Как на английском будет сообщение

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

communication; (известие тж.) announcement, report; (официальное) communique; по ~ю, согласно ~ю as reported;

(связь) communication; железнодорожное ~ rail communication; прямое железнодорожное ~ direct rail communication.

Только что искали: фартук сейчас п и а р м з ш сейчас л а ч к в о а 1 секунда назад саиалт 1 секунда назад е н и е а ч м т 1 секунда назад кресло салона 1 секунда назад е т а ф л ц ь 1 секунда назад есепцл 1 секунда назад д а л о г о м ч а 1 секунда назад воиндаяг 2 секунды назад б е л о р у с 2 секунды назад ростокже 2 секунды назад индап 2 секунды назад п а р а м е т р 2 секунды назад п а л ь т о 2 секунды назад

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Early reports indicated that the wrecked plane has been located just below the summit of Bald Mountain, and rescue parties have been formed and planted to the site of the disaster.

Just a few minutes from Hollywood, in the town of San Fernando, reports have come in of saucers flying so low the exhaust knocked people to the ground.

Bernard wrote to say he was coming back, that he was pleased to hear from Balion's reports that everything was fine at Argelouse.

I have here a report of the Surgical Committee of this hospital regarding an operation performed by Dr. Weeks.

No report yet on fingerprints. and, uh, Constantino's on his way to Lakewood to see the girl's parents.

Once that fact has been established, the communication is forwarded to the Government of the country concerned for comment.

The outcome of the intersessional consultations will be presented in an oral report by the secretariat.

4.4 While accepting the status of the individual authors, the State party rejects the ability of the Herdsmen's Committee to submit a communication.

The original communication was limited to claiming a failure by the Party concerned to comply with article 6 of the Convention.

On the basis of the collected information, the competent State Prosecutor's Office is notified by means of a report.

4.8 The State party then proceeds to consider the communication from the perspective of article 3 of the Convention.

Результатов: 21991 . Точных совпадений: 21991 . Затраченное время: 139 мс

на февраль 2007 г. были достигнуты некоторые результаты: сократилось число постоянных представительств, имеющих задолженность; заметно уменьшилась общая сумма арендной задолженности и обеспечен возврат отдельных служебных помещений и их передача в распоряжение представительств, находившихся в списке ожидания.

had yielded some results: reduction of the number of Permanent Delegations in arrears, noticeable decrease in the total amount of outstanding rent and return of some of the offices to the Organization, which had reallocated them to Delegations on a waiting list.

всесторонний пересмотр Уголовно-процессуального кодекса, в котором будет предусмотрено право любого опрашиваемого или допрашиваемого полицией лица на присутствие адвоката на первом допросе в полиции.

under complete revision and will stipulate that any person being interviewed or interrogated by the police will have the right to have a lawyer present during the first police investigation.

Сторон, действующую в качестве совещания Сторон настоящего Протокола, о том, что она намерена использовать иной, чем 1990 год, базовый год или период для осуществления своих обязательств по настоящей статье.

Any other Party included in Annex I undergoing the process of transition to a market economy which has

Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol that it intends to use an historical base year or period other than 1990 for the implementation of its commitments under this Article.

Г-н О'ФЛАЭРТИ говорит, что, судя по всему, возможны самые различные толкования данного пункта: хотя в нем не уточняется, о каких государствах-участниках идет речь, по его мнению, он относится ко всем государствам-участникам, а

Mr. O’FLAHERTY said it appeared that multiple interpretations of the paragraph were possible: although the paragraph did not specify which States parties were intended, in his view it referred to all States parties, and not

[. ] party that was the subject of a given communication, since acceptance by a particular State party of a particular communication did not constitute sufficient State practice to generate a view for [. ]

Mozambique welcomed the ratification of the CPED, the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OP-CAT) and Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict (OP-CRC-AC) and was encouraged by the announcement of pending approval of CRPD and its Optional Protocol.

In 2008, the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission issued a news release and participated in a news conference to denounce offensive graffiti that had appeared on several Moncton establishments, and to reassure local residents that the Commission is there to guarantee them equal access to housing, employment, education and other public services.

37 Конвенции в отношении отдельного содержания несовершеннолетних и взрослых в местах лишения свободы, Комитет, ссылаясь на пункты 8 и 9 настоящих заключительных замечаний, выражает обеспокоенность тем, что девушки в возрасте до 18 лет, находящиеся в конфликте с законом, содержатся в тех же местах лишения свободы, что и более взрослые лица женского пола.

article 37 (c) of the Convention regarding the separation of juveniles and adults in detention facilities, with reference to paragraphs 8 and 9 of the present concluding observations, the Committee expresses concern that females under the age of 18 in conflict with the law are held in the same places of detention as older female detainees.

Государственный сектор должен включать все крупномасштабные и исходные отрасли, внешнюю торговлю, основные минералы, банковское дело, страхование, выработку электроэнергии, плотины и крупные ирригационные сети, радио и телевидение, почтовую, телеграфную и телефонную связь,

The State sector is to include all large-scale and mother industries, foreign trade, major minerals, banking, insurance, power generation, dams and large-scale irrigation networks, radio and television, post, telegraph and telephone services,

If the policyholder violates the notification obligation or the obligation to refrain from increasing the risk, RSA shall be released of the obligation to perform the insurance contract if an insured event occurs one month after the time when RSA should have received the notice, unless at the time when it was supposed to receive the notice it knew of the increase of the possibility of the insured risk or had to know thereof. 4.5.

According to the “Guidelines for review under Article 8 of the Kyoto Protocol”, each national communication submitted under the Kyoto Protocol by an Annex I Party shall be subject to a scheduled in-country review and the expert review teams shall make every effort to complete the individual review of national communications within two years of their submission.

At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit a report to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session and an interim report to the Human Rights Council on the implementation of the resolution, including efforts undertaken at the national, regional and international levels in the promotion and realization of the right to development, and invited the Chair-Rapporteur of the Working Group on the Right to Development to present a verbal update to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session (resolution 66/155).

помощь и что от него или от его родственников не поступало никаких жалоб или обращений по поводу противоправных действий сотрудников правоохранительных органов.

medical treatment and that no complaints or reports had been received from him or his family concerning unlawful acts by the staff of the law enforcement agencies.

получил признание в законодательстве Джибути, в том числе в Уголовном кодексе, который предусматривает защиту детей от нарушений, затрагивающих их общее развитие.

is recognized in Djiboutian law, including the penal code which protects children from violations affecting their overall development.

того, чтобы они могли быть эффективно использованы любым другим компетентным Органом, а также заявителями и указанными ведомствами.

[. ] important that both the international search report and the written opinion by the International Searching Authority [. ]

standards, so that they may be used effectively by any other Authority, as well as by applicants and designated Offices.

In addition, as it is the first addendum issued in March, it reflects the deletion of items pursuant to the procedure set out in the note by the President dated 31 December 2008 (S/2008/847), and lists those items subject to deletion which, at the request of a Member State and with the concurrence of the Security Council, will remain on the summary statement for one additional year.

всеми членами конкретной группы, так как само существование особого правового режима может непосредственно затрагивать права отдельных жертв внутри этой группы.

group, as the mere existence of a particular legal regime may directly affect the rights of the individual victims within the group.

с которым был введен запрет на экспорт и закупку всех видов оружия и связанных с ними материалов из Исламской Республики Иран.

1747 (2007), which imposes a ban on the export and procurement of all arms and related materiel from the Islamic Republic of Iran.

According to paragraph 1 (b) of this Article, States Parties require that when their nationals or a vessels flying their flag, discover or intend to engage in activities directed at underwater cultural heritage located in the EEZ or on the continental shelf of another State Party they have to send a report.

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