A sea story краткое содержание

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

зе ви: лладж оф ха: ббитн уич глорифид. нью зи: лнд фо зе ху: л уорлд, ит ис па: ссибл ту кол уан оф при: нципл ка: нтри сайтс. ин ит зе та: ун локэ: йтд ниа зе сити оф мэтэмэтэ а'нуали, кам саузандс оф эдма: йрерс оф то'лки: н

3.is prince harry.

4.is his grandmother.

5.are playing football and swimming.

6.can paint,ski and ride motorbikes..

cloudy - облачно (облачный)

:однажды "мэри джейн" пошла на маленький необитаемый остров ата. когда корабль приблизился к земле, люди на борту заметили небольшой скакать и выкрикивать цифры. было шесть мальчиков. они были рыбаки и пятнадцати месяцев, прежде чем их лодка сломалась во время шторма. и мальчики устроили свою жизнь на острове: они ели птиц, яйца, рыба, фрукты. мальчики тоже сделал вид гитары: они танцевали и пели песни. на самом деле они радовались своей жизни на ата, но и мальчики были рады вернуться домой. : one day "the mary jane" went to the little desert island ata. when the ship came closer to the land people on the board noticed small jumping and shouting figures. there were six boys. they were fishmen and fifteen monthes before their boat had broken during storm. and boys had arranged their life on the island well: they ate birds, eggs, fish, fruits. the boys also made a kind of guitar: they danced and sang songs. in fact they had enjoyed their life on ata but also the boys were happy to return home.

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We asked our friend CaptainBrown one evening to tell us something interesting about his voyages, and he told us the following story:

"It was fifteen years ago, when I was a mate on a ship which was going to New York. We were having a very good voyage. The captain came up to me one morning and said: "Last night I heard such a strange thing that I don't know what to do about it. I couldn't sleep and I heard a voice which said in my ear: 'Sail north-north-­west. Sail north-north-west.' We must sail in that direc­tionand find out."

"I'm very sorry, captain," I said, "but I think you had too much to eat last night and that's why you couldn't sleep".

The captain was very angry.

"I didn't eat much yesterday," he said, "and I heard the strange voice three times, sir".

The captain told the men to sail north-north-west. One of the men saw something black in the sea the next day. The captain looked through his glasses and said to me:

"There's a small boat there with a man in it. I was right last night, wasn't I? We must save him."

Soon we reached the small boat and saw that the man in it was fast asleep. He went on sleeping while we took him into our boat and sailed towards the ship. When the man was aboard the ship, he suddenly opened his eyes and cried out loudly, "Where am I? Where's my boat?"

"Hullo!" said the captain. "I'm very pleased that we have been able to save you."

"Did you order your men to take me out of my boat while I was asleep?" the man asked.

"Of course," answered the happy captain. "Did you want to be drowned in your little boat?"

"Look here," said the man, "My name's Captain Wilson and I'm making a record voyage from New York to Liverpool in a small boat. "


to make a voyage

a steamer (steamship)

to sleep (slept, slept)

in a loud (low) voice

in the North (South, West, East)

to the North (South, West, East) of

in the direction of

to find out (found out, found out)

to eat (ate, eaten)

to be angry (with, at)

to be cross (with)

to look through

to be (fast) asleep

to go on (with smth., doing smth.)

to be pleased (with)

Переведите предложения на английский язык, ис­пользуя активную лексику урока.



It's eleven o'clock in the morning. Helen Petrova's in one of the biggest department stores in the city which only opened a few weeks ago. Many things are bought and sold here every day. Thoughit's still early and the store has just opened, there are a lot of customers near the counters: some are buying things, others are just looking round.

Helen: Excuse me. How do I get to the shoe department?

Shop assistant: It's over there on the left, please.

(In the shoe department)

Helen: I want a pair of boots please.

Shop assistant: What's your size?

Helen: Thirty-four, and I want very warm ones, too. It's very cold outside.

Shop assistant: Oh yes, it's terribly cold. Thirty-four. You have very small feet. It won't be easy to find a suitablepair, I'm afraid.

(In a few minutes)

These are nice boots, don't you think? Will you try them on? How do they feel?

Helen: I think they're a size too big. Perhaps you can find a different pair. Can you give me a size smaller?

Shop assistant: Just a moment. I'll have another look. You're lucky. Here's a lovely pair; but it's more expensive.

Helen: That doesn't .matter. It feels more comfortable. I think I'll take it. How much is it?

Shop assistant: Seventy-five roubles.

Helen: Where do I pay?

Shop assistant: Over there at the cash-desk.

Helen: Thank you.

(After paying the bill)

Shop assistant: Here are your boots. The check's inside.

Helen: Thank you. And where's the glove department?

Another customer: Come along with me, and I'll show you.

Helen buys some dark-brown gloves to matchher new boots and looks at her watch. She sees that it is rather late, so she quickly leaves the store and hurries home.


a department store

to buy (bought, bought)

to sell (sold, sold)

to be late (for, to)

a shop assistant

I won't be a moment

It (that) doesn't matter

to pay (paid, paid)

to go (come) along

Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя актив­ную лексику урока.

1. Почему вы так опоздали? Уже восемь часов.— Лучше поздно, чем никогда. Не сердитесь, пожалуйста. Я не мог прийти раньше. 2. Вчера мы опоздали в кино (на фильм). Когда мы вошли, было темно, и картина уже началась, 3. Сегодня теплее, чем вчера. Мы можем по­вести детей погулять. 4. Петр спросил меня, сколько я заплатил за новый телевизор, и сказал, что мне повезло, потому что это один из лучших телевизоров. 5. Он гово­рит, что эта комната удобнее той. Мне кажется, это одна из лучших комнат в этой гостинице. 6. Здесь довольно холод­но. Я не знаю, сможем ли мы здесь работать. Узнайте, по­жалуйста, могут ли они дать нам другую комнату. 7. У нее сейчас довольно интересная работа. Я думаю, она инте­реснее той, которая была у нее в прошлом году, и ей не приходится рано вставать. 8. Мы попросили лектора го­ворить не так быстро. Он начал говорить медленнее, и мы смогли записывать (to take notes of) лекцию. 9. Хотя эти туфли лучше тех, я их не возьму, потому что в них неудобно. Покажите мне, пожалуйста, ту пару. Сколько она стоит? 10. Хотя было много желающих (людей, ко­торые хотели) посмотреть фильм, нам удалось (достаточно повезло) достать на него билеты. 11. Который час на ва­ших часах?—Не знаю, мои часы остановились.



I got up earlier than usual yesterday, as I had to go to the airport to meet my old friend Boris Petrov. We went to school together, then we went to the same col­lege in Moscow, but now we live in different parts of the Soviet Union. Boris lives and works in the North of our country, in Verkhoyansk, and I live by the sea in Sukhumi. I wrote to him a few months ago to invitehim to my place for a holiday. Soon I got an answer. He thanked me heartily for the invitation and asked me to meet him at the airport on the 20th of April.

"I hope you won't mind if I bring my wife and my son with me," he wrote.

When I went out, it was very warm, though it was early morning. The air was fresh, the sky was blue, and the sun was shining. In Sukhumi it's usually very fine in April. It doesn't often rain and it's not very hot yet. I like Sukhumi at this time of year best of all.

I took a taxi and started for the airport. "I'm afraid I may be late," I said to the driverand asked him to go faster. We reached the airport in time: the plane was just landing. It was only half past six in the morning, but it was as warm as in the afternoon.

The passengerswere getting out of the plane. I went up to the plane and saw a group of people who looked very funnyin this warm weather: all of them had warm winter clothes on.

"Hallo, glad to see you," I said, when I recognized Boris in the group.

"Hallo, old man, this is my wife and my son," Boris said.

"Pleased to meet you. I hope you had a good journey," I said. "Aren't you dressed a bit too warmly? It's not so cold here as in Verkhoyansk, is it?"

"I think it's just a little warmer," Boris agreedand laughed, "but when we left home, it was snowing hard and we weren't at all hot. D'you know how cold it was there that day? You won't believeit: almost 35° below zero, let alone the biting winds."

"Ah, well, take off your coats, and let's hurry home. The taxi's waiting. It won't take us long. I'm sure you'll like it here."

Русский:Однажды "Мэри Джейн" пошла на маленький необитаемый остров Ата. Когда корабль приблизился к земле, люди на борту заметили небольшой скакать и выкрикивать цифры. Было шесть мальчиков. Они были рыбаки и пятнадцати месяцев, прежде чем их лодка сломалась во время шторма. И мальчики устроили свою жизнь на острове: они ели птиц, яйца, рыба, фрукты. Мальчики тоже сделал вид гитары: они танцевали и пели песни. На самом деле они радовались своей жизни на Ата, но и мальчики были рады вернуться домой.
Английский:One day "The Mary Jane" went to the little desert island Ata. When the ship came closer to the land people on the board noticed small jumping and shouting figures. There were six boys. They were fishmen and fifteen monthes before their boat had broken during storm. And boys had arranged their life on the island well: they ate birds, eggs, fish, fruits. The boys also made a kind of guitar: they danced and sang songs. In fact they had enjoyed their life on Ata but also the boys were happy to return home.

:однажды "мэри джейн" пошла на маленький необитаемый остров ата. когда корабль приблизился к земле, люди на борту заметили небольшой скакать и выкрикивать цифры. было шесть мальчиков. они были рыбаки и пятнадцати месяцев, прежде чем их лодка сломалась во время шторма. и мальчики устроили свою жизнь на острове: они ели птиц, яйца, рыба, фрукты. мальчики тоже сделал вид гитары: они танцевали и пели песни. на самом деле они радовались своей жизни на ата, но и мальчики были рады вернуться домой. : one day "the mary jane" went to the little desert island ata. when the ship came closer to the land people on the board noticed small jumping and shouting figures. there were six boys. they were fishmen and fifteen monthes before their boat had broken during storm. and boys had arranged their life on the island well: they ate birds, eggs, fish, fruits. the boys also made a kind of guitar: they danced and sang songs. in fact they had enjoyed their life on ata but also the boys were happy to return home.


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Русский:Однажды "Мэри Джейн" пошла на маленький необитаемый остров Ата. Когда корабль приблизился к земле, люди на борту заметили небольшой скакать и выкрикивать цифры. Было шесть мальчиков. Они были рыбаки и пятнадцати месяцев, прежде чем их лодка сломалась во время шторма. И мальчики устроили свою жизнь на острове: они ели птиц, яйца, рыба, фрукты. Мальчики тоже сделал вид гитары: они танцевали и пели песни. На самом деле они радовались своей жизни на Ата, но и мальчики были рады вернуться домой.
Английский:One day "The Mary Jane" went to the little desert island Ata. When the ship came closer to the land people on the board noticed small jumping and shouting figures. There were six boys. They were fishmen and fifteen monthes before their boat had broken during storm. And boys had arranged their life on the island well: they ate birds, eggs, fish, fruits. The boys also made a kind of guitar: they danced and sang songs. In fact they had enjoyed their life on Ata but also the boys were happy to return home.


african elephant (loxodonta africana) the largest of modern land animals. the mass of old males reaches 7.5 t, and the height in the shoulders — 4 m (on average, males have a mass of 5 t, females — 3 t) . however, despite the massive addition, the elephant is remarkably agile, easy movements, without rushing fast. he swims well, and over the surface of the water, leaving only the forehead and the tip of the trunk, without apparent effort, overcomes a steep climb, free feels among the rocks. a striking sight is a herd of elephants in the forest. absolutely noiselessly animals literally cut through dense thickets. so it seems that they are immaterial: no cod, no rustle, no movement of branches and leaves. smooth, seemingly unhurried step elephant covers in search of food or away from the danger of great distances, passing over the night tens of kilometers. no wonder it is considered useless to pursue the disturbed herd of elephants. the african elephant inhabits a vast territory south of the sahara. in ancient times it was found in north africa, but now disappeared from there completely. despite the vast area of distribution, it is not easy to meet elephants: in large quantities they are now only in national parks and reserves. thus, in uganda in the 20s elephants lived on 70% of the territory, and now they occupy no more than 17% of the country. in many countries there are no elephants outside protected areas. elephants rarely live alone. but the multi-hundred herds, which travelers of the last century wrote about, are now almost gone. the usual composition of elephant herds — 9-12 the old, the young and very young animals. typically, in a herd there is the bellwether, most often the old elephant. however, sometimes the leader are males, especially during migration. a herd of elephants is a very friendly community. animals get to know each other well and protect their young together; known cases where elephants helped the wounded brethren, taking them from dangerous places. fights between elephants are rare, and only animals suffering from some pain, such as a broken tusk, become quarrelsome and irritable. usually such elephants are removed from the herd, but it is not known whether they prefer loneliness or they are expelled by healthy companions.

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