Сообщение о английском художнике на английском языке

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

If I’m asked about my favourite English painter I would say that it’s John Constable. John Constable is an 18 th century English painter, ranked as one of the greatest British landscape artists. Although he showed an early talent for art and began painting his native Suffolk scenery before he left school, his great originality matured slowly. He committed himself to a career as an artist only in 1799, when he joined the Royal Academy Schools and it was not until 1829 that he was grudgingly made a full Academician, elected by a majority of only one vote.

After spending some years working in the picturesque tradition of landscape and the manner of Gainsborough, Constable developed his own original treatment from the attempt to render scenery more directly and realistically, carrying on but modifying in an individual way the tradition inherited from Ruisdael and the Dutch 17th-century landscape painters.

Constable thought that `No two days are alike, nor even two hours; neither were there ever two leaves of a tree alike since the creation of the world’, and in a then new way he represented in paint the atmospheric effects of changing light in the open air, the movement of clouds across the sky, and his excited delight at these phenomena, stemming from a profound love of the country: `The sound of water escaping from mill dams, willows, old rotten planks, slimy posts and brickwork, I love such things. These scenes made me a painter.’

He never went abroad, and his finest works are of the places he knew and loved best, particularly Suffolk and Hampstead, where he lived from 1821. Constable worked extensively in the open air, drawing and sketching in oils, but his finished pictures were produced in the studio.

In England Constable had no real successor and the many imitators turned rather to the formal compositions than to the more direct sketches.

Мой любимый английский художник

Проработав несколько лет в традициях пейзажа и манере Гейнсборо, Констебл в попытке отобразить пейзаж более прямо и реалистично и частично наследуя традиции Рюисдаля и голландских пейзажистов 17-го века, открыл свой оригинальный стиль.

Он никогда не был заграницей, и его лучшие работы изображают места, которые он знал и любил больше и лучше всех, особенно Саффолк и Хэмпстед, где он жил с 1821. Констебл много работал на свежем воздухе, делая наброски маслом, но картины рисовал в студии.

В Англии у Констебла не было настоящих преемников, однако было множество подражателей, имитировавших скорее его состоявшиеся картины, нежели наброски.

🔊 Play William Turner, a great romantic English landscape painter, was born in Devonshire in 1775. He lived with his uncle in Middlesex, where he began to attend school. Уильям Тернер, великий английский художник-пейзажист эпохи романтизма, родился в Девоншире в 1775 году. Он жил со своим дядей в Миддлсексе, где и начал ходить в школу.

🔊 Play His first drawings are dated 1787, when he was only twelve years of age. Его первые рисунки датируются 1787 годом, когда ему было всего 12 лет.

🔊 Play His childish sketch-books, filled with drawings, are still preserved in the British Museum. Его детские альбомы с зарисовками и сейчас находятся в Британском музее.

🔊 Play When he was 21, he began to exhibit oil paintings as well as water-colours at the Royal Academy. Когда ему исполнился 21 год, он начал выставлять картины, написанные масляными красками, равно как и акварели в Королевской Академии.

🔊 Play The first, “Fishermen at Sea” is now in the Gate Gallery. Первая, “Рыбаки на море”, сейчас находится в Гейт-гэллери.

🔊 Play He traveled much in France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy. Он много путешествовал по Франции, Германии, Швейцарии и Италии.

🔊 Play But he never lost his interest in his own country. Но он никогда не терял интереса к своей родной стране.

🔊 Play As a landscape painter Turner was interested mainly in light and colour effects. Как пейзажист, Тернер больше всего интересовался световыми и цветовыми эффектами.

🔊 Play One of his famous paintings is even called “Light and Colour”. Одна из его знаменитых картин так и называется – “Свет и цвет”.

🔊 Play His work is high praised by great critics. Его работы были по достоинству оценены известными критиками.

🔊 Play Turner died in London in 1851 Тернер умер в Лондоне в 1851 году.

🔊 Play His pictures and drawings became the property of the British nation. Его картины и рисунки стали достоянием британской нации.

🔊 Play William Turner is considered to be one of the world greatest painters. Уильям Тернер считается одним из величайших художников мира.

🔊 Play The British Painters William Turner – Британские художники Уильям Тернер Уильям Тернер, великий английский художник-пейзажист эпохи романтизма, родился в Девоншире в 1775 году.

🔊 Play William Turner, a great romantic English landscape painter, was born in Devonshire in 1775 He lived with his uncle in Middlesex, where he began to attend school. Он жил со своим дядей в Миддлсексе, где и начал ходить в школу.

🔊 Play His first drawings are dated 1787, when he was only twelve years of age. Его первые рисунки датируются 1787 годом, когда ему было всего 12 лет.

🔊 Play His childish sketch-books, filled with drawings, are still preserved in the British Museum. Его детские альбомы с зарисовками и сейчас находятся в Британском музее.

🔊 Play When he was 21, he began to exhibit oil paintings as well as water-colours at the Royal Academy. Когда ему исполнился 21 год, он начал выставлять картины, написанные масляными красками, равно как и акварели в Королевской Академии.

🔊 Play The first, “Fishermen at Sea” is now in the Gate Gallery. Первая, “Рыбаки на море”, сейчас находится в Гейт-гэллери.

🔊 Play He traveled much in France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy. Он много путешествовал по Франции, Германии, Швейцарии и Италии.

🔊 Play But he never lost his interest in his own country. Но он никогда не терял интереса к своей родной стране.

🔊 Play As a landscape painter Turner was interested mainly in light and colour effects. Как пейзажист, Тернер больше всего интересовался световыми и цветовыми эффектами.

🔊 Play One of his famous paintings is even called “Light and Colour”. Одна из его знаменитых картин так и называется – “Свет и цвет”.

🔊 Play His work is high praised by great critics. Его работы были по достоинству оценены известными критиками.

🔊 Play Turner died in London in 1851 Тернер умер в Лондоне в 1851 году.

🔊 Play His pictures and drawings became the property of the British nation. Его картины и рисунки стали достоянием британской нации.

🔊 Play William Turner is considered to be one of the world greatest painters. Уильям Тернер считается одним из величайших художников мира.

Перепечатка информации возможна только при наличии согласия администратора и активной ссылки на источник!

Stella Vine (born Melissa Jane Robson, 1969) is an English artist, who lives and works in London. Her work is figurative painting with subject matter drawn from either her personal life of family, friends and school, or rock stars, royalty and celebrities.

After a difficult relationship with her stepfather, she left home and in her teens, had a son, with whom she moved from Northumberland to London. She worked in various jobs, including as a waitress, stripper and cleaner. She joined the NYT (National Youth Theatre of Britain) in 1983, and studied for three years at the Academy of Live and Recorded Arts 1987-1990.

In 1999 - 2001,[1] she took her son to painting classes at the Hampstead School of Art, where she found her own vocation as a painter.[2] In 2001, she was exhibited by the Stuckists group, which she joined for a short time; she was married briefly to the group co-founder, Charles Thomson.

In 2003, she opened her own gallery Rosy Wilde in East London. In 2004, Charles Saatchi bought Hi Paul can you come over I'm really frightened (2003), a painting by her of Diana, Princess of Wales, which provoked media controversy, as did a subsequent painting of drug victim, Rachel Whitear. There was a dispute with the Stuckists, who said they had influenced her work; Vine said they had not.

Later work has included Kate Moss as a subject, as in Holy water cannot help you now (2005). In 2005, another painting of Diana, Princess of Wales, Murdered, pregnant and embalmed (2005) was bought by George Michael. In 2006, she re-opened her gallery in Soho, London.

The first major show of her work was held in 2007 at Modern Art Oxford, which won over some previously hostile critics. Germaine Greer gave a public talk at the museum about Vine's work and wrote an essay for the exhibition catalogue. The Financial Times, said Vine's scrutiny of the cult of celebrity as contemporary fairy tale was descended from the same tradition as Andy Warhol and Hans Christian Andersen.[3] In the same year, Vine provided clothing designs for Topshop. In 2009, the Oxford Union Society announced they had invited Stella Vine to debate on February 19.[4]

I'd like to tell about one of the most famous artists in the world, Pablo Picasso. He was born on the 25-th of October, 1881, in Spain. He lived long (91 years) and interesting life, I guess. He was not only artist, but sculptor, ceramist, designer. He studied at the Royal Academy of fine arts San Fernando (in Madrid for one year). He is considered to be as one of the richest artists in the world. For example, his painting "Algerian women" in 2015 went for more than 179 million dollars. But I think, he was really talented and wonderful artist. The facts of his life and creative work are rich and should be studied not for one day, of course.

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