Сообщение про барбоскиных на английском

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Напишите пожалуйста про Барбоскину(мультик русский) семью.(С переводом) Пожалуйста.Заблаговременно спасибо.

  • Владимир Черенецкий
  • Английский язык
  • 2019-05-16 20:12:38
  • 0
  • 1

Family Barbacking the main characters of the popular animated series coming to screens in 2011. Composed of mom, dad and five children, Barboskiny live in a big city in a huge two-story apartment where the main action of the cartoon. Parents work a lot, so children are often left to themselves. Sometimes the house appears Barbacking grandfather, a sailor in retirement, who knows all about adventure, pitching, storms and deserted Islands. Another episodic character timokha, a friend and classmate Friend, is secretly in love with Rose.
Children at home doing the usual baby things teach the lessons or skipping them, play, drag from the buffet of candies, quarreling for the TV and whose turn it is to play on daddy's computer. From time to time organize a bit of a shambles, but without destructive consequences.
DadThe Pope - the head of the familyDad calm, intelligent and reasonable. Wears a vest, glasses, and apparently, is a leader in the important industry. Rarely at home, often spends time at the computer. Despite his busy schedule, always finds time for his children.
MomMom BarbossineMother smart, beautiful, athlete and Komsomol. Secretly dreams of becoming an actress. Very gentle with children, even when they mischief. Sees through all the children's pranks, but always forgives little Barbacking.
RoseRose is a recognized beautyRose is the eldest in the family. The owner of beautiful blonde curls, the adorable snub nose and trendy slang. Like any girl her age, loves to watch soap operas, to lie with the player on the couch, chatting with a friend on the phone. By right of age, often remains in the family home that not always it turns out. Carefully watching their appearance, often sitting on a diet.
GeneGene - the scientific authorityGene analytical skills and intelligence that Barbotin clearly took after his father. He enjoys physics, chemistry, friends with algebra and other exact Sciences. From time to time arranges experiments and experiences varying degrees of success. Watching scientific programs on TV, reads a lot, he designs and assembles the instruments. The level of development is far ahead of his age, for which reason not always understood by the brothers, sisters, and even parents. When not clever, it behaves like a regular kid, loves chocolate and going to the movies.
LisaLisa - a studentLisa is the youngest in the family except the Baby. Bad pronounces the letter "R" wears a sundress and perky ponytails. Big fan of creativity pop diva Jeanne's Pussy. She dreams of becoming a singer, which regularly participates in various talent contests. As her vocal and hearing is poor, their numbers are usually bring to a white heat the whole family. Not endowed with the beauty and charm of Roses, lizka takes its wit and ingenuity. Sometimes the Snitch. Was seen in the fascination with Hollywood celebrity brad pit bull.
My friendBuddy - the sportsFriend the football player and sloven. The main supplier of bad marks in the family. Passionately fond of his idol Mukhtar Arshavina, collects football cards, will not part with the ball and never misses a game on TV. Overly fond of computer games, especially shooters. Friend can't boast of intelligence and perseverance of brother Genes, often lazy and a bit stubborn. The teachings given to him with difficulty. However, at heart he is a good guy, and cares about touching younger brother.
BabyKid - a favorite of all familiesBaby is a favorite with the whole family. The owner of the plush Bunny, the pants with suspenders and huge blue eyes. Kind and affectionate child, sometimes not for years smart. More than anything likes to put paper boats in the bathroom and play trains.
GrandpaMy grandfather was a sailor in retirementGrandpa occupies the room on the second floor of the apartment Barbacking. The old Navy man and retired does not change its habits. The entire interior of his room just breathing the sea and distant countries. Often trying to educate young people, but not always it turns out.
TimokhaTim White-TailTimokha neighbor Barbacking, faithful companion Friend and secret admirer Roses. Often takes part in games Barbacking and helps to cope in difficult situations, and in simple will not fail.М

Jackson popular cartoon in Russia. " Barbóskiny "big families in family of five children — two girls and three boys. Boy friend is the eldest son in the family. Fun and lazy puppy. Loves football. Likes computer games. Gene is average and the smartest child in the family. He enjoys science. Lisa was the youngest daughter in the family. Loves sweet and often âbedničaet. Rose is the eldest child in the family. Loves the series, women's magazines. Kid is the youngest child in the family, kind, loves the game. My mother plays violin. Dad likes to read the newspaper. It's very friendly and cheerful family.

he Barboskins (Барбоскины) is a contemporary Russian cartoon series. It began in 2011, and is already on its 10th season. It is created by Melnitsa Studios, the same people behind Luntik and the Ivan Tsarevich film series. There are almost 200 episodes, each about five minutes.

The show is about a family of humanlike dogs—two parent dogs and five puppies. (“Barboskin” is their surname.) The family is presented as extremely typical: the father spends all his spare time on the computer (working, of course, in order to support his family); the mother is a good cook but dreams of becoming an actress; the girl puppies, Rosa and Liza (Роза и Лиза), enjoy fashion and makeup; and the boy puppies, Druzhok, Gena, and Malysh (Дружок, Гена, и Малыш), play soccer and sometimes study.They find themselves in normal, everyday situations, and, according to the series’s website, “through the example of solving some kind of seemingly unsolvable problem that’s arisen, the series’ writers show young viewers how they can always find a solution to the most complicated problems with a smile, avoiding conflict and offending no one.

Like many popular Russian cartoons, this one has almost a whole industry surrounding it—computer games, clothing, contests. The games include such winners as “Fashionable Makeup,” hosted by puppy Rosa; “Attention Training” with Gena, the smart puppy; and “Let’s Wash Dishes,” with Liza. (No comment on the gender roles in this show.

While the show is apparently meant to be educational, at least one review has criticized it for its “hooliganism”—apparently residing in the fact that there are allusions to a singer named Zhanna Kiska (a play on Zhanna Friske, who was a member of Russian girl group Blestyashchie) and an actor named Brad Pitbull. The characters also, shockingly, use slang in their speech.

Аудитория: для детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста;
Дата начала сериала: 3 октября 2011 года.

Барбоскины - большая и веселая собачья семья, живущая в современном мире. Папа очень занят, его мы видим редко - он должен кормить семью, и поэтому он не расстается с ноутбуком. Мама - очень красивая, и живет с мечтой о сцене. А дети - как любые дети, каждый со своим характером. Маленькая Лиза хочет стать похожей на певицу Жанну Киску, Дружок спит видит себя будущей звездой футбола, Роза - красавица и модница, Малыш - самый маленький и любимый всеми, по совместительству самый мудрый член разношерстной семейки. И даже умнее Ботаника, который обязательно когда-нибудь получит нобелевскую премию по физике - ну или в крайнем случае - по химии. В жизни собачьей семьи возникают ситуации, стандартные для современной семьи. На примере разрешения той или иной возникшей неразрешимой задачи, авторы сериала показывают юным зрителям, как с улыбкой, избежав конфликта и никого не обидев, можно всегда найти выход из самой непростой переделки.

Герои сериала близки и понятны детской аудитории. Их жизнь протекает совершенно обычно, также как и у нас с вами: со своими радостями и невзгодами, ссорами и примирениями. Наблюдая за тем, как барбоскины справляются с трудностями, общаются со сверстниками и взрослыми, мальчики и девочки учатся разбираться в конфликтных ситуациях, подходя ко всему легко и с долей юмора.

Песня Барбоскиных:

Ты и я, ты и я
Мы с тобой друзья.
Ты и я, ты и я
Мы с тобой друзья.
С другом нам легко и просто,
С другом вместе веселей.
Скажем малышам и взрослым
Береги своих друзей.
Ты и я, ты и я
Мы с тобой друзья.
Ты и я, ты и я
Мы с тобой друзья.

Главные герои:

Мечтает сделать карьеру в области футбола, занимается им и очень его любит, но при этом слаб в математике и не любит ее. Щенок нередко огорчает родителей не только оценками в школе, но и легкомысленным поведением. Стремится вести себя как взрослый мужчина, быть душой компании и надежным другом.

Не является умницей, хотя и учится хорошо. Она высоко себя ценит и уверена в своей привлекательности, очаровании и неотразимости для парней. Для достижения такого результата она умеет хорошо краситься, модно одеваться, бойко кататься на роликах, шить, рисовать и танцевать.

Стеснительный и довольно скованный при общении с другими детьми. У него другой круг интересов и цели – получить Нобелевскую премию по физике. И он уверен, что когда-нибудь он ее получит. Гена очень начитан, имеет широкий кругозор и знания, проводит множество физических экспериментов в личной мини-лаборатории.

Является самым маленьким щенком, и поэтому самым любимым. Вся семья его обожает и многое ему прощает. Не смотря на маленький возраст, он довольно рассудительный и сообразительный щенок, с удовольствием помогает другим. Он очень болезненно воспринимает ссоры братьев и сестер, всегда старается помочь им помириться.

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