Лев ландау сообщение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Lev Davidovich Landau was the fourth Russian scientist ever to win the
Nobel prize in physics. But he could not travel ro Stockholm to receive his hon-
ours from the committee and the king. The Soviet physicist, in fact could barely
move to the next room when the tidings (usaecrua) reached him in November,
1962. "How sad," the Moscow Literatunaya Gazeta commented, "that the news
came to Landau in the hospital, and not at his desk, nor amidst the students' tu-
mult ofhis lecture halls." lt was a miracle that he was alive at all.
Ten months before, Academician Landau had been given up for dead, and
not just once, but four times. Each time, by a supreme effort of modern medical
science, he was brought back to life but still not to consciousness (cosrramre).
On January 7, 1962, on the road leading to the famous atomic research
centre of Dubna near Moscow, a car had swung to avoid an oncoming vehicle
and collided with a tmck. Landau, the car's passenger, was lifted from the wreck
all but lifeless.
The recovery was slow, but in the winter of 1962, a medical report from
Moscow read:
"Physicians feel that Landau's intellect, his ability to think deeply and
logically, have been restored. But his memory is still unreliable (HeHa?1e

Лев Давидович Ландау был четвертым русский ученый, кому удалось выиграть
Нобелевская премия по физике. но он не мог путешествовать ро Стокгольме получать его милая-
наша от комитета и царя. советский физик, на самом деле едва мог
перейти к следующей комнате, когда весть (usaecrua) достигли его в ноябре,
1962. ", Как грустно," Московский literatunaya газета комментирует: "что новость
пришел к ландо в больнице, а не за столом, ни среди студентов ту-
мульт ofhis лекционных залах. "Это был просто чудо, что он был жив вообще.
десять месяцев до этого, академик Ландау был поставлен крест на мертвых, и
не один раз, а четыре раза. каждый раз, верховным усилий современного медицинского
науки, он был возвращен к жизни, но все еще не в сознание (cosrramre).
7 января1962, на дороге, ведущей к знаменитому атомных исследований
центре подмосковной Дубне, автомобиль качнулся избежать встречного автомобиля
и столкнулся с tmck. ландо, пассажир автомобиля, был снят от места крушения
всех, но безжизненной
восстановление было медленным, но зимой 1962 года, медицинское заключение с
Москве читать:.
"врачи считают, что интеллект Ландау, его способность глубоко задуматься и
логически,были восстановлены. но память все еще ненадежны (heha? 1е

a) Это - инструмент, используемый для того, чтобы собрать свет от объекта, подать свет, чтобы сфокусировать и произвести изображение и заставить это изображение выглядеть больше. Есть три вида таких устройств: линзовые телескопы, которые используют линзы, линзовые телескопы, которые используют зеркала и те, которые используют комбинацию линз и зеркал.
b) Это - устройство, которое генерирует "хорошо организованный" свет. Механизм использует процесс, известный как стимулируемая эмиссия. Он генерирует электромагнитную радиацию в специальной микроволновой зоне. В наше время эти устройства широко используются, в том числе в медицине. Это устройство часто используется, чтобы делать быстрые и безболезненные операции.
c) Это - машинный инструмент, который убирает нежелательный материал из рабочей детали, вращая его против режущего инструмента. Это самый старый и вероятно самый важный машинный инструмент. Ранние инструменты точения по дереву, приводимые в действие ногой, использовались в Средневековье. Современные модели работают на очень высокой скорости и имеют множество функций.
d) Это устройство основано на микропроцессоре, маленьком чипе, который выполняет операцию центрального процессора. У ранних видов этих машин была довольно маленькая память, как правило, диапазоном в 16 — 64 килобайт. У современных моделей есть память от мегабайта до гигабайта, который является значительным улучшением.
e) Это - механическое, электрическое или атомное устройство, которое измеряет течение времени. Механическая модель датирована концом Средневековья. У всех механических моделей должен быть источник энергии — например, падающий вес или витая пружина. Все такие модели должны быть тщательно отрегулированы, чтобы заставить их работать точно. Энергия двигает систему колес, которые, в свою очередь, двигают руки.
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Lev Davidovich Landau was born on January 22,1908. His name is widely known in the world of science. Lev Landau worked in such fields as low-temperature physics, atomic and nuclear physics, and som others.

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Вы можете изучить и скачать доклад-презентацию на тему Lev Davidovich Landau. Презентация на заданную тему содержит 9 слайдов. Для просмотра воспользуйтесь проигрывателем, если материал оказался полезным для Вас - поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте наш сайт презентаций в закладки!


Landau was born on January 22, 1908 in the main oil-producing center of Russia - Baku. Landau was born on January 22, 1908 in the main oil-producing center of Russia - Baku.

It only shows early abilities to the exact sciences, in the twelve years already knows how to integrate and differentiate, and in the age of thirteen brilliantly graduated from high school. According to parents, the boy is too young for university, but because they send it to the Commercial College, where he spent one year studying economics. It only shows early abilities to the exact sciences, in the twelve years already knows how to integrate and differentiate, and in the age of thirteen brilliantly graduated from high school. According to parents, the boy is too young for university, but because they send it to the Commercial College, where he spent one year studying economics.

In 1922 Lev Landau finally enters the university, and at once on two faculties - chemical and physical mathematics. In 1927 Lev Landau finishes his studies on the physical separation of LSU. A year before graduation, he was appointed supernumerary post-graduate students. He is only nineteen years old, but his account for four of the published scientific works, including the article "On the theory of spectra of diatomic molecules." In another article dedicated to braking problem in wave mechanics, a young theoretical description of the first to introduce the density matrix systems. In 1922 Lev Landau finally enters the university, and at once on two faculties - chemical and physical mathematics. In 1927 Lev Landau finishes his studies on the physical separation of LSU. A year before graduation, he was appointed supernumerary post-graduate students. He is only nineteen years old, but his account for four of the published scientific works, including the article "On the theory of spectra of diatomic molecules." In another article dedicated to braking problem in wave mechanics, a young theoretical description of the first to introduce the density matrix systems.

In 1931 Lev Landau returned to Leningrad and worked for some time in the famous Leningrad Physico-Technical Institute. In 1932, he separated from the Physical-Technical Institute Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology, and Landau moved to the capital of Ukraine. Within five years, Landau headed the theoretical division of the newly created Institute and at the same time is teaching at several universities. In 1931 Lev Landau returned to Leningrad and worked for some time in the famous Leningrad Physico-Technical Institute. In 1932, he separated from the Physical-Technical Institute Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology, and Landau moved to the capital of Ukraine. Within five years, Landau headed the theoretical division of the newly created Institute and at the same time is teaching at several universities.

The scientist creates a great scientific school, get into that was very difficult. Among the seminarians and was Evgeny Mikhailovich Lifshitz, who became the closest associate of Landau, co-author of many of his works and personal friend. The scientist creates a great scientific school, get into that was very difficult. Among the seminarians and was Evgeny Mikhailovich Lifshitz, who became the closest associate of Landau, co-author of many of his works and personal friend.

In that fateful 1962 Lev Landau was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics "for his fundamental theory of condensed matter, especially liquid helium". In that fateful 1962 Lev Landau was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics "for his fundamental theory of condensed matter, especially liquid helium".

Landau died on April 1, 1968 due to complications arising after received six years earlier injuries. With the departure of the great scientist ended an epoch in the theoretical physics. Landau died on April 1, 1968 due to complications arising after received six years earlier injuries. With the departure of the great scientist ended an epoch in the theoretical physics.

Lev Davidovich Landau, слайд №1
Lev Davidovich Landau, слайд №2
Lev Davidovich Landau, слайд №3
Lev Davidovich Landau, слайд №4
Lev Davidovich Landau, слайд №5
Lev Davidovich Landau, слайд №6
Lev Davidovich Landau, слайд №7
Lev Davidovich Landau, слайд №8
Lev Davidovich Landau, слайд №9

 Lev Davidovich Landau

Слайд 1

 Landau was born on January 22, 1908 in the main oil-producing center of Russia - Baku. Landau was born on January 22, 1908 in the main oil-producing center of Russia - Baku.

Слайд 2

Landau was born on January 22, 1908 in the main oil-producing center of Russia - Baku. Landau was born on January 22, 1908 in the main oil-producing center of Russia - Baku.

 It only shows early abilities to the exact sciences, in the twelve years already knows how to integrate and differentiate, and in the age of thirteen brilliantly graduated from high school. According to parents, the boy is too young for university, but because they send it to the Commercial College, where he spent one year studying economics. It only shows early abilities to the exact sciences, in the twelve years already knows how to integrate and differentiate, and in the age of thirteen brilliantly graduated from high school. According to parents, the boy is too young for university, but because they send it to the Commercial College, where he spent one year studying economics.

Слайд 3

It only shows early abilities to the exact sciences, in the twelve years already knows how to integrate and differentiate, and in the age of thirteen brilliantly graduated from high school. According to parents, the boy is too young for university, but because they send it to the Commercial College, where he spent one year studying economics. It only shows early abilities to the exact sciences, in the twelve years already knows how to integrate and differentiate, and in the age of thirteen brilliantly graduated from high school. According to parents, the boy is too young for university, but because they send it to the Commercial College, where he spent one year studying economics.

 In 1922 Lev Landau finally enters the university, and at once on two faculties - chemical and physical mathematics. In 1927 Lev Landau finishes his studies on the physical separation of LSU. A year before graduation, he was appointed supernumerary post-graduate students. He is only nineteen years old, but his account for four of the published scientific works, including the article

Слайд 4

In 1922 Lev Landau finally enters the university, and at once on two faculties - chemical and physical mathematics. In 1927 Lev Landau finishes his studies on the physical separation of LSU. A year before graduation, he was appointed supernumerary post-graduate students. He is only nineteen years old, but his account for four of the published scientific works, including the article "On the theory of spectra of diatomic molecules." In another article dedicated to braking problem in wave mechanics, a young theoretical description of the first to introduce the density matrix systems. In 1922 Lev Landau finally enters the university, and at once on two faculties - chemical and physical mathematics. In 1927 Lev Landau finishes his studies on the physical separation of LSU. A year before graduation, he was appointed supernumerary post-graduate students. He is only nineteen years old, but his account for four of the published scientific works, including the article "On the theory of spectra of diatomic molecules." In another article dedicated to braking problem in wave mechanics, a young theoretical description of the first to introduce the density matrix systems.

 In 1931 Lev Landau returned to Leningrad and worked for some time in the famous Leningrad Physico-Technical Institute. In 1932, he separated from the Physical-Technical Institute Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology, and Landau moved to the capital of Ukraine. Within five years, Landau headed the theoretical division of the newly created Institute and at the same time is teaching at several universities. In 1931 Lev Landau returned to Leningrad and worked for some time in the famous Leningrad Physico-Technical Institute. In 1932, he separated from the Physical-Technical Institute Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology, and Landau moved to the capital of Ukraine. Within five years, Landau headed the theoretical division of the newly created Institute and at the same time is teaching at several universities.

Слайд 5

In 1931 Lev Landau returned to Leningrad and worked for some time in the famous Leningrad Physico-Technical Institute. In 1932, he separated from the Physical-Technical Institute Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology, and Landau moved to the capital of Ukraine. Within five years, Landau headed the theoretical division of the newly created Institute and at the same time is teaching at several universities. In 1931 Lev Landau returned to Leningrad and worked for some time in the famous Leningrad Physico-Technical Institute. In 1932, he separated from the Physical-Technical Institute Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology, and Landau moved to the capital of Ukraine. Within five years, Landau headed the theoretical division of the newly created Institute and at the same time is teaching at several universities.

 The scientist creates a great scientific school, get into that was very difficult. Among the seminarians and was Evgeny Mikhailovich Lifshitz, who became the closest associate of Landau, co-author of many of his works and personal friend. The scientist creates a great scientific school, get into that was very difficult. Among the seminarians and was Evgeny Mikhailovich Lifshitz, who became the closest associate of Landau, co-author of many of his works and personal friend.

Слайд 6

The scientist creates a great scientific school, get into that was very difficult. Among the seminarians and was Evgeny Mikhailovich Lifshitz, who became the closest associate of Landau, co-author of many of his works and personal friend. The scientist creates a great scientific school, get into that was very difficult. Among the seminarians and was Evgeny Mikhailovich Lifshitz, who became the closest associate of Landau, co-author of many of his works and personal friend.

 In that fateful 1962 Lev Landau was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics

Слайд 8

In that fateful 1962 Lev Landau was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics "for his fundamental theory of condensed matter, especially liquid helium". In that fateful 1962 Lev Landau was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics "for his fundamental theory of condensed matter, especially liquid helium".

 Landau died on April 1, 1968 due to complications arising after received six years earlier injuries. With the departure of the great scientist ended an epoch in the theoretical physics. Landau died on April 1, 1968 due to complications arising after received six years earlier injuries. With the departure of the great scientist ended an epoch in the theoretical physics.

Слайд 9

Landau died on April 1, 1968 due to complications arising after received six years earlier injuries. With the departure of the great scientist ended an epoch in the theoretical physics. Landau died on April 1, 1968 due to complications arising after received six years earlier injuries. With the departure of the great scientist ended an epoch in the theoretical physics.

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