Брэд питт сообщение на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Брэд Питт (Уильям Брэдли Питт) (1963) – актер, продюсер, один из самых привлекательных мужчин мира.

Родился Уильям Брэдли 18 декабря 1963 года в американском городе Шауни в штате Оклахома. Но детство в биографии Питта было проведено в городе Спрингфилд. Мальчик рос очень активным – занимался музыкой, спортом (гольфом, теннисом, плаванием). В 1982 году Брэд поступил в университет Миссури, где занимался журналистикой и рекламой. За две недели до получения диплома Питт оставил университет. Он переехал в Лос-Анджелес, решив стать актером и взять для начала несколько уроков актерского мастерства.

In the picture you can see a man.

На картинке вы можете видеть мужчину.

He is around 50 years old.

Ему около 50 лет.

His hair is brown colored and combed back.

Его волосы коричневого цвета и зачесаны назад.

His forehead is sloped.

Его лоб скошенный.

His eyes are blue.

У него голубые глаза.

You can see a few wrinkles under his eyes.

Вы можете увидеть несколько морщин под глазами.

His nose is straight.

У него прямой нос.

His lips are oval.

Его губы овальные.

He has a square face.

У него квадратное лицо.

His temples are shaved.

Его виски выбриты.

His ears are square.

У него квадратные уши.

His has a square chin.

У него квадратный подбородок.

He has a barely visible mustache and he is wearing a 5 o'clock beard.

У него едва заметные усы и он носит короткую бороду (легкая щетина).

He looks stylish.

Он выглядит стильно.

About Brad Pitt (краткие биографические сведения)

William Bradley Pitt was born on the 18th of December, 1963, in Shawnee, Oklahoma. Brad was raised (1) in a very religious American family. His father William Pitt was a manager in a company. His mother was a school teacher. He has a brother and sister, Douglas and Julie. After graduating high school Brad entered the University of Missouri at Columbia where he studied journalism and advertising. Two weeks before getting his degree (2) he moved to Los Angeles, to follow his dream of becoming an actor.

Before becoming an actor Brad worked as a driver, drummed up (3) customers for a restaurant, and did other odd (4) jobs. At the same time he was attending (5) acting courses. After starring as the vampire in the horror film “Interview with the Vampire” (1994), Brad became famous.

One of his favorite movies was “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels” (1998). After his successful starring in the cult film “Fighting Club” (1999) Brad went to Guy Ritchie and asked for a part in his next movie. Brad got a role of an Irish Gipsy boxer Mickey in a film called “Snatch” (2000).

Brad married Jenifer Aniston in 2000 and divorced her in 2005. At the filming (6) of "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" (2005) he started dating (7) Angelina Jolie. They had 3 children together and Brad adopted (8) three of Jolie’s children, so the got six children. Brad and Jolie established (9) their charitable (10) organization "Jolie-Pitt Foundation (11) " to help people around the world. In 2016 they divorced (12) .

Vocabulary (используйте карточки для слов, которые сложно запоминаются):

In 1963 William Bradley Pitt was born the first child of Jane, a guidance counselor, and Bill, a trucking company manager. Though Brad is born in Shawnee, Oklahoma, the family later moves to Springfield, Missouri, where the Pitt family grows to include brother Doug and sister Julie. In Springfield Brad also worked for Colonel Day's Levi Emporium as a salesman.

In 1982 Brad attended the University of Missouri, majored in Journalism and Advertising. He posed for the "Men of Mizzou" pinup calendar and, in 1987 (his senior year), he left college, two credit hours short of graduation. He hopped in his car named 'Runaround Sue' and headed for California.

In 1986 he arrived in Los Angeles with $325 in his pocket. His first jobs were handing out free cigarette samples, standing outside El Pollo Loco restaurant in a chicken outfit and also escorting strippers around in a limousine. He also worked as a swimming pool attendant, bus boy and refrigerator boy. The money from these odd-jobs helped to pay for Community Theater and acting lessons. Slowly, he began to find his way into television and later to his breakout role.

In 1991 Brad was cast in the role of 'J.D.' a lanky cowboy in the movie 'Thelma and Louise.' In just fourteen minutes of screen time, Brad created a character so memorable that it launched what will most likely be a long, high-profile film career. He followed up that success with a good turn in 'A River Runs through It.’

In 2000, he married Jennifer Aniston, but their marriage was not log – they left not so not long ago.

Among the most famous movies where Brad Pitt was starring are rather old No Man's Land, Less Than Zero, Thelma & Louise, Cool World, A River Runs through It which appeared in the end of 80’s and beginning of 90’s. Among his recently works I can mark The Vampire Chronicles, Twelve Monkeys, Seven (for the last to works Brad Pitt won some MTV Awards and Oscars), The Devil's Own, Seven Years in Tibet, Fight Club (the role of Tyler Durden brought to the actor world popularity). In 2004 the most influential and popular magazine in movie world Total Film named Fight Club “The Greatest film of our lifetime”. Also Brad Pitt starring in such films as Snatch, Spy Game, Ocean's Eleven, and Ocean’s Twelve, in the cartoon Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas the main hero was wired by Brad Pitt. And it is necessary to mention that Brad Pitt acted the role of Achilles in the one of the most successful movies of last years – Troy.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

My favourite actor My favourite actor is Brad Pitt.

How did it all begin? William Bradley Pitt was born on the 18th of December 1963 in Shony, USA, in a religious family.

His Family His father was a manager and his mother was a teacher at a local school.

What did he want to be? After finishing school Bradley entered the Missouri university to become a journalist. But gave it up and went to Hollywood to start a career of an actor.

Bradley was a driver? Oh, no! He didn’t succeed at first. He had to work as a driver and even at the restaurant! But Brad (now he was called so) attended the actor’s courses. Then he took part in the serial “Dallas”. It was the beginning.

His best films His best films are Mr. and Mrs. Smith Ocean's Twelve Ocean's Eleven Fight Club Meet Joe Black Seven Years in Tibet Legends of the Fall

The best role Up to me Brad’s best role is Achilles in “Troy”. He is so brave, kind-hearted and handsome

His own family In 2006 he married Angelina Jolly. They have 6 children: 4 native and 2 adopted.

The best from the rest… Twice Brad Pitt was considered the most sexual man ever living. Every girl dreams of him.

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