Сообщение icons of russia

Обновлено: 19.05.2024

In our country there are many attractions. Many icons in Russia. I choose the best items of Russia. This is Lake Baikal, the city of Peterhof, the Moscow Kremlin, the Caspian Sea, Mount Elbrus, Kamchatka Peninsula and our nature.

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Icons of Russia

In our country there are many attractions. Many icons in Russia. I choose the best items of Russia. This is Lake Baikal, the city of Peterhof, the Moscow Kremlin, the Caspian Sea, Mount Elbrus, Kamchatka Peninsula and our nature.

Lake Baikal is the cleanest lake in the world. Lake Baikal is the largest lake in the world.

Peterhof city the most beautiful city in Russia. There are many beautiful buildings.

Moscow Kremlin visit all the tourists. He is the most popular in Moscow.

The Caspian Sea is a lake. This is the only lake with salt water.

Mount Elbrus is the highest mountain in Russia. Another is a dormant volcano.

The Kamchatka Peninsula many volcanoes. There's a beautiful nature.

Our forests are very large. They have a lot of different animals and plants. In our country, a lot of reserves.

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Red Square (Красная Площадь) The Red Square is set in the very heart of Moscow, separating the Kitay Gorod commercial district from the Kremlin walls, and has a history as old as the post-Mongol fortress itself. The name "Krásnaya Plóshchaď" translates from Russian as "red", yet the word also means "beautiful". This ancient center of Russia's political power dates back to the end of the 13th century and has a long and rich history. Originally, it was the site of a central market square established in an area cleared by decree for the defense of Kremlin on the banks of Moskva and Neglinnaya rivers. It was also a place where various festive processions were held and thus the square was considered a sacred place.

Peterhof(Петергоф) Saint Petersburg was built in the early XVIII century by the will of the Russian Tsar Peter I. for two hundred years, Saint Petersburg was the capital of Russia. Not far from the city, on the southern shore of the Gulf of Finland, Peter I built Peterhof – a residence for summer country holidays with many palaces and a beautiful Park. Peterhof is one of the most beautiful sights in Russia. Here, a large number of historical buildings and works of art are concentrated on a small square. Today, visitors to the city on the Neva river can reach Peterhof by water. Special vessels are sent there from the Admiralty embankment every half hour, so that in 30-35 minutes tourists will reach the place famous for its beautiful fountains and monuments to famous historical figures. Having been here, many foreign tourists returning home often answer the question of what to see in Russia: "Peterhof!"The beauty of the local parks, gardens, gilded and marble sculptures and fountains

Matryoshka(Матрёшка) Matryoshka is a Russian wooden toy in the form of a painted doll, inside which there are similar dolls of smaller size. The number of nested dolls is usually three or more. Usually they have the shape of an egg with a flat bottom and consist of two detachable parts, the top and bottom. Traditional matryoshkas depict a woman in a red sundress and headscarf. Nowadays, the themes for painting are diverse: fairy-tale characters, girls, and families. Matryoshka dolls of a parodic nature with images of political figures have also become frequent. Relatively recently, a matryoshka doll with a portrait image - a portrait matryoshka-began to gain popularity.

Balalaika(Балалайка) The balalaika is a Russian stringed musical instrument with a characteristic triangular wooden, hollow body, fretted neck and three strings. Two strings are usually tuned to the same note and the third string is a perfect fourth higher. The higher-pitched balalaikas are used to play melodies and chords.The instrument generally has a short sustain, necessitating rapid strumming or plucking when it is used to play melodies. Balalaikas are often used for Russian folk music and dancing.

Blini or Pancake (Блины) Blini is a Russian and Ukrainian pancake traditionally made from wheat or (more rarely) buckwheat flour and served with smetana, tvorog, butter, caviar and other garnishes. In the West, the term blini traditionally refers to small (2-4 inches in diameter) savory pancakes made with leavened batter. In modern Russian and Ukrainian, the term most often refers to pan-sized leavened thin pancakes, although smaller leavened pancakes are also called blini and were much more common historically.

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 Icons of Russia. Made by Kamilla Savicheva , the pupil of the 7-th form MBOU.

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

 Icons of Russia. Made by Kamilla Savicheva , the pupil of the 7-th form MBOU.

Icons of Russia. Made by Kamilla Savicheva , the pupil of the 7-th form MBOU SOSH № 4 Ussuriisk Primorsky krai

 Matryoshka Matryoshka is an important item. Every traveler from other count.

Matryoshka Matryoshka is an important item. Every traveler from other country buys it like a souvenir. Matryoshka is a short name of Matryona. This Russian wooden doll shows a Russian girl wearing a brightly coloured polka- dress. But this is not only one doll. It has other dolls inside, they are smaller and smaller. Today you can see many variants of painting these dolls – from fairy-tail characters to politicians.

 Kremlin It’s the heart of Moscow, our capital city. It was built in the 10.

Kremlin It’s the heart of Moscow, our capital city. It was built in the 10-th century. The main Kremlin Tower, the Spasskaya Tower, has become a symbol of Russia. HD 6103×4029

 Isaak’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg It’s the main cathedral of St. Petersb.

Isaak’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg It’s the main cathedral of St. Petersburg. It has a status of a museum. It has an old and very beautiful architecture.

 Brown bear Brown bear is an animal, we can’t imagine Russia without it. In.

 THANKS I like our country, because it’s very beautiful, strong and has so ma.

THANKS I like our country, because it’s very beautiful, strong and has so many things to be proud of! It’s impossible to describe its beauty.

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Краткая информация о себе, преподавании и своём педагогическом кредо

Среднестатистическая женщина средних лет, не лишённая чувства юмора и здорового оптимизма. Достаточно обаятельна и привлекательна, чтобы не комплексовать по поводу своей внешности. Уверена в себе и своём будущем.

А если по существу дела, то работаю учителем английского языка в средней школе вот уже без малого 34 года. Имею первую квалификационную категорию.

Мои учащиеся на протяжении многих лет принимают участие во Всероссийских олимпиадах и конкурсах. Побед в российском масштабе пока нет, но в 2012-2013 учебном году ученица 6 класса Саркисян Валерия заняла второе место по Приморскому краю в молодёжном чемпионате по английскому языку ( г. Пермь). Число желающих принять участие в конкурсах по английскому языку растёт из года в год. Особенно популярен конкурс " Британский бульдог". Имею благодарственные письма за организацию и проведение этого соревнования в своей школе .

Мои учащиеся успешно сдают экзамены в формате ГИА и ЕГЭ. Каждый год мои ученики принимают участие в муниципальных олимпиадах по английскому языку 2018г. - два победителя ( 2 и 3 места) , в конкурсах, организованных факультетом иностранных языков Школы Педагогики ДВФУ ( 2 место в 2018 г.). Интерес к предмету растёт, растёт и качество знаний учащихся.

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It’s the heart of Moscow, our capital city. It was built in 15-16 centuries. The main Kremlin Tower, the Spasskaya Tower, has become a symbol of Russia.

Peterhoff It’s another symbol of Russia. It’s situated near the Northern Capital, St. Petersburg. It was the first residence of Peter The Great. Peterhoff is very beautiful.

It’s another symbol of Russia. It’s situated near the Northern Capital, St. Petersburg. It was the first residence of Peter The Great. Peterhoff is very beautiful.

Isaak’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg It’s the main cathedral of St. Petersburg. It has a status of a museum. It has an old and very beautiful architecture.

Isaak’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg

It’s the main cathedral of St. Petersburg. It has a status of a museum. It has an old and very beautiful architecture.

Brown bear Brown bear is an animal, we can’t imagine Russia without. In Peterhoff you can see little bears on leads. You know, even today some tourists from abroad first visiting Russia sometimes ask their guides, “Where are bears?”

Brown bear is an animal, we can’t imagine Russia without. In Peterhoff you can see little bears on leads. You know, even today some tourists from abroad first visiting Russia sometimes ask their guides, “Where are bears?”

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