Рассказ про однополые школы на английском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Should boys and girls attend separate schools? This question is very arguable. Before rendering my opinion, let"s consider the advantages for boys and girls to attend separate schools. Since boys and girls are different in many ways, they have different hobbies and the ways to learn new things. If they attend separate schools, the education can be more efficient because the school can teach them differently according to their personalities. But the disadvantages are greater. While boys and girls attend separate schools, there are few chances for them to communicate with opposite sexes, which will become a handicap for them to communicate with each other in their future.

As far as I concerned, boys and girls should not attend separate schools. The first and foremost reason is that people should have experience with the opposite sex when they are at school, because the society consists of both male and female members, and people have to learn how to communicate with the opposite sex.

Moreover, people have to learn from the opposite sex. For example, while females should learn braveness from males, males should learn carefulness from females. In addition, in a family, to learn from the opposite sex becomes more important to keep the family harmonious. In addition, the knowledge of the opposite sex is also important. Without such knowledge, dealing with the opposite sex in a relationship becomes extremely difficult.

Finally, as we can see, it is definitely important for boys and girls to attend schools together, so that they can learn from each other, communicate with each other and they can understand each other well, which is very valuable for their future.

It has been widely discussed in recent years whether separate education between boys and girls is the best way of studying. Some people claim that the mixture of genders affects in a bad way on quality of educational process while others are sure that co-education is more effective.

In my opinion, pupils should study together. There are several reasons why i think so. First of all, it teaches them to work in a team, which can help them to solve complicated problems in their future adult life. Secondly, cooperative education may help students to develop their communicative skills with both girls and boys, which potentially may be used in the university or while looking for an occupation.

On the other hand, it is thought by some people that children with different genders should study in separate schools.

They are sure that it makes teenagers more disciplined so they can not be distracted by relationships with another adolescents. What is more, students feel more comfortable since they are able to share their secrets, they can be themselves.

Personally, i disagree with the opinion mentioned above. I still believe that behavior and discipline depend on characteristics of the people which is not based on particular gender. Furthermore, students can find like-minded person both among boys and girls depending on their hobbies and interests.

In conclusion, i am convinced that pupils must study together because cooperative educational process can help them to socialize, improve their skills of working in a team and find some real friends with similar interests.

В последние годы широко обсуждается тема раздельного обучения мальчиков и девочек. Некоторые люди говорят, что смешение полов негативно сказывается на качестве образовательного процесса, когда другие уверены в том, что совместное обучение более эффективное.

По моему мнению, ученики должны учиться вместе. Есть несколько причин, почему я так думаю. Прежде всего, это учит их работать в команде, что может помочь им решать сложные задачи в будущей взрослой жизни. Во-вторых, совместное обучение может помочь ученикам развить навыки общения как с мальчиками, так и с девочками, что потенциально может быть использовано в университете или во время поиска профессии.

С другой стороны, считается, что детям разного пола следовало бы учиться в раздельных школах. Люди уверены, что это сделает подростков более дисциплинированными, потому они не будут отвлекаться на отношения с другими молодыми людьми. Более того, ученики чувствуют себя более комфортно, потому что они могут поделиться своими секретами, быть собой.

Что касается меня, я не согласна с мнением, приведенным выше. Я уверена, что поведение и дисциплина зависят от характера человека, что не основывается на определенном поле. Более того, ученики могут найти человека со схожими интересами как среди мальчиков, так и среди девочек.

В заключение, я уверена, что ученики должны учиться вместе, потому что совместный процесс обучения может помочь им познакомиться с новыми людьми, улучшить навыки совместной работы т найти несколько настоящих друзей с общими интересами.

K1- 0 баллов. Поэтому задание целиком оценивается в 0 баллов.

3 нераскрытых аспекта и 1 не полностью раскрытый аспект.

It has been widely discussed in recent years whether separate education between boys and girls is the best way of studying. Some people claim that the mixture of genders affects in a bad way on quality of educational process while others are sure that co-education is more effective.

Аспект не раскрыт, тема мальчикам и девочкам следует учиться раздельно в разных школах. Автор рассуждает о том что совместное образование плохо отражается на образовательном процессе и что совместное образование эффективнее.

In my opinion, pupils should study together. There are several reasons why i think so. First of all, it teaches them to work in a team, which can help them to solve complicated problems in their future adult life. Secondly, cooperative education may help students to develop their communicative skills with both girls and boys, which potentially may be used in the university or while looking for an occupation.

Аспект раскрыт не полностью. Первый аргумент не доказывает необходимость совместного обучения, работать и решать проблемы можно и в однополой команде. Второй аргумент не полностью раскрыт, стоит написать поконкретнее как эти навыки могут быть полезны.

On the other hand, it is thought by some people that children with different genders should study in separate schools. They are sure that it makes teenagers more disciplined so they can not be distracted by relationships with another adolescents. What is more, students feel more comfortable since they are able to share their secrets, they can be themselves.

Аспект раскрыт не полностью. Не понятно на какие отношения с другими подростками не могут отвлекаться учащиеся при раздельном образовании. Так же не понятно что мешает делиться секретами при совместном образовании.

Personally, i disagree with the opinion mentioned above. I still believe that behavior and discipline depend on characteristics of the people which is not based on particular gender. Furthermore, students can find like-minded person both among boys and girls depending on their hobbies and interests.

Аспект раскрыт не полностью. Нет опровержения второго контраргумента.

In conclusion, i am convinced that pupils must study together because cooperative educational process can help them to socialize, improve their skills of working in a team and find some real friends with similar interests.

Аспект засчитан частично. В целом вывод может быть принят, но автору стоит обратить внимание на слово pupils, оно сужает тему до начальной школы, в то время как boys and girls может относиться ко школьникам всех возрастов.

В тексте есть лексические ошибки негативно влияющие на логику и затрудняющие понимание. Создается впечатление, что автор переводил с русского языка.

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I believe that the separate education of boys and girls is unacceptable. Separate education is necessary where pupils live in their schools. A vivid example of the separate education of boys and girls are church schools. Church schools require separate education for boys and girls, since these schools need extreme attention when studying texts. In ordinary schools, the separate education of boys and girls will become boring, which will reduce the children's interest. I guess that in the future there is no need for separate education of boys and girls. Only if there are children who want separate education of boys and girls, then they need to create such schools.

Separate education in the modern world.

Most parents are unhappy with the school system in Russia. Parents claim that girls suffer from boys' violent behavior. Therefore, some schools are experimenting with creating separate classes for boys and girls. At the same time, their lessons are held separately, and extracurricular activities and holidays together. That is, there is no complete separation, only for the period of lessons. The scale of the introduction of separate education is amazing - in 60 regions of Russia there are such "experimental" classes.

Positive aspects of separate education.
1. The brain in men and women is different. Girls have a more developed right hemisphere, so they perceive knowledge through emotions. Boys have left, so they need proof and experimentation.
2. Puberty is a complex process that works best in a homogeneous class. This avoids the ridicule of classmates and awkward moments, for example, in physical education classes.
3. Children in coeducation adopt similarities, girls become masculine, and boys become effeminate.
4. The romance of future sexual relationships is lost. Even at school, girls stop respecting boys (and vice versa) and carry these stereotypes into adulthood.

Negative aspects of split education.
1. Children differ not only by gender, but also by psychotype. Among the boys there are quiet people and bully, among the girls too. Will a calm boy feel comfortable in class? The child will feel just as uncomfortable, and perhaps even worse, as he becomes unusual, different, that is, an outcast.
2. Separate education implies a different set of subjects. But in our society there is no clear division of professions into male and female, so why artificially deprive children in schools?
3. The results of school education are more dependent on the personalities of the teachers around the children. A bad teacher will not give anything good to a child, either with joint or separate education.
4. In our society, the "institution of the family" has been lost. Parents have been excommunicated from their children for decades, earning money for food, so the school is becoming an important "institution of life." With joint education, children develop stereotypes of inter-sex relations at school; with separate education, this is almost impossible.

The family is the main educator. Do not place the responsibility for the children entirely on the school. The family must control the process of education and upbringing, be aware of and take measures in time - to do everything to ensure that the child is a physically, mentally and mentally complete personality.

Boys and girls should attend separate schools. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use specific reason and examples to support your answer.

Some people said that it would be better for students to attend separate schools. In my opinion, student should not attend separate schools for following reasons.

First and foremost, that boys and girls are studying in a school means that they can get an equal education. The girls even study what the boys study. They are in the same classroom, studying from the same books. If they are in separate schools, these may be different. By studying together, girls get the same education as boys. This helps them work toward having equality in society.

Furthermore, studying in the same school helps students understand each other. I still remember a very meaningful statement of Chinese famous educator Confucius. He said: “There is always someone to learn from”. “That means others can be our teachers in various occasions”. When boys and girls study in the same school, they may have the chance to become friends. They see each other as normal people. On the contrary, attending separate schools, students may be like a fish out of water. Boys and girls can lose their confidence when facing up to each other because they are studying in separate schools and rarely see each other.

Last but not least, by attending the same school, boys and girls learn to work together. Some people say that they should study separate because they have many different learning styles. I think it is better to study together. This gives them a precious opportunity for exchanging their learning styles. I believe that it will help them work more professionally in the future.

To sum up, that boys and girls study in the same school is really an effective and popular form of education. Once again, I totally support the idea that boys and girls should not attend separate schools.

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Nowadays, there are different opinions about single-gender and mixed education. Some people consider that single-sex schools are more appropriate, while others think that schools should not divide both boys and girls.

In my opinion, children should study in co-educational schools. To start with, pupils in mixed schools can develop team working skills with the opposite sex. The experience of co-working with the other gender is extremely important in the modern society, which may be instilled only in co-educational schools. In addition, mixed schools give an opportunity for more effective learning because genders are often competing between each other. Consequently, students are more driven to achieve better results through competition, whilst in single-gender schools there is no chance for the rivalry of boys and girls.

However, there is another opinion.

Some people think that in single-sex schools students learn more efficiently. Girls are not embarrassed with the opposite gender as well as boys, thus, they can develop quicker because children often make a better progress in a comfortable environment.

These people are right to some extent, but I still cannot agree with them. Schools should mirror the real world. Both girls and boys need to build their communicative skills, which would leads to a successful career and personal life. Single-sex schools do not provide opportunities for that.

In conclusion, despite the opposing opinion, I am convinced that education of boys and girls should not be separated, because pupils need to adapt to the social life in schools, which is possible only among the opposite sex.

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