The railway children краткое содержание на английском

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Конспект урока

Английский язык, 10 класс

Урок №10. The railway children

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Перечень вопросов, рассматриваемых в теме:

“The railway children” is the most famous novel of a British writer Edith Nesbit, who was born in 1858 in Surrey.

Глоссарий по теме

Today we are not going to read this story, instead we are going to read an extract from another story with the same name.

Ordinary - обычный
Suburban - пригородный
Brick - кирпич
Villa - вилла
Tile - плитка
Passage - проход
Bell - звонок
French windows - двустворчатые окно до пола
Paint - краска
Convenience - удобство
Estate agent - агент по недвижимости
Engineer - инженер
Grow up - расти
Adult - взрослый
Dull - скучный
Pay calls - наносить визиты
Aloud - вслух
Occasion - случай
Get over - преодолевать
Mumps - свинка
Nursery - детская
Heaps - кучи
Wallpaper - обои
Merry - веселый
Cross - резкий , грубый
Unjust - несправедливый
To be over and done with - полностью законченный
Dreadful - ужасный , страшный
Model - модель
Engine - двигатель
Charm - очарование
Last - длиться
Inexperience - неопытность
Intention - намерение
Go off - взорваться
Bang - треск , грохот
To be frightened - быть напуганным
To be broken to bits - быть разбитым на кусочки
Turn out - оказываться
Darken one's lot - омрачать чью - то долю

Основная и дополнительная литература по теме

Афанасьева О.В., Дули Д., Михеева И.В., Оби Б., Эванс В. Английский язык 10 класс: Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений. 10 класс . – М .: Просвещение , 2017. с . 34-35, WL-6-7

Теоретический материал для самостоятельного изучения

“The railway children” is the most famous novel of a British writer Edith Nesbit, who was born in 1858 in Surrey.

Today we are not going to read this story, instead we are going to read an extract from another story with the same name.

“The railway children” is the most famous novel of a British writer Edith Nesbit, who was born in 1858 in Surrey.
Today we are not going to read this story, instead we are going to read an extract from another story with the same name.

They were the usual children except for the fact, that they were homeless. They ran away from the orphanage in the suburbs of London. The oldest of them, Mark, was almost 15. He still remembered the time when it was better in the orphanage, but everything has changed since then.
The second one was a girl whose name was Linda. She was 13 years old. She was bullied at the orphanage, that is why she decided to run away.
The youngest boy was 11 his name was Sam. He has never been to an orphanage, neither he has ever had a real home with a real mother and father waiting for him to come back from school with a bowl of hot soup.
The place they were used to call home was a little shed, located right next to the railway station. If any estate agent had ever seen it, he would have been terrified. This place didn't have any French windows or wide passages, there was no sitting room where ladies sit when they pay calls. Instead, there were broken windows with almost no glass, brick walls and a few tiles on the floor of the single room of the so-called home.
-Mark - Linda came in with a wide smile on her pretty pale face - I have got a present for you.
- Really? - Mark replied looking at the brick wall which ones had green wallpaper on it.
- Really! - The girl started smiling even wider.
- What's that?
- It's a casket. I braided it myself.
- Thank you - Mark smiled.

The Railway Children.
Chapter 1: The Beginning of Things
They were not railway children to begin with. I don't suppose they had ever thought about railways except as a means of getting to the pantomime, Zoological Gardens and Madame Tussauds. They were just ordinary suburban children, and they lived with their father and mother in an ordinary red-brick-fronted villa, with coloured glass in the front door, a tiled passage that was called a hall, a bathroom with hot and cold water, electric bells, French windows, a good deal of white paint, and 'every modern convenience', as the estate agents say. There were three of them. Roberta was the eldest. Of course, mothers never have favourites, but if their mother had had a favourite, it might have been Roberta. Next came Peter, who wished to be an engineer when he grew up; and the youngest was Phyllis, who meant extremely well. Mother did not spend all her time paying dull calls to dull ladies, and sitting dully at home waiting for dull ladies to pay calls to her. She was almost always there, ready to play with the children, and read to them, and help them to do their home lessons. Besides this, she used to write stories for them while they were at school, and read them aloud after tea, and she always made up funny pieces of poetry for their birthdays and for other great occasions, such as the refurnishing of the doll's house, or the time when they were getting over the mumps.

These three lucky children always had everything they needed: pretty clothes, a lovely nursery with heaps of toys and a Mother Goose1 wallpaper. They had a kind and merry nursemaid2, and a dog who was called James, and who was their very own. They also had a father who was just perfect - never cross, never unjust, and always ready for a game - at least, if at any time he was not ready, he always had an excellent reason for it, and explained the reason to the children so interestingly and funnily that they felt sure he had to do it.

You will think that they ought to have been very happy. And so they were, but they did not know how happy till the pretty life in the Red Villa was over and done with, and they had to live a very different life indeed.

The dreadful change came quite suddenly. Peter had a birthday - his tenth. Among his presents was a model engine more perfect than you could ever have dreamed of. The other presents were full of charm, but the engine was fuller of charm than any of the others were.

Its charm lasted in its full perfection for exactly three days. Then, owing either to Peter's inexperience or Phyllis's good intentions, or to some other cause, the engine suddenly went off with a bang. James was so frightened that he went out and did not come back all day. All the Noah's Ark3 people who were in the tender4 were broken to bits, but nothing else was hurt except the poor little engine and the feelings of Peter. The others said he cried over it - but of course boys of ten do not cry, however terrible the tragedies may be which darken their lot. He said that his eyes were red because he had a cold. This turned out to be true, though Peter did not know it was when he said it, the next day he had to go to bed and stay there.

Отличный, мастерски написанный рассказ. Жаль, обрывается на самом интересном месте.

From the beginnig, they were just ordinary children, and they lived with their father and mother in an ordinary house with every modern convenience.
There were three of them: Roberta, Peter and the youngest Phyllis. Mother was almost always there, ready to play with the children, and read to them, and help them to do their home lessons. These three lucky children always had everything they needed.

They also had a father who was just perfect - never cross, never unjust, and always ready for a game

So, they were very happy. The dreadful change came quite suddenly. Peter had a birthday - his tenth. Among his presents was a model engine. Its charm lasted in its full perfection for exactly three days. Then the engine suddenly went off with a bang. James was so frightened that he went out and did not come back all day. Perhaps, he cried over it - but of course boys of ten do not cry. He said that his eyes were red because he had a cold. This turned out to be true, though Peter did not know it was when he said it, the next day he had to go to bed and stay there.

English 10 grade Afanaseva.jpg

Данный текст относится ко второму разделу учебника по английскому языку Spotlight (Module 2 - Living & Spending) для школьников 10 класса. К данному тексту прилагаются семь дополнительных заданий. Ниже приведён текст и его перевод. Правки, дополнительные вопросы по тексту и теме можно оставлять на странице обсуждения.


They were not railway children to begin with. I don’t suppose they had ever thought about railways except as a means of getting to the pantomime, Zoological Gardens and Madame Tussauds. They were just ordinary suburban children, and they lived with their father and mother in an ordinary red-brick-fronted villa, with coloured glass in the front door, a tiled passage that was called a hall, a bathroom with hot and cold water, electric bells, French windows, a good deal of white paint, and every modern convenience, as the estate agents say. There were three of them. Roberta was the eldest. Of course, mothers never have favourites, but if their mother had had a favourite, it might have been Roberta. Next came Peter, who wished to be an engineer when he grew up; and the youngest was Phyllis, who meant extremely well.

Mother did not spend all her time paving dull calls to dull ladies, and sitting dully at home waiting for dull ladies to pay calls to her. She was almost always there, ready to play with the children, and read to them, and help them to do their home lessons. Besides this, she used to write stories for them while they were at school, and read them aloud after tea, and she always made up funny pieces of poetry for their birthdays and for other great occasions, such as the refurnishing of the doll's house, or the time when they were getting over the mumps.

These three lucky children always had everything they needed: pretty clothes, a lovely nursery with heaps of toys and a Mother Goose wallpaper. They had a kind and merry nursemaid , and a dog who was called

James, and who was their very own. They also had a father who was just perfect - never cross, never unjust, and always ready for a game - at least, if at any time he was not ready, he always had an excellent reason for it, and explained the reason to the children so interestingly and funnily that they felt sure he had to do it.

You will think that they ought to have been very happy. And so they were, but they did not know how happy till the pretty life in the Red Villa was over and done with, and they had to live a very different life indeed.

The dreadful change came quite suddenly.

Peter had a birthday - his tenth. Among his presents was a model engine more perfect than you could ever have dreamed of. The other presents were full of charm, but the engine was fuller of charm than any of the others were.

Its charm lasted in its full perfection for exactly three days. Then, owing either to Peter's inexperience or Phyllis's good intentions, or to some other cause, the engine suddenly went off with a bang. James was so frightened that he went out and did not come back all day. All the Noah's Ark3 people who were in the tender4 were broken to bits, but nothing else was hurt except the poor little engine and the feelings of Peter. The others said he cried over it - but of course boys of ten do not cry, however terrible the tragedies may be which darken their lot. He said that his eyes were red because he had a cold. This turned out to be true, though Peter did not know it was when he said it, the next day he had to go to bed and stay there.

Их было трое. Роберта была старшей. Конечно, мама никогда не имела любимчиков, но если бы она имела любимчиков, то им бы была Роберта. Дальше следовал Питер, который мечтал быть инженером, когда он вырастет; и самой младшей была Филлис, которая была самой послушной. Мама не тратила всё своё время, ожидая скучных вызовов от скучных дам и тупо сидя дома в ожидании, когда кто-то из них позовёт её. Она была почти всегда дома, готовая поиграть с детьми и почитать им книги, и помочь им сделать их домашние уроки. Кроме того, она привыкла писать истории для них, пока они были в школе, и читать их вслух после чая, и она всегда составляла забавные стишки к дням рождения и по другим замечательным случаям, таким как обновление кукольного домика, или к тому времени, когда они выздоравливали после свинки.

Эти трое детей всегда имели всё, в чем они нуждались: красивую одежду, милую детскую с кучами игрушек и обои с Матушкой Гусыней. У них были добрые и веселые няни и пёс, которого звали Джеймс, и который был их собственный. У них также был отец, который был просто идеальным – никогда не сердился, никогда не был несправедливым, всегда был готов к игре – по крайней мере, если в какое-либо время он был не готов, он всегда имел отличную причину на это, и объяснял причину детям так интересно и смешно, что они чувствовали, что он обязан сделать это.

Вы подумаете, что они должны быть очень счастливы. Такими они и были, но они не знали, как счастливы, пока прелестная жизнь в Красной вилле не закончилась, и им пришлось жить другой жизнью в самом деле. Ужасная перемена произошла совершенно неожиданно.

У Питера был день рождения – ему исполнилось 10 лет. Среди его подарков была модель двигателя - более совершенная, чем вы могли когда-либо мечтать. Другие подарки были полны очарования, но двигатель был наиболее очаровательным, чем какой-либо другой из них.

Его обворожительность продолжалась в полном совершенстве ровно три дня. Тогда, либо ввиду неопытности Питера, либо из-за добрых намерений Филлис, или по какой-либо другой причине, двигать вдруг сломался со взрывом. Джеймс так перепугался, что убежал из дому и не возвращался до ночи. Все люди Ноева ковчега, которые были хрупкими, разломались на кусочки, но ничего больше не сломалось, кроме бедного маленького двигателя и чувств Питера. Другие сказали, что он плакал из-за этого – но, конечно же, мальчики десяти лет не плачут, однако могут быть ужасные трагедии, которые омрачают их. Он сказал, что его глаза были красными, потому что он простудился. Это оказалось правдой, хотя Питер не знал этого, когда говорил так, на следующий день он должен был лечь в постель и оставаться там.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Read the text. Choose A, B, C or D for questions 1-5.

1 – just saw the railway to go to the zoo.

2 – helping her children.

3 – played with them.

4 – injure Peter.

5 – he had caught a cold.

Let’s translate the words in bold. Ordinary suburban – обычный пригородный; tiled – выложенный плиткой; bells – звонок; French window – двустворчатое окно до пола; estate agent – агент по недвижимости; dull – скучный; refurnishing – переоборудование;

Let’s translate the words in bold.

Ordinary suburban – обычный пригородный;

tiled – выложенный плиткой;

French window – двустворчатое окно до пола;

estate agent – агент по недвижимости;

March the highlighted phrasal verbs with their meanings (exercise 4(b), p 35).

Give your copybook to your neighbor.

The mother is reliable and loving because she’s always there to help the children with homework and everything they need. She is creative and imaginative because she writes stories and poems for the children. She is also funny because she writes funny poems for them.

The father is fair because he is never unjust with the children. He is also funny and creative because he comes up with funny reasons why he doesn’t want to play a game

with the children. He is loving because he cares about their feelings and wants them always to be happy.

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