, что при оценке чистого богатства домашних хозяйств следует учитывать как фермерские, так и не связанные с фермерскими источники богатства.

Challenges in determining an annuity value of wealth include decisions with regard to life expectancy, rate of interest, and the measure of net worth to use.

При определении размера богатства в виде годовой ренты возникают проблемы, которые включают принятие решений в отношении продолжительности деятельности хозяйства, процентной ставки и используемого показателя чистых активов.

Already, $2.2 trillion of wealth has been wiped out, and about eight million households have negative equity: their homes' are worth less than their mortgages.

Уже уничтожен достаток в $2,2 триллиона, и у около восьми миллионов семей отрицательный капитал: их дома стоят меньше, чем их ипотечные кредиты.

Net worth measures for farm households must take into account both farm and non-farm sources of wealth while recognizing that farm wealth may not be entirely owned by farm households.

При измерении чистой материальной стоимости фермерских домашних хозяйств следует учитывать источники богатства как связанные, так и не связанные с сельскохозяйственной деятельностью, признавая при этом, что богатства фермы могут не полностью принадлежать фермерскому домохозяйству.

A year's worth of experimenting at Saga Furs Design Centre gave visitors a wealth of inspiration from new craft techniques as well as new spins on traditional craft methods.

Целый год экспериментов в дизайн-центре Saga Furs, и вот посетители получают источник вдохновения в виде новых технологий работы с пушниной и нового взгляда на традиционные методы.

The self-made Cramer depicted Chiles as coming from a "silver spoon" background with a then net worth of $300,000, but the media ignored questions about the candidates' personal wealth.

If you are unwise, you can bestow a devoted life upon your generation without material reward; if you are an accidental beneficiary of the flow of wealth, you may roll in luxury even though you have done nothing worth while for your fellow men.

Если вы лишены мудрости, вы можете посвятить своему поколению преданную жизнь и остаться без материального вознаграждения; если же вы случайно получили доступ к потокам богатства, вы можете купаться в роскоши, не принося никакой пользы своим собратьям.


Read,went, told,spoke,did,got,won. 2.did you write, did i buy, did stuart see,went, didn't cook,had, did you go?


Работа в группах. сбор информации из интернета для подготовки похожие веб-страницу для людей, которые хотят посетить вашу страну/ регион. написать несколько слов о погоде . тогда рекомендуем одежду для каждого сезона.

Другие вопросы по Английскому языку


Переведите текст на . "я люблю глянцевые журналы такие как glamour, cosmopolitan и другие. так же мне нравятся местные газеты "из рук в руки", "всякая всячина" и др. я расскажу про газету всякая всячина. это районная газета. в ней есть
много интересных фактов, юмористических статей. от сюда я узнаю о последних событиях недели. так же имеется теле программа на будущую неделю. люди много объявлений и рекламы в эту газету. мне нравится газета всякая всячина
потому что я могу узнать о последних событиях. это полезная, интересная, достоверная газета. я часто читаю её." народ, ! нужно на завтра.


Дайте название тексту и объяснение : - all is well that ends well. -why cats wash aftert dinner. -the clever birg.


Уменя экзамен пож-та complete the story with the past continuons or simple past form of the verbs in parentheses on february 26.1993 a ) in new york city's world trade center. at the time,55,000 people )in the twin towers, and thousands of thers )the 110-storey-world-famous tourist attraction. the explosion ,which place) a little after )six people and )more than a
thousand others. it ) all day and half the night to get everyone out of the building. when the bomb (explode),the lights out),the elevators ),and fires ).many people were in the wrong place at the wrong time . four co-)lunch in their offices when the explosion ) the twin towers. when the (occur) the building's walls )and the ceilings ).rescue workers )within fifteen minutes and )the
workers dead .one man )in the garage beneath the world trade center when the (go off).) a heart attack while rescue workers (carry)him to the ambulance. sixty schoolchildren were luckier . they )the huge elevators when the lights out ) and the elevators ).the children and their (have to) stand in the hot dark space as they waited for help. six hours later ,when the )the ground floor
,the school bus driver )for them. he ) the children home to their worried families . how did the children feel while all this (happen)? "we were scared," they answered. this is one class trip they will never forget


ответить на вопросы анкеты спортивного клуба: 1 what is your name? 2 do you run in the park? 3 are you brave? 4 can yoy swim? 5 do you play tennis? 6 are you strong? 7 can you ski and skate? 8 do you ride a bike?


Как называется по близкая семья, т. е состоящая из меня, матери, отца и семья, состоящая из остальных родственников.

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