Сообщение о научной работе на английском языке

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

The Municipal Comprehensive Institution

Comprehensive Secondary School s. Tarbagatai

Science-practical conference “Step in Science”

The researching work


Novoselova Anastasiya, student of the 9-th form

MCI SCS s. Tarbagatai

Science leader: Turusheva Irina Nikolaevna,

the teacher of English MCI SCS s. Tarbagat

“ The Monuments of the WW II ”

Petrovsk- Zabaikalsky district

MCI SCS s.Tarbagatai

The brief abstract

This work is devoted to the researching of the monuments of the World War II. In this work you will know the history of the monuments .Memorials and monuments, single and mass graves on the territory of our country and abroad remind us about the war, about the exploits of thousands of heroes. You will know what the first monument was made of and when. At the same time you will know about people’s attitude towards these monuments in different countries. You will know about the architects who have made them and about the history of the monument in our village.

The contents .

Chapter I. The history of the monuments’ construction.

1.The history of the monuments’ construction……………………………….. …6

Chapter II. The attitude towards monuments

2.1 Attitude towards monuments in Europe on the eve of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory…………………………………………….……..10

2.2 The history of the monument to soldiers who died in World War II in Sec. Tarbagatai……. 12The conclusion……………………………………………………… ………… 13

The addition I . Tank - the memory of battles. …………………………….……17

The addition II. Burial of fallen soldiers………………………………………. 17

The addition III . The most important masters of Soviet architecture……………. 18

The addition IV. In 90-s on the monument to Soviet soldiers in Riga was

The addition V. The Bulgarian Alyosha was poured by paint…………………..20

The addition VI. The most famous monument to Soviet soldiers in Europe - a soldier with a girl in his arms, standing in Berlin's Treptov Park (E.P. Vuchetich sculptor, architect J.B. Belopolsky)……………………………………………….21

The addition VII. The restoration of the monuments……………………………..22

The addition VIII . The monument to the killed soldiers in the WW II in Tarbagatai…………………………………………………………………………23

“ The Monuments of the WW II ”

Petrovsk- Zabaikalsky district

MCI SCS s.Tarbagatai

Plan of researching

The actuality of the topic is that today you are trying to rewrite the history of the Great Patriotic War and to revise its outcome, it is important to define the role and importance of monuments of the Second World War. Memorials and monuments, single and mass graves on the territory of our country and abroad remind us about the war, about the exploits of thousands of heroes. The monuments are demolished, the memorials are blown up, the busts are dropped from their pedestals, graves are desecrated. Who do they disturb? The media has even an expression the "war of monuments". One gets the impression that the monuments acted as custodians of the outcome of the Second World War - immutable, not subject to revision. I am interested in this problem, so I’ve chosen the topic "Preservation and attitude towards the monuments of the Great Patriotic War - the key to the future."

The object of study : the monuments to Soviet soldiers who died in World War II .

The subject of study: the relation to the data sites.

The aim: To learn about the state of monuments in burial sites of Soviet citizens who died during the Second World War, who are on the territory of Russia and its outside. To show a reliable picture of the memory of the fallen, to determine the motivation to do with monuments.

Hypothesis: If I research this topic, I'll know the history of the monuments to the heroes of World War II and people’s attitude to them, not only in our country but also abroad and I’ll improve my English at the same time.

1. To learn about the condition of monuments and people’s attitude to them:

- On the territory of the formerly states of the Soviet Union;

- On the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. To write the history of the Great Patriotic War monument located in Tarbagatai.

The methods of researching:

1. Theoretical: observation, questionnaire.

2. Practical: analysis, comparing, generalization.

“ The Monuments of the WW II ”

Petrovsk- Zabaikalsky district

MCI SCS s.Tarbagatai

Chapter 1.1 The history of the monuments.

Wherever you go, no matter where you go on our land, everywhere you meet monument beside the road or a modest obelisk, the monument in the centre of a mass grave, the gun or tank - the memory of battles. [See addition I]. It’s difficult to quantify if they are becoming more or less. New monuments are opened but old monuments are falling into decay. It’s a pity that there is no single register of monuments of the Great Patriotic War. 70 years were not enough to make it.

Burial of fallen soldiers of the Red Army arose spontaneously. Military funeral team, locals buried the dead in the craters from bombs, in the trenches, in the recesses. [See addition II]. The first monuments were built, usually by the decision of the Military Council of the front. As a rule, it was the first obelisk made of brick or wood. After the war the obelisks were reconstructed into the monuments.

After being liberated the best parts of settlements began to stand out on the mass graves that later monuments could be constructed.

The image of the monument to the Great Patriotic War began to emerge during the Great Patriotic War. Architects have created projects for immediate implementation in the short term and project ideas.

Widely hold contests and exhibitions projects (1942-1944) collected a huge number of works, many of which belong to the most important masters of Soviet architecture A.A. and V.A.Vesninym, I.A.Golosov, M.Ya.Ginzburg, N.Ya.Kolli, G.P.Golts, L. Rudnev, Shusev, I.I.Sobolev K .S.Alabyan, A.S.Nikolskiy, M.F.Olenev, L.N.Pavlov, B.S.Mezentsev, M.V. Posokhin G.A.Zaharov, V.V. Lebedev, P.P.Shteller. [See Addition III]. The architects took up this work with special responsibility, pointing out that upon the project sites of wartime future generations will "recreate not only the unprecedented events or other people's war, but also to judge how these events and their heroes presented consciousness to the eyes of contemporaries ". The most important specific features of the construction of the memorial: this is a memorable place where it is erected, and it’s connection with the social life through the ritual of remembrance (at least the monument lies the idea that" it won’t be overgrown by people’s trail).

In the mid-50s the systematic establishment of burial sites began and the installation of monuments on these sites. By the early 60s, this work has slowed down. Only activation of housing has pushed for the resumption of the work. During the excavation single and mass graves were found and the remains of those fighters that have not be found and buried. And it never more stopped. Search and reburial continue up to this day.

On the 19-th April, 1995 State Duma promulgated the Federal Law "On the perpetuation of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" (as amended on February 9, 2009). Article 5 is devoted to the monuments of the Great Patriotic War. It says " Sculptural, architectural and other memorial structures and objects that perpetuate the memory of the events on the participants, about the veterans and victims of the Second World War belong to the monuments of the Great Patriotic War. Federal executive bodies, executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation and local governments are responsible for the preservation of monuments of the Great Patriotic War, to maintain them in a state corresponding to the dignity and respect to the memory of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. " Conservation and restoration of monuments of the Great Patriotic War to ensure the allocation of federal funds to the monuments of federal significance, budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation - on the monuments of regional significance and local budgets - on the monuments of local (municipal) values, as well as donations of individuals and juridical entities. On the basis of the relevant international agreement the Russian Federation provides construction, maintenance and restoration of monuments in places of burial of citizens of the USSR who died during World War II, which are outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

Russian Federation assists the identification of graves of victims of World War II, located on its territory, construction, conservation and restoration of monuments in burial sites.

On the eve of the 70-th anniversary of the Great Victory the restoration, upgrading of the monuments and memory places is making everywhere.

. Conclusion: The image of a monument to the Great Patriotic War began to emerge during the war. In our time, the Russian Federation facilitates the identification of graves of victims of World War II, located on its territory, construction, conservation and restoration of monuments in burial sites.

Chapter 1. 2. The war of monuments.

The collapse of the USSR, new independent states, the company ceased to be a state, came the new owners and land owners. The” war of monuments" started. Since the early 1990s, the "war of monuments" swept almost in all of Central and Eastern Europe, it was not possible to avoid it and in Russia. Outside of Russia, there are more than 20,000 cemeteries where 3 million of Russian and Soviet soldiers and officers are lied. More than half of their names is still not known.

In 90-s on the monument to Soviet soldiers in Riga there were written the words "Russian go out!" And a swastika was drawn. [See addition IV]. The Star of David was drawn on the monument in Treptov park in Berlin. The plaque on the monument to the Liberator Soldier in Gyuterfelde near Potsdam was nailed down by plywood board with a swastika. The monument to Marshal Konev in Krakow, Poland was dismantled. Campaign for the transfer of the monument to Soviet soldiers turned in Budapest - the World Union of Hungarians proposed to hold a referendum on this issue and has collected 200,000 signatures in its support. They were going to get rid of the Bulgarian Alyosha. It all started in the same way as elsewhere - the nationalists poured it by paint at night and painted a swastika.[See addition V]. In 1996, the city parliament of Sofia decided to demolish the monument, but the decision was appealed to higher courts. Bulgaria's Supreme Court decreed that the monument "Alyosha" is a monument to World War II, which is not be subject to demolition. In Hungary, in particular, at the beginning of the 90-s most of the monuments to Soviet soldiers disappeared from the streets and squares in Budapest, and they were moved to Monument Park near Budapest, founded in 1991. There was also sent bronze figures of Soviet soldiers from the obelisk of Liberty on Gellért Hill. A burial place itself was moved from the centre of the Kerepeshi Cemetery, where the central War Memorial to Soviet soldiers is. In 2009, in Bucharest (Romania) an act of vandalism was committed at the Soviet Military Memorial. The main memorial monument and its pedestal with marble reliefs were doused with red paint on the sides of the pedestal are inscribed, insulting to the memory of heroes who died for the liberation of Romania from fascism. Previously the monument to Soviet soldiers in Iasi has been destroyed and the cemetery of Soviet soldiers in the county of Galati was desecrated. Bronze Soldier in Estonia - a memorial composition consisted of a two-meter figure of a Soviet soldier, bowed his head in sign of mourning, and the walls, which were plaques with the names of the victims. In 1964, an eternal flame was lit before the monument. Since the 1990s, the fate of the memorial and burial was the subject of fierce debate, as part of the Estonians consider it a symbol of Soviet occupation. In the early 90-s, after the declaration of independence of Estonia, the eternal flame was extinguished. Plaques with the names of the dead were replaced in 1994 by a sign saying "fell in World War II" in Estonian and Russian. [Add. II]. In the late 1980-s, Azerbaijan began to demolish monuments on the wave of ethnic hatred towards Armenians. Then the monuments and the busts of Marshal Hovhannes (Ivan) Bagramyan, the pilot, twice Hero of the Soviet Union Nelson Stepanyan, Marshal Babajanyan and other Soviet soldiers and commanders, the Armenians by nationality were demolished. It was also dismantled the cenotaph, the tombs of Soviet soldiers who died in the hospitals of Azerbaijan. And in Higher Naval School in Baku the busts of the graduates the Heroes of the Soviet Union were demolished, as well as a monument to the cadets who died in World War II. In 2010, the Georgian authorities destroyed a memorial to soldiers of the Great Patriotic War in Kutaisi. At the moment the situation in Ukraine is not calm, but most of the population of Ukraine is aware that the main purpose is to prevent the spread of neo-fascism on Ukrainian land. The first line of defense became a monument to the soldiers-liberators.

In this situation it is important to understand that it is impossible to confuse people and a handful of people who are currently in power. After all, many people protested against the dismantling of monuments. We must remember how significant and important historical path passed our peoples together. In spite of these unworthy actions of the authorities we must keep the historical traditions of friendship and mutual respect.

Once again I want to note that more than 4 thousand military memorials, in which are buried about 3 million soldiers and officers of the Red Army, who died in battle during the Second World War, are not on the territory of Russia and in Europe. And it’s very important, what will our relations be with these countries and how will the relations of these countries to these monuments.

Conclusion: In the countries of the former Soviet Union many monuments to the heroes who died in World War II have been destroyed. More than 4 thousand military memorials, in which about 3 million soldiers and officers of the Red Army, who died in battle during the Second World War are buried, are not on the territory of Russia and in Europe. And it’s very important, what will our relations be with these countries, and how will the relations of these countries to these monuments.

Chapter 2.1. Attitude towards monuments in Europe on the eve of the celebration of the 70-th anniversary of the Victory.

Germany is considered to be a model of civilized attitude to the monuments. Back in 1993, the German government has assumed all the costs of the memorials erected in memory of those who died in World War II, as well as located in the country's wartime graves. The most famous monument to Soviet soldiers in Europe - a soldier with a girl in his arms, standing in Berlin's Treptov Park (E.P. Vucetich sculptor, architect J.B. Belopolsky).[See addition VI]. Poland is an example of respect for the monuments of 620 thousand fallen of the Soviet soldiers here. The Department at the Russian Embassy in Warsaw watches the state of 561 monuments and 638 burials of the Second World War. Poland and Russia have signed an agreement under which since February 1994 Poles pledged to care for war memorials, and the Russians - to repair them. From 2000 to 2006, 126 cemeteries were restored. The Czech Republic and Slovakia (prior to 1993 they were the united state) have 57 monuments to Soviet soldiers. They are under state protection. Recently, in Slovakia, in which during the releasing in 1944 more than 60,000 Soviet soldiers were killed, launched a state program for the care of monuments to Soviet soldiers. [See addition VII].Slovaks are constantly taking care of individual graves and memorials. Slovaks condemned the attempts to revise history, which are taking place in the Baltic States and some European countries. Freeing from the Nazis Czech Republic and Slovakia, more than 85,000 Soviet soldiers were killed. They are buried in 660 graves in various towns and villages. Olshansky cemetery in Prague gave the final resting place for many Russian and Belarusians, who left their countries after the 1917 revolution. Here, on Olshanah Red Army soldiers are buried who died in spring 1945. Olshany is the largest Memorial to the fallen Soviet soldiers in the Czech Republic . Symmetrical rows of monuments and gravestones with five-pointed stars. Thousands of names. It is always clean and well maintained. Belarus has a lot of monuments which were restored to the 60-th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus and the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Another anniversary is just a cause to pay the particular attention to large objects: "Khatyn" the Mound of Glory, the monument in honor of the Mother-patriot in Zhodino. Brest Fortress is reconstructed stage by stage: concrete sculpture was reinforced recently , and an art gallery has opened in one of the restored buildings of the citadel. There is also the Monument to Soviet soldiers in the Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Austria, France, Yugoslavia and Romania.

Conclusion: The monuments to soldiers and heroes who died during the Second World War are restored and put in order on the eve of the 70-th anniversary of Victory in all European countries.

Chapter 2.2. The history of the monument to soldiers who died in World War II in Tarbagatai .

There is also a monument to soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War in our village. This monument was opened May 9, 1977. [See addition VIII].Every year, on Victory Day the meeting is held there. Everything passes solemnly, children read poems, veterans talk about the battle feats. Students of our school take care of this monument. Children clean area of ​​litter, dry grass. But, unfortunately, not all remember the dead soldiers as after an evening walk they leave bottles and other litter near the monument. Schoolchildren keep order, collect material of the dead soldiers.

Conclusion: High school students take care of the monument to soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War in our village.

To begin with I’d like to give you a brief description of my background, that is my previous studies and work.

I graduated from . University in ….

I received my diploma in Civil Engineering /Environmental Engineering/ / Economics… ) at the department of …

My specialization was…

My course work was dedicated to…

I had a period of practical training in (the field of ) at ….

During my final year at university I did my graduation paper in the area of ….

It was entitled…

It was a very interesting topic for me to investigate because…

After graduation I started my full time (part-time) work as a faculty member (teaching assistant/instructor/assistant professor/laboratory assistant/programmer) at ..

Last year I applied for a job as a ….. at …

I was offered a position of … at the department of (laboratory of / firm called “…”)

I decided to combine my work and research in … and was supported by …

The topic/theme I have chosen is “ …”

My scientific advisor suggested the study of …

My interest was motivated by ….

Prof. N … advised/prompted me studying ….

The topic of my thesis is “ ….. ”

It deals with exploration (investigation/analysis/development/integration) of …

The subject of my research is …

Let me now go into some detail regarding my research guided by the subject I have mentioned.

I began with the study of literature on the subject including some basic works written by… These problems … are widely discussed (treated) in literature.

There are many papers reviewing the state of the art of…

There are many articles in scientific journals and special periodicals such as … in particular.

These problems are widely discussed in the works by a

number of prominent scientists (scholars) such as….

In recent years the issues involving … have received considerable attention of … in ..

The theory of ….. was constructed and developed by ….

The object of my research is the operation (behaviour/ processes) of ….

The immediate aim (goal/objective) is to examine the function (behaviour/dynamics ) of …

A current study in our laboratory is addressing the question of …. The focus of my research is on the relationship between …. and … .

It is very important and interesting to examine (analyze/ evaluate/ describe) the complex interaction between … and …. .

This is one of the points that strongly motivate my work dedicated to… .

Typically, we assume that the object (group/value/characteristic/parameter) in question is …

Another aspect of the interaction is ….

For example, if we take … then …

We may therefore assume that …

Similarly, if one takes X to be …. then …. is related to ….

One may ask the question as to the nature of ….

A very interesting question which I am actively pursuing is…..

I am interested to know…

In our joint work with…. I explore (test/ examine) ….

To this end, we study .

The methods and techniques we apply in this research include experiments (observations, laboratory tests, field and pilot plant study ….)

The experimental part of my research will mostly consist of tests to be conducted on …

It is therefore quite encouraging that these methods may be used to solve a number of problems in this instance and get an insight in …

Some of most recent results of the research in … make use of the …. and the theory of….

The results may be constructed into a theoretic framework that I am going to describe by systemizing the data obtained in the experiments (observations).

As to the practical output of my study, I think they will be of considerable practical

significance, because …

The list of my published papers includes ….

Some of the general issues that I studied last year include: first, … second, … and third…

I remain actively involved in several other projects.

I have analysed the …. of this …. and tried to show that there are ….

It is becoming clear that …. plays a crucial role in the operation of ….

In my paper I will try to give a simple description/definition of ….

That makes it possible to calculate (identify/establish/develop)… with the help of …

Since … is a …. , these results may be applied to solving a wide range of problems in …

We may hope that the results of our study will be of practical significance because …

It may have good potential to improve (enhance/ alleviate the problem /eliminate the need for/ increase)…

Для того чтобы написать школьную исследовательскую (научную) работу на английском языке, надо грамотно распорядиться временем. Нужно иметь в запасе полгода, чтобы провести собственно исследование, а также успеть собрать экспериментальный материал и поразмышлять над ним. Ниже я опишу логику исследовательской работы (т.н. research paper), которая прочно установилась в Западной академической традиции. Почему Запад – авторитет? Наверное, потому что он спокойно показывал на протяжении долгого периода, как лучше создать академический текст так, чтобы читателю/потребителю он был максимально понятен. Я решил кратко поделиться этой логикой здесь, потому что два преподавателя независимо друг от друга спросили моего совета. Мне показалось, что такие вопросы могут быть и у большего количества людей.

В этой заметке я покажу структуру работы и поясню логику, которая стоит за созданием исследовательской работы – так, как это принято в Западной традиции. Не претендую на полноту изложения.

Предисловие. Постулаты, которые надо принять как данность

Есть вещи, с которыми стоит изначально согласиться, если вы хотите написать хорошую работу.

Первое: это ваша работа. Это значит, что безбожно сдирать из Интернета лакомые куски текста – табу, ожидать, что кто-то другой напишет за вас текст, – табу, что кто-то в принципе будет генерировать идеи вместо вас – табу. Использование чужих идей, текста без цитирования – это преступление, от которого на Западе невозможно отмыть руки до конца дней.

Третье: целью исследовательской работы не должно быть призовое место на конкурсе, иначе это подложная ценность. Т.е. призовое место получать приятно и того стоит, но если нет – это не повод для расстройства или отказа от исследования.

Часть 1. Что собой представляет исследовательская работа?

Исследовательская работа (research paper) представляет собой текст, в котором автор исследования показывает, что он занимался определенной темой (её частью), изучал материал и пришёл к некоторым выводам, которые могут иметь (прикладное/теоретическое) значение. Объём работы не имеет фиксированного количества слов: это может быть 2500 слов (5 страниц А4, 12 Times New Roman), может быть 5000 слов (10 страниц), а может быть и 7500 слов (15 страниц). Список источников не имеет верхних пределов, но нижний предел, как правило, 5 источников (как минимум три из них – научных). Для других видов академических эссе (reaction paper, response paper, position paper) или для написания сочинения на экзамене TOEFL могут быть свои требования к академическому письму, но я не рассматриваю эти темы здесь.

Часть 2. Структура исследовательской работы

Структура исследовательской работы очень незамысловата:

1. Title – оригинальный заголовок должен цеплять внимание, а также быть понятным для публики.

*2. Abstract — короткая (до 250 слов) и хорошо написанная аннотация работы, также может содержать ключевые слова.

*3. Acknowledgements – слова благодарности кому бы то ни было, если эти кто-то помогли вам написать работу (моральная или финансовая поддержка, например).

4. Introduction – введение в работу, краткое знакомство читателя с тем, как вы пришли к этой теме и почему.

*5. Theoretical framework (and Literature overview) – теоретическая рамка (и иногда – обзор литературы) – это то, как вы позиционируете себя и своё исследование среди работ других исследователей, которые уже занимались этой темой (а таковые всегда есть!). Теоретическая рамка – это упоминание теории, разработанной каким-либо учёным, которую вы применяете в своей исследовательской работе и проверяете, работает она или нет. Например, вам нравится теоретическая база кашкинской переводческой школы (краткая суть: нужно переводить дух произведения, а не конкретные слова), и вы выбираете её своей теорией. Тем самым вы (а) оправдываете своё исследование и (б) соглашаетесь с этой теорией или отделяете себя от неё. Для школьного уровня, полагаю, это необязательный компонент.

6. Methodology – тот способ, которым вы проводили исследование; каким именно образом вы пришли к выводам в вашей работе. Методология разнообразна: это могут быть количественные методы (напр., опросник или подсчёт статистики) или качественные методы (напр., интервью, включенное наблюдение, этнография, дискурс-анализ — как правило, для письменных текстов). К слову, я никогда так нигде и не видел толкового списка методов исследования. Но это очень важный компонент работы. Описывая то, каким образом вы добирались до своих выводов, вы показываете читателю, может он вам верить или нет. Например, вы исследуете переводы названий фильмов на русский язык. В методологии важно указать, сколько названий фильмов вы выбрали, сколько из них имело разные варианты переводов и т.п.

7. Body of the research – основная часть исследования, которую стоит делить на части – разделы и подразделы (sections and subsections). Вы сами решаете, как будете структурировать свою работу, какие заголовки подберёте к своим разделам, а также насколько сбалансированными по количеству слов будет каждый из разделов.

Часть 3. Логика введения и заключения

Часть 4. Логика основной части работы

Каждый раздел в основной части работы должен содержать одну большую мысль, которая, в свою очередь, должна служить опорой для вашего аргумента/тезиса. Например, если вы занимаетесь особенностями перевода английских газетных заголовков на русский, то вы можете написать его в трёх разделах: (1) The structure of English newspaper headings, (2) The structure of Russian newspaper headings, (3) The ways of translating English newspaper headings into Russian.

Это так называемый минимальный план работы – outline. Я себе взял за правило назначать определенное количество слов для каждой части работы. Например, если в работе предел 5000 слов, то распределяю слова навскидку так: введение – 300 слов, теоретическая рамка и методология – 200 слов, заключение – 300 слов, основная часть – 4100 слов (раздел 1 – 800 слов, раздел 2 – 800 слов, раздел 3 – 2500 слов). Как показывает практика, я никогда не влажу в заданные объёмы, всегда пишу больше и потом мучаюсь, пытаясь выкинуть лишние фразы из текста (а лишние фразы есть всегда).

Часть 5. Логика абзаца

Допустим, мы решили написать первый раздел основной части нашей работы. Нужно помнить одну вещь: каждый абзац (англ. paragraph) должен иметь только одну мысль, которая подтверждает главную идею данного раздела. Абзацы должны быть идейно между собой связаны. Каждый абзац тоже строится по своей маленькой структуре (которая копирует общую структуру работы): первое предложение – ключевое и говорит о том, что именно автор пытается сказать в этом абзаце. В идеальном академическом тексте читатель должен уметь прочитать только первые предложения каждого абзаца, чтобы понять, о чём говорится в этом разделе и, соответственно, о чём написана вся исследовательская работа. Первое предложение абзаца – это суть всего абзаца, всё остальное – это поддержка этой идеи и анализ (самая сложная часть, на мой взгляд).

А дальше – следующий абзац, следующая подтема. Конечно, вводить абзацы надо разумно, осторожно, они тоже должны быть как бы взаимосвязаны между собой и подтверждать главную идею раздела. Нужно грамотно использовать transition words (therefore, consequently, first, second, third, in addition, also, furthermore, etc.). Читатель должен плыть с нами по нашему тексту. Всегда надо думать о читателе нашей работы, даже если это будет только наш преподаватель.

Схематично логику академического текста можно представить на следующей схемке (см. картинку). Это идеал, конечно.

the logic of text

Для дальнейшего чтения:

Если вы нашли ошибку, пожалуйста, выделите фрагмент текста и нажмите Ctrl+Enter.

Science and technology — топик по английскому языку с переводом и фразами, который поможет при подготовке к устной части экзаменов ЕГЭ, ОГЭ, а также будет полезен всем, кто совершенствует свой английский язык.

We are living in a world of technologies now and can’t remember our life being different. The humanity has made many discoveries and invented lots of mechanisms and devices which have simplified our life significantly.

We got acquainted with light and sound and explored their characteristics which helped us to use them effectively. The radio, the TV, the telephone was invented and enabled us to get in touch with each other, learn about what is happening in our native city and all over the world.

The humanity never stopped on the way to unexplored places and even planets! We devised a satellite and made a rocket to travel to the moon and round the Earth. Special equipment lets us make photos of the faraway planets and study their environment.

The most recent breakthrough in technology is supposed to be the internet. It has broadened our abilities and opened new horizons. We connect with people from other countries without any problems, search for any information and get it in one click, and have many other opportunities accessing the net from our smartphones, tablets, and computers.

However, other realms of science have also been developing. Medicine, biology, archeology and many other sciences have achieved great results. We do have everything to maintain a high quality of life now. Many processes have been automated and people have got rid of many unpleasant things and difficulties they used to face in the past.


Сегодня мы живем в мире технологий и уже не помним, что наша жизнь когда-то была иной. Человечество сделало многие открытия и изобрело множество механизмов и приборов, которые значительно упростили нашу жизнь.

Мы познакомились со светом и звуком и изучили их свойства, которые помогли нам эффективно их использовать. Было изобретено радио, телевидение, телефон, которые позволили нам связываться друг с другом, узнавать о том, что происходит в нашем родном городе и во всем мире.

Одним из последних прорывов в технологии считается интернет. Он расширил наши возможности и открыл новые горизонты. Мы общаемся с людьми из других стран без всяких проблем, ищем любую информацию и находим ее в одно нажатие мышью и имеем множество других возможностей, подключаясь к сети через наши смартфоны, планшеты и компьютеры.

Однако другие сферы науки также развиваются. Медицина, биология, археология и многие другие науки достигли отличных результатов. У нас действительно есть все, чтобы поддерживать высокий уровень жизнь сейчас. Многие процессы были автоматизированы и люди избавились от многих неприятных вещей и сложностей, с которыми сталкивались раньше.

Как написать доклад на английском языке

С помощью доклада мы описываем, анализируем, критикуем исследование или просто какие-то данные. Умение грамотно оформить информацию в таком формате очень ценно по двум причинам:

  • написание доклада на английском часто включается в программу международных экзаменов;
  • в англоязычном мире доклады – неотъемлемая часть не только научной, но и деловой жизни.

В этой статье речь пойдет о том, чем доклад отличается от эссе (essay), а также из каких частей он состоит.

Peculiarities of report. Особенности доклада на английском

Report structure. Структура доклада на английском языке

Секрет успешного написания хорошего доклада – работа по плану. Report имеет свою стандартную структуру, которую нужно взять за основу. Итак, в любом докладе должно быть 5 элементов:

В полноценном докладе также должен быть список использованной литературы. Могут присутствовать и другие части, это зависит от предмета и цели доклада. Соответственно, если мы имеем дело с кратким докладом, например, на международном экзамене, необходимо продемонстрировать не столько знание выбранной темы, сколько в целом понимание того, что такое доклад и из каких частей он состоит. Так, описанные выше части доклада на экзамене немного упрощаются, и выглядят так:

  • Introduction – вступление.
  • Reasons why you are writing (write about facts) – причины, побудившие вас писать об этом (сообщите факты).
  • Suggestions to solve a problem (a kind of discussion) – предложения и способы решения проблемы (аналог обсуждения).
  • Conclusion – выводы.

Чтобы еще лучше понимать, как писать доклад на английском, можете посмотреть это короткое, но познавательное видео:

Доклад на английском языке отличается от других видов письменных работ. Возьмите на вооружение те основы и советы, которые вы нашли в этой статье, и у вас обязательно получится написать хороший доклад! А также не забудьте скачать список слов, которые пригодятся вам при написании доклада.

Если вы нашли ошибку, пожалуйста, выделите фрагмент текста и нажмите Ctrl+Enter.

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