Краткое содержание курочки рябы на английском

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Once grandfather and grandmother lived. And they had the hen Ryaba.

Ryaba: I am Rayba. And I give you an egg. It is not a simple egg, it is a gold egg.

Grandfather: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.

Grandmother: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.

The little mouse: I am the little mouse. I can wave the tail and break the egg. Look! (she does it). I am the strongest mouse.

Grandfather and grandmother are crying.

Ryaba: Don’t cry grandfather! Don’t cry grandmother! I will give a new egg.

Once grandfather and grandmother lived. And they had the hen Ryaba.

Ryaba: I am Rayba. And I give you an egg. It is not simple egg, it is gold egg.

Grandfather: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.

Grandmother: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.

The little mouse: I am the little mouse. I can wave the tail and break the egg. Look! (she does it). I am the strongest mouse.

Grandfather and grandmother are crying.

Ryaba: Don’t cry grandfather! Don’t cry grandmother! I will give a new egg.

Once grandfather and grandmother lived. And they had the hen Ryaba.

Ryaba: I am Rayba. And I give you an egg. It is not simple egg, it is gold egg.

Grandfather: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.

Grandmother: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.

The little mouse: I am the little mouse. I can wave the tail and break the egg. Look! (she does it). I am the strongest mouse.

Grandfather and grandmother are crying.

Ryaba: Don’t cry grandfather! Don’t cry grandmother! I will give a new egg.

Once grandfather and grandmother lived. And they had the hen Ryaba.

Ryaba: I am Rayba. And I give you an egg. It is not simple egg, it is gold egg.

Grandfather: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.

Grandmother: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.

The little mouse: I am the little mouse. I can wave the tail and break the egg. Look! (she does it). I am the strongest mouse.

Grandfather and grandmother are crying.

Ryaba: Don’t cry grandfather! Don’t cry grandmother! I will give a new egg.

Lived there was a grandfather and the woman. Also there was at them chicken Ряба. Somehow the chicken Egg, yes not simple, but gold Here has taken down. The grandfather beat, beat, has not broken. The woman beat, beat, has not broken. The mousy ran, Tail has waved, Egg has fallen and was broke. The grandfather cries, the woman, and a chicken them cries calms: " do not cry the grandfather, do not cry the woman, I shall take down to you one more Egg, yes not gold, and idle time. " The chicken Egg has taken down, the grandfather with the woman it have broken and have fried a fried eggs
Жили были дед и баба. И была у них курочка Ряба. Вот снесла как-то курочка яйцо, да не простое, а золотое. Дед бил, бил, не разбил. Баба била, била, не разбила. Мышка бежала, хвом махнула, яйцо упало и разбилось. Плачет дед, плачет баба, а курочка их успокаивает: "Не плачь дед, не плачь баба, я снесу вам еще одно яйцо, да не золотое, а простое. " Снесла курочка яйцо, дед с бабой его разбили и пожарили яичницу

Lived there was a grandfather and the woman. Also there was at them chicken Ряба. Somehow the chicken Egg, yes not simple, but gold Here has taken down. The grandfather beat, beat, has not broken. The woman beat, beat, has not broken. The mousy ran, Tail has waved, Egg has fallen and was broke. The grandfather cries, the woman, and a chicken them cries calms: " do not cry the grandfather, do not cry the woman, I shall take down to you one more Egg, yes not gold, and idle time. " The chicken Egg has taken down, the grandfather with the woman it have broken and have fried a fried eggs
Жили были дед и баба. И была у них курочка Ряба. Вот снесла как-то курочка яйцо, да не простое, а золотое. Дед бил, бил, не разбил. Баба била, била, не разбила. Мышка бежала, хвом махнула, яйцо упало и разбилось. Плачет дед, плачет баба, а курочка их успокаивает: "Не плачь дед, не плачь баба, я снесу вам еще одно яйцо, да не золотое, а простое. " Снесла курочка яйцо, дед с бабой его разбили и пожарили яичницу

Lived there was a grandfather and the woman. Also there was at them chicken Ряба. Somehow the chicken Egg, yes not simple, but gold Here has taken down. The grandfather beat, beat, has not broken. The woman beat, beat, has not broken. The mousy ran, Tail has waved, Egg has fallen and was broke. The grandfather cries, the woman, and a chicken them cries calms: " do not cry the grandfather, do not cry the woman, I shall take down to you one more Egg, yes not gold, and idle time. " The chicken Egg has taken down, the grandfather with the woman it have broken and have fried a fried eggs
Жили были дед и баба. И была у них курочка Ряба. Вот снесла как-то курочка яйцо, да не простое, а золотое. Дед бил, бил, не разбил. Баба била, била, не разбила. Мышка бежала, хвом махнула, яйцо упало и разбилось. Плачет дед, плачет баба, а курочка их успокаивает: "Не плачь дед, не плачь баба, я снесу вам еще одно яйцо, да не золотое, а простое. " Снесла курочка яйцо, дед с бабой его разбили и пожарили яичницу

This is a little kitten called Bonka. He has got a mother and a sister. His mother’s name is Elsa. She is a white cat. She is beautiful. Bonya loves his mother and his little sister. His sister’s name is Mary. They live in a small house made of bricks. Their house is near the river.
Bonya likes fishing. There are a lot of fish in the river. Elsa and Mary cook very tasty dishes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. Bonya can cook, too. The thing is that Bonya and Mary go to school. This is an unusual school. It’s a cookery school. When they go to school, they sing a lovely song.
We all go to a cookery school.
We all read cookery books.
We all look and learn how to cook.
The school is cool.
Bonya and Mary get up early in the morning; they wash their faces and get dressed. After that they comb their hair. Then they have breakfast and go to school.
There are twenty pupils in their class. They all wear uniforms at their school. There are ten desks in their classroom. They are very comfortable. Bonya and Mary sit at the desk, open their exercise-books and write with blue pencils and pens how to cook this or that dish.
Their Cookery teacher is their mother, remember? She is a strict teacher. Bonya and Mary study hard, they learn different recipes by heart. At home they do their homework, for example, they make pancakes at home and bring them to school to be tasted by their classmates. Bonya and Mary like their school. And do you like your school?
The End

Lived there was a grandfather and the woman. Also there was at them chicken Ряба. Somehow the chicken Egg, yes not simple, but gold Here has taken down. The grandfather beat, beat, has not broken. The woman beat, beat, has not broken. The mousy ran, Tail has waved, Egg has fallen and was broke. The grandfather cries, the woman, and a chicken them cries calms: " do not cry the grandfather, do not cry the woman, I shall take down to you one more Egg, yes not gold, and idle time. " The chicken Egg has taken down, the grandfather with the woman it have broken and have fried a fried eggs
Жили были дед и баба. И была у них курочка Ряба. Вот снесла как-то курочка яйцо, да не простое, а золотое. Дед бил, бил, не разбил. Баба била, била, не разбила. Мышка бежала, хвом махнула, яйцо упало и разбилось. Плачет дед, плачет баба, а курочка их успокаивает: "Не плачь дед, не плачь баба, я снесу вам еще одно яйцо, да не золотое, а простое. " Снесла курочка яйцо, дед с бабой его разбили и пожарили яичницу
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Lived there was a grandfather and the woman. Also there was at them chicken Ряба. Somehow the chicken Egg, yes not simple, but gold Here has taken down. The grandfather beat, beat, has not broken. The woman beat, beat, has not broken. The mousy ran, Tail has waved, Egg has fallen and was broke. The grandfather cries, the woman, and a chicken them cries calms: " do not cry the grandfather, do not cry the woman, I shall take down to you one more Egg, yes not gold, and idle time. " The chicken Egg has taken down, the grandfather with the woman it have broken and have fried a fried eggs
Жили были дед и баба. И была у них курочка Ряба. Вот снесла как-то курочка яйцо, да не простое, а золотое. Дед бил, бил, не разбил. Баба била, била, не разбила. Мышка бежала, хвом махнула, яйцо упало и разбилось. Плачет дед, плачет баба, а курочка их успокаивает: "Не плачь дед, не плачь баба, я снесу вам еще одно яйцо, да не золотое, а простое. " Снесла курочка яйцо, дед с бабой его разбили и пожарили яичницу
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Нам показалось интересным не только слушать сказки на языке авторов! )) Но и узнать, как бы звучал перевод какой-нибудь до боли знакомой из детства сказки )))
В видеозапись добавлены английские и русские субтитры. Наличие иллюстраций. Не оставит ни одного человека, который не понял бы сюжет ))

Riaba The Hen

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. They had a hen, Riaba by name.
One day the hen laid an egg. It was not an ordinary egg, but a golden one.
The old man hit it and hit it, but could not break it. The old woman hit it and hit it, but could not break it.
A mouse ran by, waved its tail and the egg fall to the floor. It was broken.
The old man cried, the old woman cried, and the hen cackled:
“Don’t cry the old man! Don’t cry the old woman! I will lay you a new egg, not a golden one, but an ordinary one!”

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Вечерний Владивосток / улица Адмирала Фокина

Вечерний Владивосток / улица Адмирала Фокина

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воскресенье, 31 мая 2020 г.

Русская народная сказка 'Курочка Ряба' (Russian folk tale 'Riaba The Hen')

Riaba The Hen (The Speckled Hen)

The old man hit it and hit it, but could not break it. The old woman hit it and hit it, but could not break it.

The old man cried, the old woman cried, and the hen cackled:
“Don’t cry the old man! Don’t cry the old woman! I will lay you a new egg, not a golden one, but an ordinary one!”

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