Сообщение о микеланджело на английском языке

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

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3 Michelangelo was born on 6 March 1475 in Caprese near Arezzo. His father worked as a Judicial administrator Michelangelo's father sent him to study grammar with the Humanist Francesco da Urbino in Florence as a young boy. The young artist, however, showed no interest in his schooling, preferring to copy paintings from churches and seek the company of painters He was the best pupil in a painters school

6 Michelangelo's father marks the date as 6 March 1474 in the Florentine manner ab Incarnatione. However, in the Roman manner, ab Nativitate, it is b. Sources disagree on the point: how old Michelangelo was when he went to school. De Tolnay writes that he was ten years old while Sedgwick notes in her translation of Condivi that Michelangelo was seven. The Strozzi family acquired the sculpture Hercules. Filippo Strozzi sold it to Francis I in In 1594, Henry IV installed it in the Jardin d'Estang at Fontainebleau where it disappeared in 1713 when the Jardin d'Estange was destroyed. Vasari makes no mention of this episode and Paolo Giovio's Life of Michelangelo indicates that Michelangelo tried to pass the statue as an antique.

Michelangelo Buonarroti was one of the greatist artists in history. He was extremely talented and was famous not only as a painter but also as a sculptor, an architect and even a poet. He created many masterpieces that are now presented in world-famous museums and galleries.

The outstanding artist was born in 1475 near Florence. When Michelangelo was only 12 years old, he was apprenticed to one of the most famous Italian artists of that time – Ghirlandaio. Young Michelangelo learned to draw very fast. He succeeded by means of copying other painters’ works.

At the age of 21, he moved to Rome and began to create his paintings and sculptures that soon made him famous. The Pietà was one of the first masterpieces that he created. The statue was made for St. Peter’s Cathedral.

Some time later Michelangelo returned to Florence where he produced his famous statue of David. The statue is made of marble but looks as if David is going to come to life. At the age of 30 Buonarroti went to Rome again and worked there for the next 30 years.

In 1508 Michelangelo started working on his most difficult and challenging projects. He began to paint the Sistine Chapel. The Sistine Chapel is situated in the Vatican and attracts millions of people every year. The ceiling of the chapel is considered to be one of the World’s most amazing works of art. It is decorated with beautiful murals which show different Biblical scenes.


Микеланджело Буонарроти был одним из величайших творцов в истории. Он был чрезвычайно талантлив и был известен не только как художник, но и как скульптор, архитектор и даже поэт. Он создал многие шедевры, которые ныне представлены во всемирно известных музеях и галереях.

Выдающийся художник родился в 1475 году близ Флоренции. Когда Микеланджело было всего 12 лет, он был отдан в ученики одному из самых известных художников того времени – Гирландайо. Юный Микеланджело обучился рисованию очень быстро. Он преуспел в этом посредством копирования работ других художников.

Когда ему был 21 год, он переехал в Рим и начал создавать картины и скульптуры, которые вскоре принесли ему славу. Пьета стала одним из первых шедевров, которые он сотворил. Статуя был создана для Собора Святого Петра.

Спустя некоторое время Микеланджело вернулся во Флоренцию, где создал свою известную статую Давида. Она сделана из мрамора, но выглядит так, будто Давид вот-вот оживет. Когда Буонарроти было 30, он снова отправился в Рим, где проработал следующие 30 лет.

В 1508 году Микеланджело начал работу над своим самым сложным и интересным проектом. Он начал роспись Сикстинской Капеллы. Сикстинская Капелла находится в Ватикане и ежегодно привлекает миллионы людей. Потолок часовни считается одним из самых удивительных произведений искусства в мире. Он украшен фресками, изображающими Библейские сюжеты.


Michelangelo Buonarroti was one of the most famous artists in history. He was a painter, a sculptor, an architect, and a poet. He created some of the world’s most beautiful and most famous paintings and statues.

Michelangelo was born in 1475 in the Italian town of Caprese, near Florence. His family didn’t want him to become an artist. But at the age of twelve, he began to study art with a well-known artist. He learned to draw by copying paintings by other artists. He soon became inter­ested in sculpture, too. At age 21, he went to Rome and began to create the works of art that made him famous.

Michelangelo’s first great work was the Pieta. This statue was finished around 1500. It shows Jesus in the arms of the Virgin Mary after his death on the cross.

Michelangelo then went to Florence, where he pro­duced his famous statue of David. It is 18 feet high and carved from a solid piece of marble. The statue is so lifelike that it seems ready to spring into action.

In 1505 Michelangelo returned to Rome to work for Pope Julius II.

In 1508, he began painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. He spent more than two years painfully lying on his back on a scaffold, painting the figures and Biblical scenes on half of the ceiling. After a long rest, he completed the second half in about a year. People consider the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel to be one of the world’s greatest and most amazing works of art.

Just as young Michelangelo studied the work of other artists, art students today study the work of Michelangelo.

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Michelangelo was considered the greatest living artist in his lifetime, and ever

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Michelangelo was considered the greatest living artist in his lifetime, and ever since then he has been held to be one of the greatest artists of all time. A number of his works in painting, sculpture, and architecture rank among the most famous in existence. His output in every field during his long life was prodigious; when the sheer volume of correspondence, sketches, and reminiscences that survive is also taken into account, he is the best-documented artist of the 16th century. Michelangelo was considered the greatest living artist in his lifetime, and ever since then he has been held to be one of the greatest artists of all time. A number of his works in painting, sculpture, and architecture rank among the most famous in existence. His output in every field during his long life was prodigious; when the sheer volume of correspondence, sketches, and reminiscences that survive is also taken into account, he is the best-documented artist of the 16th century.

Pietà Pietà

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Despite his low opinion of painting, Michelangelo also created two of the most i

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Despite his low opinion of painting, Michelangelo also created two of the most influential works in fresco in the history of Western art: Despite his low opinion of painting, Michelangelo also created two of the most influential works in fresco in the history of Western art: The Last Judgment, or The Last Judgement is a fresco by the Italian Renaissance master Michelangelo executed on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. It is a depiction of the Second Coming of Christ and the final and eternal judgment by God of all humanity. The souls of humans rise and descend to their fates, as judged by Christ surrounded by prominent saints including Saints Catherine of Alexandria, Peter, Lawrence, Bartholomew, Paul, Sebastian, John the Baptist, and others.

The Sistine Chapel ceiling, painted by Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512, is a

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The Sistine Chapel ceiling, painted by Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512, is a cornerstone work of High Renaissance art. The ceiling is that of the large Papal Chapel built within the Vatican between 1477 and 1480 by Pope Sixtus IV after whom it is named, and was painted at the commission of Pope Julius II. The chapel is the location for papal conclaves and many important services. The Sistine Chapel ceiling, painted by Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512, is a cornerstone work of High Renaissance art. The ceiling is that of the large Papal Chapel built within the Vatican between 1477 and 1480 by Pope Sixtus IV after whom it is named, and was painted at the commission of Pope Julius II. The chapel is the location for papal conclaves and many important services.

In his lifetime he was also often called Il Divino ("the divine one").

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In his lifetime he was also often called Il Divino ("the divine one"). One of the qualities most admired by his contemporaries was his terribilità, a sense of awe-inspiring grandeur, and it was the attempts of subsequent artists to imitate[4] Michelangelo's impassioned and highly personal style. In his lifetime he was also often called Il Divino ("the divine one"). One of the qualities most admired by his contemporaries was his terribilità, a sense of awe-inspiring grandeur, and it was the attempts of subsequent artists to imitate[4] Michelangelo's impassioned and highly personal style.

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The Madonna of the Steps is Michelangelo

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The Madonna of the Steps is Michelangelo's earliest known work. While the Madonna is in profile, the easiest aspect for a shallow relief, the child displays a twisting motion that was to become characteristic of Michelangelo's work. The painting heralds the forms, movement and colour that Michelangelo was to employ on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. The Madonna of the Steps is Michelangelo's earliest known work. While the Madonna is in profile, the easiest aspect for a shallow relief, the child displays a twisting motion that was to become characteristic of Michelangelo's work. The painting heralds the forms, movement and colour that Michelangelo was to employ on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

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Michelangelo's relief of the Battle of the Centaurs, created while he was still a youth associated with the Medici Academy, is an unusually complex relief in that it shows a great number of figures involved in a vigorous struggle. Michelangelo's relief of the Battle of the Centaurs, created while he was still a youth associated with the Medici Academy, is an unusually complex relief in that it shows a great number of figures involved in a vigorous struggle.

In the Crucifixion of Peter soldiers busy themselves about their assigned duty o

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In the Crucifixion of Peter soldiers busy themselves about their assigned duty of digging a post hole and raising the cross while various people look on and discuss the events. A group of horrified women cluster in the foreground, while another group of Christians is led by a tall man to witness the events. In the right foreground, Michelangelo walks out of the painting with an expression of disillusionment. In the Crucifixion of Peter soldiers busy themselves about their assigned duty of digging a post hole and raising the cross while various people look on and discuss the events. A group of horrified women cluster in the foreground, while another group of Christians is led by a tall man to witness the events. In the right foreground, Michelangelo walks out of the painting with an expression of disillusionment.

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