Сообщение про динозавров на английском языке

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Dinosaurs lived long time ago. I like tyrannosaurus Rex the most. There were many terrestrial and flying dinosaurs. But I believe that the tyrannosaur Rex was the most beautiful. There were many dinosaurs, especially predatory and herbivores. Tyrannosaurus Rex was a predator. Tyrannosaurus Rex walked on two paws. Tyrannosaurus Rex run fast in the period of dinosaurs. Tyrannosaurus Rex was portrayed in many cartoons. I have a figurine in the form of tyrannosaurus Rex. I like reading books about dinosaurs. I saw the remains of tyrannosaurus Rex in the museum. I love dinosaurs.

В этой статье дается описание различным видам динозавров и доисторических животных. Все предложения переведены на русский язык. Вы также сможете распечататься файлы в PDF формате , которые находятся над правым углом каждой таблицы. Файлы имеют два варианта текста – английский-русский и просто русский. Если ребенок уже умеет читать или писать, русский вариант текста может быть использован для упражнений по переводу на английский язык. Это предварительный этап, перед спонтанным пересказом текста.

dinosaur 4 t rex

Look at the picture.

Посмотрите на картинку.

It’s big and strong .

Он большой и сильный .

It has a big tail .

У него большой хвост .

It has two big and strong legs .

У него две большие и сильные ноги .

It walks on two legs.

Он ходит на двух ногах.

It also has two small and short arms .

У этого также есть две маленьких и коротких руки .

There are 4 claws on each foot.

На каждой ноге есть 4 когтя .

It has 3 large front claws and one small hind claw.

У него есть 3 огромных передних когтя и один маленький задний коготь.

The claws are huge and sharp.

Когти огромные и острые.

It has a big head with a lot of sharp teeth .

У этого большая голова с множеством острых зубов .

It has a few big fangs .

У этого есть несколько больших клыков .

Its tongue is red.

Его язык красный.

It's sticking out from its mouth.

Он торчит из его рта.

It can run very fast .

Он может бегать очень быстро .

This creature is very dangerous .

Это существо очень опасное .

It hunts other animals.

Он охотится на других животных.

dinosaur 1

Look at the picture.

Посмотрите на картинку.

It’s a Brontosaurus.

It’s big and strong.

Он большой и сильный.

It has a big and long tail.

У него большой длинный хвост.

It has four big legs.

Он имеет четыре большие ноги.

Its neck is very long.

Его шея очень длинная.

Its head is small .

Его голова маленькая .

It doesn’t have claws.

У него нет когтей.

It eats grass and leaves from trees.

Он ест траву и листья с деревьев.

It’s a vegetarian animal.

Это вегетарианское животное.

It doesn’t run fast.

Он не бегает быстро.

It walks slowly .

Он ходит медленно .

It’s not dangerous .

dinosaur 2 stegosaurus

Look at the picture.

Посмотрите на картинку.

It’s a Stegosaurus.

It’s eating grass.

Он ест траву (сайчас).

Он имеет 4 ноги.

It has a big tail with spikes on its end.

У него есть большой хвост с шипами на конце.

It has bony plates along its back.

У него есть (костные) пластины вдоль спины.

I think it’s for protection .

Я думаю, это для защиты .

What do you think ?

Что вы думаете ?

If something attacks it, it swings its tail to hit the attacker.

Если что-то атакует его, он качает хвостом, чтобы ударить атакующего.

Алекперова Рена Микаиловна

Презентации выполнены в Power Point учащимися 4-х классов на тему "В мире Динозавров". 2015-2016 учебный год.

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t-rex-_vladimirova_k_4_a.pptx 1.06 МБ
dinozavry_-_kuzmin_4_b.ppt 1.89 МБ
Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

This dinosaur had a big head , a short arms with only three fingers . It had sharp teeth , a long tail and it walked on two legs .

T-Rex This dinosaur had a huge head , short arms with two fingers . It had sharp teeth , a strong neck and it walked on two legs .

Troodon This dinosaur had a small head , short arms with two fingers . It had sharp teeth and walked on two legs .

Diplodocus This dinosaur had a small head , four short legs with five toes and a long neck . It had a long tail and it walked slowly .

Compsognathus This dinosaur had a small head , short arms with two fingers . It had sharp teeth , a small neck and it walked on two legs .

Stegosaurus This dinosaur had a small head , four legs with thee fingers . It had a small neck and it walked on four legs .

Riojasaurus This dinosaur had a small head , four legs with five toes . It had a long tail and it walked on four legs .

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Spinosau r s Spinosaurus - ( . 100-92 million years ago ), the representative of the family spinosaurids inhabiting the territory of present-day North Africa, in the Cretaceous period . For the first time this type of dinosaur was described by the remains found in Egypt German paleontologist Ernst Strohmer von Reichenbach in 1915 . Spinosaurus – ( 100-92 million years ago ), the representative of the family spinosaurids inhabiting the territory of present-day North Africa, in the Cretaceous period . For the first time this type of dinosaur was described by the remains found in Egypt German paleontologist Ernst Strohmer von Reichenbach in 1915 .

Diplodocus It was one of the true giants of the Late Jurassic period. According to estimates researcher David Gillette spent in 1991 , the size of Diplodocus could reach 54 meters in length and weighs 113 tons. Similar size estimation proved to be wrong due to wrong specified number of vertebrae . The actual size of giant current estimates were significantly lower. Diplodocus reached an average length of 27 meters , according to scientists the size of the largest specimens can reach 35 meters

Compsognathus Kompsognat- kind of dinosaur lived 145 million years ago. Found in the south of Germany, in Bavaria , in the same limestone as the skeleton of Archaeopteryx . Highly developed senses and quick feet . Compsognathus had 68 acute , slightly curved teeth .

Riojasaurus Prosauropoda - one of the subgroups Saurischia dinosaurs . They had a long tail and a barrel-shaped torso. Some prosauropoda moved on four legs , others - only two . They eat plants , and were the first large dinosaurs appeared on Earth. We lived in the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic periods ( 220-180 million years ago) .

Stegosaurus Stegosaurus - Late genus of herbivorous dinosaurs that existed 155-145 million years ago ( Kimmeridgian ) . . It is composed of three types of allocated . Due to spikes on the tail and a bony plates on its back are among the most recognizable dinozavrov.Na back Stegosaurus were 17 bony plates that were outgrowths of any internal skeleton bones , and placed apart.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Diplodocus was a long-necked, whip-tailed giant, measuring about 90 feet (27 m) long with a 26 foot (8 m) long neck and a 45 foot (14 m) long tail, but its head was less than 2 feet long. It was among the longest land animals ever.

I am a T-Rex. T-Rex means terrible lizard. I am big and strong. I walk on two legs and I have two short arms. I have very sharp teeth and claws.

Ankylosaurus was a huge armored dinosaur, measuring about 25-35 feet (7.5-10.7 m) long, 6 feet (1.8 m) wide and 4 feet (1.2 m) tall; it weighed roughly 3-4 tons. Its entire top side was heavily protected from carnivores with thick, oval plates embedded (fused) in its leathery skin .

Monoclonius was a large, early ceratopsian with a huge head that was held close to the ground. Its skull was 6 feet (1.8) long from beak to frill. It had a small frill on its head with a single nose horn that pointed upwards and two smaller horns over the eyes.

When I was young, my Mum often read me about dinosaurs. – Когда я был маленьким, моя мама часто читала мне о динозаврах.

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I always want to find a bones of dinosaurs. – Я всегда хотел найти кости динозавров.

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pterodactyl – птеродактиль
fairy tale – сказка
to discover – обнаруживать

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The size of dinosaurs is bigger then the size of whales and elephants, in addition, they were stronger and faster. – Размер динозавров больше размера китов и слонов, к тому же, они были сильнее и быстрее.

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Archaeologists have discovered the fragmentary remains of a dinosaur, it was a pterodactyl. – Археологи обнаружили фрагментарные останки динозавра, это был птеродактиль.

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When we read fairy tales, we can often see the magical dragons and dinosaurs. – Когда мы читаем сказки, то часто можем увидеть волшебный драконов и динозавров.

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Сочинение со словом dinosaur на английском языке

Dinosaurs lived many millions of years ago. They belong to the class of reptiles. Modern descendants of dinosaurs are lizards and snakes, crocodiles and alligators, some birds, sea and land turtles. Dinosaurs lived only in the Mesozoic era or in “The age of reptiles”, which lasted from 228 to 64 million years ago. No man has ever seen live dinosaurs. Archaeologists restore portraits of dinosaurs using the remains of their skeletons.

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Динозавры жили много миллионов лет назад. Они относятся к классу рептилий. Современными потомками динозавров являются ящеры и змеи, крокодилы и аллигаторы, некоторые птицы, морские и сухопутные черепахи. Динозавры жили только в мезозойскую эру или в “Века Рептилий”, которая продолжалась с 228 до 64 миллионов лет назад. Ни одному человеку никогда не приходилось видеть динозавров вживую. Археологи восстанавливают портреты динозавров по остаткам их скелетов.

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Диалог со словом dinosaur

Anna: Hi, Jade. How are you?

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Jade: I’m fine, thank you. And you?

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A: Good. What are your plans for tomorrow? What about visiting the museum?

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J: Sounds good. I’m all for it!

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A: Great! I really want to see pictures of famous artists, skeletons of many dinosaurs and other ancient things. See you tommorow! Good luck!

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Анна: Привет, Джейд. Как у тебя дела?

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Джейд: Прекрасно, а у тебя?

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А: Хорошо. Какие у тебя планы на завтра? Не хочешь сходить в музей?

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Д: Звучит отлично. Я – за!

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А: Прекрасно! Я очень хочу увидеть картины известных художников, скелеты динозавров и другие древние штуки! До завтра! Удачи!

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