Сообщение о екатерине 2 на английском языке с переводом

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November 5, 2011 - SCOTT SIMON, host:

This is WEEKEND EDITION from NPR News. I'm Scott Simon.

На НПР Ньюс "Выпуск выходного дня". Я Скотт Саймон

How did a German princess from a minor noble family become the empress of Russia, and win the praise of Voltaire, Montesquieu, Diderot and other giants of the Enlightenment?

Как получилось, что не самая знатная немецкая принцесса стала российской императрицей и заслужила похвалы Вольтера, Монтескьё, Дидро и других гигантов века Просвещения?

Well, Robert Massie, who's previous books have detailed the lives of Nicholas and Alexandra, the Romanovs and Peter the Great, has now written the story of the woman who ruled Russia for 34 years, "Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman."

Что ж, Роберт Мэсси уже описывал жизнь Николая и Александры Романовых, Петра Великого. А теперь он написал историю женщины, которая правила Россией 34 года: "Екатерина Великая: Портрет женщины"

Bob Massie joins us from our studios in New York. Thanks so much for being with us.

Боб Мэсси на связи с нами из нью-йоркской студии. Большое спасибо за участие в программе

ROBERT MASSIE: Thank you, Scott, for having me.

Спасибо, Скотт, за приглашение

SIMON: So how does a German teenager become the empress of Russia?

Так как же немецкая девочка-подросток стала императрицей России?

MASSIE: That is what makes this such a great story. Catherine was brought to Russia by Empress Elizabeth, the daughter of Peter the Great, who herself could not have children.

Этим-то и объясняется интерес к этой выдающейся жизни. Екатерину привезла в Россию императрица Елизавета, дочь Петра Великого, у которой не было собственных детей

Peter, who became Peter III, was her nephew and he'd been brought up in Germany and he was brought there.

У неё был племянник Пётр (будущий Пётр III), выросший в Германии и (тоже) привезённый в Россию

And then, Empress Elizabeth reached out and brought this young German girl to be Peter's wife and the mother of a follow-on heir to establish Elizabeth's dynasty.

А затем императрица Елизавета привезла в Россию юную немку, которая должна была стать женой Петра и матерью наследника и тем самым положить начало елизаветинской династии

SIMON: It must be said that her marriage, Catherine and Peter III, was not what we'd call a happy pairing.

Надо сказать, что брак Екатерины и Петра III мы вряд ли назвали бы счастливым

MASSIE: Far from it. Peter was a very strange man, to put it mildly.

Далеко не счастливый. Пётр, мягко выражаясь, был очень странным человеком

SIMON: Peter played with soldiers, little toy soldiers all the time, didn't he?

Пётр постоянно играл в солдатиков, насколько я знаю?

MASSIE: He was childish into his late adolescence, and he was strange throughout his life.

Уже давно будучи подростком, он сохранял детские черты характера. И всю жизнь оставался странным

He was not particularly interested in Catherine. They were distant cousins.

Екатерина его особенно не интересовала. Они с ней были кузенами дальней степени родства

He was glad to see her because she was German and he was German, but he had no romantic or sexual interest in her at all.

Он был рад её приезду, потому что она была, как и он сам, немкой. Но романтического или сексуального интереса к ней Пётр не проявлял

And Scott, the extraordinary thing for her was that they did marry when Catherine was 16 and he was 17.

Скотт, очень важным событием её жизни стал их брак. Екатерине было 16 лет, Петру - 17

And she had to lie in bed with this young husband for nine years and he never touched her.

И она 9 лет пролежала в постели со своим молодым мужем, который ни разу её не коснулся

SIMON: Is that what life was like among royalty in those days?

Неужели так жили в то время особы царской (королевской) крови?

MASSIE: No, far from it. Far from it. Catherine's husband, Peter, was very, very different.

Нет, отнюдь нет. Муж Екатерины, Пётр, сильно отличался от всех (в этом отношении)

SIMON: And how did she meet the principals of the Enlightenment and become such a - so devoted to the idea that they could help Russia?

А как она познакомилась со светилами века Просвещения и загорелась идеей, что они могут помочь России?

MASSIE: For half of her life, the 19 years she was in Russia before she became empress, she was frustrated by her situation, by her husband's inattention, by the empress's constant nagging and pressure to produce a child.

Половину жизни - а она прожила в России 19 лет прежде чем стала имератрицей - она оставалась удручена своим положением, невниманием мужа, постоянными придирками и требованиями императрицы родить ребёнка

And she had been a bright child; her languages then were French and German. She learned Russian. And she began to read the great philosophers of the French Enlightenment.

А она была смышлёным ребенком, знала французский и немецкий языки, изучала русский. И она начала читать (труды) великих философов французского Просвещения

And in that way, she developed a philosophy of rule. Voltaire called it, and she picked it up - of benevolent despotism, and tried to put into play when she became actually became empress.

Таким образом она усвоила философию правления (власти), которую Вольтер называл "просвещённым деспотизмом". И став императриицей, она попыталась осуществить её на деле

SIMON: When you talk about Catherine the Great being a benevolent despot, is that one of those phrases that maybe sounds better in retrospect?

Когда мы называем Екатерину Великую " просвещённым деспотом", не приукрашиваем ли мы ситуацию?

But to the people who might have experienced her authoritarianism, benevolent might not have been their first phrase for her.

Может, тем, кто испытал на себе её авторитарное правление, не приходило на ум слово "просвещённый"

MASSIE: You're absolutely right. Not everybody looking up at the despot might have agreed that this was benevolence. I think there was a 19th century Russian historian, Karamzin, who said if we consider the whole range of Russian monarchs, I think many people would agree that Catherine's reign was the happiest time, that people were happier than ever before or since.

Вы абсолютно правы. Не все подчинённые деспота согласились бы, что он "просвещённый". По-моему, Карамзин - русский историк 19-ого века - сказал, что если рассмотреть всех российсских монархов, многие согласятся, что правление Екатерины было самым счастливым временем. Ни до, ни после неё люди не были счастливее

SIMON: What difference did she make in her interest to improve the lot of serfs in Russia?

А в чём выразился её интерес к улучшению положения крепостных в России?

MASSIE: She tried. She came to the thrown in 1762. By 1766, she had decided to call a legislative commission made up of representatives of all the estates.

Она пыталась (его улучшить). Она взошла на престол в1762 году. Уже к 1766 году она решила созвать законодательную комиссию из представителей всех сословий

First time that had been done in Russia, to come together and try and improve the code of Russian laws.

В России такое было впервые: собраться вместе и улучшить свод российских законов

One of the things she was most anxious to improve or change was the institution of serfdom.

Особенно она стремилась улучшить или изменить систему крепостного права

The problem was, Scott, that the nobility - who were the landowners - reckoned their wealth in serfs, not in the land. And they opposed her and she really failed.

Но тут, Скотт, проблема оказалась в том, что дворянство - оно владело землёй - исчисляло своё богатство количеством крепостных, а не количеством земли. Оно стало противиться, и планы Екатерины не удались

She said much later that's one of the most - the greatest disappointments I've had.

Много позже она назвала это самым главным разочарованием своей жизни

SIMON: Let me ask you about some of the really significant relations that she had in her life. Grigory Potemkin, I mean, as they say in the movies, talk about a cute meet. They met during a coup.

Хочу спросить об одной из самых значительных любовных связей в её жизни - с Григорием Потёмкиным. Дело в том, что по фильмам их встреча произошла во время заговора против Петра


MASSIE: They met then when - he was 10 years younger than she. He was a young guard's officer, a cavalry officer.

Тогда, при их встрече, Потёмкин был на 10 лет моложе неё. Это был молодой гвардейский офицер-кавалерист

And he participated in a minor way really, in the coup d'etat by which she overthrew her husband, Peter. He joined her circle. He was a very, very bright man.

В заговоре против мужа Екатерины Петра его участие было минимальным. Он примкнул к её кружку. Это был очень умный и одарённый человек

He was a big powerful man. And their romance, their relationship was extraordinarily passionate, which is why I put so many of the letters in the book.

Внешне высокий и сильный. Их любовная связь была чрезвычайно страстной, поэтому я и включил в книгу так много их писем

I thought they're almost burning the page, and then they broke up, they started to fight.

Мне казалось, эти письма прожигают страницы книги. А потом отношения разладились, начались стычки (драки)

And then they reached an arrangement by which they stopped living together. He went off to the south, conquered the whole of the Black Sea coast for Russia.

И тогда они договорились не жить (больше) вместе. Он уехал на юг и завоевал для России всё Черноморское побережье

He became her viceroy. They still loved each other but at a distance. And both had other partners.

Он стал её наместником (на юге). Они продолжали любить друг друга, но на расстоянии. И оба завели новых возлюбленных

SIMON: Bobby, right in the, I guess it's the acknowledgements at the end of the book, that you're going to miss the company of Catherine the Great.

Бобби, по-моему, в благодарностях в конце книги ты написал, что тебе будет не хватать (компании) Екатерины Великой

Да, будет не хватать

MASSIE: This is true. Because I went back in my mind to the little girl with all these dreams and aspirations, the frustrated young woman, the terrible marriage, the string of young men, whom she found gave her comfort and persuaded her that she wasn't getting that old.

Это правда. Потому что я мысленно возвращаюсь к девочке со всеми её мечтами и стремлениями, к удручённой молодой женщине, к её ужасному браку, к веренице молодых людей, которых она находила для себя и которые утешали её и убеждали, что она не такая уж старая

The whole story of the life as it unfolded was absolutely fascinating. I think that Catherine is almost a lesson book.

Меня абсолютно завораживала история её жизни по мере того, как я узнавал больше. Думаю, что жизнь Екатерины - это почти учебник (урок) для нас

There were lots of moments of despair, but she carried on. She carried through. And in a sense, she's an example.

У неё было много моментов отчаяния, но она шла вперёд. И дошла до цели, всё вынесла. В каком-то смысле она пример (для нас)

She won. I found that exhilarating, and in a sense, reassuring.

Она победила. Меня это очень радует и вселяет в меня надежду (уверенность)

SIMON: Robert K. Massie, his new book. "Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman." Thanks so much.

Это был Роберт К. Мэсси. Его новая книга - "Екатерина Великая : портрет женшины". Большое спастбо

Catherine II 'the Great', Empress of Russia (1729-1796), is referred to as an 'enlightened monarch'. She shaped the Russian destiny to a greater extent than almost anyone before or since, with the exception of Peter the Great.

A German Princess, born Sophie Augusta Fredericka, she married Peter III of Russia and changed her name to 'Catherine' when she accepted the Russian Orthodox faith. The marriage was unsuccessful due to Peter Ill's mental immaturity. Soon Catherine became popular with several powerful political groups. She corresponded with many of the great minds of her era, including Voltaire and Diderot. Peter's eccentricities and policies alienated many. He was made to abdicate and was killed by Alexei Orlov in 1762. Catherine became the Empress of Russia.

In 1785 Catherine issued a charter that freed the nobles from state service and taxes, made noble status hereditary, and gave the nobles full control over their serfs and lands. Catherine proceeded to 'westernize' Russia. After a peasant revolt in 1773 led by Yemelyan Pugachev, Catherine instituted several drastic reforms. First, she encouraged the modernization of agriculture and industry. Second, she supported foreign investment in economically underdeveloped areas. Third, Catherine encouraged education for the nobles and middle class. She gave equal rights to Muslims in Russia, including the right to build mosques.

Catherine made Russia the dominant power in the Middle East after her first Russo-Turkish War against the Ottoman Empire (1768— 1774). She annexed the Crimea in 1783. All told, she added some 518,000 square km to Russian territory. She also encouraged the colonization of Alaska and of conquered areas.

Catherine subscribed to the Enlightenment and considered herself a 'philosopher on the throne.' She became known as a patron of the arts, literature and education. The Hermitage Museum was begun as Catherine's personal collection. She founded the famous Smolny Institute for noble young ladies. Gavrila Derzhavin and other writers of her epoch, supported by Catherine, laid the foundation for the great writers of the nineteenth century. However, her reign was also marked by censorship. When Radishchev published his Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow in 1790, Catherine had him exiled to Siberia. Catherine died on November 5, 1796, and was buried at the St. Peter and St. Paul Fortress in Saint Petersburg.

1. Catherine II 'the Great' was a German Princess who married Peter III, accepted Orthodox faith and became the Empress of Russia.
2. She corresponded with many great minds of her era and subscribed to the Enlightenment.
3. She issued a charter that freed the nobles from state service and taxes, made noble status hereditary, and gave the nobles full control over their serfs and lands.
4. She proceeded to 'westernize' Russia and instituted drastic reforms which encouraged the modernization of economy and supported foreign investment in underdeveloped areas of Russia.
5. She also encouraged education for the nobles and the middle class and gave equal rights to Muslims in Russia.
6. Catherine made Russia the dominant power in the Middle East, annexed the Crimea and encouraged the colonization of Alaska and of the conquered areas.
7. She became the patron of arts, founded the Hermitage museum and the Smolny Institute for noble young ladies.
8. Her reign was also marked by censorship, she had Radishev exiled to Siberia.

Из пособия "ЕГЭ. Английский язык. Устные темы" Занина Е.Л. (2010, 272с.) - Part two . Additional topics.

Екатерина II также известна как Екатерина Великая. Она была правителем России в 18 веке и сделала страну больше и сильнее, чем когда-либо. В те годы, когда она была на троне, российская территория быстро увеличивалась, и вскоре страна стала одной из величайших держав Европы. Екатерина сделала Россию доминирующей державой на юго-востоке Европы.

Екатерина представила много нового. В России было построено много новых дворцов и домов, многие из них были в классическом стиле, и они изменили лицо страны. Екатерина была достаточно образована. Она писала книги и очень интересовалась искусством и литературой. Она знала многих всемирно известных людей того столетия и писала письма великому французскому философу Вольтеру в течение 15 лет, пытаясь сделать его идеи популярными в России. Екатерина Великая верила в образование. Она думала, что образование может изменить сердца русских людей. Она хотела их развить. Екатерина умерла в 1796 году. Она похоронена в Петропавловском соборе в Санкт-Петербурге и считается одним из великих русских правителей.

Екатерина II также известна как Екатерина Великая. Она была лидером России в 18 веке и сделала страну больше и сильнее, чем когда-либо. Екатерина Великая пришла к власти в 1762 году. У нее были очень хорошие помощники, такие как очень успешные генералы Петр Румянцев и Александр Суворов и адмиралы, такие как Федор Ушаков. В те годы, когда она была на троне, российская территория быстро росла, и вскоре страна стала одной из величайших держав Европы. Екатерина сделала Россию доминирующей державой на юго-востоке Европы.

Екатерина внедрила много нового. В России было построено много новых дворцов и домов, многие из них были построены в классическом стиле, и они изменили лицо страны. Екатерина была достаточно хорошо образована. Она писала книги и очень интересовалась искусством и литературой. Эрмитаж, который сейчас находится в Зимнем дворце, Санкт-Петербург, начинался как ее коллекция.

Она знала многих всемирно известных людей того столетия и писала письма великому французскому философу Вольтеру в течение 15 лет, пытаясь сделать его идеи популярными в России.

Екатерина Великая верила в образование. Она думала, что образование может изменить сердца русских людей. Она хотела их развить. Она основала Смольный институт, где молодые женщины могли получить высшее образование. Они изучали французский язык, музыку, танцы. Екатерина также провела несколько реформ образования.

Екатерина умерла в 1796 году. Она похоронена в Петропавловском соборе в Санкт-Петербурге и считается одним из великих русских правителей.

1) Catherine the Great came to power in 1762. She had very good helpers such as highly successful generals Pyotr Rumyantsev and Alexander Suvorov and admirals such as Fyodor Ushakov.

(Екатерина Великая пришла к власти в 1762 году. У нее были очень хорошие помощники, очень успешные генералы такие как Петр Румянцев и Александр Суворов и адмиралы, такие как Федор Ушаков.)

2) The Hermitage Museum which is now situated in Winter Palace in St Petersburg started as her collection.

(Эрмитаж, который сейчас находится в Зимнем дворце в Санкт-Петербурге, открылся в качестве ее коллекции)

3) She founded the Smolny Institute where young women could get higher education. They learnt French, music, dancing.

(Она основала Смольный институт, где молодые женщины могли получить высшее образование. Они изучали французский язык, музыку, танцы).

Catherine II is also known as Catherine the Great. She was the leader of Russia in the 18th century and made the country larger and stronger than ever. During the years when she was on the throne the Russian territory was rapidly growing and soon the country became one of the greatest powers of.

Catherine introduced many new things. A lot of new palaces and houses were built in Russia, many were in the classical style and they changed the face of the country. Catherine was fairly well educated. She wrote books and was very much interested in the arts and literature. She knew many world-famous people of that century and wrote letters to the great French philosopher Voltaire during 15 years trying to make his ideas popular in Russia. Catherine the Great believed in education. She thought education could change the hearts of Russian people. She wanted to develop.

Catherine II is also known as Catherine the Great. She was the leader of Russia in the 18th century and made the country larger and stronger than ever. Catherine the Great came to power in 1762. She had very good helpers such as highly successful generals Pyotr Rumyantsev and Alexander Suvorov and admirals such as Fyodor Ushakov. During the years when she was on the throne the Russian territory was rapidly growing and soon the country.

Catherine introduced many new things. A lot of new palaces and houses were built in Russia, many were built in the classical style and they changed the face of the country. Catherine was fairly well educated. She wrote books and was very interested in the arts and literature. The Hermitage Museum which.

She knew many world-famous people of that century and wrote letters to the great French philosopher Voltaire during 15 years trying to.

Catherine the Great believed in education. She thought education could change the hearts of Russian people. She wanted to develop them. She founded the Smolny Institute where young women could get higher education. They learnt French.

Catherine died in 1796. She is buried at the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St Petersburg and is considered one.

*Цитирирование части задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.

Catherine the Great was born a German princess in the city of Stettin, Germany, which is now part of Poland. Her name at birth was Sophie. When Sophie was 14, Czarina Elizabeth, Empress of Russia, chose her to marry Peter, the successor to Russia’s throne.

Sophie changed her name to Catherine and converted to the Russian Orthodox religion. Catherine was very intelligent and hard-working. She quickly learned the Russian language. Catherine also grew to love Russia very dearly. It was not long, however, before her marriage failed. Catherine greatly disliked how her husband Peter ruled Russia after Czarina Elizabeth died. Peter had made an alliance with Prussia, long an enemy of Russia. He made other decisions that also hurt Russia. Catherine decided that Russia would be better served if she ruled, not Peter. She knew that her love for Russia had gained her the support of much of Russian society, including Russia’s army. In 1762, Catherine led the army against Peter and removed him from the throne. She took over as Empress of Russia, calling herself Catherine II.

During her rule, she greatly expanded the Russian Empire. Catherine added over 200,000 square miles of territory to Russia. She also worked hard to keep Russia out of Europe’s wars. However, she also helped to divide up Poland among Russia, Prussia, and Austria. As a result, Poland ceased to exist as a country.

Catherine was well-read, and she communicated with many of the great minds of the Enlightenment. Although she wanted to free Russia’s serfs, she decided not to do so. She needed the support of Russia’s nobles—who were dependent on the serfs for their wealth.

A lover of the arts, Catherine built new museums, libraries, and even towns throughout Russia. She also created the first Russian schools for girls and a medical college. Catherine died in 1796, having earned the title of Catherine the Great for her legacy of reform, expansion, and education.

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Project about Catherine the Great!

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Project about Catherine the Great!

Project about Catherine the Great!

Catherine the Great. Catherine 2 "the Great" – 2 May 1729 and died on 17th of.

Catherine the Great. Catherine 2 "the Great" – 2 May 1729 and died on 17th of November 1796. She was a German Princess. Later she became the Empress of Russia.

A German Princess whose real name was Sophia Augusta Fredericka, married Pete.

A German Princess whose real name was Sophia Augusta Fredericka, married Peter 3 rd of Russia and changed her name to "Catherine". She accepted Russian Orthodox faith.

She correspondent with many of great minds of her era, including Voltaire and.

She correspondent with many of great minds of her era, including Voltaire and Diderot. Catherine became the Empress of Russia

Catherine proceeded to " westernize" Russia. After a peasant revolt in 1773 l.

Catherine proceeded to " westernize" Russia. After a peasant revolt in 1773 led by Yemelyan Pugachev, Catherine instituted several drastic reforms. First, she encouraged the modernization of agriculture and industry.

Second she supported foreign investment in economically underdeveloped areas.

Second she supported foreign investment in economically underdeveloped areas. Third, Catherine encouraged education for the nobles and middle class. She gave equal rights to Muslims in Russia, including the right to build mosques.

Catherine added about 518,000 square kilometers to Russian territory.

Catherine added about 518,000 square kilometers to Russian territory.

The Hermitage Museum started as Catherine's personal collection. She founded the famous Smolny institute for noble young ladies.

When Radishchev published his “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” in 1790.

When Radishchev published his “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” in 1790, Catherine sent him to Siberia.

Catherine died in November 1796, and was buried in St. Petersburg.

Catherine died in November 1796, and was buried in St. Petersburg.

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