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Презентация посвящена жизни и творчеству художника Ивана Айвазовского.

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Ayvazovsky, Ivan Konstantinovich Maslakov Feodor, 9A

Ivan Konstantinovich Ayvazovsky (17 July [29], 1817 — April 19 [on May 2], 1900) — the world famous Russia marine painter, a batalist, the collector, the patron. The most outstanding Armenian artist of the XIX century.

C reativity Ayvazovsky is not only in Russia, but also in Turkey used special popularity. His acquaintance with the Ottoman Empire began in 1845. After the end of war in 1856, Ayvazovsky the second time visited Istanbul. He was warmly met by local Armenian diaspora there. The third trip to Istanbul, by the invitation of the Armenian diaspora, I.K.Ayvazovsky makes in 1874. Ivan Konstantinovich's creativity has impact on many artists of Istanbul, at that time.

In a year Ayvazovsky again visited the Turkish Sultan and presented him two pictures : "A view of St. Petersburg from Svyatoy Trinity Bridge" and "Winter in Moscow" (these pictures are now in a collection of the palace museum of Dolmabakhche). In 1888 in Istanbul one more exhibition was organized by Levon Mazirov (nephew I.K.Ayvazovsky) at which 24 pictures of the artist were presented. A half of collecting from it went on the charitable purposes. Now Ayvazovsky's some known pictures are in Turkey. In the Military museum in Istanbul there is a picture of 1893. "The ship on the Black Sea", a picture of 1889. "The ship and the boat" is stored in one of private collections. In the residence of the president of Turkey there is a picture "The Ship Sinking during a Storm" (1899).

Ayvazovsky's works Brig "Mercury" after a victory over two Turkish vessels, 1848

Lunar landscape with ship-wreck, 1863

The ship "Empress Maria" during a storm, 1892

“ Highest wave" — one of Ivan Ayvazovsky's best-known pictures, the world famous Russian (Armenian) marine painter. Represents the sea after the most whole night gale and people, castaway. Biggest of them — the highest wave, is ready to fall upon the people, trying to escape on mast fragments. Everything speaks about greatness and power of sea elements and helplessness of the person before it. Warm colors of the picture do the sea not such severe and give to the viewer hope that people will be rescued. The picture size — 221 × 332 cm.

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Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (1817-1900)

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Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (1817-1900)

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (1817-1900)

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (Hovannes Aivasian) was born on July 29, 1817.

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (Hovannes Aivasian) was born on July 29, 1817, in Feodosia, Crimea, Russian Empire, into a poor Armenian family. His father was a modest Armenian trader. His mother was a traditional homemaker. His early talent as an artist earned him a scholarship to study at the Simferopol gymnasium. Здание Симферопольской мужской гимназии Феодосия

From 1833-1839 Aivasovsky studied at the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, w.

From 1833-1839 Aivasovsky studied at the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, where he was a student of professor Mikhail Vorob'ev, and graduated with the Gold Medal.

Aivazovsky was sent to paint in Crimea and in Italy, being sponsored by the R.

His numerous paintings of Mediterranean seascapes won him popularity among ar.

His numerous paintings of Mediterranean seascapes won him popularity among art collectors, such as the Russian Czars, the Ottoman Sultan, and among the various nobility in many countries. His dramatic depiction of a sea storm with the survivors from a shipwreck, known as 'The Ninth Wave' (1850), made him extremely famous. The original canvas is in the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. He also made many variations and repetitions of this particular painting, as well, as of his other popular works. The Ninth Wave is his "most celebrated work". Aivazovsky is considered one of the most prominent Russian artists (especially in marine art) and one of the greatest marine artists of the 19th century. И. К. Айвазовский. Картина "Девятый вал"

Aivazovsky produced over six thousand paintings of variable quality over the.

Aivazovsky produced over six thousand paintings of variable quality over the course of his long life. Most of his works were made on a longstanding commission from the Imperial Russian Navy Headquarters, where he worked for the most of his life, from the 1840s until 1900. Иван Айвазовский - Корабль в бушующем море

Национальная картинная галерея им. И.К. Айвазовского He earned a considerable.

Национальная картинная галерея им. И.К. Айвазовского He earned a considerable fortune, which he spent for charity, and also used for the foundation of the first School of Arts (in 1865) and the Art Gallery (in 1889) in his home town of Feodosia.

музей Айвазовского в Феодосии

музей Айвазовского в Феодосии

Aivazovsky was a member of Academies of Rome, Florence, Stuttgart and Amsterd.

Aivazovsky was a member of Academies of Rome, Florence, Stuttgart and Amsterdam. He died on May 5, 1900, in Feodosia.

Памятник И.К. Айвазовскому в Феодосии Памятник И.К. Айвазовскому в Ереване

Памятник И.К. Айвазовскому в Феодосии Памятник И.К. Айвазовскому в Ереване

Потомки И.К.Айвазовского из Австралии на праздновании его 200-летия в Феодосии

Потомки И.К.Айвазовского из Австралии на праздновании его 200-летия в Феодосии

"Утро на берегу"

Телега, запряженная волами и парусник

Телега, запряженная волами и парусник

Айвазовский "Кораблекрушение у скал"

Айвазовский "Кораблекрушение у скал"

 "Вид на Золотой Рог"

"Вид на Золотой Рог"

Краткое описание документа:

Иван Айвазовский ( 1817-1900), – русский живописец, мастер морского пейзажа (маринист). Популярнейшие картины Айвазовского - “Радуга” (1873 г.), “Чёрное море” (1881 г.), “Волна” (1889 г.), “Девятый вал” (1850 г.). В картине “Девятый вал” талант мастера впервые получил наиболее полное воплощение. Очевидец военных манёвров Черноморского флота, Айвазовский посвятил многие картины подвигам русских моряков ("Чесменский бой", "Наварринский бой", обе - 1848 г.). Иван Айвазовский писал в основном морские пейзажи; создал серии портретов крымских побережных городов. Его карьера была очень успешной. В Феодосии на заработанные деньги Айвазовский открыл школу искусств, ставшую впоследствии одним из художественных центров Новороссии, и галерею (1880 г.). Айвазовский создал около 6 тыс. картин, много рисунков и акварелей.

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (1817-1900) was born in the family of a merchant

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Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (1817-1900) was born in the family of a merchant of Armenian origin in the town of Feodosia, Crimea.

the Aivazovsky Art Gallery in Feodosiya, and a monument to Aivazovsky in front o

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the Aivazovsky Art Gallery in Feodosiya, and a monument to Aivazovsky in front of it.The world known marine painter Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky exhibited his paintings in Rome, Paris, London and Amsterdam, but the largest collection of paintings and graphic works by Aivazovsky is in Feodosia gallery.

In 1833 Aivazovsky entered the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg and studied lan

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In 1833 Aivazovsky entered the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg and studied landscape painting. Aivazovsky's talent developed rapidly and he was quite successful at the Academy. In 1840 he went abroad, returning only in 1844. In the 1840s during his stay in Italy Aivazovsky's painting gained its own individual style, and by 1850 his art was fully mature.


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Aivazovsky's most popular paintings areThe Rainbow (1873)The Black Sea (1881) Wave (1889) The Ninth Wave (1850)

Ivan Aivazovsky. The Ninth Wave. 1850. Oil on canvas. The Russian Museum, St. Pe

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Ivan Aivazovsky. The Ninth Wave. 1850. Oil on canvas. The Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia.

The painting shows a sea still rough after a night storm. The first rays of sunl

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The painting shows a sea still rough after a night storm. The first rays of sunlight shine on the huge waves, and the largest of these, the ninth wave, seems as if it will consume the people attempting to save themselves on the ruined mast. Their ship has wrecked and many of their mates have perished. The people know that they will not be able to swim out of this, that they face a certain death, yet they clutch the sinking mast and fight for their lives. When I imagine myself in the position of those sailors I feel two things, both despair and desire for life.The painter used warm tones (the sea does not seem so gloomy) and for this reason we are attracted by an illusory hope that the people will be saved. But we realize this is impossible. We understand the horror of the storm but our feelings are won over by its beauty.The Ninth WaveConsume-поглощатьMast-мачтаPerish-погибатьClutch-схватитьWin over-расположить к себеAcclaim-провозглашать

Feodosia , Aivazovsky graveFate was kind to Aivazovsky. He worked all his life a

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Feodosia , Aivazovsky graveFate was kind to Aivazovsky. He worked all his life and received in his lifetime all the signs of official recognition which he deserved; his talent was universally acclaimed. Aivazovsky died on 19 April (2 May New Style) 1900, the leaving unfinished a picture he had begun that same day…

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The origin of the genus Aivazovsky Hovhannes (Ivan) Aivazovsky was born in the family of the merchant Constantine (Kevork) and Hripsime Aivazovsky. 17 (29) July 1817 the priest of the Armenian church in Feodosiya recorded that Constantine (Gevorg) Aivazovsky and his wife Hripsime born "Hovhannes, son Gevorg Ayvazian". Aivazovsky ancestors were from Galicia Armenians moved to Galicia from Western Armenia in the XVIII century .It is known that his family owned large estates in the area of ​​the city, but there are no documents to more accurately describe the origin of Aivazovsky, has survived. His father Constantine (Kevork) and after relocation to Theodosia wrote the name of the Polish-style "Gayvazovsky" (last name - Polonized form of Armenian surnames Ayvazian). Aivazovsky himself says in his autobiography about his father that he was due to a quarrel with his brothers in his youth moved from Galicia in the Danubian Principalities (Moldavia, Wallachia), where he engaged in trade, and from there to Theodosia; knew several languages

Childhood and education The artist's father - Konstantin G. Aivazovsky (1771-1841), after the relocation to Theodosia, married a local Armenian woman Hripsimeh (1784-1860), and from this marriage were born three daughters and two sons - Hovhannes (Ivan) and Sargis (later, a monk - Gabriel). Initially trading business Aivazovsky went well, but during the plague of 1812, he went bankrupt. Ivan Aivazovsky childhood discovered his artistic and musical abilities; in particular, he taught himself to play the violin. Theodosia architect - Yakov Hristianovich Koch, first drew attention to the artistic abilities boy, and gave him his first lessons skill. Jacob Hristianovich also strongly helped the young Aivazovsky, occasionally giving him a pencil, paper, paint. It is also recommended to pay attention to young talent Theodosia governor. After graduating from Theodosia district school, he was enrolled in the Simferopol gymnasium using the mayor, who at that time was already a fan of the future talent of the artist. Then Aivazovsky was adopted at public expense in the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg.

Ivan Aivazovsky wrote mostly seascapes; created a series of portraits of Crimean coastal towns. His career has been very successful. He was awarded many honors and received the rank of Rear Admiral. In total, the artist painted more than 6 thousand works. From 1845 he lived in Feodosia, where with the money opened an art school, which later became one of the art centers of New Russia, and gallery (1880), was the founder of the Cimmerian school of painting, was the initiator of the construction of the railway "Feodosiya - Dzhankoy", built in 1892

On the way the crew Aivazovsky was a funeral procession. In the last journey escorted known in Feodosia Sarkizova merchant. The coffin was a widow - lovely kind young Armenian . After a while Nikolai's Mother Sarkizova, nee Burnazyan, became the wife of the artist. He was 65, she was - 25. But her natural tact and spiritual sensitivity vyteplili their relationship. Details Any use of materials is allowed only if the reference to the website of the newspaper Noah's Ark

The artist died on May 2, 1900 in Feodosia, at the age of eighty-two. Before his death Aivazovsky painted called "Sea Gulf", and on the last day of his life began to paint "Explosion of the Turkish ship", which remained unfinished. The artist died on May 2, 1900 in Feodosia, at the age of eighty-two. Before his death Aivazovsky painted called "Sea Gulf", and on the last day of his life began to paint "Explosion of the Turkish ship", which remained unfinished.

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