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Обновлено: 05.07.2024

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alert ( "Положите 4 пальца левой руки - мизинец, безымянный, средний и указательный - на клавиши ф, ы, в, а. Запомните, что буква А находится под вашим указательным пальцем, а Ф - под мизинцем. \n Теперь неспеша набирайте текст, старайтесь не смотреть на клавиатуру. " ) ;

alert ( "Поставьте мизинец левой руки на букву Ф, безымянный палец — на Ы, средний — на В, указательный — на А. Мизинец правой руки на букву Ж, безымянный палец — на Д, средний — на Л, указательный — на О. Запомните расположение пальцев. Повторяйте за мной. " ) ;

alert ( "Поставьте мизинец левой руки на букву Ф, безымянный палец — на Ы, средний — на В, указательный — на А. Мизинец правой руки на букву Ж, безымянный палец — на Д, средний -— на Л, указательный — на О. Запомните расположение пальцев. " ) ;


1) we like cats and rabbits. 2) she can't swim and skate. 3) jim plays tennis well. 4) can you ride a crocodile? 1) мы любим кошек и кроликов. 2) она не умеет плавать и кататься на коньках. 3) джим хорошо играет в теннис. 4) можете ли вы поехать на крокодиле?


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Заполнить пробелы с притяжательными местоимениями 1. he is tired of complaints 2. lets back to business 3. this is money, but where is 4. may i introduce to one of colleagues? 5. we share worries and troubles

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Write a the question using where, what, now, when. 1. the girls are sitting on the balcony. 2. that dress looks great on you! 3. my sister studies in australia. 4. i'm wearing a jumper and a scarf. 5. it's cold in norway now. 6. harry lives wearing ties. 7. no, it isn't raining but it's freezing
here! 8. we are staying at a hotel. 9. he works in a bank. 10. elsa always wakes up at 7: 30 am. буду ! ​

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Составить краткий рассказ о питомце (собаке, овчарке,6 лет) по приблизительному плану: кличка, возраст, цвет, размер, характер, что умеет делать.

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Вставьте в каждую реплику, где многоточие одно из этих слов. слова: some, any, how much, how many. реплики: -alice, lets make a shopping list for dad and jim. have we got any milk? -no, there isnt milk in the fridge. but there is butter and a little cheese. -ok. have we got bread? -yes. but we havent got biscuits and there it only a little sugar and marmalade. -what about pasta? have we got? -there is .but i think we have to buy pasta. there isnt enough. eggs are there in the fridge? -only three eggs. mum, can i have apple juice? -of couse.

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Замените прямую речь косвенной пример: "where did she work? " they ask me where she worked "where did she work? " they asked me where she had computer 1 "where did they buy the computer? " they ask me the computer 2 "where did they buy the computer? " they asked me computer 3 "where did he go? " they ask me 4 "where did he go? " they asked me 5 "where did she put the map? " they ask me 6 "where did she put the map? " they asked me 7 "where did she lose the key? " they ask me 8 "where did she lose the key? " they asked me 9 "where did he find the passport? " they ask me 10 "where did he find the passport? " they asked me 11 "where did he leave the suitcase? " they ask me 12 "where did he leave the suitcase? " they asked me

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Please, help me! напишите, , небольшое эссе на тему что-то типо вы за или против того, чтобы животных держали в зоопарке

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Произнести по ! i live in izhevsk. it is a small town in udmurtia. it is surrounded by forest and a large pond. its countryside is green with a beatiful and rich nature. it has a beatifu st. michael cafedral in the centre. its a lovely place for walking and visiting the cafedral. people here are can relax and enjoy the view of the pond. i like the place because i was born here and i live here)

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Переведите for centuries weather observing tools were the various human senses - the eye, the nose, the ear. the technology of weather observation was developed in the last seven centuries. the rain gauge, barometer, anemometer, psychrometer and thermometer were all invented in the years between 1400 and 1700. these instruments were improved through the years, but even today they are the basic observing tools of weather observers all over the world. however, things have changed. with the development of the telegraph in the 1840's, then radio and telephone, new observing systems such as instrumented balloons, radar and satellites have appeared. they are now part of the range of tools that are used by weather watchers. thus (таким образом), the quality (качество) of the data, the possibilities (возможности) of meteorologists to exchange information from the weather stations in different regions and the rate (скорость) of this exchange have experienced a huge leap (скачок), especially[1] with the appearance of computers. the data collected by different weather observers, is brought to processing ['prooscsig] computers. the processed ['praosest] information in the form of forecasts, maps, and even three-dimensional models[2] were sent back to weather information users via[3] television, radio, and the internet. but today nobody can say how weather will predicted in the future, or how accurately it will predicted.

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