Гавайи сообщение на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

4 Hawaii Island

Крупнейший из Гавайских островов. Площадь 10,4 тыс. кв. км (63% территории штата Гавайи [ Hawaii]). Население 92 тыс. человек. Образован вершинами слившихся вулканов Мауна-Кеа, Мауна-Лоа, Килауэа и др. Главный город Хило [ Hilo]. Вулканологическая обсерватория. Национальный парк "Гавайские вулканы" [ Hawaii Volcanoes National Park]. Остров пересекают несколько коротких рек, впадающих в океан (водопады). Озеро Ваиау [Lake Waiau] площадью 0,6 га

5 Hawaii Ponoi

6 Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

Находится на острове Гавайи [ Hawaii Island]. Площадь 99 тыс. га. Основан в 1916. Влажные тропические леса и кустарники. Уникальная флора и фауна. Район активной вулканической деятельности (вулканы Мауна-Лоа [ Mauna Loa] и Килауэа [ Kilauea]). Биосферный резерват

7 Hawaii

Many millions of people the world over, who have never visited the islands, have a clear perception of Hawaii. The image of a ‘tropical South Pacific paradise’, exotic but safe, was largely created by the American media – particularly the Hollywood film industry in the 1930s. This image has spawned a multi-billion dollar industry and attracted over 6 million visitors a year to the islands at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Hawaii’s location in the mid-Pacific sets it apart as a destination from the rest of the United States, but its popularity is mainly due to the American connection.
Hawaii consists of a chain of volcanic islands that originated as a geological hot spot in the ocean floor of the North Pacific – in fact the state takes its name from the largest of these islands. Hawaii is geographically isolated – 4000 kilometres from the North American mainland but an even greater distance from Asia and the rest of Polynesia. The islands were first settled by Polynesians from Tahiti and the Marquesas Islands between 500 and 800 AD. However, it was not until 1795, shortly after Captain Cook’s arrival, that the various tribes were united by Kamehameha the Great, founder of the Hawaiian monarchy. In the course of the nineteenth century, Hawaii came increasingly under American influence through the activities of whalers, missionaries and traders, some of whom became plantation owners after acquiring tribal lands. Labour was imported from China, Japan and other countries to work the plantations, eventually resulting in the multi-racial society that now characterizes the islands. These developments had a number of environmental and social impacts:
_ Most of the native plants and animals, which had previously been protected by isolation, were displaced by introduced species, and are now found only in remote mountain areas.
_ The native Hawaiians became a marginalized minority in their own country, with their traditional culture in danger of disappearing.


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Hawaiian Islands discovered by Captain James Cook in 1778. Hawaii is located in

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The population of the Hawaiian Islands is 1.1 million people.State languages in

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The population of the Hawaiian Islands is 1.1 million people.State languages in the Hawaiian Islands are English and Hawaiian.The majority of the population belongs to the Catholic and Protestant churches. The national capital is Honolulu.

Political system of Hawaii Hawaiian Islands - the fiftieth state of the U.S. rep

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Political system of Hawaii Hawaiian Islands - the fiftieth state of the U.S. republic. In accordance with the Constitution, legislative power complies bicameral Congress. Executive power in the U.S., including Hawaii, carried out by the president.

The economy of Hawaii is based primarily on tourism and services. On the Islands

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The economy of Hawaii is based primarily on tourism and services. On the Islands there are many resorts, natural and historical sights, including the national parks of the main industries: sugar and fruit canning. Oahu is the economically most developed island.

On the island of Hawaii are there are two most active volcano on Earth - Mauna L

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On the island of Hawaii are there are two most active volcano on Earth - Mauna Loa and Kilauea. Mauna Loa is the highest active volcano in the world. Eruption of Mauna Loa occur on average once every 4.5 years.

The most famous native of Hawaii is Barack Obama

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The most famous native of Hawaii is Barack Obama

Haleakala National ParkThis special place vibrates with stories of ancient and m

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Haleakala National ParkThis special place vibrates with stories of ancient and modern Hawaiian culture and protects the bond between the land and its people. The park also cares for endangered species, some of which exist nowhere else.

Surfing History of Surfing began in Hawaii, hundreds, perhaps thousands of years

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Surfing History of Surfing began in Hawaii, hundreds, perhaps thousands of years ago. The first boards were made of solid wood, and only a narrow range on the art of their control.Surfing - the king of sports, and Hawaii is highly sought after by athletes for huge waves. Most often, novice surfers are going to study in Waikiki, and on the north island of Oahu, they watch the pros.

For divers did not find a better place than Hawaii. The most favorite places for

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For divers did not find a better place than Hawaii. The most favorite places for them are the "Cave of the eel," "Turtle Hole" and for fans of unusual excitement of adventure "Night of the meeting with the mantle."

Hawaiian shirts are the world famous tailors products to Hawaii. She is recogniz

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Hawaiian shirts are the world famous tailors products to Hawaii. She is recognized throughout the world. Their history goes back decades and it takes its origin in the 30's of last century. At present it is a whole industry of fashion.

Striking feature for Hawaii are Hawaiian dances. Fiery and funny, they go back t

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Striking feature for Hawaii are Hawaiian dances. Fiery and funny, they go back to ancient times, when there lived the savage tribes, dances for which they were a symbol of magic ritual, which brings good luck to the soldiers in the fighting or asking the pagan gods of the long-awaited rain.

In Polynesian mythology, Tiki statue often symbolizes the first man on Earth. Th

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Today, the most memorable and enjoyable tradition is, perhaps, giving lei garlan

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Today, the most memorable and enjoyable tradition is, perhaps, giving lei garlands. According to this tradition of lei are presented together with a kiss, and fields can be given to shoot only in the absence of that person who you put it on.

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Thank you for your attention .

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

The Hawaiian Islands are an archipelago of eight major islands, several atoll.

The Hawaiian Islands are an archipelago of eight major islands, several atolls, numerous smaller islets, and undersea seamounts in the North Pacific Ocean, extending some 2,400 kilometers from the island of Hawaiʻi in the south to northernmost Kure Atoll.

The Hawaiian Islands are the exposed peaks of a great undersea mountain range.

The Hawaiian Islands are the exposed peaks of a great undersea mountain range known as the Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain, formed by volcanic activity over a hotspot in the Earth's mantle. The islands are about 3,000 km from the nearest continent.

Captain James Cook visited the islands on January 18, 1778 and named them the.

Captain James Cook visited the islands on January 18, 1778 and named them the "Sandwich Islands" in honor of John Montagu. This name was in use until the 1840s.

Geology Hawaiʻi island (the Big Island) is the biggest and youngest island in.

Geology Hawaiʻi island (the Big Island) is the biggest and youngest island in the chain, built from five volcanoes. Mauna Loa, taking up over half of the Big Island, is the largest shield volcano on the Earth. The measurement from sea level to summit is more than 2.5 miles (4 km), from sea level to sea floor about 3.1 miles (5 km)

Earthquakes The Hawaiian Islands have many earthquakes, generally caused by v.

Earthquakes The Hawaiian Islands have many earthquakes, generally caused by volcanic activity. From 1833 to 1896, approximately 4 or 5 earthquakes per year. Earthquakes are monitored by the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory run by the USGS.

Tsunamis The Hawaiian Islands are subject to tsunamis, great waves that strik.

Tsunamis The Hawaiian Islands are subject to tsunamis, great waves that strike the shore. Tsunamis are most often caused by earthquakes somewhere in the Pacific. The waves produced by the earthquakes travel at speeds of 400–500 miles per hour (600–800 km/h) and can affect coastal regions thousands of miles (kilometers) away

Ecology Human contact, first by Polynesians, introduce new trees, plants and.

Ecology Human contact, first by Polynesians, introduce new trees, plants and animals. As a result, many species which depend on forest habitats and food went extinct.

National Monument On June 15, 2006, President George W. Bush issued a public.

National Monument On June 15, 2006, President George W. Bush issued a public proclamation creating Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument under the Antiquities Act of 1906. The Monument encompasses the northwestern Hawaiian Islands and surrounding waters, forming the largest marine wildlife reserve in the world.

Climate The climate of the Hawaiian Islands is tropical but it experiences ma.

Climate The climate of the Hawaiian Islands is tropical but it experiences many different climates, depending on altitude and weather. Coastal areas in general and especially the south and west flanks or leeward sides, tend to be drier. In general, the lowlands of Hawaiian Islands receive most of their precipitation during the winter months (October to April). Drier conditions generally prevail from May to September. The tropical storms, and occasional hurricanes, tend to occur from July through November.

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