Ла томатина сообщение на английском

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

Считается, что этот фестиваль в Буньоле начался случайно. Это случилось в 1945 году, когда участник традиционного парада в центре города упал и в припадке ярости начал бить все вокруг, включая овощной ларек. Люди начали бросать овощи друг в друга, пока полиция не прекратила бой. В следующем году молодые люди решили повторить опыт и принесли помидоры из дома. Томатина была запрещена в начале 50-х годов, что не было проблемой для участников, которые даже не возражали против ареста. Фестиваль наконец был разрешен и стал официальным праздником. Это событие бесплатно для всех, которое включает 110 000 килограммов томатов. Сегодня это один из самых больших продовольственных боев в мире и очень популярное туристическая приманка.

Бельгия является чем-то вроде сюрприза на фестивальной сцене. Фестиваль кошек в Ипре является лишь одним из многих, но с учетом того, что (до 1817 года) он включал в себя бросание живых кошек с колокольни, чтобы увидеть, будут ли они приземляться на ноги, это заслуживает упоминания здесь. Сегодня кошки сделаны из материала, но первоначально это событие контролировало рост популяции кошек. Без сомнения, была огромная кампания, чтобы не запретить оригинальное событие, которое, вероятно, в то время казалось вполне логичным. Следует отметить, что ежегодное бросание коз с церковной колокольни в Манганес-де-ла-Польвороса (Испания), которое было объявлено вне закона в 1992 году, по-прежнему продолжается и предполагает почти несомненную смерть животного.

Говорят, что грязевые крабы обладают самым сладким мясом в мире, и этот конкурс - это попытка их ловцов, избежать щипаний, защемлений или уколов от страшного защитного оружия крабов, в то же время связывая их. Храбрые обитатели Песка Кеппеля выходят на арену, наполненную большими крабами, и стараются связать их клешни вместе, прежде чем их прищемят. Кроме того, они должны делать это босиком. Рекорд - три краба менее чем за 22 секунды. Только тот, у кого увлечение к моллюскам, считает это событие жестоким жестом в отношении животных.

It is believed that this festival in Bunol started by chance. It happened in 1945 when a participant of the traditional parade in the city centre fell and in a fit of rage started hitting everything around including a vegetable stall. People started throwing vegetables at each other until the police stopped the fight. The following year young people decided to repeat the experience and brought the tomatoes from home. La Tomatina was banned in the early 50s, which was not a problem for the participants who even didn’t mind being arrested. The festival was finally allowed and became an official festivity. It is a.

Belgium is something of a surprise package on the festival scene. The Cat Festival in Ypres is only one of many, but given that (until 1817) it used to involve throwing live cats off a belfry y to see if they would land feet down, it deserves a mention here. Today the cats are made of material but originally the event came about to control a rising cat population. No doubt there was a huge campaign not to ban the original event which probably at the time seemed quite logical. It should be noted that the annual goat-tossing from the church.

Mud crabs are said to have the sweetest meat in the world, and this competition is an effort by their catchers to avoid being pinced, nipped or stabbed by the crabs’ fearsome defence weapons, while tying them up. The brave inhabitants of Keppel Sands step into an arena filled with big crabs and try to tie their claws together before getting nipped. On top of that they have to do that barefoot. The record is three crabs in under 22.

*Цитирирование части задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.

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La Tomatina Festival

Prepared a student of grade 9

La Tomatina is a festival that is held in the Valencian town of Buñol, in the East of Spain . Since 1945 it has been held on the last Wednesday of August, during a week of festivities in Buñol.

The festival is held in honor of the patron Saint Louis Bertrand. The beginning of the tradition was laid in 1945. It is alleged that the first battle of tomatoes occurred between friends, in the process of fighting at the festival. During the reign of Franco, the holiday was banned as having no religious significance, but was revived in the 1970s .

. La Tomatina Buñol has inspired similar celebrations in other parts of the world:

Since 1982, the town of Twin Lakes, Lake County, Colorado has held a tomato fight called the " Colorado Texas Tomato War ," in which Texans and Coloradans square off. The Coloradans also attempt to overtake the Texans' straw Alamo effigy, generally succeeding.

Since 2004 the Colombian town of Sutamarchán holds a similar event on 15 June when a surplus of tomatoes is harvested.


2. The festival comes with other ‘festivities’ too

3. The food fight originated from a street brawl.

4. A slice of ham marks the beginning of the fight.

5. Over 40 metric tonnes of tomatoes are used

6. It can turn into a battle of the sexes.

7. The tomatoes act as disinfectant

8. La Tomatina knock-offs

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La Tomatina - Помидорная битва

La Tomatina es una fiesta muy divertida que se celebra a las 11 de la mañana del último miércoles del mes de Agosto en Buñol (cerca de Valencia) que consiste en arrojarse tomates entre todos los que se concentran en la plaza ese día. Todos los años alli se concentren aproximadamente unas 30.000 personas, (en un pueblo de 10.000 habitantes) quienes arrojan cerca de unos 120.000 Kilos de tomates traidos en 5 ó 6 camiones.

Esta fiesta nació de una disputa que tuvieron unos jovenes en 1944 en la cual acabaron arrojándose tomates de un puesto de verduras que tenían al lado. En los años siguientes se volvieron a repetir estas batallas pero ni la policia ni los vecinos la consintieron, más adelante y despues de pasar por muchos acuerdos y desacuerdos la "batalla de tomates" fué declarada costumbre y fiesta popular. Desde 1980 cada año el propio Ayuntamiento de Buñol suministra los camiones cargados con tomates para la Tomatina y la gente vuelve a recordar esa primera disputa con una inmensa batalla de tomates.

[ перевод ]

Помидорная битва - это очень веселый праздник, который отмечают в 11 часов утра последней среды августа в Буньоле (недалеко от Валенсии), который заключается в том, что все, кто находится на площади в этот день, бросают друг в друга помидорами. Каждый год там собирается примерно 30 тысяч человек ( в поселке с 10 тысячами жителей), которые разбрасывают около 120 000 кг помидоров, привезенных в 5 или 6 грузовиках.

Этот праздник родился во время ссоры между молодыми людьми в 1944 г, которая завершилась швырянием помидорами из овощной лавки, что была поблизости. В последующие годы эти битвы повторялись, хотя ни полиция, ни жители, не одобряли этого. Позднее, после всяческих уговоров и несогласий, Помидорная битва была объявлена обычаем и народным праздником. С 1980 г каждый год специальный городской совет Буньола поставляет грузовики с помидорами для Помидорной битвы и люди вновь вспоминают первую ссору грандиозной битвой помидоров.

arrojar - бросать, швырять
el camión - грузовик
concentrarse - сосредоточиваться, собираться
divertido - веселый, жизнерадостный
el puesto de verduras - овощная лавка, палатка
la disputa - спор, ссора
al lado - поблизости
los vecinos - жители
volver a repetir - повторять сделанное ранее
consentir - соглашаться на ч-л, разрешать
el acuerdo - согласование, соглашение, уговор
más adelante - позже, позднее, в будущем
el desacuerdo - разногласие, несогласие
popular - народный
la costumbre - обычай, привычка
el ayuntamiento - собрание, городской совет
inmenso - грандиозный
suministrar - снабжать, поставлять, обеспечивать

Испанско-русский словарь онлайн

5 тестов скорости!

A. A unique food battle festival known as La Tomatina is celebrated in Spain every year on the last Wednesday of August. It involves thousands of people engaging in a brutal battle, throwing overripe tomatoes at each other. The festival spans more than a week and although there are many elements to the festival, such as parades, music, dancing and fireworks, they are all centered on the tomato fight.
B. Spanish cuisine is a heavenly m ixture of chicken, mixed vegetables, fish and meats. Many of the most popular Spanish dishes are a type of Paella, which is a rice dish th at features a variety of ingredients. Hot chocolate and churros are very popular desserts throughout the country. Spain is also famous for its aromatic wines and other alcoholic beverages like Sangria, Cava and authentic Spanish beer.
C.Spain is very rich with traditions, especially those associated with food. For breakfast, some families buy fresh churros, pair them with hot chocolate and enjoy a leisurely morning routine. Lunch is another im portant meal of the day, and it is usually heavier than breakfast. This is sometimes followed by a siesta, an afternoon nap to get through post-lunchdrowsiness. During this time, shops close and then open again after two or three hours of rest.
D. Spain is an im portant resting spot for m igratory birds, and a home for many animals. But, unfortunately, many species of wildlife face threats from habitat loss and pollution. Due to centuries of tree cutting, large forests are now found only in a few areas in the country. Spain has created many national parks and refuges, but they cover only about seven percent of the country.
E. Although there is a national parliam ent, Spain is one of the most decentralized democracies in Europe. Each of its 17 regions manages its own schools, hospitals,
and other public services. The tourist services industry drives Spain’s economy, but at the same time, since 1986, when Spain joined the European Community, it has worked to diversify its economy, by building im portant industries such as mining, shipbuilding, and textiles.
F. B ullfighting is one of the most famous traditions in Spain. This risky sport evolved from the ancient Roman gladiator games, with human matadors opposing charging bulls. However, this tradition has lately become widely debated and younger generations and anim al-rightsactivists protest against bullfighting. Either way, it remains an iconic part of the country and bullfights take place in many Spanish towns and cities.
G. La siesta is a well-knownaspect of Spanish culture. Seeking to balance work with pleasure, Spaniards have long practiced this tradition, when students and professionals return to their homes around midday for a big lunch, followed by a
few hours of rest and family time. Many businesses also shut down for a short break. However, 21st-centurybig cities move at a faster pace, and don’t take siestas, but many people in smaller towns and villages still take a siesta each day.

A. A unique food battle festival known as La Tomatina is celebrated in Spain every year on the last Wednesday of August. It involves thousands of people engaging in a brutal battle, throwing overripe tomatoes at each other. The festival spans more than a week and although there are many elements to the festival, such as parades, music, dancing and fireworks, they are all centered on the tomato fight.B. Spanish cuisine is a heavenly m ixture of chicken, mixed vegetables, fish and meats. Many of the most popular Spanish dishes are a type of Paella, which is a rice dish th at features a variety of ingredients. Hot chocolate and churros are very popular desserts throughout the country. Spain is also famous for its aromatic wines and other alcoholic beverages like Sangria, Cava and authentic Spanish beer.C.Spain is very rich with traditions, especially those associated with food. For breakfast, some families buy fresh churros, pair them with hot chocolate and enjoy a leisurely morning routine. Lunch is another im portant meal of the day, and it is usually heavier than breakfast. This is sometimes followed by a siesta, an afternoon nap to get through post-lunchdrowsiness. During this time, shops close and then open again after two or three hours of rest.D. Spain is an im portant resting spot for m igratory birds, and a home for many animals. But, unfortunately, many species of wildlife face threats from habitat loss and pollution. Due to centuries of tree cutting, large forests are now found only in a few areas in the country. Spain has created many national parks and refuges, but they cover only about seven percent of the country.E. Although there is a national parliam ent, Spain is one of the most decentralized democracies in Europe. Each of its 17 regions manages its own schools, hospitals,and other public services. The tourist services industry drives Spain’s economy, but at the same time, since 1986, when Spain joined the European Community, it has worked to diversify its economy, by building im portant industries such as mining, shipbuilding, and textiles.F. B ullfighting is one of the most famous traditions in Spain. This risky sport evolved from the ancient Roman gladiator games, with human matadors opposing charging bulls. However, this tradition has lately become widely debated and younger generations and anim al-rightsactivists protest against bullfighting. Either way, it remains an iconic part of the country and bullfights take place in many Spanish towns and cities.G. La siesta is a well-knownaspect of Spanish culture. Seeking to balance work with pleasure, Spaniards have long practiced this tradition, when students and professionals return to their homes around midday for a big lunch, followed by afew hours of rest and family time. Many businesses also shut down for a short break. However, 21st-centurybig cities move at a faster pace, and don’t take siestas, but many people in smaller towns and villages still take a siesta each day.

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