Сообщение про роберта бернса на английском

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Презентация на тему: " Robert Burns ( ) British (Scottish) poet, folklorist, author of numerous poems and verses." — Транскрипт:

1 Robert Burns ( ) British (Scottish) poet, folklorist, author of numerous poems and verses.

3 Robert Burns, Scotland's national poet, was born on January 25, 1759 in Scotland. His father, William Burns, was a poor farmer, There were seven children in the family, and Robert was the eldest.

4 Robert was sent to school at the age of six, but he attended school in turn with his brother. Later Roberts father taught him reading and writing, arithmetic, English grammar, history, literature, even Latin - that was Robert Burns's education.

5 Robert Burns became fond of reading. He read whatever he could lay his hands on. His favourite writers were Shakespeare, Smolett, Robert Fergusson a talented Scottish poet. Fergussons tragic fate deeply touched Burns. Burns devoted many verses to Fergusson.

6 Robert Burns began to write poetry when he has fifteen. He composed verses to the melodies of folk-songs. He sang of the woods, fields and wonderful valleys of his native land.

7 The first works Burns published some of his poems in There success was complete. And Robert Burns became well known and popular.

8 Among 560 poems and songs, the most loved are : Ae Fond Kiss A Red Red Rose Tam OShanter Address to the Haggis Tae a Moose A Mans a Man for A That and Auld Lang Syne

9 Popularity By 1785 Burns became popular as the author of friendly messages dramatic monologues and satire.

10 When Robert Burns came to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, a new and enlarged edition of his poems was published. But soon Edinburgh society grew tired of him and forgot about the poet. Robert Burns left Edinburgh and returned to his native village with money enough to buy a farm and marry Jean Armour. Burns devoted to Jean many beautiful poems, such as I love my Jean, Bonnie Jean.

11 Robert Burns poems were very popular, he always remained poor. He worked hard and destroyed his health. He died in poverty at the age of thirty - seven in The death room of Robert Burns

12 The poetry and songs of Robert Burns are famous all over world. Robert Burns poems and verses inspired Beethoven, Mendelssohn and other composers who wrote music to them. Burns is a democratic poet. He sympathy was with poor, that is why his funeral was attended by crowd of ten thousand. They were common Scottish people whom he had loved and whom he had written his poems and songs.

13 Burns Monument in Dorchester square, Montréal, Québec Statue of Burns in Dumfries town centre, unveiled in 1882

14 Burns statue by David Watson Stevenson (1898) in Bernard Street, Leith New Zealand

15 People like Burns poetry, because it is very close to peoples lives. He wrote about the national struggle of the Scottish people for their liberation from English oppression. Burns considered his literary work as his patriotic duty.

16 The poetry and songs of Robert Burns are famous all over the world.

17 Robert Burns Mausoleum at St. Michael's churchyard in Dumfries.

18 National Day of the country 25 January Scots called Burns supper - a national holiday. This day marked the poets supporters worldwide.

Robert Burns is the national poet of Scotland. In his poems Burns sang the beauty and the glory of his native land.

Burns was born in Alloway, near Ayr, on 25 of January 1759. His father, a small farmer, was a hard-working man. When Robert was 6, he was sent to a school at Alloway Miln. Robert and his brother Gilbert were given a good knowledge of English. They progressed rapidly in reading and writing.

For some years Burns worked on the family field, plugging and reaping. The combination of hard physical labour and poor food in his youth that brought about the first symptoms of the heart disease which troubled him for much of his life and from which he died.

Burns wrote his first poem at the age of 14 for a girl who worked with him in the fields. After father's death he immigrated to Jamaica. His most creative years were probably 1785 and 1786. During this period Burns wrote his most brilliant poems. Burns published his poems in August 1786. The success was great.

Soon, in April 1787, a second edition of his poems appeared in Edinburgh; 3000 copies were printed - a very large number for those times!

Now Burns had the opportunity to see more of his native land which he so dearly loved. He visited some historic places, which made a great impression on him.

During the last 5 years of his life Burns wrote some of his best poems and songs. After a short illness he died on 21 July 1796.

🔊 Play Robert Burns, Scotland’s national poet, was born on January 25, 1759 in Scotland. Роберт Бернс, шотландский народный поэт, родился 25 января 1759 г. в Шотландии.

🔊 Play His father, William Burns, was a poor farmer, There were seven children in the family, and Robert was the eldest. Его отец Уильям Бернс, был бедным крестьянином. В их семье было семеро детей, и Роберт был самым старшим.

🔊 Play His father knew the value of a good education, and he tried to give his children the best education he could afford. Его отец ценил хорошее образование и пытался дать своим детям лучшее образование, которое он мог позволить.

🔊 Play Robert was sent to school at the age of six, but as his father could not pay for the two sons, Robert and his brother Gilbert attended school in turn. Роберта отправили в школу в шесть лет, но так как его отец не мог платить за двух сыновей, Роберт и его брат Гилберт ходили школу по очереди.

🔊 Play When not at school, the boys helped their father with his work in the fields. Когда мальчики были не в школе, они помогали отцу работать в поле.

🔊 Play But soon the teacher left, and so Burns’s father invited a young school teacher to teach the boys. Но скоро учитель уехал и поэтому отец Роберта пригласил молодого школьного учителя обучать детей.

🔊 Play When the teacher left, the poet’s father taught the children himself. Когда и этот учитель уехал, отец поэта обучал детей сам.

🔊 Play Reading and writing, arithmetic, English grammar, history, literature, French and Latin – that was Robert Burns’s education. Чтение, письмо, арифметика, английская грамматика, история, литература, французский и латинский языки – вот предметы, которые изучал Роберт Бернс.

🔊 Play Robert’s mother knew many Scottish songs and ballads and often sang them to her son in his childhood. Мать Роберта знала много шотландских песен и баллад и часто пела их своему сыну в детстве.

🔊 Play His mother’s friend Betty told Robert many fantastic tales about devils, fairies and witches. Подруга матери Бетти рассказывала Роберту много фантастических историй о дьяволе, феях и ведьмах.

🔊 Play Burns’s mother died in 1820. Мать Бернса умерла в 1820 г.

🔊 Play She lived long and enjoyed the fame of her poet son. Она прожила долгую жизнь и успела насладиться славой ее сына-поэта.

🔊 Play Robert Burns became fond of reading. Роберт Бернc увлекался чтением.

🔊 Play He read whatever he could lay his hands on. Он читал все, что попадало ему в руки.

🔊 Play His favourite writers were Shakespeare, Smolett, Robert Fergusson, a talented Scottish poet (1750-1774). Его любимыми писателями были Шекспир, Смоллетт, Роберт Фергюссон, талантливый шотландский поэт (1750-1774).

🔊 Play Fergusson’s tragic fate deeply touched Burns. Роберта Бернса глубоко тронула трагическая судьба Фергюссона.

🔊 Play Burns devoted many verses to Fergusson. Бернс посвятил Фергюссону много стихотворений.

🔊 Play Robert Burns began to write poetry when he was fifteen. Роберт Бернс начал писать стихи в пятнадцать лет.

🔊 Play He composed verses to the melodies of old folk-songs, which he had admired from his early childhood. Он сочинял стихотворения на мелодии старинных народных песен, которыми он восхищался с раннего детства.

🔊 Play He sang of the woods, fields and wonderful valleys of his native land. Он воспевал леса, поля и прекрасные долины своей родины.

🔊 Play Burns published some of his poems in 1786 Their success was complete. В 1786 г. Бернс опубликовал некоторые свои стихи.

🔊 Play And Robert Burns became well known and popular. Они имели полный успех, И Роберт Бернс стал известен.

🔊 Play When Burns came to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, a new and enlarged edition of his poems was published. Когда Бернс приехал в Эдинбург, столицу Шотландии, было опубликовано новое, дополненное издание его стихов.

🔊 Play But soon Edinburgh society grew tired of him and forgot about the poet. Но вскоре он наскучил обществу Эдинбурга, и о поэте забыли.

🔊 Play Robert Burns left Edinburgh and returned to his native village with money enough to buy a farm and marry Jean Armour. Роберт Бернс покинул Эдинбург и возвратился в родную деревню. У него было достаточно денег для того, чтобы купить ферму и жениться на Джин Армор.

🔊 Play Burns devoted to Jean many beautiful poems, such as “I love my Jean”, “Bonnie Jean” and many others. Бернс посвятил Джин много прекрасных стихотворений, таких как “Я люблю мою Джин”, “Прекрасная Джин” и много других.

🔊 Play Robert Burns’s poems were very popular, he always remained poor. Хотя стихи Бернса были очень популярны, он оставался бедным.

🔊 Play He worked hard and destroyed his health. Он усердно работал, что пошатнуло его здоровье.

🔊 Play He died in poverty at the age of thirty – seven in 1796. Он умер в бедности в возрасте 37 лет в 1796 г.

🔊 Play The poetry and songs of Robert Burns are famous all over the world. Поэзия и песни Роберта Бернса известны во всем мире.

🔊 Play Robert Burns’s poems and verses inspired Beethoven, Schumann, Mendelssohn and other composers who wrote music to them. Стихи и поэмы Бернса вдохновляли Бетховена, Шумана, Мендельсона и других композиторов, которые написали к ним музыку.

🔊 Play Burns is a democratic poet. Бернc – поэт-демократ.

🔊 Play His sympathy was with the poor. Его симпатии были на стороне бедных.

🔊 Play That is why his funeral was attended by a crowd of ten thousand. Вот почему на его похоронах собралась десятитысячная толпа людей.

🔊 Play They were the common Scottish people whom he had loved and for whom he had written his poems and songs. Это были простые шотландцы, которых он любил и для которых писал свои стихи и песни.

🔊 Play The most popular poems of Robert Burns are “The Tree of Liberty”, “My Heart’s in the Highlands”, “A Red, Red Rose” and many others. Наиболее популярные стихотворения Роберта Бернса – “Дерево свободы”, “В горах мое сердце”, “Красная, красная роза” и многие другие.

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Тема по английскому языку: Роберт Бернс

Поэт 18 века

Роберт Бернс был величайшим поэтом 18 века. Он известен во всей Шотландии. Стоит только поговорить с шотландцем, чтобы почувствовать глубокую любовь и восхищение выдающимся соотечественником.


Бернс родился 25 января 1759 в Шотландии. Его отец, хоть и был бедным человеком, пытался дать детям хорошее образование, и Роберт, который был страшим, пошел в школу в соседней деревне на три года, а потом, на более короткие периоды в другие школы в окрестностях. Но именно благодаря отцу и собственной начитанности Бернс получил важную часть образования. К тому времени как он достиг зрелого возраста, он имел хорошее знание английского, читал по-французски и был довольно хорошо знаком с шедеврами английской литературы от Шекспира до его дней.


Роберт Бернс начал писать стихи, когда ему было 15. Он слагал стихи на мелодии старых народных песен, которыми он восхищался с самого раннего детства. Он воспевал леса, поля и чудесные долины своей родной земли. Бернс опубликовал некоторые из своих поэм в 1876, и их успех сделал его популярным.

Работы Бернса


Тяжелая работа поэта подорвала его здоровье. Он умер в бедности в возрасте 37 лет в 1796. Бернс был демократичным поэтом и всегда симпатизировал бедным. Именно поэтому тысячи людей пришли на его похороны. После смерти Роберт Бернс был объявлен национальным поэтом, а его день рождения отмечается как национальный праздник.

Robert Burns

Poet of the 18th century

Robert Burns was the greatest poet of the 18th century. He is famous all over Scotland. One has only to speak to Scotchman to feel the deep love and admiration for their outstanding countryman.


Burns was born on January 25, 1759 in Scotland. His father, though always extremely poor, attempted to give his children a fair education, and Robert, who was the eldest, went to school for three years in a neighboring village, and later, for shorter periods, to three other schools in the vicinity. But it was to his father and to his own reading that Burns owed the more important part of his education. By the time that he had reached manhood he had a good knowledge of English, a reading knowledge of French, and a fairly wide acquaintance with the masterpieces of English literature from the time of Shakespeare to his own day.


Robert Burns began to write poetry when he was fifteen. He composed verses to the melodies of old folk-songs, which he had admired from his early childhood. He sang of the woods, fields and wonderful valleys of his native land. Burns published some of his poems in 1786 and their success made him popular.

Burns’ works

When Burns came to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, a new and enlarged edition of his poems was published. However, Edinburgh society grew tired of him and forgot him very soon. He returned to his native village with money enough to buy a farm and marry Jean Armor, to whom he devoted lots of beautiful poems, such as “I love my Jean”, “Bonnie Jean” and others. His most popular poems are also “The Tree of Liberty”, “My Heart’s in the Highlands” and “A Red, Red Rose”.


The poet’s hard work destroyed his health. He died in poverty at the age of 37 in 1796. Burns was a democratic poet and always sympathetic with the poor. That is why thousands of people attended his funeral. Upon his death Robert Burns was declared the national poet of Scotland, and his birthday is celebrated as a national holiday.

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