A good start краткое содержание

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

Bill liked painting more than anything in life. He started painting when he was 15 and people said that as a painter he had quite a lot of talent and had mastered most of the technical requirements. At 22 he had his first one-man show when he was discovered by the critics and his pictures were all sold out, With the money he could afford to marry Leila, rent a studio and stop being a student. To complete his education he went to Italy but after 5 months all the money was spent and he had to return.

Bill never had another show like the first one, though he became a better painter. The critics did not think him modern enough and said he was too academic. From time to time he managed to sell some of his paintings but eventually things had got very tight and he was obliged to look for a job.

The day before he went for an interview with his uncle Bill was especially gloomy. In the morning he went up to one of his unfinished pictures in the studio but he felt he couldn't paint. He threw down his brush and a bright red spot appeared on the board already covered with black and yellow paint from his previous work. The board had been used to protect the floor and was at that moment a mixture of bright colours.

When Bill left, Leila got down to cleaning the studio. She took up the board and put it against the wall to clean the floor. At that moment Garrad, Bill's dealer, came in. Bill had asked him to come, look at his work and arrange a show but the dealer had for some time been uncertain on the matter. So he was looking around the studio, explaining how the gallery was booked up for a year and how he could not really promise Bill a show yet for two years or so.

Suddenly the board against the wall attracted his attention.

"Leila, my dear," he exclaimed. "I felt that there must be something like this. Tell me, why is he keeping it away from us?"

Leila was too shocked to answer. But Garrad went on: "I think it's wonderful. I never doubted Bill would catch up with the modern trends. Now Leila, are there more pictures for a full show? I must go now but I'll be ringing him up. I'm going to change the whole plan and show his new work in the autumn. Tell him not to waste time. As to this one if he wants to sell it, I'll buy it myself."

Leila stayed in the studio till Bill came back. She was too excited to tell him the story clearly and Bill could not understand anything at first. When he realised what had happened he shook with laughter. "You didn't explain the whole thing about the board to him, did you?" he managed to say at last.

"No, I didn't. I couldn't really, I believe I should have, but it would have made him look too silly. I just said I didn't think you'd sell it".

What was Bill to do?

Think of your own ending.

(What was Bill to do? What a thing, he thought, to find waiting for you on your return from taking a job at two pounds a week. He could paint more for an exhibition that very evening and show them to Garrad the next day. After all, why not use it as a start for a good painter's career?)

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Almost everybody likes to receive letters. And perhaps nobody in Stillwater liked to get letters more than Ray Buffin. But unfortunately Ray received fewer letters in his box at the post-office than anybody else.

Guy Hodge and Ralph Barnhill were two young men in town who liked to play jokes on people. But they never meant anything bad. One afternoon they decided to play joke on Ray Buffin. Their plan was to ask a girl in town to send Ray a love letter without signing it, and then tell everybody in the post-office to watch Ray read the letter; then somebody was ask Ray if he had received a love letter from a girl. After that somebody was to snatch the letter out of his hand and read it aloud.

They bought blue writing paper and went round the corner to the office of the telephone company where Grace Brooks worked as a night telephone operator. Grace was pretty though not very young. She had begun working for the company many years ago, after she had finished school. She had remained unmarried all those years, and because she worked at night and slept in the daytime it was very difficult for her to find a husband.

At first, after Guy and Ralph had explained to her what they wanted to do and had asked her to write the letter to Ray, Grace refused to do it.

“Now, be a good girl, Grace, do us a favour and write the letter.” Suddenly she turned away. She didn’t want the young men see her crying. She remembered the time she had got acquainted with Ray. Ray wanted to marry her. But she had just finished school then and had started to work for the telephone company; she was very young then and did not want to marry anybody. Time passed. During all those years she had seen him a few times but only a polite word had passed between them, and each time he looked sadder and sadder.

Finally she agreed to write the letter for Guy and Ralph and said that she would send it in the morning.

After they left the telephone office Grace thought about Ray and cried. Late at night she wrote the letter.

The next day Guy and Ralph were in the post-office at 4 o’clock. By that time there was a large crowd in the post-office. When Ray came in and saw a letter in his box he looked at it in surprise. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He opened the box, took out the blue envelope and went to the corner of the room to read it. When he finished he behaved like mad. He smiled happily and ran out of the room before Guy and Ralph had time to say anything to stop him. Ray hurried round the corner to the telephone office.

When Guy and Ralph ran into the room where Grace worked they saw Ray Buffin standing near the girl with the widest and happiest smile they had ever seen on his face. It was clear they had not spoken a word yet. They just stood in silence, too happy to worry about Guy and Ralph watching them.

  1. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

к сожалению, разыгрывать людей, никогда не замышляли ничего плохого, без подписи, выхватить из рук, работала телефонисткой в ночную смену, так и не вышла замуж, оказать услугу, отвернулась, они лишь обменивались вежливыми фразами, в конце концов, много народу, глазам на поверил, быстро пошел за угол.

  1. Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from the text and use them in the sentences of your own:

Receive letters, watch smb do smth, read (speak) aloud, explain smth to smb, refuse to do smth, get acquainted with smb, look at smth(smb) in surprise, in silence, worry about smth, witout doing smth.

  1. Answer the questions on the text:
  1. Did Ray Buffin often receive letters?
  2. What did Guy and Ralph like to do?
  3. What was their plan?
  4. Who was Grace Brooks?
  5. Why did two young men ask her to do them a favour?
  6. Why didn’t the girl agree at once?
  7. What was Ray’s reaction when he saw a letter in his box?
  8. What did he do next?
  9. What did Guy and Ralph see when they entered the telephone office?


Как бы вы справились без модемных гаджетов? Что бы вы сделали, если бы у вас не было мобильного телефона, MP3-плеера или игровой консоли? Хотите верьте, хотите нет, возможно, вам будет лучше.

С новыми игровыми консолями вам придется передвигаться перед телевизором, чтобы управлять действиями на экране. Когда вы совершаете одно и то же движение снова и снова в ограниченном пространстве, результаты могут быть довольно серьезными. Повторные движения руками могут вызвать напряжение в плече. Врачи предупреждают, что вы не должны играть слишком долго, и сначала вам следует разогреться. Их совет – готовиться к игре так же, как вы готовились бы к реальной жизни.

Наушники воспроизводят музыку прямо в ваш слуховой проход. Тип музыки не имеет значения, но громкость вашего плеера имеет значение. Это может привести к потере слуха. Исследователи рекомендуют установить громкость на низком уровне, чтобы вы могли слышать разговоры вокруг себя. Если людям приходится кричать, чтобы вы их слышали, громкость слишком велика.

Мобильный телефон полон бактерий. Когда вы прижимаете его к лицу и уху, это может привести к проблемам с кожей, таким как прыщи, кожные инфекции и сыпь. Когда вы даете кому-то свой телефон, это еще больше всё усугубляет. Дерматологи говорят, что вы должны почистить свой телефон перед тем, как использовать его, если кто-то одалживает ваш телефон, обязательно протрите его после того, как вам его вернут.

Компьютеры являются полезными инструментами для исследований и развлечений. Однако просмотр экрана компьютера в течение длительного периода времени может вызвать напряжение глаз. Некоторые из симптомов включают затуманенное зрение, сухость глаз и трудности с различением цветов. Оптики предупреждают, что вам не следует тратить слишком много времени, глядя на экран. Делайте частые перерывы. Вам не нужно выходить из комнаты - просто закройте глаза и дайте им расслабиться.

Оборудование: учебники New Millennium English-10, рабочие тетради на печатной основе к учебнику, раздаточный материал, презентация.

А. Today we are going to speak about school: school as learning and teaching process, school as a way of life, school as our Alma Mater. We start with a dialogue. Look at the slide.

- I taught my dog how to speak.

- I never heard him talking.

- I said I taught, I didn’t say he learned.

Учащиеся комментируют диалог. Основная идея которого – нельзя никого научить чему либо, можно только научиться.

Teacher: So we all agree that we should learn and what is more important – want to learn. Education plays an important role in our life.

B. Read the quotation about education and translate them.

  1. Education is not the filling of a pail…
  2. The roots of education are bitter..
  3. Intelligence plus character…
  4. Education is the best provision
  5. If you can read it..
  6. Experience is…
  7. What we learn with pleasure..

Teacher: I give you two minutes and I would like you to memorize these quotations. Then I will show you the first parts of them and you will try to add the second ones.

II. Reading comprehension. Teacher: Surely, all students have different skill and abilities to study. What subjects are you good at?

Now we are going to read the text about a girl with extraordinary talent, then we’ll do some exercises to check it up and then we’ll discuss some ideas associated with the text.

После прочтения текста начинается проверка понимания. Задания для проверки понимания:

Cards for the students:

B. Language work

  1. A computer consultant.
  2. Her mother.
  3. She was four.
  4. Mathematics.
  5. Yes, she does. She plays the piano.
  6. She said, 'She is obviously quite brilliant.'
  7. Dr Glenys Luke.
  8. He's going to help Ruth's sister in a similar way.

III. Discussion. Teacher: There are many factors influencing learning process. What influences good learning? Discuss the ideas from the slide in pairs. What could you add?

Задание направлено на развитие умений давать аргументы в защиту своего мнения.

IV. Oral speech practice. You have mentioned that teachers play an important role in school. And it is really so. The job of a teacher is difficult. In spite of apparent simplicity this job requires much talent, tolerance and other features. Our next task is devoted to teachers.

Учитель раздает учащимся карточки. Это вопросы и ответы в смешанном порядке.

А. Teacher: The questions and the answers are parted. The task is to match the question and the answer. The students can stand up and go about the classroom. Then the students in pairs read them aloud.

Teacher: Have you guessed about whom these questions were? …..Yes, they were about me!

If you have got more questions you can ask me.

V. Opinion poll. Teacher: School is a good place to be. What do students think about our school? Some students from our group have made opinion poll about school. Now they are presenting the results of their work. Two students show the results on the slides. The task to all the rest – Try to guess which answer was the most popular and which one was the least popular.

Во время анкетирования ученикам было задано 13 вопросов. В презентацию для работы было включено – 5. Остальные можно посмотреть в Приложение № 3.

VI. Group work. Teacher: School is full of unexpected and funny things. It would be boring without them. Have you got anything to tell your children about school?

Now you are getting lists with a school story. It is called “History test”. You should complete the story. Слайд № 13 помогает учащимся сосредоточиться и мотивирует появление идей.

Card for students.

One day we were back from our ski completions. (1. Describe the ski competitions. Use Past Perfect).

Next day we would have a test on History. (2. Describe the History test).

As it should take place after classes everybody tried to make up a reason for not going to the test. (3. Describe the reasons the students made up).

My friend and I made up our minds to go and pass the test as we couldn’t find any arguments not to go. Our History teacher met us in the classroom “It’s great that you have come”, she said and we took our seats. (4. Describe the teacher and the classroom)

She gave us copybooks and papers with tasks. “You have 45 minutes to carry the task out”, she said strictly and looked at the watch. Of course we didn’t know anything but as they say hope springs eternal in the human breast.

And…what a surprise! Together with the task paper there was the list with keys! (5. Describe the state of the boys).

We gave no sign that nothing wrong was happening, copied all the answers and happily went home laughing at those who hadn’t come to the test.

А. Teacher: Now you will have a little contest. Let’s devote it to the 20 th birthday of our favourite school. The first part of it I will show you pieces of some places of our school and you should guess what place it is and describe it in some words.

B. Teacher: The second part of the contest is to make up a “Five-line stanza”. По-русски это звучит как “Синквейн”. "Сinq" во французском значит пять. Синквейн это пятистрочная строфа.

  1. The first line has got one word consisting of one syllable. It can be the title of the poem.
  2. The second line has got four syllables. It describes the subject, topic.
  3. The third line consists of six syllables. It describes actions.
  4. The fourth line consists of eight syllables. It describes something special about the topic, some feelings.
  5. The last line consists of two syllables. It should give the description.
    1. Первая строка содержит одно двуслоговое слово. Это может быть названием стихотворения.
    2. Вторая строка содержит четыре слога (описывает предмет, тему стихотворения)
    3. Шесть слогов (действие)
    4. Восемь слогов (что-нибудь о предмете: чувства, что-либо особое)
    5. Два слога (описание)

    The second house

    Write, read, create, reflect.

    Exciting, joy, discussions

    Teacher: Now I give you five – seven minutes for making a poem up. Then you will read them aloud. If you are pressed of time you may complete the work at home.

    VIII. The end of the lesson. Reflection Teacher: OK. I would like to thank you for being active and creative during this lesson and put you the following marks…..

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