Архимед сообщение на английском

Обновлено: 16.05.2024

Однако, принимая ванну, Архимед понял, что он может погрузить в неё корону и измерить количество вытесненной воды. But, while bathing, Archimedes realized he could immerse the crown and measure the amount the water rose.

Таким образом натурфилософия, которая в значительной степени основана на работах таких греческих и римских мыслителей, как Аристотель, Гален, Птолемей и Архимед , стала основной частью программы средневековых университетов. Natural philosophy, based largely on the works of Greek and Roman thinkers like Aristotle, Galen, Ptolemy, Archimedes and many others, therefore became a major part of the syllabuses of Medieval universities.

На канистру по-прежнему действует сила тяжести, поэтому, строго говоря, её вес остался таким же, однако, как доказал господин Архимед , в этом случае в дело вступает ещё одна сила, равная силе тяжести вытесненной этим телом воды. Now, of course, gravity is still acting on this thing, so by the strictest sense of the word, it still has the same weight as it did up here, but Mr Archimedes told us that there's another force that's come into play.

устройство для передвижения (лыжи, колеса, гусеницы, винты Архимеда , несущие пластины, водная подушка), контактирующее с морским дном; Running gear (skis, wheels, caterpillars, Archimedes screws, bearing plates, water cushion, etc.) which contacts the seabed;

В английский Архимед означает: Archimedes, archimedes (мы нашли 2 переводов). Есть не менее 222 примеров предложений с Архимед . Среди прочего: Архимед был великим математиком. ↔ Archimedes was a great mathematician. .


переводы Архимед


en an ancient Greek mathematician

Архимед был великим математиком.

Archimedes was a great mathematician.

en Archimedes (an ancient Greek mathematician)


переводы архимед


Архимед был великим математиком.

Archimedes was a great mathematician.

Словарь картинок


Эстонские университеты принимают активное участие в таких программах международного сотрудничества, как "Архимед", "Сократ", "Лингва", "Эразм", "ТЕМПУС", "ФАРЕ" и т.д

Estonian universities take an active part in such international cooperation programmes as Archimedes, Socrates, Lingua, Erasmus, TEMPUS, PHARE, etc

Первым известным математиком, который использовал этот подход, был Архимед, который аппроксимировал периметр окружности путём описывания около неё правильных многоугольников.

The first mathematician known to have used this kind of reasoning is Archimedes, who approximated the perimeter of a circle by surrounding it with regular polygons.

Несмотря на то, что востоке довольно облачно, освещение все же становится намного лучше, когда появляется Архимед.

Although it is cloudy to the east, they still get a distinct increase of light when Archimedes rises.

Эти примеры маленьких, но значительных изменений напоминают известное изречение греческого математика Архимеда.

These examples of small but powerful redesigns recall a famous teaching from the Greek mathematician Archimedes.

On the other hand, one scholar suggested that the object might be the legendary Sphere of Archimedes.

Италианское агенство "АРХИМЕД" занимается продажей недвижимости на Лигурийском побережье и во Франции на Лазурном берегу. Дла российских покупателеи мы организовали сервис "Ознакомся и купи".Эта служба была организована для вашего удобства.Она поможет вам избежать языковых и организационных трудностей,а так же позволит сочетать просмотр недвижимости и великолепный отдых на море.

Как долго могли бы Архимед или Леонардо сохранить рассудок, если бы внезапно оказались заброшены в наш мир?

How long could an Archimedes or a Leonardo have retained his sanity, if suddenly dumped into our world?

Archimedes was born in 287 BC in Syracuse, a Greek seaport colony in Sicily. Archimedes’ father was Phidias. He was an astronomer; this is all we know about his father and we learn this from Archimedes’ work, The Sandreckoner. Archimedes was educated in Alexandria, Egypt. Archimedes’ friend, Heracleides, wrote a biography about him, but this work was lost. Some authors report that he visited Egypt and there invented a tool known as the Archimedes’ screw. This is a pump, still used today in parts of the world. It is likely that, when he was a young man, Archimedes studied with the followers of Euclid. Many of his ideas seem to correspond with the mathematics developed by Euclid. This speculation is more certain because he sent his results to Alexandria with personal messages. He considered Conon of Samos, one of the greatest achieving mathematicians at Alexandria, both for his abilities as a mathematician and he also respected him as a close friend. Archimedes spent most of his life in Sicily, near Syracuse, except for his journeys to Alexandria. He never held any public office but he was faithful to his lifetime of research and experiment. At times, Archimedes became so immersed in his work that he would forget to eat. He used every surface available to do his work on, including oil on his skin to ashes from a fire. Many of Archimedes’ discoveries were put to the test during the Roman conquest of Sicily. His mechanical tools and machines were used, including the legendary catapult which he is credited for making. This was all for the protection of Syracuse. Despite the use of Archimedes’ inventions, Syracuse was captured during the Second Punic war. A Roman soldier, who found him drawing a mathematical diagram in the sand, killed Archimedes. It is said that Archimedes was so preoccupied in his calculation, that he simply said to the intruder, “Do not disturb my diagrams.” Aside from the fame Archimedes earned from his work on the Archimedes screw, he was also famous for his relationship with the king, Hiero. Hiero often had complicated problems to solve, and Archimedes solved them causing surprise among the town. The king often challenged Archimedes. One of Archimedes’ quotes is: “Give me a place to stand and I will move the Earth.” The king took him up on this challenge and invited him to move a ship that even all the men in Syracuse could not move. With his knowledge of levers and pulleys, Archimedes was able to create a machine that could move the ship. Archimedes was far beyond his time. With his discoveries in Mathematics, he was able to predict and imitate much of modern science.

It's said that Archimedes, the ancient Greek mathematician, discovered the principle of displacement while taking a bath.

Архимед, Москва, Сокольники, 1-4 апреля (золотая медаль и диплом за теплостойкие силиконовые пеноэластомеры).

Archimedes, Moscow, Sokolniki, April 1-4 (Golden medal and Diploma for зa heat-resistant silicone elastomer foam.

Архимед ставит им задачу подсчитать количество голов скота в стаде Солнца, решая ряд совместных диофантовых уравнений.

Archimedes challenges them to count the numbers of cattle in the Herd of the Sun by solving a number of simultaneous Diophantine equations.

Архимед, возможно, использовал зеркала, действующие вместе, как параболический отражатель солнечного света, чтобы сжечь корабли, атакующие Сиракузы.

Archimedes may have used mirrors acting collectively as a parabolic reflector to burn ships attacking Syracuse.

Однако, принимая ванну, Архимед понял, что он может погрузить в неё корону и измерить количество вытесненной воды.

But, while bathing, Archimedes realized he could immerse the crown and measure the amount the water rose.

Архимед - древнегреческий мыслитель, который учил нас, что если мы найдём правильные рычаги, мы сможем перевернуть мир.

Archimedes was an ancient Greek thinker, and he taught us that if we lean on the right levers, we can move the world.

Students of the Mathematical Lyceum have won six medals at the international competition "Archimedes" - one gold, four silvers and one bronze.

Знаменитый ученый Архимед не только погружал тела в жидкости, но и построил первый подъемный аппарат, очень похожий на лифт, которым мы пользуемся сегодня.

The famous scholar Archimedes not only immersed bodies in a liquid, but also constructed the first lift very similar to those that we use today.

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