Would you like to have a robot as a teacher сочинение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Урок английского языка в 8 классе «How Robots Will change Our Lives?

Цель урока: Развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции.

1) Организационный момент

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to meet you. How are you?

Pupils: Fine, thanks. And you?

Teacher: I’m ok, thank you. I’m very glad to see you today. I hope our lesson will be very interesting for you!

Teacher: Robots are coming in our life. Please, remember books, films or cartoons about robots

Pupils: Учащиеся называют книги, фильмы и мультфильмы о роботах

Teacher: What robot can you call your favourite? Why? How many types of robots do you know? What is the difference between them? Are they useful in our life? How robots can help us? Is the robot useful? Why? Why not?”

What role will robots have in our future?

Do you believe robots will be a part of everyday life?

Can robots feel and show emotion?

What are your favorite inventors?

Will robots only be functional?

Will they be our personal companions?

What can you say about the robots of today?

Pupils: Scientific achievements and technological progress make it obvious that robots will play an important role in our future. There will be different robots. Some of them will help people do routine and monotonous jobs.

Computer scientists in Japan and the USA believe that robots will be friends and helpers. Scientists see the next step is making robots that can feel and show emotion.

The robots of today can talk, play football, walk, collect information, because a robot’s brain is computer.

Of course, Robots will help make people’s lives easier.

4). Снятие лексических трудностей.

Aboard- на борту, на корабле

hottest-selling самые продаваемые

uplinkспутниковый канал связи

state-of-the- artrobot современное состояние

lobby- вестибюль, фойе

gotta - быть должным

Prejudice- предубеждение, предвзятое мнение

Prejudice never shows much reason.

To escort- сопроводить

Teacher: Now we are going to watch a short episode of the film is called “I ROBOT” (см. приложение 1).

What do you think the film is about?

What things are you going to see in the film?

Can you guess who main characters are?

What can you say about the time in which everything happens?

5). Демонстрационный этап.

T. What do you think the film is about?

What can you say about the time?

What is the main character of the film?

What is the character’s full name?

Where does this film take place?

Characterize the main characters of the film.

When did it happen?

What can you say about the 2035 year?

What changes in history will this time bring?

What do you think is going to happen next?

What happens when Robots replace Humans?

What happens to people whose jobs robots displace?

What did you like about the film? Why?

What did you dislike about this film? Why?

7) Работа в группах .

Учащиеся делятся на две группы и им предлагаются следующие задания:

Task 1.Who do the following words belong to?

Richest man in the world. I’ve seen you on television.

Don’t misunderstand my impatience.

You gotta put a robot in every home.

I got an idea for one of your commercials.

I suppose your father lost his job to a robot.

Ill send someone to escort you.

Task II. Translate into English.

1.У меня есть идея для рекламного ролика вашей компании.

I got an idea for one of your commercials.

2.самый современный робот state-of-the art robot

3.Скажите до свидание долгим обновлениям и звонкам в сервисную службу. Say goodbye to upgrade and service calls.

4.Пожалуйста, используйте лифт для прямого доступа в главный зал.

Please use the elevators for direct access to the main level concourse.

5. Я полагаю, что ваш отец потерял работу из-за роботов. I suppose your father lost his job to a robot.

Task III. Put the sentences in the right order.

Teacher: Now I want you to watch a video and check yourselves.

T. gives the table with thick and thin questions. Students should answer in pairs, then change their partners and discuss once again. After that they discuss it with the whole class.

What are robots used for?

What robots do you know (from films, cartoons)?

Give three explanations why people want to have robots?

Imagine that robots appear in every family. What is the result?

Can you agree that robots will control us one day? Why?

Is it right that robots will always be too expensive for most of people?

Do you think that robots can make us lazier and fatter?

Task V. You are the boss of the Marvel Robot company. You must design a new robot to compete with Mitsubishi’s Wakamaru robot. In pairs / groups, decide on the areas written in the column on the left:

Spotlight on Russia takes a closer look at robot technology and the latest achievements being made in Russia. — Spotlight on Russia решил присмотреться к технологиям робототехники и достижениям, сделанным в России.

Russia has always been a world leader in developing new technology.

Recently, the country has also distinguished itself in developing robot technology. A now-famous robot, the R.BOT 100, was the brainchild of a Moscow company, 3Detection Labs, which was set up in 2005.

Since then, the R.BOT 100 has revolutionised the classroom. How? Not by replacing the teacher, as you might expect, but by ‘standing in’ for sick pupils.

In 2011, a Twelve-year-old Moscow schoolboy, Stepan Supin, was confined to his home by a serious illness. But that didn’t mean he had to miss lessons. Stepan could interact with his classmates and teacher via his home computer thanks the R.BOT 100’s telepresence technology; this includes a webcam, microphone, speakers and an Internet link. Apart from being Stepan’s eyes and ears in the classroom, the robot was also called Stepan by his classmates. They thought it was a bit strange at first but soon got used to having his ‘double’ around.

It’s not only sick children who benefit from robots like these. Under the ‘Erbot’ project, people with disabilities can also find them an invaluable way of working from home. For example, by hooking up with a robot using remote control, a disabled person could work as a store consultant giving customers information and advice. Housebound people are also enabled to ‘travel’ and experience other places. They can ‘visit’ the White Nights Festival in St Petersburg or the Roman Colosseum and feel they are actually there!

Россия всегда была мировым лидером в разработке новых технологий.

Недавно страна также отличилась в развитии робототехники. Ныне известный робот, R.BOT 100, был разработан московской компанией 3Detection Labs, созданной в 2005 году.

В 2011 году двенадцатилетний московский школьник Степан Супин вынужден был находиться дома из-за серьезной болезни. Но это не означало, что он должен был пропускать уроки. Степан мог взаимодействовать со своими одноклассниками и учителем через свой домашний компьютер благодаря R.BOT 100 с технологией телеприсутствия, которая заключается в наличии веб-камеры, микрофона, динамиков и интернет-связи. Помимо того, что робот был глазами и ушами Степана в классе, его одноклассники так же называли его Степаном. Поначалу они думали, что это немного странно, но вскоре привыкли к тому, что двойник Степана находится рядом.

От таких роботов выигрывают не только больные дети. В рамках проекта Erbot инвалиды также могут приобрести бесценную возможность работы из дома. Например, при использовании дистанционного управления с роботом инвалид может работать в качестве консультанта магазина, предоставляя клиенту информацию и советы. Люди, привязанные к дому, также имеют возможность путешествовать и получать опыт от посещения других мест. Они могут посетить фестиваль Белые Ночи в Санкт-Петербурге или Римском Колизее и почувствовать, что они на самом деле там!

Do you think robots are useful? Why? Why not? — Вы думаете, роботы полезны? Почему да или нет?

I don’t think anyone doubts about robots’ usefulness. Robots can do a lot of simple things and make our everyday lives easier and more comfortable. Robots also can do many things people are unable to do so quickly and effectively. That’s why robot and computer technologies are widely used. — Я не думаю, что кто-либо сомневается в полезности роботов. Роботы могут выполнять множество простых вещей и делать нашу повседневную жизнь проще и удобнее. Роботы также могут делать много вещей, которые люди не способны выполнить настолько же быстро и эффективно. Вот почему роботы и компьютерные технологии широко используются.

Would you like to have a robot? What would you like it to do for you? — Вам бы хотелось иметь робота? Что бы вы хотели, чтобы он за вас делал?

I think lots of people would dream about having robot which could do household chores for them. But I’d like to see a good friend in my robot. I’d like to have such a robot which I could talk with, ask any question and get and advise. — Я думаю, многие люди мечтают о роботе, который мог бы делать за них работу по дому. Но я хотел бы видеть в моем роботе настоящего друга. Я бы хотел иметь такого робота, с которым я мог бы поговорить, задать любые вопросы и получить совет.

Is it a good idea to replace people with robots in certain jobs? Why? Why not? — Как вы думаете, заменить людей роботами для выполнения определенных работ, это хорошая идея? Почему да или нет?

Why not? We all know robots possess the ability to do a lot of simple things with excellent accuracy. For example, robots can assemble cars in a more efficient way than people. Robots don’t make mistakes, they can’t get tired, they don’t need a salary, a sick day or a lunchtime. People should concentrate on jobs where intellect and creativeness are needed.

Почему нет? Мы все знаем, что роботы обладают способностью делать много простых вещей с непревзойденной точностью. Например, роботы могут собирать автомобили более эффективно, чем люди. Роботы не делают ошибок, они не устают, им не нужна зарплата, больничный или обеденный перерыв. Люди же должны сосредоточиться на работе, где требуется интеллект и творчество.

Find information on other robots being developed in Russia. Write and tell us about them. — Найди информацию о других роботах, разработанных в России. Напиши и расскажи нам о них.

I don’t know how our country can be one of the world leaders in developing new robot technology and all while have the lowest robotics level in the world. A couple of years ago Sberbank and National Robot Technology Association made a survey showed that in 2018 only 860 industrial robots were sold in Russia and only 5% of them were developed in our country. There are only four robots per 10,000 workers in Russia. For instance, there are 106 robots per 10,000 workers in Europe, 91 in the USA and 75 in Asian countries.

Я не знаю, как наша страна может быть одним из мировых лидеров в разработке новой робототехники и одновременно с этим иметь самый низкий уровень робототехники в мире. Пару лет назад Сбербанк и Национальная ассоциация робототехники провели исследование, которое показало, что в 2018 году в России было продано только 860 промышленных роботов и только 5% из них были разработаны в нашей стране. На 10 тысяч работников в России приходится всего четыре робота. Например, в Европе — 106 роботов на 10000 рабочих, 91 в США и 75 в азиатских странах.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Тема :

Эссе подготовил:

Волкова Юлия Владимировна

Учитель английского языка

The English language is now the first language of about 400 million people, the native language of 12 nations and the official or semiofficial language of 33 more nations. That means one in every seven people in the world speaks English. The English language has become the "new Latin" of the 21 st century, the world’ top tongue.

Nowadays in Russia English language has become the most popular one among foreign languages.

As for me, like this language and English help me in my life.

From the very childhood I dreamt of becoming a teacher . The right choice in the modern world is becoming increasingly difficult. A great number of new and prestigious professions appear. More knowledge is required to implement one’s plans for his (her) future life. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of the individual. For many professions the character and natural gifts are not less important. I understand that the noble and time-consuming work of a teacher is not highly valued in the country, salaries are small, the environment at work is far from being favorable and the profession requires constant dedication. But I believe that doing things you love, and not just making a career, can bring excellent results. There are a lot of examples of the teachers who have become known for their work. I have read many books and watched a lot of movies about this fascinating, generous and interesting job. I think that the life of a society and a country as a whole, depend on the teachers, the quality of their work, their skills and commitment.

I think the job of a teacher is very difficult and one of the noblest professions among others. A teacher is the kindest, the most necessary and charitable profession. Not everyone is suitable for it and can make a good teacher. To become one you need to be able to sacrifice a lot, to have a passionate heart and concern for the children entrusted to you. It is one of the most responsible professions because the teacher does not deal with machines or objects, but with children, the most precious and vulnerable ‘material’. The teacher will inevitably influence them, mould their personalities, build up their prospects, as well as determine their priorities and values in life.

My choice depends on many factors. I’ve always liked reading, especially the works of English classics. Learning English language is not an easy task. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and efforts. I want to give chances to my pupils to see the world through language, to give them hopes and dreams. Thus, learning English is the window to learn the world. A good English teacher must possess many qualities: to be creative, hard -working, self-restrained, able to solve problems and make the right decisions. It is very difficult to be a good teacher because he must impart all his knowledge, skills and generosity to pupils.

Now is considered that good English teachers should not only know the subject matter because nowadays the teacher is not considered the only source of information, I certainly agree with this theory, but I consider that you should not be a good teacher of English language if you don't know English, by this I mean that good teacher expect other specifics should know the subject. Then other quality that the teacher must possess is the quality called "knowing your students", by knowing our students we will know what do they need, what do they know and what they don't know. Of course by knowing our students we will use the appropriate method for them during the process of teaching. Typical daily duties of an English teacher include preparing, assigning and grading lessons and homework and evaluating students and preparing progress reports.

Teachers have the very important responsibility of shaping the lives of young, impressionable children. With this responsibility comes great pride and joy. Therefore all teachers should strive for what can be considered to be a “good teacher.” A good teacher can be defined as someone who always pushes students to want to do their best while at the same time trying to make learning interesting as well as creative. A positive or negative influence from a teacher early on in life can have a great effect on the life of a child. Teachers, especially at the elementary level, must be very creative with their teaching styles. Not every child learns the same way, nor are they interested in the same things. It is difficult to keep the attention of 15-20 children under the age of ten. Teachers do not only teach their subjects. They develop their pupils' intellect, their attitudes to life and to other people.

For me being a teacher is a pleasure. It is good to know that there is a child that adores and loves you. And I'll be more satisfied when I'll know that they are learning things from me. I do not like to be adorable from my students just because I'm their teacher, but I would like them to value my work. I thing that I have sufficient reasons to become an English teacher. I hope one day to be the most successful teacher.

Many people believe that teachers can be replaced by computers, while others think it is impossible. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue.

In my opinion, computers cannot replace teachers. First, the teaching process does not simply include teaching facts, but also emotions, which computers do not have. People connect facts and knowledge with their experience and memory. If computers hold classes, most of the people will not be able to memorize or learn much. Secondly, computers cannot teach children to communicate and collaborate in a human way. They do not have a mind and cannot take decisions.

However, some people believe that teachers’ replacement with computers is possible. According to them, all teaching material is available online and properly explained.

There is no need for a teacher to learn it.

Personally, I do not agree with the opinion above because computers are electronic devices and they cannot motivate students to study. People tend to leave the learning for the future and in most cases that future will never arrive. There are not many people who can do their work without being obliged to do it.

To summarize, I would like to say that computers cannot abolish teachers. There are many things, which only humans can teach other humans.

На мой взгляд, компьютеры не могут заменить учителей. Во-первых, учебный процесс включает в себя не только факты, но и эмоции, которых нет у компьютеров. Люди связывают факты и знания со своим опытом и памятью. Если компьютеры будут проводить занятия, большинство людей не смогут многое запомнить и многому научиться. Во-вторых, компьютеры не могут научить детей общаться и сотрудничать по-человечески. У них нет сознания и они не могут принимать решения.

Однако некоторые считают, что замена учителей компьютерами возможна. По их словам, все учебные материалы размещены в Интернете и надлежащим образом разъяснены. Нет необходимости в учителе, чтобы выучить его.

Лично я не согласен с этим мнением, потому что компьютеры являются электронными устройствами и они не могут мотивировать студентов к учебе. Люди, как правило, оставляют учебу на потом, и в большинстве случаев оно никогда не наступает. Не так уж много людей, которые могут выполнять свою работу, не будучи обязаны это делать.

Подводя итог, хочу сказать, что компьютеры не могут упразднить учителей. Есть много вещей, которым могут научить других людей только люди.

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 2 балла

1) Во втором абзаце лучше говорить не о памяти (memory), а о воспоминаниях (memories).

2) Сомнителен приведённый во втором абзаце тезис о том, что компьютеры не могут принимать решения.

3) Некорректно сформулированное последнее предложение третьего абзаца несколько искажает смысл эссе.

К2 (организация текста) – 2 балла

Во втором абзаце следует заменить либо first на firstly, либо secondly на second, поскольку на данный момент не соблюдено единообразие вводных элементов.

К3 (лексика) – 2 балла

2) take decisions – make decisions [В данном выражении обычно используется глагол make];

3) abolish teachers – replace teachers [Глагол abolish не вполне подходит, поскольку обозначает скорее устранение, а не замену чего-либо].

К4 (грамматика) – 2 балла

1) most of the people – most people [Артикль и предлог не нужны];

3) leave the learning for the future – leave learning for the future [Артикль не нужен].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 2 балла

many things , which only humans – many things which only humans [Запятая в ограничительных придаточных не требуется].

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