Краткое содержание холодное сердце на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Ответ от Ѝлен[гуру]
Когда древнее предсказание сбывается и королевство погружается в объятия вечной зимы, трое бесстрашных героев — принцесса Анна, отважный Кристофф и его верный олень Свен — отправляются в горы, чтобы найти сестру Анны, Эльзу, которая может снять со страны леденящее заклятие. По пути их ждет множество увлекательных сюрпризов и захватывающих приключений: встреча с мистическими троллями, знакомство с очаровательным снеговиком по имени Олаф, горные вершины покруче Эвереста и магия в каждой снежинке. Анне и Кристоффу предстоит сплотиться и противостоять могучей стихии, чтобы спасти королевство и тех, кто им дорог…
When the ancient prophecy comes true and the Kingdom is immersed in the embrace of eternal winter, three intrepid heroes, Princess Anne, brave Kristoff and his loyal reindeer Sven - go into the mountains to find his sister Anna, Elsa, which can be removed from the country ledenyaschie spell. Along the way they will find many exciting surprises and exciting adventures: meeting with mystical trolls, an acquaintance with a charming snowman named Olaf, mountain peaks abruptly Everest and magic in every snowflake. Anna and Kristoff have to unite and resist the mighty elements, in order to save the Kingdom and those who are dear to them.

Ответ от Алёна Соловьёва[эксперт]
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"brief retelling cartoon cold heart"
("Краткое Описание Мультфильма Холодное Сердце")

Ответ от Liza Syetina[новичек]
Elsa is the queen of Ehrendell. Since childhood, she has the gift of creating snow and ice. and from the inside Inside of her, a real storm of emotions rages - she has to live in fear and constantly suppress her magic gift. But one day she accidentally touches her younger sister Anna with magic and puts her in danger. Since then Elsa has been forced to hide from the outside world, keeping at a distance everyone who is dear to her, including her sister. At the ball after her coronation, Elsa, angered by the statement about the wedding of Anna and Hans, again fails to cope with her magical gift and immerses Ehrendell in the power of eternal winter. Fearing that she could do even more harm, the queen escapes from her castle and hides high in the mountains.

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Составте краткий пересказ мультфильма "Холодное сердце". Семь предложений на английском. Заранее спасибо!

Three fearless heroes - Princess Anne, brave Kristoff and his trusty reindeer Sven - go to the mountains to find sister Anna, Elsa. Only she can withdraw from the country's chilling spell. She has an extraordinary power which is no more no one. They encounter trolls and meet a snowman named Olaf. You need to save the Kingdom and those who are dear to them. They find Elsa, but she did not agree to return to the Kingdom. But still Anna and Kristoff get her to raskoldovat Korolevstvo.

Холодное сердце

I like to watch modern cartoons. The most successful of them are usually family ones. This means that both children and adults will enjoy spending a couple of hours watching the intriguing story in which the characters created using modern computer technology play. One example of such cartoons is “Frozen”. This animated film is an alloy of many genres, such as fantasy, musical, comedy, well, and a bit of drama.

What is this cartoon about? The main character, Princess Anna, sets off in search of an escaped older sister, Elsa, who, unable to cope with her magical gift of controlling the cold, brought eternal winter to her own kingdom. Thus, its inhabitants were doomed to constant frosts, an exhausting cold, without the slightest hope of warmth and sunlight.

Cheerful Anna is impulsive and inexperienced, in search of her second half, she meets Prince Hans, an attractive young man with good manners and, as she thinks, a kindred spirit. In addition, the prince assures Anna that he will love her forever. And she always lacked friendly participation, so on the first day of the meeting, Anna agrees to marry him. This spontaneous decision caused a quarrel between the sisters and the subsequent disaster that hit the kingdom. Feeling partly guilty and realizing that only Elsa can correct everything, Anna goes to the mountains where her sister is hiding.

What attracts me to this cartoon? Besides the fact that it’s just nice to watch, there are many laughable moments, usually associated with cute minor characters: a small, good-natured snowman Olaf who dreams of seeing the summer, and charming deer Sven, a faithful partner of Kristoff. Kristoff is a young man who helps Anna find her sister. In addition to all of the above, the duality of the characters holds attention. The pretty Hans turns out to be a hypocrite who wants to get a kingdom because he is not destined to become king at home, as he is the thirteenth son in the family. The uncouth Kristoff manifests himself as a true friend, always ready to help. And behind Elsa’s coldness lies a fear of harming others. In general, everything is as in life: not everything is gold that glitters.

If you have free time, and life has not turned you into an inveterate cynic, then watch this animated film and enjoy it.

О чем же этот мультфильм? Главная героиня принцесса Анна отправляется на поиски сбежавшей старшей сестры, Эльзы, которая, не справившись с волшебным даром: управлять холодом - навлекла вечную зиму на собственное королевство. Таким образом, его жители были обречены на постоянные морозы, изнурительную стужу, без малейшей надежды на тепло и солнечный свет.

Чем меня привлекает этот мультфильм? Помимо того, что его просто приятно смотреть, там есть много моментов, вызывающих смех, как правило, связанные с милыми второстепенными персонажами: маленьким добродушным снеговиком Олафом, мечтающим увидеть лето, и очаровательными оленем Свеном, верным напарником Кристоффа. Кристофф – это молодой человек, который помогает Анне в поисках сестры. Вдобавок ко всему перечисленному, внимание удерживает двойственность персонажей. Симпатичный Ханс оказывается на поверку лицемером, желающим заполучить королевство, т.к. дома стать королем ему не суждено, ведь он тринадцатый сын в семье. Неотесанный Кристофф проявляется себя верным другом, готовым всегда прийти на помощь. А за холодностью Эльзы скрывается страх причинить вред окружающим. В общем, все как в жизни: не все то золото, что блестит.

Если у вас есть свободное время, и жизнь не превратила вас в закоренелого циника, то посмотрите этот мультипликационный фильм и получите удовольствие.

Составте краткий пересказ мультфильма "Холодное сердце".

Семь предложений на английском.

Three fearless heroes - Princess Anne, brave Kristoff and his trusty reindeer Sven - go to the mountains to find sister Anna, Elsa.

Only she can withdraw from the country's chilling spell.

She has an extraordinary power which is no more no one.

They encounter trolls and meet a snowman named Olaf.

You need to save the Kingdom and those who are dear to them.

They find Elsa, but she did not agree to return to the Kingdom.

But still Anna and Kristoff get her to raskoldovat Korolevstvo.

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