Сообщение про барнаул на английском

Обновлено: 25.06.2024

В английский барнаул переводится как Barnaul, Barnaul Airport . В переведенных предложениях барнаул встречается не менее 66 раз.


переводы Барнаул


en city in Russia

Barnaul Airport

ru Барнаул (аэропорт)

en Barnaul (city in Russia, administrative center of Altai Krai)


In the “Plan for the compilation of the network of teachers' institutes”, Novonikolayevsk and Barnaul of the Tomsk province were also listed, and within the limits of the “extensive” Tobolsk province.

Недавнее исследование Михаила Дмитриева, главы Центра Стратегических Разработок (ЦСР) и одного из ведущих российских аналитиков, представленное им на летнем политологическом форуме в Барнауле, позволяет по-новому взглянуть на ощущения блоггеров.

The current feelings of bloggers have been reflected by research that was presented recently by Mikhail Dmitriev, a leading Russian analysts and head of the Center for Strategic Research.

Free transportation to and from the airport was introduced in Barnaul for the Siberia's passengers on its Moscow flights.

С.В.Лавров: Не могу сказать с абсолютной уверенностью, но, как мне кажется, официального обращения МИД Монголии об открытии консульства в Барнауле не было.

Sergey Lavrov: I cannot say with absolute certainly, but it seems to me that there was no official application from the Mongolian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to open a consulate in Barnaul.

В середине дня мы уже были в Барнауле – безумное место, напоминающее городки времен золотой лихорадки начала века.

By late afternoon we were in Barnaul, a crazy place with the feel of a turn-of-the-century gold rush town.

Хотя это, конечно, унизительно для мужчин, конкурирующих за должность мэра Барнаула, кандидатура Барсика не разделяет корни оппозиционного движения, известного большинству иностранцев из репортажей о протестных движениях в России.

While it’s certainly embarrassing for the men now competing to be mayor of Barnaul, Barsik’s candidacy doesn’t appear to share roots with the opposition movement most foreigners know from reports about protest movements in Russia.

� Согласно жалобе автора от 20 марта 2002 года, поданной в Октябрьский районный суд города Барнаула (приобщена к делу), сотрудники таможни потребовали от него и его спутника разгрузить грузовой автомобиль, с тем чтобы проверить, не находится ли под мешками с сухим молоком оружие.

� According to the author’s complaint of 20 March 2002, addressed to the Oktyabrsk District Court of Barnaul (available on file), the customs officers asked him and his companion to unload the truck in order to check whether they were transporting weapons under the bags with dry milk.

Идею ходатайствовать перед правительством об открытии третьего учительского института в Барнауле выдвинул попечитель Западно-Сибирского учебного округа Л. И. Лаврентьев.

The idea to request the government to open the third teacher’s institute in Barnaul was put forward by L. I. Lavrentyev, the trustee of the West Siberian school district.

Мы отправляем автозапчасти для иномарок по всей России во все крупные города: Самара, Тольятти, Ульяновск, Оренбург, Саратов, Пенза, Рязань, Тамбов, Волгоград, Омск, Орск, Оренбург, Уфа, Ростов-на-Дону, Краснодар, Нижний Новгород, Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Екатеринбург, Тюмень, Ханты-Мансийск, Новороссийск, Брянск, Воронеж, Липецк, Курск, Орел, Белгород, Тула, Миасс, Златоуст, Чебаркуль, Троицк, Магнитогорск, Касли, Элиста, Анапа, Мурманск, Псков, Новосибирск, Барнаул, Ноябрьск, Набережные Челны, Озерск, Аргаяш, Карабаш, Кыштым, Казань, Красноярск, Новосибирск, Барнаул, Вологда если вашего города нет в списке городов куда мы осуществляем доставку свяжитесь, и мы попробуем найти оптимальный способ доставки до вашего города.

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По просьбе отделений ПРООН/ЮНФПА в России в марте 2001 года в ходе проведения двухнедельных учебных курсов в Барнауле и Новосибирске, Россия, были прочитаны лекции по вопросам опыта Швеции в области обеспечения сексуального и репродуктивного здоровья молодежи.

Lectures on Swedish experiences in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health of Young People were held during two one-week training courses in Barnaul and Novosibirsk, Russia, in March 2001, at the request of UNDP/UNFPA Russia.

� Согласно жалобе автора от 20 марта 2002 года, поданной в Октябрьский районный суд города Барнаула (приобщена к делу), сотрудники таможни потребовали от него и его спутника разгрузить грузовой автомобиль, с тем чтобы проверить, не находится ли оружие под мешками с сухим молоком.

� According to the author’s complaint of 20 March 2002, addressed to the Oktyabrsk District Court of Barnaul (available on file), the customs officers asked him and his companion to unload the truck in order to check whether they were transporting weapons under the bags with dry milk.

Свечников родом из Барнаула, но его семья переезжала дважды, чтобы получить доступ к лучшим командам для своих сыновей.

Svechnikov originally comes from Barnaul in Siberia, but his family has relocated twice to access better teams and coaching for their sons.

Barnaul is one of Siberia’s major cities and the capital of Altai Krai. The city lies on a flatland with two rivers: the greater river Ob that flows from Altai Mountains, and the smaller Barnaulka that pierces the city. A large part of Barnaul is home to Ribbon Forest – a unique relict pine forest endemic to the area. Barnaul enjoys 230 sunny days per year on average, almost as many as Crimea.

Barnaul is located 2932 kilometers away from Moscow, with the closest major city being Novosibirsk.

Barnaul figures

Barnaul was founded

living in the city

is the distance between Barnaul and Moscow

is the length of the Ob river within the city

showcasing the architecture and history of the 18th and 19th centuries

average temperature in July

average temperature in January

on average in a calendar year

To learn the city’s unique role in the history of the Russian Empire

Barnaul produced 90% of silver in the Russian Empire for nearly 150 years, starting in 1730. Production was managed by high-ranking and highly educated mining officers, government officials and military personnel, whose contribution to the city’s social life turned Barnaul into one of Siberia’s most prosperous centers of culture and education.

To take a look at the heritage of 18th- and 19th-century Russia

Barnaul started as a town of miners and merchants, later developing into an industrial city. Each of these eras has left its imprint on the city’s architecture.

To try eco-friendly products

Climate conditions in Barnaul are good for growing eco-friendly crops rich in various nutrients, all thanks to the region’s fertile lands and abundant sunlight.

To get healthy

Local relict pine forest is home to health resorts, sports and wellness facilities, ski lodges, recreation camps and hotels that welcome Barnaul’s guests alike – all it takes is a 15-minute drive from the city.

Climate conditions in Barnaul are good for outdoors activities as well. The pine forest is home to the 25-km-long “Wellness Track,” which operates throughout the year. In winter, the track hosts ski races and recreation zones, while in summer it is used by cyclists and Nordic walkers.

If you are looking for extreme recreation, you are welcome to Avalman Ski Resort in the upland part of the city. In winter, there is an operating chairlift as well as skiing equipment rental service. In summer, the resort is a good place to relax, which hosts picnics and special events at a venue with a scenic view of the river Ob.

Barnaul is the administrative center of Altai Krai. – Барнаул – это административный центр Алтайского края.

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It was founded in 1730 on the left bank of the great Siberian river Ob. – Он был основан в 1730 году на левом берегу великой сибирской реки Обь.

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The population of Barnaul is more than 700 000 people. – Население Барнаула более 700 000 человек.

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Its total area is 322 square kilometers. – Его общая площадь 322 км2.

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Barnaul is one of the best developed industrial cities of Siberia. – Барнаул – один из самых развитых промышленных городов Сибири.

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So called House under the spire is historical monument of Barnaul. – Так называемый дом под шпилем –исторический памятник Барнаула.

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Barnaul has a number of theatres and a lot of museums. The city’s Museum of Local Lore is one of the oldest in Siberia. – В Барнауле несколько театров и много музеев. Городской краеведческий музей является одним из старейших в Сибири.

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Soviet square is the center of the city. The Local administration, the Central Hotel, the Central Department store, the Central Post-Office and the University are situated there. – Советская площадь – центр города. Местная администрация, центральный отель, центральный универмаг, почтамт и университет расположены здесь.

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Take your children to Ostrich Ranch. It’s a wonderful place, where you can see a lot different birds and animals. – Возьмите своих детей на страусиное ранчо. Это замечательное место, где можно увидеть много разных птиц и животных.

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Another great place for children is Kak-Tak? It is a museum of entertaining sciences. Here you can touch everything and even make some scientific experiment. – Ещё одно замечательное место для детей – это Как-Так? Это музей занимательной науки. Здесь всё можно трогать руками и даже сделать какой-нибудь научный эксперимент.

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Time World Museum is worth visiting, too. – Стоит также посетить музей Мир времени.

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Station first-cities

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Welcome to Barnaul

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Welcome to Barnaul

Barnaul - a city in Western Siberia, on the banks of the Ob River (near a tribut

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Akimphy Demidov, the son of the famous merchant and Tula citizen Nikita Demidov,

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Akimphy Demidov, the son of the famous merchant and Tula citizen Nikita Demidov, started sending walkers and manufactures to Siberia in the search of furs and minerals. They found great reserves of copper ores.

Demidov square is one of the oldest areas of Barnaul. It is located in a histori

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Demidov square is one of the oldest areas of Barnaul. It is located in a historic city center. The square is located between the streets of Polzunov, Pushkin and Red Army in the prospectus of the Central District.

Barnaul is not only administrative, but also an educational city. In 2007 higher

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Barnaul is not only administrative, but also an educational city. In 2007 higher education in Barnaul is provided by nine public universities, which invite students not only from Altai, but from other cities and countries.

The Altai State Agrarian University Altai State Pedagogical Academy

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The Altai State Agrarian University Altai State Pedagogical Academy

Barnaul Institute of Law, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Altai Economics

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Barnaul Institute of Law, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Altai Economics and Law Institute

Barnaul is a cultural centre There is a lot of fun: cinema houses, theatres, dif

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Barnaul is a cultural centre There is a lot of fun: cinema houses, theatres, different youth clubs

The third station - famous people

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The third station - famous people

Ivan Ivanovich Polzunov He was born in March 14 1728 Ekaterinburg and lived and

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Ivan Ivanovich Polzunov He was born in March 14 1728 Ekaterinburg and lived and worked in Barnaul. Ivan Ivanovich is an outstanding Russian inventor, creator of the first steam machine in Russia.

Lieutenant General Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov He was born in November 10,

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Lieutenant General Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov He was born in November 10, 1919 in Russia's southern Altai region. Mikhail Timofeevich is a Russian small arms designer, most famous for designing the AK-47 assault rifle.

Mikhail Evdokimov He was born in December 6 1957,in Stalinsk . Mikhail Sergeevic

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Mikhail Evdokimov He was born in December 6 1957,in Stalinsk . Mikhail Sergeevich was an actor of the bandstand, humorist, movie actor, well-earned actor of the RF, since April 2004 to August 2005 chapters to administrations of the Altai region.

Valery Zolotukhin He was born in June 21, 1941, Bystry Istok, the Altai Region.

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Valery Zolotukhin He was born in June 21, 1941, Bystry Istok, the Altai Region. Valery is a Russian and Soviet film and theater actor, Natonal Artist of Russia.

Altai is one of the best land in Russia. It is rich . If you were born here or v

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Altai is one of the best land in Russia. It is rich . If you were born here or visited it once you will never forget it.

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