Сообщение про елизавету 1 на английском языке

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Elizabeth I Абдульмянова Диана Рустамовна ГБОУ Школа №439 г. Москва Учитель английского языка

The 5th and last monarch of the TUDOR dynasty

HENRY VII (1457-1509) TUDOR DYNASTY HENRY VIII (1491-1547) EDWARD VI (1537-1553) MARY I (1553-1558) ELIZABETH I

HENRY VIII ANNE BOLEYN ELIZABETH I 1491 –1547 1507 –1536 1533 –1603

Predecessor MARY I Successor JAMES I

Elizabeth set out to rule by good counsel, and she depended heavily on a group of trusted advisers led by William Cecil, Baron Burghley. One of her first moves as queen was to support the establishment of an English Protestant church, of which she became the Supreme Governor.

This Elizabethan Religious Settlement held firm throughout her reign and later evolved into today's Church of England. It was expected that Elizabeth would marry, but despite several petitions from parliament and numerous courtships, she never did. The reasons for this outcome have been much debated. As she grew older, Elizabeth became famous for her virginity, and a cult grew up around her which was celebrated in the portraits, pageants, and literature of the day.

In government, Elizabeth was more moderate than her father and siblings. One of her mottoes was "video et taceo" ("I see, and say nothing"). Within 20 years of her death, she was being celebrated as the ruler of a golden age, an image that retains its hold on the English people.

Elizabeth's reign is known as the Elizabethan era, famous above all for the flourishing of English drama, led by playwrights such as William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe, and for the seafaring prowess of English adventurers such as Francis Drake.

Elizabeth is acknowledged as a charismatic performer and a dogged survivor. Such was the case with Elizabeth's rival, Mary I, Queen of Scots, whom she imprisoned in 1568 and eventually had executed in 1587.

Accession Elizabeth became queen at the age of 25. As her triumphal progress wound through the city on the eve of the coronation ceremony, she was welcomed wholeheartedly by the citizens and greeted by orations and pageants, most with a strong Protestant flavour.

The following day, 15 January 1559, Elizabeth was crowned at Westminster Abbey and anointed by the Catholic bishop of Carlisle. She was then presented for the people's acceptance, amidst a deafening noise of organs, fifes, trumpets, drums, and bells.

Religion Unfortunately for historians, Elizabeth's personal religious convictions will never be definitely known. Her religious policy favoured pragmatism above all in dealing with three major concerns. Perhaps most importantly, the break with Rome made her legitimate in her own eyes. For this reason, it was never in serious doubt that Elizabeth would embrace at least nominal Protestantism.

Elizabeth and her advisors perceived the threat of a Catholic crusade against heretical England. Elizabeth therefore sought a Protestant solution that would not offend Catholics too greatly while addressing the desires of English Protestants; she would not tolerate the more radical Puritans though, who were pushing for far-reaching reforms. As a result, the parliament of 1559 started to legislate for a church based on the Protestant settlement of Edward VI, with the monarch as its head, but with many superficially Catholic elements, such as priestly vestments.

The House of Commons backed the proposals strongly, but the bill of supremacy met opposition in the House of Lords, particularly from the bishops. Elizabeth was fortunate that many bishoprics were vacant at the time, including the Archbishopric of Canterbury.

Elizabeth was forced to accept the title of Supreme Governor of the Church of England rather than the more contentious title of Supreme Head, which many thought unacceptable for a woman to bear. The new Act of Supremacy became law on 8 May 1559. All public officials were to swear an oath of loyalty to the monarch as the supreme governor or risk disqualification from office. At the same time, a new Act of Uniformity was passed, which made attendance at church and the use of an adapted version of the 1552 Book of Common Prayer compulsory, though the penalties for recusancy, or failure to attend and conform, were not extreme.

Spain After the disastrous occupation and loss of Le Havre in 1562–1563, Elizabeth avoided military expeditions on the continent until 1585, when she sent an English army to aid the Protestant Dutch rebels against Philip II.

This followed the deaths in 1584 of the allies William the Silent, Prince of Orange, and François, Duke of Anjou, and the surrender of a series of Dutch towns to Alexander Farnese, Duke of Parma.

Meanwhile, Sir Francis Drake had undertaken a major voyage against Spanish ports and ships to the Caribbean in 1585 and 1586, and in 1587 had made a successful raid on Cadiz, destroying the Spanish fleet of war ships intended for the Enterprise of England: Philip II had decided to take the war to England at last.

On 12 July 1588, the Spanish Armada, a great fleet of ships, set sail for the channel, planning to ferry a Spanish invasion force under the Duke of Parma to the coast of southeast England from the Netherlands. A combination of miscalculation, misfortune, and an attack of English fire ships on 29 July off Gravelines which dispersed the Spanish ships to the northeast defeated the Armada.

The Armada straggled home to Spain in shattered remnants, after disastrous losses on the coast of Ireland (after some ships had tried to struggle back to Spain via the North Sea, and then back south past the west coast of Ireland). Unaware of the Armada's fate, English militias mustered to defend the country under the Earl of Leicester's command. He invited Elizabeth to inspect her troops at Tilbury in Essex on 8 August. The defeat of the armada was a potent propaganda victory, both for Elizabeth and for Protestant England. The English took their delivery as a symbol of God's favour and of the nation's inviolability under a virgin queen. However, the victory was not a turning point in the war, which continued and often favoured Spain.

Edmund Spenser , a poet Christopher Marlowe, an English dramatist, poet and translator William Shakespeare William Shakespeare, an English poet and playwright

In 1576, the first Elizabethan theatre in London was built by James Burbage.

Her 45-year reign is generally considered one of the most glorious in English history. During it a secure Church of England was established.

The reign of Elizabeth I is often thought of as a Golden Age. It was a time of extravagance and luxury in which a flourishing popular culture was expressed through writers such as Shakespeare, and explorers like Drake and Raleigh sought to expand England's territory overseas.

Elizabeth was dedicated to her country in a way few monarchs had been or have been since. Elizabeth had the mind of a political genius and nurtured her country through careful leadership and by choosing capable men to assist her, such as Sir William Cecil and Sir Francis Walsingham. Elizabeth was a determined woman, but she was not obstinate. She listened to the advice of those around her, and would change a policy if it was unpopular. In appearance she was extravagant, in behavior sometimes flippant and frivolous, but her approach to politics was serious, conservative, and cautious. When she ascended the throne in 1558, England was an impoverished country torn apart by religious squabbles

Check yourself Task 1 Answer the following questions: What dynasty was Elizabeth I referred to? (Tudor) 2. At what age did Elizabeth I become a queen? (25) 3. Who was the predecessor and successor of Elizabeth I? (Mary I, James I) 4. How is the age of her reign called? (the Virgin Queen, Gloriana, or Good Queen Bess)

5. How is the name of Elizabeth I associated with the Renaissance? (Elizabeth I was the Queen of England and reigned 45 years. Her age was called the age of Elizabeth or the age of Renaissance. She was a well-educated person and became a great patron of the arts. It was the period of peace, a prosperous period. It was the time when arts, music and science were in need. Her name is associated with the Renaissance) 6. What names is the period of Renaissance associated with? (Edmund Spenser, Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare) What kind of Church did she establish? (an English Protestant Church of which she became the Supreme Governor) What document did she introduce? (the Act of Supremacy)

Task 2 Match the following events with dates: November, 17 1558 September, 7 1533 May, 8 1559 1588 16th -17th centuries January, 15 1559 Elizabeth was crowned at Westminster Abbey Act of Supremacy the defeat of the Spanish Armada Elizabeth I was born The English Renaissance Elizabeth II became a queen

Task 3 Choose the right version: One of Elizabeth's mottoes was "I see/hear, and say nothing". Within 20 years of her death, she was being celebrated as the ruler of a golden/silver age. It was never in serious doubt that Elizabeth would embrace at least nominal Catholicism/ Protestantism. Keys: 1 – see 2 – golden 3 – Protestantism

Task 4 Who is it? William Shakespeare Christopher Marlowe Francis Drake Key: 2. Christopher Marlowe

Philip II Philip III Philip V Key: 1. Philip II

Margaret Hilda Thatcher Mary I, Queen of Scots Mary Stuart II Key: 2. Mary I, Queen of Scots

Task 5 True or false: Elizabeth's reign is known as the Elizabethan era. The new Act of Uniformity became law on 8 May 1559. Elizabeth is acknowledged as a charismatic performer and a dogged survivor. William Shakespeare had undertaken a major voyage against Spanish ports and ships to the Caribbean in 1585. Elizabeth I was a daughter of Henry VII Keys: 1-true 2-false, Act of Supremacy 3-true 4-false, Sir Francis Drake 5- false, Henry VIII


The reign of Queen Elizabeth I is often referred to as The Golden Age of English history. Elizabeth was an immensely popular Queen, and her popularity has waned little with the passing of four hundred years. She is still one of the best loved monarchs, and one of the most admired rulers of all time. She became a legend in her own lifetime, famed for her remarkable abilities and achievements. Yet, about Elizabeth the woman, we know very little. She is an enigma, and was an enigma to her own people.

Elizabeth was the daughter of King Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn. She was born on 7 September 1533 at Greenwich Palace. Her birth was possibly the greatest disappointment of her father's life. He had wanted a son and heir to succeed him as he already had a daughter, Mary, by his first wife, Katherine of Aragon. He had not divorced Katherine, and changed the religion of the country in the process, to have only another daughter. Elizabeth's early life was consequently troubled. Her mother failed to provide the King with a son and was executed on false charges of incest and adultery on 19 May 1536. Anne's marriage to the King was declared null and void, and Elizabeth, like her half-sister, Mary, was declared illegitimate and deprived of her place in the line of succession.

The next eight years of Elizabeth's life saw a quick succession of stepmothers. There was Jane Seymour who died giving birth to the King's longed for son, Edward; Anne of Cleves who was divorced; Catherine Howard who was beheaded; and finally Catherine Parr. For generations, historians have debated whether the constant bride changing of her father was responsible for Elizabeth's apparent refusal to marry. It is certainly possible that the tragic fates of Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard impressed upon her a certain fear of marriage, but there may have been other reasons for the Queen's single state, such as a fear of childbirth, which claimed the lives of a significant number of women in this period. Even if the Queen had no personal reservations about marriage, there were political problems with almost every contender for her hand. Religion was a major divisive issue, and there was also the problem of whether Elizabeth would have to relinquish any of her royal powers to a husband in an age when the political sphere was exclusively male.

As a child, Elizabeth was given a very impressive education. It had become popular amongst the nobility to educate daughters as well as sons and Elizabeth excelled at her studies. She was taught by famous scholars such as William Grindal and Roger Ascham, and from an early age it was clear that she was remarkably gifted. She had an especial flare for languages, and by adulthood, she could reputedly speak five languages fluently.

Elizabeth's adolescence was no easier than her childhood. While the King lived, she was safe from political opportunists, but when he died in the January of 1547, and his young son became King Edward VI, she was vulnerable to those who saw her as a political pawn. Despite being officially illegitimate, Henry had reinstated his daughters in the line of succession. Mary was to follow Edward, and Elizabeth was to follow Mary. This meant that Elizabeth was now second in line to the throne. Edward was too young to rule himself as he was only nine years old, so his uncle, Edward Seymour, became Protector of England. His younger brother, Thomas Seymour, was jealous of his position and attempted to overthrow him. His scheme, which involved an attempted kidnapping of the Boy King, cost him his life. He had made no secret of his desire to marry Elizabeth (in Tudor times a girl was considered of marriageable age at twelve) so she was implicated in his plot. It was treason for an heir to the throne to marry without the consent of the King and his Council, and at only fifteen years of age, Elizabeth had to persuade her interrogators that she knew nothing of the plot and had not consented to marry the King's uncle. She succeeded in defending her innocence, but rumours of an illicit affair with Seymour, all the more scandalous because he had been married to her last step-mother, Katherine Parr, (before she died in childbirth), plagued her long afterwards.

Elizabeth again found herself implicated in treason after the Wyatt rebellion of 1554. Edward had died in the summer of 1553 from prolonged ill health, and Elizabeth's half-sister, Mary, was now Queen Mary I of England after a brief fight for the throne against the scheme of John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, to make his daughter in law, Jane Grey, queen. Mary was not a particularly popular monarch, and was suspicious of her Protestant half-sister. It was thus not difficult to persuade her that Elizabeth may have been conspiring with Thomas Wyatt and his men to seize the throne. Whether or not the rebellion was to make Elizabeth queen is uncertain, and it is also unknown whether Elizabeth had any knowledge of the conspirators plans. Even if she did have knowledge of them, there is no evidence that she approved of the actions of Wyatt and his followers. Elizabeth said she was innocent of the accusations made against her, but she was still arrested and sent to the Tower of London as a prisoner.

Many of those surrounding the Queen would have liked Elizabeth to have been executed, but there was no evidence against her and she was popular with the people. Elizabeth was kept a captive at the Tower for two months and then removed to Woodstock Manor in Oxfordshire, where she was kept a prisoner for a year. The house itself was uninhabitable so she had to be lodged in the gatehouse with her servants. It was only at the behest of the Queen's husband, Philip of Spain, that she was allowed to return to her childhood home of Hatfield in Hertfordshire. Philip was aware of the Queen's poor health and wanted to gain the friendship of Elizabeth to ensure peaceable relations between England and Spain should his wife die and Elizabeth succeed to the throne.

Elizabeth finally succeed to the throne on 17th November 1558. It was a moment of supreme triumph for the unwanted daughter who had spent her life in the shadow of the court, cast aside and forgotten. The years following the death of her father had called for sobriety and caution, but now that she was Queen, Elizabeth was determined to enjoy her new found freedom and live life to the full. She loved all kinds of sports, especially horse riding, and in the early years of her reign spent many an hour riding. She also loved hunting, hawking, bear baiting, and watching the male courtiers excel at jousts or other sporting contests. She loved music and dancing, pageantry and masques, and could even play the virginals and the lute herself with skill. She had no time for the Puritan theologians who deemed such things impious. She also loved watching plays and created the atmosphere responsible for the flourishing of the literary masterpieces of the period against the Puritan demands for the closure of all theatres and playhouses.

Королева Елизавета I (1533-1603)

Девочку назвали в честь матери Генриха VIII. Кроме того, Елизавете даровали титул принцессы Уэльской (наследницы престола), отобрав его у старшей, сводной сестры Марии от первой жены короля, с которой тот развёлся. Марию же, не желавшую отречься от католической веры матери в пользу новой протестантской веры отца, признали бастардом и заставили прислуживать маленькой сестре.

Впрочем, уже через два года Елизавета тоже была признана бастардом – её мать, Анна Болейн, погибла на плахе, а у короля появилась новая жена. Всего у Генриха VIII было шесть жён – с двумя развёлся, две умерли на плахе, одна от родов.

Генриху VIII наследовал сын от третьей жены, Эдуард VI. Елизавету с братом связывали самые тёплые отношения, но юноша был очень болезненным и в 16 лет скончался от туберкулёза. Попытки некоторых придворных возвести на трон его кузину и невесту Джейн Грей не увенчались успехом. На трон вступила старшая сестра Елизаветы – Мария, прозванная Кровавой за гонения на протестантов.

В 1558 году Елизавета в возрасте 25 лет стала королевой. Народ обожал молодую королеву, вернувшую протестантскую веру в страну (впрочем, она мудро разрешила католикам посещать мессу). С помощью мудрых советников, особенно Уильяма Сесила, Елизавета проводила активную экономическую политику, ведущую к процветанию промышленности и торговли.

В годы правления Елизаветы Англия стала великой морской державой. Королева поощряла не только строительство флота, но и удачливых моряков и пиратов, грабивших корабли испанцев – врагов Англии.

Но именно сын Марии Стюарт наследовал Елизавете — у неё не было детей, и она передала трон двоюродному племяннику Джеймсу (Якову I), который наконец-то смог объединить под единым скипетром Англию и Шотландию.

В последние годы из-за гибели близких друзей здоровье королевы было весьма подорвано. В феврале 1603 года она впала в глубокую депрессию, меланхолию. 24 марта 1603 года Елизавета I умерла во дворце Ричмонд, её похоронили в Вестминстерском аббатстве.

Королева Елизавета (Queen Elizabeth) топик по-английскому

Королева Елизавета (Queen Elizabeth) топик по-английскому рассказывает о действующем монархе Великобритании - Елизавете II. Граждане Великобритании очень любят свою королеву, для многих людей эта сильная женщина является примером для подражания. Для многих женщин эта любительница изысканных брошек и необычных шляпок стала иконой стиля.

Изучив топик по-английскому Королева Елизавета (Queen Elizabeth) вы сможете приятно удивить ваших британских собеседников знаниями об этой удивительной женщине. Королева Елизавета (Queen Elizabeth) топик по-английскому расскажет о детстве, личной жизни, а также деятельности королевы в настоящее время. Прочитав Королева Елизавета (Queen Elizabeth) топик по-английскому вы сможете понять, почему для британцев так важна королева Елизавета II.

Queen Elizabeth II

The full name of Queen Elizabeth is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary. She became queen at the age of 26 after her father King George VI died during his official visit to Kenya in 1952.

The queen of Great Britain participates in various events of symbolic importance and does charity work. The Queen`s job - representing the country is very difficult, because she cannot have a normal lifestyle. But the majority of the British people think that Queen Elizabeth does her job perfectly.

Princess Elizabeth also enjoyed acting. She staged a Christmas pantomime at Windsor with her younger sister Margaret and the children of members of the staff of the Royal Household.

Elizabeth II got married in 1947 to the Duke of Edinburgh, Philip Mountbatten, now Prince Philip, the man who she truly loved and worshiped. When he was young, Prince Philipp was a reckless man: he used to drive his car extremely fast. One day, Elizabeth II and Prince Philipp even got in a car accident. Sometimes Philipp was rude and familiar, his clothes weren’t very tidy and his shoes weren't always polished. Elizabeth's family didn`t like Philipp, an her parents were not happy to have Philip as their son-in-law. However, they didn’t want their daughter to be unhappy, so the marriage took place, when the would-be queen was twenty-one. Elizabeth loved Philipp the way he was, for her he was the one.

The Britains love Queen Elizabeth II very much, she is a role model for many people and public figures, because she is always keeping a brave face, inspite of all the difficulties.

Королева Елизавета II

Полное имя королевы Елизаветы - Елизавета Александра Мария. Она стала королевой в возрасте 26 лет, после смерти своего отца, короля Георга VI во время официального визита в Кению в 1952 году.

Королева Великобритании принимает участие в различных мероприятиях, имеющих символическое значение, а так же занимается благотворительностью. Работа королевы - являться представителем страны очень тяжелая, потому что она не позволяет вести нормальный образ жизни. Однако, большинство британцев считают, что королева безупречно выполняет свою работу.

Принцесса Елизавета также увлекалась актерским мастерством. Она поставила пантомиму в Виндзоре на Рождество вместе со своей младшей сестрой Маргарет и детьми членов персонала королевского двора.

Во время Второй мировой войны Елизавета II служила в Вооруженных Силах. Она стала первой женщиной-монархом кто сделал это. Она помогала водить и ремонтировать военные грузовики. Представьте себе картину: королева Великобритании водит или ремонтирует военный грузовик!

Елизавете II вышла замуж в 1947 за герцога Эдинбургского, Филиппа Маунтбаттена, теперь Принца Филиппа, человека, которого она действительно любила и которым восхищалась. В юности Принц Филипп был довольно безрассудным человеком: он водил свою машину слишком быстро. Однажды Елизавета II и Принц Филипп попали в автомобильную аварию. Иногда Филипп вел себя грубо и фамильярно, его одежда не всегда была чистой, а ботинки начищены. Семье Елизаветы не нравился Филипп, а родители были не рады, что Филипп будет их зятем, но они не хотели, чтобы их дочь была несчастной, поэтому брак был заключен, когда будущей королеве был двадцать один год. Елизавета любила Филиппа таким, какой он есть для нее он был единственным.

Британцы очень любят королеву Елизавету, для многих простых и публичных людей она является образцом для подражания, так как всегда сохраняет достоинство несмотря на трудности.

At present the British royal family is headed by Queen Elizabeth. When the Queen was born on the 21st of April 1926, her grandfather, King George V, was on the throne and her uncle was his heir. The death of her grandfather and the abdication of her uncle brought her father to the throne as King George VI.

As a child she studied constitutional history and law as well as art and music. In addition she learned to ride and acquired her enthusiasm for horses. As she grew older she began to take part in public life, making her first broadcast at the age of 14.

The marriage of the young Princess Elizabeth to Philip, Duke of Edinburgh took place in November 1947. She came to the throne after her father's death in 1952 and was crowned in Westminster Abbey in June 1953.

Among Queen Elizabeth's many duties are the regular visits she makes to foreign countries, and especially those of the Commonwealth, whose interests and welfare are very important to her. The Queen has allowed the BBC to make a documentary film about the every day of the royal family. She also started the tradition of the "walkabout", an informal feature of an otherwise formal royal visit, when she walks among the public crowds and stops to talk to some people.

The annual Christmas broadcast made by the Queen on radio and television has become a traditional and popular feature of the season, and there were widespread celebrations and special programmes of events in 1977 to mark her Silver Jubilee.

The Queen's husband, Duke of Edinburgh, was born in 1926 and served in the Royal Navy. He takes a great deal of interest in industry, in the achievements of young people (he founded Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme in 1956) and in saving raise wild animals from extinction.

The Queen's heir is Charles, Prince of Wales, who was born in 1948, married Lady Diana Spencer and has two children, Prince William and Prince Harry. The Prince of Wales is well-known as a keen promoter of British interests.

In recent years he has become outspoken on such controversial topics as modern architecture, violence in films and on television, and the standard of English teaching in schools. His wife Diana, Princess of Wales (often called in mass media Princess Di), won the affection of many people by her modesty, shyness and beauty. Unfortunately, she died in a car accident in August, 1997.

The Queen's other children are Princess Anne (born in 1950), Prince Andrew (born in 1960) and Prince Edward (born in 1964). Anne, Princess Royal, has acquired a reputation for being arrogant, but in recent years has become quite popular with the general public.

The Queen is widely known for her interest in horses and horse-racing. She is now president of the Save the Children Fund, Chancellor of the University of London and carries out many public engagements.

Prince Andrew, Duke of York, served as a helicopter pilot in the Royal Navy. In 1986 he married Miss Sarah Ferguson (Fergie, for short) and has two daughters.

Prince Edward is keen on the theatre. This interest began while he was at university. He quit the Royal Marines, and is now pursuing a career with a theatrical company.

The Queen Mother, the widow of the late King George VI, celebrated her one hundred birthday in 2 000 and died in 2002. The Queen's only sister, Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon, is well-known for her charity work.

Королевская семья

В настоящее время британскую королевскую семью возглавляет королева Елизавета. Когда королева родилась 21 апреля 1926 г., на троне был ее дедушка король Георг V, а ее дядя был наследником. После смерти ее дедушки и отречения от престола дяди ее отец взошел на трон как король Георг VI.

В детстве Елизавета изучала историю и право наряду с искусством и музыкой. К тому же она училась верховой езде и проявляла большой интерес к лошадям. Когда она подросла, то начала принимать участие в общественной жизни, выступив впервые по радио в возрасте 14 лет.

В ноябре 1947 г. состоялась свадьба молодой принцессы Елизаветы и Филиппа, герцога Эдинбургского. Она взошла на трон после смерти отца в 1952 г. и была коронована в Вестминстерском аббатстве в июне 1953 г.

Среди многочисленных обязанностей королевы Елизаветы - регулярные посещения иностранных государств, особенно стран Содружества, чьи интересы и благосостояние важны для нее. Королева позволила Би-би-си снять документальный фильм о буднях королевской семьи. Она также положила начало традиции королевских прогулок неофициального характера, непохожих на официальные визиты, когда она прогуливается среди людей, останавливается и разговаривает с некоторыми из них.

Ежегодные рождественские передачи по радио и телевидению стали традиционной и популярной приметой сезона. А в 1977 г. были проведены большие празднования и специальные представления по случаю серебряного юбилея правления королевы.

Муж королевы, герцог Эдинбургский, родился в 1926 г., служил в Королевском военно-морском флоте. Он проявляет большой интерес к промышленности, достижениям молодежи и спасению диких животных от вымирания.

Наследник королевы - Чарльз, принц Уэльский, который родился в 1948 г, женился на леди Диане Спенсер, имеет двоих детей: принца Уильяма и принца Гарри. Принц Уэльский известен как ярый защитник интересов Британии.

В последние годы он откровенно высказывался по таким спорным вопросам, как современная архитектура, насилие в кино и на телевидении, нормы обучения в английских школах. Его жена Диана, принцесса Уэльская (в средствах массовой информации ее часто называют принцесса Ди), завоевала любовь многих людей своей скромностью и красотой. К сожалению, в августе 1997 года она погибла в автокатастрофе.

Другие дети королевы - принцесса Анна (родилась в 1950 г.), принц Эндрю (родился в 1960 г.) и принц Эдвард (родился в 1964 г.) Принцесса Анна завоевала репутацию высокомерного человека, но в последнее время стала более популярна в народе.

Королева широко известна своим интересом к лошадям и верховой езде. Сейчас она является президентом Фонда защиты детей, ректором Лондонского университета и занимается общественной деятельностью.

Принц Эндрю, герцог Йоркский, служил пилотом вертолета в Королевском военно-морском, флоте. В 1986 г. он женился на Саре Фергюсон (сокращенно Ферджи) и имеет двоих детей.

Принц Эдвард любит театр. Этот интерес появился еще в университете. Он оставил Королевскую морскую пехоту и сейчас делает карьеру в составе театральной труппы.

Королева-мать, вдова последнего короля Георга VI, отметила свой столетний юбилей в 2000 г. и умерла в 2002 году. Единственная сестра королевы, принцесса Маргарет, графиня Сноудона, хорошо известна своей благотворительной деятельностью.

1. When was the Queen Elizabeth crowned?
2. By whom is the British royal family headed at present?
3. What tradition did she start?
4. What did the Queen Elizabeth study as a child?
5. What does he take a great interest in?
6. When was the Queen's husband born?
7. What are the names of the Queen's other children?
8. Who did Prince Charles marry?

abdication - отречение
annual - годовой
controversial - противоречивый
duke - герцог
enthusiasm - увлечение
for short - сокращенно
feature - важная примета
heir - наследник
keen promoter - ярый защитник
monarchy - монархия
outspoken - откровенный, прямой
the Royal Navy - Королевский флот
to crown - короновать
to signify - выражать
to grow older - взрослеть
to make one's broadcast - выступать в радиопередаче
welfare - благосостояние
widespread - распространенный

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