Красный крест сообщение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Он анонимно пожертвовал Красному Кресту крупную сумму денег.

He anonymously donated a large sum of money to the Red Cross.

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"[. ] Беспристрастная гуманитарная организация, такая как Международный комитет Красного Креста, может предложить свои услуги сторонам, находящимся в конфликте" .

“[. ] An impartial humanitarian body, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross, may offer its services to the Parties to the conflict.”

Сьерра-леонское общество Красного Креста проводило в среднем 450 безопасных и достойных захоронений в неделю во всех округах.

The Sierra Leonean Red Cross carried out an average of 450 safe and dignified burials per week in all districts.

Как долго УВКБ ООН, МООНРЗС, Международный комитет Красного Креста и мировые СМИ будут хранить молчание о подобных преступлениях?

How long would UNHCR, MINURSO, the International Red Cross and the world’s media keep silent about such crimes?

The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum warms the heart with the history of the first humanitarian organisation in the world.

Наряду с этим при финансировании со стороны Американского Красного Креста были построены 350 систем сбора и хранения отходов.

In addition, 350 waste containment systems were constructed, with funding from the American Red Cross.

Солдата с красным крестом святого Георгия тошнило на ступенях церкви, к нему бежала собака, чтобы подлизать блевотину.

A soldier wearing the red cross of Saint George was being sick on the church steps and a dog ran to lap up the vomit.

Но, согласно газете The New York Times, федеральный инспектор заявляет, что Красный Крест часто не делал этого.

However, The New York Times states that a federal inspector contends that the Red Cross often failed to do this.

До своего появления в этом зале я встретился с президентом Международного комитета Красного Креста (МККК) Петером Маурером.

Before joining you in this room, I met with the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Peter Maurer.

Правительство высоко оценивает работу Комитета Красного Креста Тувалу, отвечающего за оказание помощи инвалидам.

Government acknowledges the work of the Tuvalu Red Cross Society which has been responsible for the care of people with disabilities.

с удовлетворением отмечает деятельность, осуществляемую Международным комитетом Красного Креста, а также неправительственными организациями на всей территории Афганистана;

Notes with appreciation the activities carried out by the International Committee of the Red Cross, as well as by non-governmental organizations, throughout the territory of Afghanistan;

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) continued to visit detention places and collect and distribute Red Cross messages between members of separated families.

The civilian internees and prisoners of war who had not yet been in contact with their families wrote Red Cross messages which will be distributed via the Ethiopian Red Cross Society, the Red Cross Society of Eritrea and other National Societies.

Другие результаты

As part of their tracing activities, the ICRC and the Eritrean Red Cross have so far collected 16 Red Cross messages from the families of young men who were studying in Ethiopia under a bilateral exchange programme.

You can send messages, but not money, through the British Red Cross Message Service to relatives in places hard to contact.

Red Cross messages are collected and distributed, satellite or mobile phones are provided to those who have the telephone number of their relatives, and the Internet is used to trace people via the Family Links website.

In 2005,505,748 Red Cross messages were collected and 453,727 distributed, the Internet was used to trace people via the ICRC Family Links website, and 6,780 satellite/mobile phones were provided to those who have the telephone number of a relative.

According to reports from the International Committee of the Red Cross, more than 800 people are killed by mines every month.

The International Committee of the Red Cross has reported that the accident rate during the first half of 1998 has dropped from 50 incidents per month to approximately 20.

We are particularly concerned about reports from the International Committee of the Red Cross that civilians in the city of Basra may be facing a humanitarian disaster.

As reported by the Saharawi Red Crescent, there was a serious lack of basic essentials owing to delays in distribution of food aid, the depletion of food reserves and the loss of cattle through drought.

International Committee of the Red Cross reports affirm that some 500 kilograms of materials have crossed the Egyptian borders into Libya.

Число эритрейцев, гибнущих в лагерях для задержанных лиц в Эфиопии, гораздо больше, чем число, которое было официально сообщено Международному комитету Красного Креста (МККК).

The number of Eritreans dying in detention camps in Ethiopia is much higher than was officially reported to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

The Commission also noted that the Red Cross Movement was not spared during the conflict, as indicated in several incidents reported by the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Lebanese Red Cross.

Confirmed reports by the International Committee of the Red Cross and Somali Red Crescent Society in May 2006 indicated that over 350 people had lost their lives in the fighting and more than 1,500 had been treated in hospitals for conflict-related injuries.

We know from the Red Crescent and the International Committee of the Red Cross that there are dangerous impediments to medical treatment and access for humanitarian workers.

The Vice-President of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Christine Beerli, also briefed the Council.

An International Committee of the Red Cross/World Health Organization programme was said by the authorities to be currently under implementation.

В отношении присутствия Международного комитета Красного Креста в Узбекистане следует внести поправки в некоторые сведения, сообщенные Докладчиком, поскольку они также не соответствуют действительности.

With regard to the presence of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Uzbekistan, some of the information referred to by the Country Rapporteur should be rectified, since it too did not reflect the facts.

Access to the detention facilities where these people are reportedly being held must be granted to the International Committee of the Red Cross.

In Russia, red is the symbol of danger for traffic lights and signs. When the traffic lights are red, drivers or pedestrians have to stop. A red sign also warns people of danger.

Red also symbolises love. On Valentine's Day people give each other red roses or red chocolate boxes. The Red Cross is a symbol of protection, and the Russian Red Cross is an organisation which helps many people in need. Red is also one of the colours of the Russian flag. It symbolises the earth.

В России красный цвет является символом опасности на светофорах и знаках. Когда светофор красный, водители или пешеходы должны остановиться. Красный знак также предупреждает людей об опасности.

Красный также символизирует любовь. В День святого Валентина люди дарят друг другу красные розы или красные шоколадные коробки. Красный Крест является символом защиты, а Российский Красный Крест - это организация, которая помогает многим нуждающимся. Красный также является одним из цветов российского флага. Он символизирует землю.

*Цитирирование части задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.

The red cross is a symbol of protection. It is the symbol of an organisation which gives help to those who need it. During a war, soldiers don't fire at those who carry the red cross symbol.

A red rose is a sign at romantic love. P
On Valentine's Day people give each other in red boxes that look like hearts

The red cross is a symbol of protection. It is the symbol of an organisation which gives help to those who need it. During a war, soldiers don't fire at those who carry the red cross symbol. A red rose is a sign at romantic love. POn Valentine's Day people give each other in red boxes that look like hearts

Красный крест является символом защиты. Это символ организации, которая оказывает помощь тем, кто в ней нуждается. Во время войны, солдаты не стрелять в тех, кто несет красный крест символ. Красная роза является признаком при романтической любви. Р в День святого Валентина людей дают друг друга в красные коробки, которые выглядят как сердца

красный крест - символ защиты.это символ организации, которая предоставляет помощь тем, кто в ней нуждается.во время войны, солдаты не стрелять в тех, кто носит символа красного креста.

красная роза - это знак на романтической любви.р: в день святого валентина дарят друг другу на красной коробки, которые выглядят как сердца

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