Сообщение про лису на английском языке

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Выполнила: Главатских Елена

Quite often in nature there is such an animal as a fox. Representatives of this species live in North America, Europe, North Africa and even Asia. The fox belongs to the class of mammals. Despite their small size, which does not exceed 90 centimeters, foxes are excellent hunters. The fox differs from other animals not only by its bright fur, it has a slightly elongated body and a long muzzle. The fox is decorated with a fluffy tail and slightly pointed ears. With their ears, a fox can perfectly hear both prey and danger. Her tail warms up in the cold, and in normal times it serves as an assistant in maintaining balance. The color of the fox is very beautiful. Most often it is red, with a slight shade of yellow. The animal looks beautiful in winter, because on white snow the color of the chanterelle seems even brighter. In summer, she tries to shed, shedding the old ugly wool, so that over time a long and fluffy one grows. That's why in ancient times fox fur was very valued, which is why foxes were often hunted and destroyed. It was all done for profit.

Foxes prefer to live in burrows that they dig themselves. For housing, they choose places near rivers or on the hillside. These animals do not like to settle in the forest, so their burrows may be closer to the open area. Foxes prefer to lead a sedentary way of life. Most often they do not stray too far from their home. The fox's burrow consists of a nesting place and several passages to it. This place serves as a special secluded house where they not only sleep, but also raise their puppies. The diet of foxes consists most often of small rodents. Their favorite treats are ground squirrels and field mice. When a fox can't catch a rodent, she goes in search of a bird. The animal does not disdain eggs from the nests of some birds. Sometimes he eats berries and various fruits. Foxes prefer to go hunting early in the morning or when it is already well dark. Since they have a well-developed hearing and nose, it is not difficult for them to hunt at night. Despite the fact that foxes are perfectly oriented and see in the dark, it turns out that they do not distinguish colors. When the prey is already caught, the fox tries to tear it into small pieces, and only then eat it, and without chewing. Foxes are not used to stocking up on food, they prefer to eat their food right away. If the fox is not hungry, and she has already caught a mouse, then after playing with it, she will torture the rodent until she loses her senses.

As for choosing a life partner, here animals find their mate without any problems, and create a family together. Little foxes are always born blind and even deaf. They feed on their mother's milk, and when two weeks pass, they begin to see and hear everything around them. There are about 20 most diverse species of foxes in nature. The most common in this case is considered to be a red ordinary fox. In addition, Brazilian, African, gray and other types of foxes live in nature. Many fairy tales and stories have been invented about the fox. In them, she appears to be a very clever and cunning beast. In fact, she is like that in nature, her cunning allows the fox to survive. The fox is excellent at deceiving its prey, confusing and hiding its tracks, and all in order to catch someone and feed its cubs.

Red foxes live around the world in many diverse habitats including forests, grasslands, mountains, and deserts.

They also adapt well to human environments such as farms and suburban areas. The red fox's resourcefulness has earned it a legendary reputation for intelligence and cunning.

Red foxes are solitary hunters. They feed on rodents, rabbits, birds, and other small animals. But their diet can be as flexible as their home habitat. Foxes can eat fruit and vegetables, fish, frogs, and even worms. If living among humans, foxes will dine on garbage and pet food.

Like a cat's, the fox's thick tail aids its balance, but it has other uses as well. A fox uses its tail as a warm cover in cold weather and as a signal flag to communicate with other foxes.

Перевод на русский язык

Лисицы живут по всему миру в разных средах обитания, включая леса, луга, горы и пустыни.

Они также хорошо адаптируются к среде обитания человека, такой как фермы и пригороды. Благодаря своей изобретательности лисицы имеют легендарную репутацию умных и хитрых животных.

Лисы – одиночные охотники. Они питаются грызунами, кроликами, птицами и другими мелкими животными. Но их диета такая же гибкая, как и их среда обитания. Лисы могут есть фрукты и овощи, рыбу, лягушек и даже червей. Проживая среди людей, лисы питаются мусором и кормом для домашних животных.

Как и у кошек, толстый хвост лисы помогает ей сохранять равновесие, но он имеет и другое предназначение. Лиса использует свой хвост в качестве теплого укрытия в холодную погоду и как сигнальный флаг для общения с другими лисицами.

I would like to write about a fox. It is a dangerous wild animal. It has got four short paws, a long fluffy tail, a black nose and clever eyes. The fox lives in forests. It can run very fast and swim very well. The fox can`t climb trees. The fox uses its claws to get food, legs and tail to run fast, teeth to catch fish. It is a loving and careful parent because the fox gives food to its babies and teaches them to hunt. I like the fox very much!

Fox is a very beautiful animal. She lives in the forest. She has a small head and very small eyes. Its main advantage is a long and very fluffy tail. Her fur is nice and warm, so it is not cold in winter. Fox is a good hunter, it eats mice, birds and other small animals.
Лиса очень красивое животное. Она живет в лесу. У нее небольшая голова и маленькие глазки. Главное ее достоинство это длинный и очень пушистый хвост. Ее мех красивый и теплый, поэтому ей не холодно зимой. Лиса хороший охотник, она питается мышами, птицами и другими мелкими животными.

I would like to write about a fox. It is a dangerous wild animal. It has got four short paws, a long fluffy tail, a black nose and clever eyes. The fox lives in forests. It can run very fast and swim very well. The fox can`t climb trees. The fox uses its claws to get food, legs and tail to run fast, teeth to catch fish. It is a loving and careful parent because the fox gives food to its babies and teaches them to hunt. I like the fox very much!

I went to the forest, with grandfather and dog to hunt, for elks. We passed two kilometer. That my dog ​​Danka saw how behind the bushes sits a rabbit. She tried to sneak closer to the hare, but the hare heard or scented the rustle or smell. And quickly ran towards the river, but my dog ​​did not give way and chased him, But the hare ran ten meters in the pit. My dog ​​ran up to him and began to bark at him. We ran with Grandfather and took a hare in our hands. And we went home.
Mom allowed me to leave it at myself. I let him run around the room. I fed him and looked after him. But it seemed to me that he would be better at liberty. And on the same day I sent him to the woods to his family.

Я ходил в лес, c дедушкой и собакой на охоту, за лосями. Мы прошли два киллометра. То моя собака Данка увидела, как за кустами сидит заяц. Она попыталась подкрасться поближе к зайцу, но заяц услышал или учуял шорох или запах. И быстро побежал в сторону речки, но моя собака не стала уступать и погналась за ним, но заяц пробежав метров десять упал в ямку. Моя собака подбежала к нему и стала лаять на него. Мы с дедушкой подбежали и взяли зайца на руки. И пошли домой.
Мама разрешила оставить мне его у себя. Я выпускал его побегать по комнате. Кормил его и ухаживал. Но мне казалась, что ему будет лучше на свободе. И в тот же день я отпустил его в лес к своей семье.

A fox is one of the most cunning, agile and wary wild animals. It hunts mainly in the daytime, but can easily chase after a prey at night. Thе red predator has an ability to see in low light conditions. And its flexible ears catch the slightest rustle made by a hare or a mouse.

To run away from the fox is not a simple task for a small rodent. This experienced hunter is very swift. Sometimes it moves at a speed up to 48 kilometers per hour. A fox’s bushy tail became a symbol of hunting luck.

It is well-known that foxes are close relatives of dogs and wolves. But red cheaters also bear traits of cats. They сan draw in their claws. Besides foxes have vertical pupils while other dogs have round ones. But a gray fox keeps the greatest resemblance to cats. It’s the only one fox able to climb trees.

You can see a fox sitting on its 4 paws in the snow.

Вы можете видеть лису, сидящую на ( её ) 4 лапах в снегу.

It has two black eyes and nose.

Она имеет два черных глаза и нос.

It has an elongated muzzle .

У нее удлиненная морда .

Its ears are pricked .

Её уши торчат ( торчащие вверх ).

Its whiskers are black and sticking around .

Её усы черные и торчат ( торчащие по сторонам).

Its body is red with a big white spot in the middle.

Его тело рыжие с большим белым пятном посередине.

It has a bushy tail.

У неё пушистый хвост.

It has retractable claws.

Она имеет втягивающиеся когти.

It looks cute but it might be dangerous .

Она выглядит мило, но она может быть опасной .

Foxes are predatory animals.

Лисицы - хищные животные.

They eat other animals.

Они едят других животных.

Look at the picture. You can see a fox sitting on its 4 paws in the snow. Foxes are omnivorous (1) mammals that belong to Canidae family.

The fox has triangular face, dark pricked ears, black eyes and elongated muzzle. Its whiskers are black the body is red and the lower (2) part of the face and the chest are white. It has a bushy (3) tail. It also has large ear pavilion (4) - locators, using which they can catch sounds of preys (5) and catch them. Unlike (6) most members of the family Canidae, foxes have partially (7) retractable claws.

The color and size of foxes vary from place to place the northern foxes live the larger and brighter they become. Southern foxes are smaller and darker. The length of its body (without tail) can reach up to 90 cm. The length of the tail is up to 60 cm. The body weight can reach up to 10 kg.

Summer fur is much rarer (8) and shorter than the winter fur. That’s why in summer foxes can look a little scruffy (9) .

The main part of foxes’ food is small rodents (10) although they also eat many different plants.

Foxes dig holes or occupy empty holes of badgers (11) , marmots (12) , arctic foxes (13) and other animals that also live in dens (14) .

Like the wolf, the fox belongs to monogamous animals. Foxes are good parents. Males take an active part in the upbringing (15) of the offspring, and also take care of the females even before the appearance of the young foxes.

Foxes usually have up to 12 cubs (16) that look like wolves’ ones but differ in white tip on their tails.

In the wild, foxes rarely live more than seven years but in captivity, they can live up to 20-25 years.


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