Some more glimpses of london краткое содержание

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

This was one of those mornings when the smoke and the Thames Valley mist decide to work a few miracles for their London, and especially for the oldest part of it, the City. The City, on these mornings, is an enchantment. There is a faint¬ly luminous haze, now silver, now old gold, over everything. The buildings have shape and solidity but no weight; they hang in the air, like palaces out of the Arabian Nights; _you could topple the dome off St. Paul’s with a forefinger, push back the Mansion House, send the Monument floating into space. On these mornings, the old churches cannot be counted; there are more of them than ever. There is no less traffic than usual; the scarlet stream of buses still flows through the ancient narrow streets; the pavements are still thronged with bank messengers, office boys, policemen, clerks, typists, commissionaires, directors, secretaries, crooks, busy-bodies, idlers; but on these mornings all the buses, taxicabs, vans, lorries and all the pedestrians lose something of their ordinary solidity; they move behind gauze; they retired in velvet; their voices are muted; their movement is in slow motion. Whatever is new and vulgar and foolish contrives to lose itself in the denser patches of mist. But all the glimpses of ancient loveliness are there, perfectly framed and lighted: round every corner somebody is whispering a line or two of Chaucer. And on these morn¬ings, the river is simply not true: there is ho geography, nothing but pure poetry, down there; the water has gone and shapes out of an adventurous dream drift by on a tide of gilded and silvered air. Such is the City on one of these mornings, a place in a Gothic fairy tale, a mirage, a vision.

Лондон – культурная столица Великобритании. Как много уже рассказано о ее достопримечательностях – церквях и дворцах, музеях и галереях, развлекательных центрах и магазинах! А мы расскажем о том, что вы можете увидеть под небом Лондона – улицах и площадях, парках, памятниках и мостах. Работа выполнена на английском языке, сопровождается иллюстрациями и презентацией в PowerPoint.

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Работа содержит три файла: 1). SOME MORE GLIMPSES OF LONDON. 2). SOME MORE GLIMPSES OF LONDON. Summary. 3). Презентация в Power Point. Знакомиться с файлами по-порядку

Going to the theatre is a way of spending an evening which can be at the same time most entertaining and educative. Despite competition from the cinema, wireless and television, the theatre still plays an important part in the life of the average Englishman. There are over 220 professional theatres in Britain.

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A glimpse of London theatres

Going to the theatre is a way of spending an evening which can be at the same time most entertaining and educative. Despite competition from the cinema, wireless and television, the theatre still plays an important part in the life of the average Englishman. There are over 220 professional theatres in Britain. The center of theatrical activity is in London where there are some 30 principal theatres in the “West End” and several more in the suburbs, but some important performances are taking place in the provinces. In London there are theatres for all tastes: some people prefer musical comedy and shows of that kind, with their catchy tunes are very popular. Variety shows, in which actors entertain the audience with sentimental and comic performances also draw full houses and greatly influence the artistic tastes of the public.

Those who do not care for musical comedy or variety will find other shows to their taste. Some theatres stage modern plays: Shakespeare and other classics are played mostly at Old Vic, the Royal Opera shows opera and ballet. The evening performances usually begin at 19.30 or at 20.00 and finish at about eleven. Seats are expensive and a night out at a theatre is quite a luxury for the average Englishman. Only a few theatres have their own permanent companies. Groups are formed for a season, sometimes even for a single play. Regular seasons of opera and ballet are given at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden and the National Theatre.

Some theatres concentrate on the classics and serious drama, some on light comedy and revue, some on musicals. Most theatres have a personality of their own: from the old such as the Theatre Royal in the Haymarket, to the very new such as the Mermaid Theatre in the city of London built on the banks of the Thames. A visitor to London is always surprised when he sees the Royal Opera House standing almost inside Covent Garden, the city’s great fruit, flower and vegetable market. Because of its location it is usually referred to simply as “Covent Garden” and if someone tells us that he is going to the Covent Garden we immediately think of the opera and not greengrocery. The first Covent Garden Theatre was built in 1732. It was more a theatre of drama than of opera. Yet many of Handel’s operas were performed here for the first time. The famous singers such as Adelina Patty, Tetrazziny and Caruso sang here many times. The great Russian Shaliapin also sang in Covent Garden. The composers Gounod and Berlioz came to see their operas performed. Now the theatre is busier than ever: it is one of the well-known opera houses open for eleven months in the year and it employs over 600 people both of the opera company and the Royal Ballet.

If we really like or dislike something we use emphatic and exclamatory sentences. Make the opinions sound more convincing and emphatic:

1 I like opera. (I do like opera)

2 My friend hates melodramas. (My friend does hate melodramas.)

3 I enjoyed the performance. (I did enjoy the performance.)

4 It was funny. (It WAS funny.)

5 It made me cry. (It did make me cry.)

6 It is extraordinary. (It IS extraordinary.)

7 I prefer staying at home. (I do prefer staying at home.)

8 Louis loves action films. Louis does love action films.)

9 I find it exciting. (I do find it exciting.)

10 We loved fairy tales when we were younger. (We did love fairy tales when we were younger.)

Express your opinion to these statements, using exclamatory sentences:

1 The play is very touching. (What a touching play!)

2 Craig Lucas is an outstanding playwright. (What an outstanding writer he is!)

3 It was a magnificent performance. (What a magnificent performance it was!)

4 You listened to a complicated opera. (What a complicated opera!)

5 The actors played excellently in the film. (How excellently the actors played!)

6 You liked the decorations which were so beautiful. (What beautiful decorations!)

7It is so true to life. (How true to life it is!)

8 The film had a mysterious plot. (What a mysterious plot!)

1 the part of the theatre where the audience sits (stalls);

2 a raised platform in a theatre where the actors appear (stage);

3 a place where hats and coats may be left (a cloak room);

4 a set of actors in a play (cast);

5 the main role (a leading part);

6 a trial performance of a play (first night);

7 a person who examines our tickets at the entrance of the theatre (an usher);

8 what expressions do we use if we want to say that we remember something very well? (it stands in memory quite vividly);

9 what does the sign “House Full” at the entrance of the theatre mean? (all tickets are sold out);

10 what expressions means that everybody liked the performance very much? (it had a successful run );

1 The lights went up and performance was over. (went down; began)

2 The play is boring, I think it will be a failure. (exciting; be a success)

3 As the performance was terrible all tickets were still in the box-office.

(magnificent; already sold out)

4 We’ve got fine seats quite close to the stage. (rotten; very far from)

The curtain went up and the performance began. (fell down; was over)

Match the words in 2 columns, what do these expressions mean?

to burst into beyond any words

to be warmly run

to attract quite vividly

to have a successful received by the public

to draw advance

it was magnificent seeing

to book tickets in capacity crowds

to stand in memory public’s attention

to be worth waste of time

to meet with applause

to be a sheer thinking

the film provokes a storm of applause

Find English equivalents for the following Russian ones: способ провести вечер; центр театральной деятельности; развлекать зрителей; занимательный и обучающий; театры на любой вкус; собирать полный зал (аншлаг); оказывают большое влияние; являются роскошью; собственный характер; инсценировать современные пьесы; сосредоточены на классических произведениях и драме; постоянный состав исполнителей.

4. Do you agree with the following statements?

1. Theatre’s role in entertainment and education of people is great.

2. London is called the center of theatrical activity.

3. It’s difficult to find performances for all tastes in London.

4. Seats are not very expensive and even an average Englishman can afford a night out at a theatre.

5. Theatres rarely have their own permanent companies.

6. It’s really surprising for tourists to see the Royal Opera House inside the city’s great fruit, flower and vegetable market.

7. The first Covent Garden Theatre was famous for its musical comedies.

8. Nowadays over 600 people are busy with the performance at the Royal Opera House.

1 What genres of films do you know? (science fiction, documentary, historical, detective, fantastic, horror, action films)

2 What is the centre of film industry in the USA? Where is it situated? (Hollywood, Los Angeles)

3What genres of performances do you know? (tragedy, drama, comedy, opera, operetta, musical, ballet)

4 What are the world-famous theatres of Russia? (the Bolshoi, the Mali, the Mayakovski, the Mariinski, the Moscow Art Academic Theatres)

5 When was the first film shot? What film was it? (in 1895,”Arrival of the train”)

6 Who is busy with the production of the film? (directors, producers, actors, workers,

7 What did the spreading of cinematography in Russia start with? (the demonstration of the Lumiere brothers’ film in May 1896 in St. Petersburg and in Moscow)

8 Who founded the first film studios in Russia? (Alexandr Khanzhonkov)

9 What were the most popular genres of Russian films? (historic films and screen versions of famous novels)

10 When was the first building of the Bolshoi Theatre built? Who was the architect of the

modern building of the theatre? (in 1776, O.Bovet)

11 What people are busy with the performance in the theatre? (actors, producers, directors, scriptwriters, makeup artists, costume designers, electricians…)

12 What are the main parts a theatre consists of? Where can the audience sit? (the stage and the hall; in the stalls (the pit), boxes, balcony, gallery, dress-circle)

13 Where can people buy tickets for a performance? (in the box-office)

14How do people express their emotions if they are greatly impressed by the performance? (they applaud, cry “ENCO”)

1). People live a very busy life nowadays, so they have little time to spare. 2). Still they try their best to make use of those rare hours of leisure. 3). Some people find it a pleasure to go to the theatre. 4). The theatre is one of the most ancient kinds of arts. 5). For centuries people have come to the theatre for different aims: to relax, to be amused and entertained, to have a good laugh, to enjoy the acting of their favourite actors and actresses.

6). Some people like drama, others are fond of musical comedy. 7). The subtlest theatre-lovers prefer ballet and opera. 8). In our country there are a lot of theatres: big and small, new and old, famous and not very well known. 9), The Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow is among the most famous theatres in the world. 10). Wonderful operas and ballets are staged in this theatre. 11). The names of Ulanova, Plisetskaya, Maximova, Vasiliev, Arkhipova, Sotkilava and others are known worldwide.

12). The other most popular Moscow theatres are the Maly Theatre, the Satire Theatre, the Vachtangov Theatre, the Variety Theatre and others. 13). Young spectators attend the Children's Musical Theatre and the Puppet Theatre more willingly. 14). All these and lots of other theatres present a great variety of shows. 15). That makes a spectator feel somewhat at a loss what theatre to choose. 16). In this case it may turn out useful to consult a billboard and find out what and where is on. 17). Sometimes you may face a difficulty of another kind: that is of getting tickets. 18). If you don't feel like standing in a queue for tickets at the box-office, you may book them beforehand.

19). Ticket prices vary according to the seats. 20). The better seats at the theatre are in the stalls and in the dress circle. 21). They are rather expensive seats. 22). Boxes, of course, are the best seats and the most expensive, too. 23). Those people, who are short of money, take seats in the gallery, in the balcony or in the upper balcony. 24). Tickets for afternoon performances are cheaper than those for evening performances.

1). Люди в наши дни живут очень занятой жизнью, поэтому у них мало свободного времени. 2). Всё же они стараются с пользой проводить редкие часы досуга. 3). Некоторые люди с удовольствием ходят в театр. 4). Театр - один из самых древних видов искусств. 5). Веками люди ходят в театр с разной целью: расслабиться, развлечься, посмеяться, насладиться игрой своих любимых актёров и актрис. 6). Кто-то любит драму, кто-то увлекается музыкальной комедией. 7). Самые утончённые театралы предпочитают балет и оперу. 8). В нашей стране много театров: больших и маленьких, новых и старых, знаменитых и не очень хорошо известных. 9). Большой Театр в Москве - среди наиболее знаменитых в мире. 10). Прекрасные оперы и балеты ставятся в этом театре. 11). Имена Улановой, Плисецкой, Максимовой, Васильева, Архиповой, Соткилавы и других известны во всём мире. 12). Другие наиболее популярные московские театры - Малый театр, Театр сатиры, Театр им. Вахтангова, Театр эстрады и другие. 13). Юные зрители посещают Детский музыкальный театр и Театр кукол. 14). Все эти и множество других театров дают много разных представлений. 15). Из-за этого зритель иногда бывает в растерянности, какой театр выбрать. 16). В этом случае может оказаться полезным просмотреть афишу и выяснить, что где идёт. 17). Иногда Вы можете столкнуться с трудностью иного рода - как достать билеты. 18). Если Вы не хотите стоять в очереди за билетами у театральной кассы, Вы можете заказать их заранее.19). Цены на билеты варьируются в зависимости от мест. 20). Лучшие места в театре - в партере и в бельэтаже. 21). Они довольно дороги. 22). Ложи, конечно, являются самыми лучшими местами, а также самыми дорогими. 23). Те, у кого не очень много денег, берут билеты на галёрку, на балкон или верхний балкон. 24). Билеты на дневное представление дешевле, чем на вечерние представления.

- Are you a frequent theatregoer?
- I can't say I am. But still I try not to miss an opportunity to see the plays that are spoken of and are worth seeing.
- When did you visit the theatre first?
- It was some years ago. My mother took me to a morning performance of the ballet "The Sleeping Beauty".
- What were your impressions?
- It was great! The acting, the costumes, the music of the ballet were superb! The performance was a great success with the public.
- Have you ever been to the Bolshoi Theatre?
- Unfortunately, I haven't. But my mother happened to be there. She listened to the opera "The Queen of Spades" there. I can't tell you what a treat it was for her.

- Вы часто ходите в театр?
- Я не могу так сказать. Но всё же я стараюсь не упустить возможность увидеть те спектакли, о которых говорят и которые стоит посмотреть.
- Когда Вы впервые пошли в театр?
- Это было несколько лет назад. Моя мама повела меня на утреннее представление балета "Спящая красавица".
- Каковы же были впечатления?
- Было здорово! Игра, костюмы, музыка балета - всё было великолепно. Представление имело большой успех у публики.
- Вы когда-нибудь были в Большом театре?
- К сожалению, нет. Но моей маме довелось побывать там. Она слушала оперу "Пиковая дама". Не могу Вам передать, какое это было для неё удовольствие.

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in any way? 4. Are there any political cartoons and amusement guides in our papers? 5. Are you used

to studying a newspaper thoroughly or just glancing at an article here and there?

XVI. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Докладчик говорил о будущем человечества. 2. Эта картина всегда привлекает

восетителей музея. 3. Надпись на памятнике озадачила туристов: никто из них не сталкивался

с древнеанглийским языком. 4. Мы удивились, когда узнали, что в Гайд-парке у Марбл-Арч

любой человек может высказывать свои суждения по любому поводу, часто там можно

услышать много чепухи. 5, Вот объявление, которое вам нужно, 6. Поверьте мне, этот

молодой человек достоин вашего уважения. 7. Теперь в Англии в обращении фунты и пенсы.

8. 1945 год — исторический год для всего человечества 9. Каждая английская газета имеет

определенный круг читателей. 10. В Лондоне, как и в любом столичном городе с большим

движением, бывают дорожные происшествия. П. С Воробьевых гор открывается удивительная

панорама Москвы. 12 Помещение обогревается горячей водой, циркулирующей по трубам. 13.

Сотни новых домов вырастают во всех городах нашей страны. 14 Богатая коллекция

произведений изобразительного и прикладного искусства привлекает посетителей этого

музея. 15. Экспонаты Исторического музея в Москве знакомят посетителей с развитием

цивилизации на территории России. 16. Предельная скорость в жилых районах Москвы 60

ХVII. a) Read the text. Retell it adding some more Information about Parliament

The first Westminster Palace was built by Edward the Confessor in about 1050 and was used

as a royal residence, then as the seat of Government and finally, after 1547, as the meeting place

for Parliament. The fire of 1834 destroyed most of the original buildings. The new building for

Parliament was designed by Sir Charles Barry in 1840. The general style is gothic.

There are two "Chambers" or "Houses" of Parliament — that of the Commons and that of

the Lords. The more important and powerful of these is the House of Commons, whose members

are elected by the public. The Prime Minister and most of the Government are Members of the

House of Commons. The House of Lords is made up of Lords who have inherited their titles and the

right to sit in the House, and "life peers" who are appointed by the Queen on the advice of the

Government of the day.

Half of the building of Parliament is used by the Commons and the other half by the Lords.

At the Westminster Bridge end is the residence of the Speaker, who presides over meetings of the

House of Commons and at the other end is the residence of the Lord Chancellor, who presides over

the House of Lords.

Parliament's most important function is the making of laws. Before a new law (or Bill)

can come into effect, it must pass through three stages in each House and be given the Queen's

approval. It then becomes an Act of Parliament.

A. London. Lnd., 1979)

b) Say what you know about the Russian Parliament, i. e. two chambers: the

Duma and the Council of Federation.

XVIII. Give the idea of the text in English:

После более чем десяти лет споров по поводу того, стоит ли допускать телевидение в

британский парламент, лорды, наконец, разрешили установить камеры в своей палате. Однако

палата общин отказывается принять такое же решение. Один из основных противников

телетрансляций заседаний парламента — премьер-министр М.Тэтчер. Она оправдывает свою

позицию тем, что подобные передачи потребуют слишком больших затрат. Но, как считает

упорного сопротивления Тэтчер кроется в нежелании делать достоянием гласности

критические выступления в адрес ее правительства. А как заявил во время недавних дебатов

лорд Уайтлоу, немалую проблему представляет и тот факт, что многие парламентарии на

заседаниях попросту спят. Появление на телеэкранах дремлющих законодателей отнюдь не

послужит росту их авторитета.

XIX. Read and comment on the following:


Remembrance Day is observed throughout Britain in commemoration of the million or more

British soldiers, sailors and airmen who lost their lives during the two World Wars. On that day

wreaths are laid at war memorials throughout the country and at London's Cenotaph (a war memorial

in Whitehall) where a igreat number of people gather to observe the two-minute silence and to

perform the annual Remembrance Day ceremony. The silence begins at the first stroke of Big Ben

booming 11 o'clock and is broken only by the crash of distant artillery. When the two-minute silence

is over, members of the Royal Family or their representatives and political leaders come forward to

lay wreaths at the foot of theXenotaph. Then comes the march past the memorial of ex-servicemen

and women, followed by an endless line of ordinary citizens who have come here with their personal

wreaths and their sad memories. On that day artificial poppies, a symbol of mourning, are

traditionally sold in the streets and people wear them in their button-holes.

(From Customs, Traditions and Festivals of Great Britain

by T. Khimunina, N. Konon, L. Walshe. M, 1974)

XX. a) Collect information on English traditions and customs.

b) Arrange a talk between Russian and English students on their national

traditions, customs and habits. (One of the students should conduct it: introduce the

participants to each other, make a short introductory speech on the subject, ask

questions, etc. to keep the talk running on, sum up the discussion.)


1. listen to the text "Introducing London".

2. Respond to the following using the suggested models.

3. Complete the sentences using the given suggestions.

4. Translate the sentences into English, using the Essential Vocabulary of Unit Three. Check

your sentences with the key.

5. listen to some text and write it as a dictation, check the spelling with the key. Retell the

6. Listen to the text "The House of Commons" or some other text on the same topic. Retell

the text, add more Information on the topic.



London is one of the biggest and most interesting cities in the world.

Traditionally it is divided into the West End and the East End. The West End is famous for its

beautiful avenues lined with plane trees, big stores, rich mansions, expensive restaurants, hotels,

theatres and night clubs. The East End used to be a poor area filled with warehouses, factories, slums

and miserable houses. Quite a lot of people lived from hand to mouth here. For the recent years this

area including Dockland has turned into a new housing development.

The heart of London is the City — its commercial and business centre. Here is situated the

Tower of London that comes first among the historic buildings of the city. If you want to get some

glimpses of London it's just from here that you had better start sightseeing.

The Tower of London was founded by Julius Caesar and in 1066 rebuilt by William the

Conqueror. It was used as a fortress, a royal residence and a prison. Now it is a museum of armour

and also the place where the Crown Jewels are kept. In present days, just as many centuries ago, the

Ceremony of the Keys takes place at its gates. Every night when the guard is changed at each gate

there is the cry: "Haiti Who goes there?" Then the guard replies: "The Keys." "Whose Keys?"

"Queen Elizabeth's Keys!" "Pass, Queen Elizabeth's Keys! All's well." And so the Tower of London

is safely closed for the night.

A twenty minutes' walk from the Tower will take you to another historic building — St.

Paul's Cathedral, the greatest of English churches. It was built by a famous English architect, Sir

Christopher Wren (1632-1723). St. Paul's Cathedral with its huge dome and rows of columns is

considered to be a fine specimen of Renaissance architecture. In one of its towers hangs one of the

largest bells in the world, Great Paul, weighing about 17.5 tons. Wellington,29 Nelson30 and other

great men of England are buried in the Cathedral.

Not far away, in Westminster, where most of the Government buildings are situated, is

Westminster Abbey. Many English sovereigns, outstanding statesmen, painters and poets (Newton,

Darwin, and Tennyson among them) are buried here.

Across the road from Westminster Abbey is Westminster Palace, the seat of the British

Parliament. Its two graceful towers stand high above the city. The higher of the two contains the

largest clock in the country and the famous bell Big Ben that strikes every quarter of the hour.

If now we walk along Whitehall, we shall soon come to Trafalgar Square. It was so named in

memory of the victory in the battle of Trafalgar, where on October 21, 1805 the English fleet under

Nelson's command defeated the combined fleet of France and Spain. The victory was won at the cost

of Nelson's life. In the middle of Trafalgar Square stands Nelson's monument — a tall column with

the figure of Nelson at its top. The column is guarded by four bronze lions.

The fine building facing the square is the National Gallery

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