Сообщение про битлз на английском языке с переводом

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

1. The Beatles are regarded as the most influential and highest-selling band of all time.

2. Their best-known and classic line-up comprised John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr.

3. The band explored different music styles and revolutionized many aspects of the music industry.

4. The Beatles were formed in Liverpool in 1960 and built their reputation playing in Liverpool and Hamburg clubs over three years.

5. Manager Brian Epstein and producer George Martin greatly contributed to their international popularity that soon grew into the intense fan frenzy called Beatlemania.

6. The Beatles’ first hit single was Love Me Do recorded and released in late 1962.

7. It was followed by such hits as I Want to Hold Your Hand , Can’t Buy Me Love , A Hard Day’s Night , Yesterday , Yellow Submarine , All You Need Is Love , Hey Jude , Let It Be and others.

8. At the same time, the band heralded the album era, a period from the mid-1960s to the mid-2000s when the album was the dominant form of recorded music expression and consumption.

9. Their “core catalogue” includes such best-selling albums as Please Please Me , Help! , Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band , Abbey Road and others.

10. Let It Be was the twelfth and the final studio album released in May 1970, almost a month after the group’s break-up; it also topped record charts in many countries, including the UK and the USA.

11. The Let It Be documentary, the band’s final original film, followed later that month.

12. The film documented the process of rehearsing and recording songs during the period of tense relationships between the band members and included an unannounced rooftop concert, the last public performance of the Fab Four together.

13. The documentary won the 1970 Academy Award for Best Original Song Score.

14. Besides that award, the Beatles received various awards and nominations during their career as a band and have received more since they disbanded.

15. In 1965, Queen Elizabeth II appointed John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr Members of the Order of the British Empire.

16. After the break-up, all four members enjoyed success as solo artists.

17. Today, only McCartney and Starr remain musically active.

18. Lennon was shot and killed by an American Beatles fan in New York City in 1980; Harrison died in 2001.

19. Nevertheless, the Beatles continue to be viewed as artists who had a huge impact on many aspects of world society - culture, art, fashion, business, politics, social equality and environmentalism.

20. In 2009, Global Beatles Day was established to celebrate the band's music and social message.

21. The annual event takes place on June 25th.

The Beatles to this day are one of the most famous and popular rock'n'roll groups in the world. The group shattered many sales records and had more than fifty top hit singles. The Beatles started a new era of music. Their music was unusual because most rock was strong beat with no melody, and they added melody to the rock. The Beatles also added strong and meaningful lyrics.

The group included George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and Richard Starkey (Ringo Starr). All of the Beatles where born and raised in Liverpool, England. John Lennon was the leader of the band, one of the two lead singers, the rhythm guitarist and a song writer. George Harrison was the lead guitarist. Paul McCartney was a song writer, one of the two lead singers, and a bassist. Ringo Starr played the drums.

The Beatles were discovered on November 9, 1961 by Brian Epstein, a manager of a record store in Liverpool. The Beatles early music was influenced by singers Bob Dilan, Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley. Their first two song were Love Me Do and Please, Please Me. After a while their own musical ideas started to emerge, and their music developed from naive and simple to sophisticated. The Beatles starred in two feature films, A Hard Days Night, which earned 1.3 million dollars in its first week, and Help. They also had their own full length cartoon called Yellow Submarine.

In 1964 The Beatles came to New York City for the first time and were an instant success. A couple of weeks later after their New York appearance, the five best selling records were by The Beatles; they became world-famous. They introduced a new style in clothing and appearance, too. They wore their hair long and shaggy, and soon all over the world people started wearing the Beatles haircut. They were so popular that 'Beatlemania' emerged. In 1967 the Beatles directed a movie Magical Mystery Tour about themselves, in which they toured the English countryside in search of wonder, fun, and magic.

In 1970 the world-famous and world-loved Beatles separated. Thirty-five years later, in 2005, the American entertainment industry magazine Variety named them the most iconic entertainers of the 20th century.

1. The Beatles is to this day one of the most famous and popular rock'n'roll groups which has shattered many sales records.
2. They started a new era of music, as they added melody to rock, as well as strong and meaningful lyrics.
3. The group consisted of 4 people, who combined the functions of lead singers, the rhythm guitarist, a song writer, a bassist and the musician playing the drums.
4. Their early music was influenced by Bob Dilan, Elvis Presley and Chuck Berry, later their own musical ideas emerged, and their music developed from naive and simple to sophisticated.
5. They starred in two feature films, had their own full length cartoon and directed a movie called Magical Mystery Tour,
6. Soon after their New York appearance they were an instant success and became world-famous.
7. They introduced a new style in clothing and appearnce and were so popular that 'Beatlemania' emerged.
8. They were named the most iconic entertainers of the 20th century.

Из пособия "ЕГЭ. Английский язык. Устные темы" Занина Е.Л. (2010, 272с.) - Part two . Additional topics.

The Beatles were and remain to this day, the world's most astonishing rock'n'roll band.

The four boys started the boom called "Beatlemania" in British pop music.

They hailed from Liverpool, a seaport on the north-western coast of England. John Lennon, born there in 1940, never knew the seagoing father who had deserted his mother; mainly a doting aunt raised the boy. He grew up arty and angry - and musical, it turned out after his mother bought him the traditional cheap kid guitar, and he quickly worked out the chords to the hit That'll Be the Day.

Paul McCartney, was born in 1942 and предназначаюсь чтобы to become Lennon's songwriting soul mate.

In 1957 Lennon formed a band called "The Quarrymen". By the following year, the group had been joined by McCartney and his school friend George Harrison, then just 14. In 1960, calling themselves the Silver Beatles", and drummer with Pete Best in tow, they sailed to Germany.

In 1962 Best was replaced by another Liverpool drummer, Ringo Starr (born Richard Starkey in 1940). The group cut its first single, Love Me Do, a moderate hit. In January 1963 a second single, Please Please Me, went to No. 1, and Beatlemania was born.

By 1965 the world had been forced to take notice of this all-conquering the force. The Beatles had become such a huge British

export that they were given a royal award: the Member of the Order of the British Empire, or M.B.E.

Having scored a break-through with their chart-topping 1965 album Rubber Soul , the Beatles, exhausted, decided to stop touring. After a final concert in San Francisco in 1966, they would come together again as a group only in recording studios. But there they spun out ever more elaborate masterpieces.

For millions of fans world-wide, their albums mapped a path through the puzzling and sometimes scary 60s. The paths of Lennon and McCartney, however, were diverging drastically. Each took a wife (John married Japanese avant-garde artist Yoko Ono, and Paul wed American rock photographer Linda Eastman) and drifted even батьки apart, Lennon growing bitter, McCartney adopting the air of the contented family man.

By 1969 Lennon was ready to quit the group. McCartney is said to have talked him out of going public with this desire; but then in April 1970 McCartney himself announced that the group was disbanding. When the other three Beatles dropped their appeal of this action in 1971, the most fabulously successful band of all time (with more than 100 million records sold to date) came to an end.

And so it was over. McCartney began making records with his wife in a new band. Harrison followed his Indo-mystical inclinations as far as he could until fans lost interest. Ringo made occasional records, movies and television commercials. And Lennon moved to New York City, where he had always wanted to be. He was shot down in 1980, and the Beatles were nevermore. Except for their music, which is eternal.

to hail [heil] from - быть родом из

seagoing ['si:,gəuɪŋ] - связанный с дальним плаванием (с морем)

arty [a:tɪ] - претендуючий на тонкий (художественный) вкус

предназначаюсь чтобы ['destɪnd] - которому суждено

quarry ['kw ɔ rɪ] - добыча

in tow [təu] - здесь: вместе с

all-conquering ['kɔŋkərɪŋ] - всепобеждающий

break-through ['breɪ'k θru :] - достижения; победа; эпохальное

to spin out (spun) - выпускать

to diverge [dаɪ'və:d ʒ ] - расходиться; отходить

drastically ['dræstɪkəh] - решительно, круто, радикально

I. Add any other details you know about Beatles.

II. Speak about your favourite rock group.

III. Discuss the effect of rock music on young people. Use the following:

There are world complaints about the effect of rock. Psychologists say that listening to rock music results in "escapism " (abandoning social responsibilities). They also add that same rock music (for example, certain heavy-metal songs) affect young people like drugs. There are well-known cases of antisocial and amoral behaviour on the part of young music-addicts ". How do you feel about this opinion ?

Они были родом из Ливерпуля, морского порта на северо-западном побережье Англии. Джон Леннон, который родился там в 1940 p., никогда не знал отца, моряка дальнего плавания, который бросил его мать; мальчика вырастила главным образом любящая тетя. Он вырос, имея склонность к художественному творчеству, сердитый и с музыкальными способностями - это раскрылось после того, как его мать купила ему обычную дешевую гитару, и он быстро придумал аккорды к хита "That'll Be the Day".

Полу Маккартни, который родился в 1942 p., суждено стать задушевным помощником Леннона в написании песен.

Их альбомы проложили путь к миллионам поклонников во всем мире через мятущиеся и иногда страшные 60-е. Пути Леннона и Маккартни, однако, круто разошлись. Они поженились (Джон взял жену японскую художницу-аван-гардистку Йоко Оно, а Пол женился на американской рок-фотографом Линдой Истмен) и разошлись еще больше - Леннон становился все невыносимее, а Маккартни занял позицию довольной семейного человека.

The Beatles were a legendary English rock band, which was established (признана) in 1959 in Liverpool. The group consisted (включает в себя) of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. This was not the original composition (состав группы) of the group but those whom the entire world (весь мир) knows as THE BEATLES!

In 1963, the band began climbing to the world recognition (мировое признание) and created a global phenomenon (мировой парадокс) called Beatlemania. The quartet (квартет) has become the first British band, which have had records (пластинки, музыкальные записи) which gained popularity (приобрела популярность) and also gained first place in the U.S. charts (чарты, хит-листы). In the list (рейтинг) of Rolling Stone 500 the first place was occupied by the music album Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. The group has also won seven Grammy awards.

The most popular songs of the Beatles are Yesterday, Let it be, Yellow submarine, Obladi-Oblada, Girl, Come Together, Hey, Jude!.

The Beatles had a profound influence (великое влияние) on rock music and are recognized (общепризнанный) by experts as one of the most successful (успешный) groups of the XX century. This group has changed the lives of many people. I personally believe that their music will never die and will continue to be played for generations (поколения) to come!

The Beatles знаменитая британская рок-группа, которая была образована в Ливерпуле в 1959 году. Группа состояла из Джона Леннона, Джорджа Харрисона, Пола Маккартни Ринго Старра. Но таковой состав не является необычным составом группы это только те, которых весь мир знает под заглавием THE BEATLES!

В 1963 году группа начала стремительно набирать громадную популярность и именно в это время во всём мире появился таковой термин, как Битломания (Beatlemania). Эта четвёрка исполнителей стала первой английской группой, пластинки которых занимали безумную популярность и 1-ые места в южноамериканский чартах. А их альбом Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band завоевал 1-ое место в рейтинге Rolling Stone 500. Группа The Beatles получила семь премий грэмми.

Самыми популярными композициями из их репертуара являются песни Yesterday, Let it be, Yellow submarine, Obladi-Oblada, Girl, Come Together, Hey, Jude!.

The Beatles оказали громадное воздействие на мир рок-музыки и были признаны знатоками как самая успешная группа XX века. Помимо этого, группа изменила жизни великого числа людей. Я собственно считаю, что эта музыка никогда не умрет, и будет играть для следующих поколений!

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