Сообщение о газете на английском

Обновлено: 23.04.2024

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1. What are the names of the first newspapers?
2. What are the advantages of newspapers over the other mass media?
3. How many newspapers are there in the US?
4. What is printed in daily newspapers?
5. What are the major newspapers in the US?
6. What do weekly newspapers focus on?

publication — издание
public opinion — общественное мнение
current events — текущие события
handwritten — написанный от руки
newssheet — листовка
to post — вывешивать
printed — печатный
carved wooden block — резная деревянная доска
to publish — издавать
advantage — преимущество
to cover — осветить
newscast — обзор новостей
preceeding week — прошлая неделя
to provide — предоставлять
daily — ежедневное издание
weekly — еженедельник
circulation — тираж
issue — выпуск
weekday — будний день
section — раздел
guide to TV program — программа передач
community — община
wedding — свадьба



People always invent something new that simplifies our life and makes it better. It is the reason why some things are no longer in use. There are so many technologies nowadays. We cannot imagine our life without smartphones, tablets, computers, television and many other things.

Люди всегда придумывают что-то новое, что упрощает нашу жизнь и делает ее лучше. Это причина, почему некоторые вещи больше не используются. В наше время технологий очень много. Мы не можем представить нашу жизнь без смартфонов, планшетов, компьютеров, телевидения и многих других вещей.

People often say that printed books are replaced by e-books. I cannot agree with this statement. I think that now people are even more interested in printed books though they often use e-books.

Люди часто говорят, что печатные книги заменяются электронными книгами. Я не могу согласиться с этим утверждением. Я думаю, что сейчас еще больше людей интересуются печатными книгами, хотя они часто используют электронные.

Though printed books are still very popular it is possible to say that newspapers have become less popular. Nowadays we can find all necessary articles and news on the Internet. Besides, we can choose the particular information. For example, when we read a newspaper we have to read articles of different fields, otherwise it is the waste of money. On the Internet we can read only those articles we are interested in, for example sport articles, that is why young people prefer the Internet to newspapers. Besides, many newspapers have their electronic versions on the Internet. However the older generation prefers to read newspapers. It is more common for them. Besides, usually they are interested in many things so the articles of different fields are interesting for them.

Though newspapers are not so popular nowadays they are still powerful. There are many famous newspapers such as The Guardian, The New York Times, Der Spiegel and so on.

Хотя сегодня газеты не так популярны, они все еще влиятельны. Существует много известных газет, таких как The Guardian, The New York Times, Der Spiegel и так далее.

In the past people learnt about news from newspapers. Nowadays people usually learn what is happening in the country and in the world from TV or radio news programmes or from the Internet. Still we cannot imagine our life without newspapers. There are dozens of them on every news-stand. There are newspapers for professionals, for businessmen, for children and teenagers, for men and women, for sports fans, for those who are interested in gardening and for those who keep pets.

Some newspapers publish serious articles on politics, economy and finance, some aim to entertain their readers. Many newspapers express certain political opinion and people choose them according to their own political beliefs. In short, you can always find a paper which suits your interests. Besides, there are many free local newspapers which are put into your postbox whether you ask for it or not. Probably they are not interesting, because they consist mainly of advertisements, but you can find a lot of useful telephone numbers and addresses there.

My parents subscribe to Argumenty i Facty. I also like this weekly. I don’t read all the articles, but in every issue I find something interesting. I think that most articles are very well written, they give a detailed and well-balanced analysis of current events and trends in economy. I like to read articles on social issues, interviews, reviews of new books, plays and TV shows. One of my favorite columns is The Quotation of the Day, where they quote our popular politicians and give their comments. Sometimes it’s very funny.

Quite often I buy Sovershenno Secretno (Top Secret) and practically in each issue there are some fascinating stories which you read like a detective story. Sometimes they uncover things I have not heard about, sometimes they show well-known events in a completely new light.

From time to time I read Moskovsky Komsomolets. It’s one of the most popular daily papers, but I don’t consider it serious. However, I never miss an article written by Minkin. I think he is a very good journalist. I also like Merinov’s cartoons. Sometimes they publish good reviews of new films, new CDs and so on.

In short, I think that TV, radio and the Internet have their advantages, but nothing can substitute newspapers.


Некоторые газеты публикуют серьезные статьи о политике, экономике и финансам, другие имеют целью развлечь своих читателей. Многие газеты выражают определенные политические убеждения, и люди выбирают их в зависимости от собственных политических убеждений. Короче говоря, вы всегда сможете найти издание, которое соответствует вашим интересам. Кроме того есть множество бесплатных местных газет, которые приходят на ваш почтовый ящик, вы просите об этом или нет. Вероятно, они не интересны, потому что состоят в основном из рекламы, но вы можете найти там много полезных номеров телефонов и адресов.

В общем, я считаю, что телевидение, радио и Интернет имеют свои преимущества, но ничто не может заменить газеты.

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Newspapers – Газеты

What is a newspaper?

Newspaper is a printed publication issued on a regular basis. When reading newspapers we learn about the latest news and other current events.

First newspapers

First newspapers appeared many years ago in Roman times. At that time they did not look like newspapers we have today. Only in the XVI century newspapers acquired their contemporary look. First Russian newspapers appeared in the time of Peter the Great.

Types of newspapers

Today newspapers can be read by everyone. There are national, regional and local newspapers. There are newspapers published specially for professionals, for teenagers and even children.

There are newspapers which you have to pay money for and the ones you can take for free. Some newspapers are related to business, some exist for the purpose of entertainment.

There are tabloids and official newspapers. Some newspapers are issued twice a week, some – once a week, others – only in the mornings or only in the evenings.

Main features

One of the main features is that newspapers are periodical and are issued regularly. Another important feature is that any person can become a newspaper reader, all because of its accessibility.

And the last, but not the least is its official nature. A lot of proposed legislations and other official announcements come into effect only after being highlighted in a newspaper.

All these features make newspapers one of the most significant mass media despite the rapid development of technologies.

Что такое газета?

Газета – это печатное издание, выпускаемое на регулярной основе. Читая газеты, мы узнаем о последних новостях и иных текущих событиях.

Первые газеты

Первые газеты появились много лет назад, во времена древних римлян. Тогда они были мало чем похожи на сегодняшние газеты. Свой современный облик газеты приобрели только в XVI веке. В России первые газеты появились при Петре Великом.

Сегодня читать газеты могут все. Есть общенациональные, региональные и местные газеты. Существуют газеты, выпускаемые специально для профессионалов, для подростков и даже для детей.

Есть платные и бесплатные газеты. В некоторых газетах пишут о бизнесе, а некоторые издаются для развлечения.

Главные особенности

Одной из главных особенностей газет является их периодичность и регулярность. Другая важная особенность заключается в том, что благодаря общедоступности читателем газеты может стать любой человек.

И последняя, но не менее важная особенность – это официальность. Многие законопроекты и другие официальные заявления вступают в силу после того, как были опубликованы в газете.

Благодаря этим особенностям, газеты остаются значимым средством массовой информации, несмотря на стремительное развитие технологий.

Russians are a reading nation. It is impossible to imagine our life without newspapers. Millions of copies of them appear every day. Many people subscribe to two or more newspapers, others buy newspapers at the newsstands.

Most newspapers contain news, detailed articles on home and international affairs, reviews of books, art and TV shows. Many of them also cover sports events.

One can also find newspapers for teenagers and children, for sports fans and people of different professions, and newspapers for women.

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