Сообщение про дыхательную систему на английском

Обновлено: 17.05.2024

Тема. Дыхательная система. The Past Continuous Tense.

После изучения данной темы студент должен уметь:

– вести беседу по теме;

– понимать лексические единицы и выражения в потоке речи;

– читать и переводить тексты по изученной теме.

После изучения данной темы студент должен знать:

– функции и органы дыхательной системы;

– употребление The Past Continuous Tense;

– лексику по теме.

Воспитательные цели. Изучение данной темы:

– стимулирует интерес студентов к обучению в колледже;

– стимулирует самостоятельность студенческого творчества.

– способствует созданию мотивации на продолжение самостоятельного углубленного изучения дисциплины.

В результате освоения данной темы у студента должны формироваться следующие общие компетенции

  • ОК 4. Осуществлять поиск и использование информации, необходимой для эффективного выполнения профессиональных задач, профессионального и личностного развития;
  • ОК 5. Использовать информационно-коммуникативные технологии в профессиональной деятельности;
  • ОК 6. Работать в коллективе и команде, эффективно общаться с коллегами, руководством, потребителями;
  • ОК8. Самостоятельно определять задачи профессионального и личностного развития, заниматься самообразованием, осознано планировать повышение своей квалификации.

Общее время занятия – 2 часа.

Оснащение занятия: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, видеофильм, презентация.

План проведения занятия

Преподаватель отмечает присутствующих, проверяет наличие халата, объявляет тему, цели занятия, обосновывает актуальность изучаемой темы.

Сформировать мотив для необходимости изучения данной темы, активизировать познавательную деятельность студентов

Контроль и коррекция исходного уровня знаний.

Разбор домашнего задания. Словарный диктант.

Проверить и скорректировать исходный уровень знаний студентов.

Введение нового лексического материала.

Знакомство с новой лексикой. Слова произносятся вслух, а затем записываются в тетради.

Расширить лексический минимум студентов. Подготовить студентов к восприятию новой информации. Закрепить фонетические знания.

Введение нового материала.

Расширить активный словарный запас студентов. Ознакомить студентов с работой дыхательной системы человека. Развивать языковую догадку.

Активизация нового материала

Студенты читают и переводят текст про пищеварительную систему.

Ознакомить студентов с органами и функциями дыхательной системы человека. Развивать языковую догадку. Создать мотив для дальнейшего изучения анатомии человека, активизировать познавательную деятельность студентов.

Самостоятельная работа студентов. Контроль конечного уровня знаний

Выполнение заданий в тестовой форме на знание The Past Continuous Tense. Работа над ошибками.

Проконтролировать уровень знаний студентов по ранее изученной теме, закрепить приобретённые знания.

Подведение итогов и задание на дом.

Подводятся итоги занятия, сообщаются оценки за работу, дается домашнее задание.

Создать мотивацию на дальнейшую самостоятельную работу.

Резерв времени преподавателя

1. Elaine N. Marieb. Human Anatomy & Physiology. Sixth Edition . Publisher: Benjamin-Cummings.

2. Kent M. Van De Graaff, Stuart Ira Fox. Concepts of Human Anatomy and Physiology. Third Edition. Wm. C. Brown Publishers.

3. Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use. Third Edition. Cambridge University Press.

breathe in - вдыхать

breathe out - выдыхать

carbon dioxide – углекислый газ

gas exchange - газообмен

throat (pharynx) - глотка

voice box (larynx)- гортань

windpipe (trachea)- трахея

nasal passageways – дыхательные пути

vocal cords – голосовые связки

tiny – тоненький, крошечный, микроскопический

air sacs – воздушные мешочки

enable – давать возможность, позволять

get rid (of) – избавляться

Вопросы к видеоролику

What is respiration?

What organs do we refer to the respiratory system?

Where is air filtered and moistened?

How do we call the organ that covers air-only passage when we swallow?

What is the respiratory system?

Your respiratory system is made up of the organs in your body that help you to breathe. The goal of breathing is to deliver oxygen to the body and to take away carbon dioxide.

Parts of the respiratory system

The lungs are the main organs of the respiratory system. In the lungs oxygen is taken into the body and carbon dioxide is breathed out. The red blood cells are responsible for picking up the oxygen in the lungs and carrying the oxygen to all the body cells that need it. The red blood cells drop off the oxygen to the body cells, then pick up the carbon dioxide which is a waste gas product produced by our cells. The red blood cells transport the carbon dioxide back to the lungs and we breathe it out when we exhale.

The trachea is sometimes called the windpipe. The trachea filters the air we breathe and branches into the bronchi.

The bronchi are two air tubes that branch off of the trachea and carry air directly into the lungs.

Breathing starts with a dome-shaped muscle at the bottom of the lungs called the diaphragm . When you breathe in, the diaphragm contracts. When it contracts it flattens out and pulls downward. This movement enlarges the space that the lungs are in. This larger space pulls air into the lungs. When you breathe out, the diaphragm expands reducing the amount of space for the lungs and forcing air out. The diaphragm is the main muscle used in breathing.

Frequently Asked Questions

When you are sleepy or drowsy the lungs do not take enough oxygen from the air. This causes a shortage of oxygen in our bodies. The brain senses this shortage of oxygen and sends a message that causes you to take a deep long breath - a YAWN.

Why Do I Sneeze?

Sneezing is like a cough in the upper breathing passages. It is the body's way of removing an irritant from the sensitive mucous membranes of the nose. Many things can irritate the mucous membranes. Dust, pollen, pepper or even a cold blast of air are just some of the many things that may cause you to sneeze.

What Causes Hiccups?

Hiccups are the sudden movements of the diaphragm. It is involuntary- you have no control over hiccups, as you well know. There are many causes of hiccups. The diaphragm may get irritated, you may have eaten to fast, or maybe some substance in the blood could even have brought on the hiccups.

Тест на знание времени Past Continuous

Choose the correct answer:

1. When I arrived, Tom (lie) on the sofa and (speak) over the phone.

b) was liing, speaking

c) was liing, was speaking

d) was lying, was speaking

2. The police caught Dan when he (rob) a shop.

3. He couldn’t speak because he (die) of laughter.

4. What you (do) between one and two? I phoned you several times. - I (play) the piano and heard nothing.

a) will you do, I’ll play

b) are you doing, am playing

c) were you doing, was playing

d) was you doing, was playing

5. When I got up that morning, the sun (shine) brightly and the birds (sing).

b) was shining, were singing

c) were shining, was singing

6. When you rang me yesterday, I (have) a bath.

7. Somebody stole the money from Dad’s pocket while he (sleep).

c) were sleeping

8. I (sit) by the window when I heard the noise.

9. As Tom (cross) the street, a car came round the corner.

b) were crossing

10. I glanced at Mary who (still/ shiver) from the cold.

a) still was shivering

b) were still shivering

c) still shivered

d) was still shivering

11. At six o’clock I (wait) for Jennie at the station.

12. On coming up to the house I saw a man who (try) to unlock the door by force.

13. The student (reply) to the question when the headmistress came in.

c) were replying

14. I saw a light in your window as I (pass) by.

15. I (lose) my purse while I (shop)

a) lost, was shopping

b) was losing, shopped

c) was losing, was shopping

16. Liz’s elder brother said that he (go) to enter Leeds University.

17. While my son (wait) for my call, somebody knocked at the door.

18. We (just/talk) about him when he suddenly (come) in.

a) were just talking, was coming

b) just were talking, came

c) were just talking, came

19. She (leave) the office when she (see) her husband in the hall.

a) left, was seeing

b) was leaving, saw

c) were leaving, was seeing

20. Yesterday while Dad (shave), he (cut) himself slightly.

b) was shaving, cut

c) was shaving, cutted

Ответы к тесту по грамматике

1 d 2 c 3 c 4 c 5 b 6d 7b 8a 9a/d 10c 11a/b 12b 13b 14a 15a 16c 17b 18c 19b 20b

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Презентация к уроку грамматики "Past Continuous Tense"

Презентация к уроку- введение нового грамматического материала - "Past Continuous Tense".

PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE (Прошедшее Продолженное Время)

PAST CONTINUOUS TENSEПрошедшее Продолженное Время.Для правильного использования грамматического материала необходимо ознакомить детейс понятиями краткого и длительного действия, что очень хорошо описы.

Презентация "Past Continuous Tense"

Данная презентация знакомит учащихся с образованием Past Continuous Tense, со случиями употребления этого времени. Имеются примеры, объясняющие способы образования отрицательных и вопросительных.

презентация Past Continuous Tense

Данная презентация может быть использована при введенеии грамматического времени Past Continuous Tense в 8 классе по УМК М.З. Биболетовой.

Презентация к МРПЗ "Дыхательная система. The Past Continuous Tense"

Презентация сопровождает практическое занятие "Дыхательная система. The Past Continuous Tense".

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Fulfilled: student group 31 Butonaeva Zoia Check: Kraskova Inna Romanovna. Regional state budgetary professional educational institution. Medical College Minusinsky. Minusinsk, 2017

Defn: Brings oxygen into the body and removes carbon dioxide and other gases.

Nasal Cavity – Where air enters the body Mouth – Where air enters the body Pharynx – Another name for the throat cavity Larynx – Voice Box

Epiglottis – The flap of skin that covers the trachea. Trachea – Directs air into the lungs.

Bronchi – Passages through which air enters the lungs Lungs – Transfer oxygen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide from the lungs

Pleura – The outer lining of the lungs

Diaphragm – A large dome shaped muscle that separates the lungs from the abdomen

Bronchial tubes – Tubes running from the trachea to the lungs

Alveoli – Tiny air sacs in the lungs

Respiration in Action

Flu / Colds: Caused by a virus; cough, runny nose, aches fever Tuberculosis: Bacterial lung infection Allergies: Sneezing, itchy eyes, runny nose, hives; caused by a reaction to a substance Pneumonia: Lung infection by bacteria or viruses; fever, chest pain, difficulty breathing

Lung Cancer: Alveoli destroyed; often caused by smoking Graphic Picture.

Emphysema: Alveoli destroyed; extreme difficulty breathing; often fatal

Bronchitis: Swelling of the bronchi due to infection; cough fever, tightness in chest Asthma: Bronchial swelling and blockage; wheezing, short breath, coughing Health Animations - Diseases and Conditions - Asthma

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1 Respiration occurs in all living things, both plants and animals.The proper function of this system is perhaps the most important one in the sustaining of life. Interruption of breathing for only a few minutes by suffocation or strangulation causes death. In the human organism, res­piration consists of those processes by which the body cells and tissues make use of oxygen and by which carbon dioxide or the waste products of respiration are removed.

2 Inhaled air contains about 20 per cent oxygen and four hundredths of one per cent carbon dioxide. Exhaled air consists of approximately 16 per cent oxygen and 4 per cent carbon dioxide. Nitrogen, which makes up about 79 per cent of the atmosphere, is not involved in the breathing process. When air is inhaled into the lungs, a portion of the oxygen is passing into the blood and is being circulated through the body. At the same time, carbon dioxide is being diffused out of the blood into the lungs and exhaled.

3 Air is breathed through either the mouth' or nose into the oral cavity, or pharynx. It then passes through the voice box, or larynx, into the windpipe, or trachea. The trachea ultimately divides into two small­er tubes, bronchi, one is going to each lung. The bronchi divide into tiny passage-ways that are named bronchioles, which lead directly to minute air sacs, or alveoli. The exchange of life-giving gases is effected through the walls of the alveoli.One must know that mechanisms in the 'upper res’piratory tract 'serve to 'filter, and 'warm the 'air in its 'journey to the lungs. The 'hairs, or 'cilia, in the nostrils partially 'fil­ter out 'dust particles as does 'sticky secretion, 'mucus, which has be­en produced by 'mucous cells. It lines the mouth, 'nasal passages, pharynx and trachea. Cilia in the 'nasal 'passages and trachea are effective in helping to remove 'foreign particles from the 'upper respiratory tract.

4 Other structures which have been connected with the system in­clude: the laryngeal tonsils, which are masses of tissue in the nasopharynx or posterior portions of the nasal passages (adenoids are infected or diseased laryngeal tonsils); the sinus­es, cavities in the bones in the front part of the skull that provide reso­nance to the voice, and the pleura, a double-walled membrane which sur­rounds the lungs.

5 When the diaphragm contractsand flattens, it contributes to the extension of the vertical diameter of the thoracic cavity. Air is constantly renewing in the lungs. The capacity of the air passages is increasing. Any muscular effort, e.g. even standing up, increases the number of respirations.

Text ВRespiration

The composition of the air inside the lungs is different from that of the air which we inhale. The content of alveolar air is very constant, especial­ly the one of carbon dioxide, the partial pressure of which is normally 40 mm of mercury. This constancy is the result of a self-regulating mecha­nism by which the respiratory activity is governed by the amount of car­bon dioxide which has been eliminated from the organism.

The exchange of gases varies according to the size and activity of the organism. In man at rest the absorption of oxygen reaches about 0.25 litre a minute and the elimination of carbon dioxide 0.2 litre. At a time of maximum muscular activity, the consumption of oxygen and the produc­tion of carbon dioxide may both exceed 4 litres a minute.

position, and air is expelled through the same tracts that had been used by fresh air during inspiration.

In an individual at rest the number of inspirations per minute is 10 to 15; the pulmonary ventilation, or the volume of air which passes through the respiratory system each minute, is about 6litres per minute. During intense muscular activity the inspiration rate may rise to 50 and the ventilation to 150 litres or more per minute.

Образцы сочинений-рассуждений по русскому языку: Я думаю, что счастье – это чувство и состояние полного.

Cell types include: Type I and II epithelial cells, alveolar macrophages.
The blood-gas barrier (pulmonary capillary-alveolar membrane) is ideal for gas exchange because it is very thin (‹0,5 mm) and has a very large surface area (50-100 m2). It consists of alveolar epithelium, basement membrane interstitium, and capillary endothelium.

New words
respiratory – дыхательный
structurally – структурно
functionally – функционально
adapted – приспособленный
efficient – эффективный
transfer – перемещение
gases – газы
ambient – окружающий
air – воздух
bloodstream – кровоток
airways – воздушные пути
alveoli – альвеолы
blood vessels – кровеносные сосуды
lungs – легкие
chest – грудь
diaphragm – диафрагма
the systemic blood vessels – системные кровеносные сосуды
red blood cells – красные кровяные клетки plasma – плазма
respi ratory control neurons – дыхательные нейроны контроля
brainstem – ствол мозга
sensory – сенсорный
motor connections – моторные связи
ventilation – вентиляция
transport – транспортировка
environment exchange – окружающая среда
surface – поверхность
Един. ч. – множ. ч.
this is – these are
that is – those are
there is – there are
it is – they are

Поставьте слова в следующих предложениях во множественное число.
1. This is a star.
2. This is a boy.
3. This is a baby.
4. That is a plate.
5. That is a flower.
6. That is a bookshelf.
7. Is this a sofa?
8. Is this a bookcase?
9. Is this a man?
10. Is that a ball?
11. Is that a train?
12. Is that a plane?
13. Is the window open?
14. Is the door closed?
15. Is the boy near the window?
16. That is not a king.
17. That is not a queen.
18. That is not a bus.
19. That isn’t a mountain.
20. That isn’t a goose.
21. This isn’t a mouse.
22. It is a sheep.
23. It is a cigarette.
24. It is a cat.
25. It is not a girl.
26. It isn’t a bag.
27. It isn’t a tree.
28. It is not a bad egg.
29. It is a good egg.
30. Is that a flower?
31. This man is an engineer.
32. That woman is my sister.
33. This child is my son.
34. That goose is big.
35. This mouse is white.
36. This man is a doctor.
37. That woman is my cousin. She is a teacher
38. That girl is my niece. She is a pupil.
39. This girl has a blue sweater.
40. This boy has a good coat.
41. My uncle has a large flat.
42. There is a table in the room.
43. I have a good pen. My pen is in my pocket.
44. There is a flower in the vase.
45. This child’s foot is sore.

Answer he questions.
1. What is the respiratory system structurally adopted?
2. What does the respiratory system transfer?
3. What are the most major lung functions?
4. What do we breath in?
5. What do we breath out?
6. How is the oxygen delivered to the organs?
7. How is oxygen delivered to the organs?
8. What is metabolism?
9. What are the functional components?
10. What do cell types include?
Make the sentences of your own using the new words (10 sentences).
Find plural and single in the text.
Find one word, which is a little bit different in meaning from others (найдите одно слово, которое немного отличается от других по смыслу):
1. a) palm; b) blood; c) vessel;
2. a) leg; b) tissue; c) metabolism;
3. a) airways; b) alveoli; c) arm;
4. a) intestines; b) cell; c) membrane;
5. a) oxygen; b) breath; c) carbon.

(1 votes, average: 5,00 out of 5)

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