Сообщение о буддизме на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

А дочь Ашоки, императрица Сангхамитра, принесшая буддизм на Цейлон, была столь же ортодоксальной, как и ее отец.

And the woman emperor, Ashoka's daughter, Sangamitra, who took Buddhism to Ceylon was as orthodox as her father.

По состоянию на 2008 год во Вьетнаме представлены 12 основных религий, среди которых наибольшее число последователей имеют буддизм, католицизм и протестантизм.

As of 2008, there are 12 major religions in Viet Nam, of which Buddhism, Catholicism and Protestantism have the largest numbers of followers.

Подход Бутана к развитию определяется буддизмом махайана, в котором подчеркиваются приоритет индивидуального развития вне зависимости от пола над материальными благами; священность жизни; сострадание к другим; уважение к природе; общественная гармония и важность компромисса.

Bhutan's approach to development has been shaped by Mahayana Buddhism, which stresses, instead of material rewards, individual development irrespective of gender; sanctity of life; compassion for others; respect for nature; social harmony, and the importance of compromise.

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Выполнила: Главатских Елена

Buddhism is one of the most ancient religions in the whole world. With its fame and veneration, Buddhism is on a par with Islam and Christianity. Buddhism denies the presence of a deity or God himself. In Christianity and Islam, on the contrary. In Islam they worship Allah, in Christianity they worship Jesus. What, then, does Buddhism preach, and what framework does this trend adhere to? And everything is quite simple. The faith of Buddhism preaches that a person should be freed from life's troubles and fuss, when he goes through all the suffering, he will reach nirvana, the bliss of his soul. This religion was named after the prophet who preached it. He was called Buddha, of course this man had a completely different name, he just called himself that after he was able to enlighten himself and learn all the subtleties of being.

Buddhism originated in India, in the VI century BC. The beginning of Buddhism is considered to be the story of its founder Siddhartha Gautama. He was an Indian prince, lived a fairly normal life, but it seemed that he was missing something. When he turned more than thirty years old, the young man decided to leave his family and become a hermit. For seven years he lived a life in which he was looking for a way to free the human soul from suffering. He managed to achieve the long-awaited awakening and choose the right path in life. After that, Gautama becomes a Buddha. He decides to help humanity and continues to preach his teaching for 40 years. 4 truths become the basis of Buddhism. According to them, a person's life is always associated with suffering. Our world is a cycle of births and deaths. And when a person comprehends detachment from life, he will be freed from the cycle of suffering. And if a person is lucky enough to conquer his desires, he will attain nirvana.

Even today, the cult of Buddha worship is very widespread in many countries of the world. Many temples, with the most beautiful facades and decorations, as well as statues, have been erected in many corners of the planet. Although it is said that the Buddha himself did not demand attention to himself, he did not want to be worshipped, he simply did what he considered necessary for humanity. He considered himself the simplest person who had learned many things, and tried in every way to help other people in this. It turns out that Buddhism originated much earlier than Christianity and Islam. All supporters of Buddhism sincerely believe in the transmigration of the soul. A person's life cannot end with his death, it is only a necessary component of the whole process. After death, a person's soul just moves into a new body, and it doesn't matter if it's a person again, or an animal already.

Buddhists are of the opinion that the Buddha himself lived many different lives. Whoever he was. But after passing all the tests, even different reincarnations, he was still able to know enlightenment. After going through all the trials, the Buddha gained invaluable experience to pass it on to people who ask for it. All Buddhists do not preach violence, they believe that all people are equal from birth. Over the centuries, they have developed their own culture and traditions. All this art is perfectly manifested in the manufacture of small statues of the Buddha, and even large statues of him. One of them is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest statue. The institute of monasticism is in great demand. Monks always live in monasteries, while taking a vow of celibacy. They wear bright, orange clothes, with a shaved head. Almost all monasteries where Buddhism is preached have become the center of martial arts, oriental medicine, and other branches of culture.

Today, Buddhism is the most widespread world religion. Its supporters live in Asia. But this does not mean that there is no such religion in other parts of the world. Although in small numbers, but you can find Buddhism in many countries. Buddhism has a huge impact on people's lives. All this is supported by monks who make a huge contribution to the development of Buddhism. They teach, enlighten and store everything that was created so long ago.

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Buddhist Rituals and Worship Buddhist Worship and Rituals

Buddhist Rituals and Worship

Buddhist Worship and Rituals

 The Buddhist people have many elaborate rituals and worship traditions, including those for everyday worship, birth, death, and many more. Monks and nuns carry these traditions by practising the religion, and there are many rituals in which worshippers thank them for doing so. Through temples and monasteries and rituals, the Buddhist people keep their religion living.

The Buddhist people have many elaborate rituals and worship traditions, including those for everyday worship, birth, death, and many more. Monks and nuns carry these traditions by practising the religion, and there are many rituals in which worshippers thank them for doing so. Through temples and monasteries and rituals, the Buddhist people keep their religion living.

Regular Worship In most Buddhist houses, has a special room in the house for a shrine - a Buddha Statue, candles, incense. Many Buddhists meditate -allows mind to settle - helps to achieve calmness and clarity Can worship at home or at a Buddhist temple

Regular Worship

  • In most Buddhist houses, has a special room in the house for a shrine

- a Buddha Statue, candles, incense.

-allows mind to settle

- helps to achieve calmness and clarity

  • Live in monasteries with few possessions
  • Full Moon
  • Celebrate important events in
  • Celebrate important events in

Buddha’s life

Various Rituals

  • Can take baby to monastery
  • Request name with special meaning

eg. Jokata = Maker of Clarity (fem.)

 Buddhist Beliefs The Buddhist people are very devoted to their religion. They believe that the world is imperfect and that they can fix it by achieving Nirvana (the end of imperfectness). They also believe in many other things such as the philosophy of Duhka and Karma.

Buddhist Beliefs

The Buddhist people are very devoted to their religion. They believe that the world is imperfect and that they can fix it by achieving Nirvana (the end of imperfectness). They also believe in many other things such as the philosophy of Duhka and Karma.

The “Three Jewels” of Buddhism Buddha – the teacher Dharma – the teachings Sangha – the community

The “Three Jewels” of Buddhism

Buddha – the teacher

Dharma – the teachings

Sangha – the community

 Beliefs: Words Anatta - The belief that there is nothing called a soul Anicca - Impermanence, the belief that nothing lasts Duhka - Suffering and everything that is unsatisfactory Karma - Actions that effect future lives

Beliefs: Words

  • Anatta- The belief that there is nothing called a soul
  • Anicca- Impermanence, the belief that nothing lasts
  • Duhka- Suffering and everything that is unsatisfactory

Beliefs: Main beliefs

Beliefs: Noble truths

  • First Noble Truth: Duhka happens everywhere at all times
  • Second Noble Truth: Duhka is caused by greed and selfishness
  • Third Noble Truth: Greed and selfishness can be stopped
  • Fourth Noble Truth: The way to stop selfishness is to follow the noble Eightfold path

Eightfold Path


The Buddha was not a god or a legend. He was an amazing person that went out to seek the truth. He traveled all over finding help from others like him, almost starved to death and slept on beds of thorns. But all he had to do was close his eyes, and look within himself.

The Buddha was not a god or a legend. He was an amazing person that went out to seek the truth. He traveled all over finding help from others like him, almost starved to death and slept on beds of thorns. But all he had to do was close his eyes, and look within himself.

The beginning Siddharta Gautama founded Buddhism Was born 2500 years ago Was son of the king in northern India Had a wonderful and luxurious childhood Wanted to know how the rest of the world lived Went to a nearby village and found poor, and sick people He was horrified, could not enjoy castle life any longer

The beginning

The Journey

The end of the search

  • Siddharta Gautama Arrived at a place, nowadays called Budh Gaya
  • Sat down under a Bo tree, sat until he found the truth
  • instead of looking outside he looked inside himself
  • he found what he was looking for
  • Siddharta Gautama changed to the Buddha, meaning the awakened one.

Buddhism important locations

There are many different religious sites that are very important to the Buddhism culture.

There are many different religious sites that are very important to the Buddhism culture.

There is the Bodh Gaya which is located in northern India, this location is very important because that is where the Buddha would meditate and achieved clarity under a sacred Bo tree.

There is the Bodh Gaya which is located in northern India, this location is very important because that is where the Buddha would meditate and achieved clarity under a sacred Bo tree.

Another spot is in Lumbini Nepal it was where the Buddha was born. Then at 80 years old the Buddha died in Kushinagara India

Another spot is in Lumbini Nepal it was where the Buddha was born. Then at 80 years old the Buddha died in Kushinagara India

- буддизм
- рел. буддизм (одна из мировых религий, основа которой — практическая доктрина "спасения", "освобождения", изложенная в учении о "четырех благородных истинах": страдании, причине страдания, состоянии освобождения от страдания (нирване) и пути

Мои примеры



She converted to Buddhism.

Она обратилась в буддизм.

They are followers of Buddhism.

Они приверженцы буддизма.

There are many religions, such as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism.

Существует множество религий — например, буддизм, христианство, индуизм, ислам и иудаизм.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He is thinking about conversion to Buddhism.

Buddhism spread to China from India.

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В английский История буддизма означает: History of Buddhism (мы нашли 1 переводов). Есть не менее 51 примеров предложений с История буддизма . Среди прочего: Ранее подобного явления в истории буддизма не существовало. ↔ No such phenomenon had existed before in the history of Buddhism. .

История буддизма

переводы История буддизма

History of Buddhism


Jainism, the “Religion of the Conquerors” (jinas), which he founded, had a very different history from that of Buddhism.

In this respect an instructive parallel might be drawn between the history of Christianity and the history of Buddhism.

That the healing system is evolving today in Western culture is no surprise to someone knowledgeable in Buddhism.

Некоторые учёные утверждают, что непреднамеренный буквализм был главной силой перемен в ранней доктринальной истории буддизма.

According to Gombrich, unintentional literalism was a major force for change in the early doctrinal history of Buddhism.

История буддизма в Азии, история основных монастырей Тибета. Сравнение пяти тибетских традиций, сравнение тхеравады и махаяны.

History of Buddhism in Asia and of the major monasteries in Tibet; comparisons of the five Tibetan traditions and of Theravada and Mahayana; Tibetan astrology and medicine; interaction between Buddhism and Islam.

Она также кратко излагает историю буддизма в Индии, от смерти Будды до различных буддийских соборов, когда пересматривалось понятие дхармы.

It also briefly recounts the history of Buddhism in India, from the date of the Buddha's death to the 3rd Buddhist council where the Dharma was reviewed.

The history of Japanese Buddhism gives one conspicuous example of self-sacrifice on the part of a Zen master.

Это просто подход, предоставляющий свободу выбора, которая существовала на протяжении всей истории тибетского буддизма.

It is simply an approach allowing freedom of choice which was always the majority practice within the history of Tibetan Buddhism.

Как уже отмечалось в нашем Введении, Марпа является представителем переходного периода в истории тибетского буддизма.

As more fully explained in our Introduction, Marpa represents merely a transitional development in Tibetan Buddhism.

В истории тибетского буддизма было много различных версий ламрим, представленных различными учителями школ ньингма, кагью и гелуг.

In Tibetan Buddhist history there have been many different versions of lamrim, presented by different teachers of the Nyingma, Kagyu and Gelug schools.

Henry Olcott, the co-founder and first President of the Theosophical Society, a "key figure" in the modern history of the Sri Lankan Buddhism.

The title of the American edition, A History of Zen Buddhism, stresses even more clearly its his torical orientation.

According to the Vinaya Pitaka, the first schism happened when the Buddha was still alive: a group of monks led by Devadatta left the community because they wanted stricter rules, including an unconditional ban on meat eating.

Английский перевод Юрия Рериха при поддержке Гендуна Чёпхела был опубликован в 1949 и стал одним из наиболее авторитетных источников по истории тибетского буддизма в мире.

An English translation by George de Roerich with help from Gendün Chöphel was published in 1949 and has since remained one of the most widely consulted sources on the history of Tibetan Buddhism up to the fifteenth century.

Возможно, что некоторый свет может быть пролит Китаем на религиозную историю страны, откуда Буддизм пришел .

Possibly some light may be thrown back by China upon the religious history of the country from which Buddhism came.

His last works were Introduction à l'histoire du Bouddhisme indien (1844), and a translation of Le lotus de la bonne loi (The Lotus Sutra, 1852).

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