What sort of person are you сочинение

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Choosing a career is like any other activity; it is best to work to a plan. Too many people start looking for a specific job before thinking over their occupational aims. It is a good idea to begin by attempting to define in clear terms what are your requirements for the career. This involves taking a realistic view of your strengths and weaknesses. You may think for example, that you would like a job which involves organizing people, but liking such a job is not a sufficient justification if experience you already may have suggests that this is not your strong point. On the other hand, you should remember that training willl allow you to do new things. A further point to consider is whether you can do things which you do not like but know that they are necessary to achive your longer term objectives. Having thought carefully about the sort of person you are, try to work out a realistic set of occupational requirments. In particular, you must answer some important questions. First: what sort of life do you want to live? For example, do you want to live in the country or in the town? Is leisure time of great importance to you? Is the size of your salary important? Do you want to put down roots or travel widely? Second: what sort of work do you want to do? For example, do you like working alone or with others? Does teaching people appeal to you? Do you want to be an organizer of other people's activities? Do you want to develop new ideas and initiate changes?
As for me, I have made up my mind to be an engineer. As my parents are engineers they have made a great influence on my choice and I can say that this profession runs the family. My choice of this occupation didn't come as a sudden flash. I think that nowdays this profession is of great need and importance for our country. It is my aim to be a qualified specialist and to serve in the interests of my country. To be a well prepared engineer I should have some important qualities: great capability persistence, knowledge of science and, of course, knowledge of foreign languages. In spite of these arguments we musn't forget about everybody's vocation. I think that my abilities combined with the knowledge would be quite enough to succeed in my work.

Teacher: Today our lesson is devoted to ourselves, our friends. We’ll learn to give the characteristics to ourselves, to our friends, to members of our families and etc.

III. Речевая зарядка. (На доске прикреплен силуэт человека)

Today we’ll speak about ourselves. Look at this man. What kind of person is he? What does the man look like? What is he like? How is he? We don’t know. Our task is to make the man with character, appearance, hobby, family and etc.

The motto of our lesson is:

“I am the child of my parents,

I am what I love,

I am what I work at,

I am what I wish,

I am what I fear,

I am what I believe,

I am what I see,

I am what I hear,

I am what I eat,

(Учащиеся читают хором, затем индивидуально)

IV. Обучение аудированию.

Listen the text about the girls. Here are some the questions on the cards. Tick the numerous of the text on the cards opposite the questions.

(What does she like?

What is she like?

What does she look like?

1) I have many friends but Jane? Brenda and Ann are my special friends. No we are in the 7 th form. We are great friends. We all have different dreams. We spend free time together. But nowadays Jane is ill, she doesn’t go to school. We are going to visit her at home.

2) My best friend Jane is good at everything: sport, school, art. She is also very popular with all pupils. She is going in for tennis. Her dream is to become a tennis champion. That’s why she spend much time for tennis, she has no free time for us.

3) Jane looks like her mother. She is blue-eyed as her mother. Everybody likes her shining eyes. She has plump cheeks, rosy lips. To look more attractive she sometimes wears make-up. She has nice modern clothes on.

4) This is Brenda. She is a very nice-looking girl. She is fond of singing and she has a lovely voice. Most for all she likes to sing folk-songs. She is very good at school. She is going to be a teacher.

5) This is Alice. She is good-natured girl and everybody says she is a very humorous girl. She loves a good joke and knows many anecdotes. She is kind-hearted. That’s why she has many friends, Alice a very sociable person. But Alice is very lazy and often lates to school.

V. Обучение устной речи.

Answer my questions.

1. Is your family important for you?

2. Is your appearance important for you?

3. Are your friends important for you?

4. Is your hobby important for you?

5. Are your problems important for you?

6. Is your school important for you?

7. Are your likes-dislikes important for you?

8. Are the people around you important for you?

9. Is your country important for you?

10. What kind of person are you?

VI. What sort of person are you? Read the sentences and find the answer on the desk.

1) Are you aware of other people feeling? [Kind-hearted]
2) Do you find it difficult to meet new people? [Unsociable]
3) Do you make people laugh? [Humorous]
4) Do you mood change often and suddenly? [Moody]
5) Can you friends trust (доверять) you and depend of you? [Reliable]
6) Do you generally like other people’s company? [Sociable]
7) Can you usually understand other peoples point of you? [Sensitive]
8) Do you worry and think too much about detail? [Practical]
9) Are you interested in other people and their business? [Inquisitive]
10) Are you usually quite and happy smiley person? [good-moody]
11) When decisions have to be made do you think first to yourself? [Selfish]
12) When he sees the old woman he gets up and says: “Please, take the seat”. [Polite]
13) The man, who says only the truth [honest]
14) Are there lots of things you want to do in your professional life? [Ambitious]

VII. Проверка домашнего задания (рассказ о своем друге)

VIII. Чтение. Работа с учебником.

Read the text and answer the questions.

What did the children from the youth club organize?

Who are the children going to help?

How were they going to help animals?

Do you think that Charlie’s speech was brilliant?

IX. Обучение устной речи.

What kind of person is he? Ученики характеризуют человека. Учитель по мере проговаривания учениками располагает слова-характеристики в виде солнечных лучей вокруг контура человека.

Does he look like the sun? What does the sun can do? Yes, it warms. Does the kind man warm? Yes, he does. Is this man kind? Yes, he does.

На следующем этапе урока предлагается игра с “волшебным стулом”. Ученику пожелавшему сесть на этот стул, ученики говорят только добрые слова и дают положительную характеристику.

X. Подведение итогов урока. Заканчивается урок стихотворением , которое зачитывали в начале урока.

10. I find it difficult to admit that I may be wrong.

12. I am ambitious.

13. I am usually calm and not easily upset.

14. I am fashion-conscious.

15. I am satisfied with my appearance.

16. I am superstitious.

17. I enjoy eating good food.

18. I can relax quite easily.

19. I enjoy being the center of attention.

20. I find it hard to talk to strangers.

21. I find that my first impression of a person is usually correct.

22. I get upset if someone criticizes me.

Speak about:

- a type of person you like to be with;

- a type of person you don’t like to be with;

- What sort of person annoys you;

- Two good points and two bad points about yourself, etc.

XI. You are studying English. Answer the following questions. Speak about your study habits (Student’s Study Habits Questionnaire):

Full name: __________________________________

Home address: _______________________________

What study materials do you use when you study English? ____________

How many hours a week do you study English by yourself? ____________

Which part of the day do you prefer to study at?____________________

When you study where do you prefer to sit? ______________________

What disturbs you most when you are studying? ____________________

What do you like best about learning English? _______________________

XII. a) What is your attitude to the Institute? Are you doing your best? Here is a questionnaire. Answer the questions and work out the score.

Are You Doing Your Best?

1. You are ten minutes late for the Institute. You know that it is not the first time you come late and the teacher is going to be angry when you arrive. What do you do?

- Run all the way and apologize to the teacher. (3)

- Do not worry about it. It does not matter. (1)

- Give up and go home. (0)

1. A week ago the teacher gave an essay to write. Tomorrow is an absolute deadline. You:

- Started to work at an essay immediately, now it is ready. (3)

- Waited until the last moment and now you have to sit up late to finish it in time. (2)

- Have had your essay written by a professional. (1)

2. You have to choose between English and German. How do you make your decision?

- You choose the language you think easier. (1)

- You choose the subject with a nicer teacher. (2)

- You choose the language that you think you will need in your future profession. (3)

4. What do you enjoy most about Institute?

- The bell telling that the lessons are over. (0)

- Five or six really interesting lessons. (3)

- Meeting your friends there. (1)

5. You have too much homework and you cannot do it all. What do you do?

- Give up and find something interesting to do. (0)

- Do the subjects you enjoy and forget the others. (2)

- Try your best and ask your teachers for help. (3)

6. Where do you usually sit at the lessons?

- At a place where you can see the board and hear your teacher clearly. (3)

- At the back of the class, so the teachers cannot see you talking. (0)

- Next to your best friend. (2)

7. How much of subjects do you think will be necessary in your future occupation?

- Most of them because they prepare you for the adult professional life. (3)

- None of them. They have got nothing to do with professional work. (0)

- Some practical things help, but the rest is rubbish. (1)


2 – 7: You hate the Institute and cannot wait when your study is over.

8 – 14: You and your Institute are going parallel ways and occasionally cross.

15 – 21: You love the Institute and you are doing your best.

b) Do you agree with the score? Why? Why not?

- I agree with my score. I got 19 and I love my Institute.

- I don’t agree. I got only 5 points but I don’t hate my Institute, etc.

C) What could you do to make the Institute better? What things could your teachers do?

- I could work a little bit harder.

- Teachers could give us less homework, etc.

XIII. Discuss if it is easy for you to get along with people who:

Read the questions. Answer the questionnaire, then read the text “What kind of person are you?”.
• Have you got a pet? What is your favourite animal?
• Is it a dog, a cat, a bird, a mouse, a turtle? or is it a fish?
• ARE YOU friendly? kind? loving? polite? modest? clean? tidy? hard−working?
What kind of person are you?

The favourite pet of all time is the dog. If you have got a pet dog, you are a friendly person who likes talking to people. You don’t have any secrets. People like to be around you because you are kind and loving. You don’t like to say anything to hurt other people’s feelings.

You are polite and modest. You pay attention to details. You don’t like making even little mistakes in your work.

You are an observer. You see little details that other people usually don’t see. You are a thinker and a listener. You are good at speaking, too. But you are a better listener than a speaker. People enjoy your company.

You are clean and tidy. You don’t like it when people give orders. If you do something, it’s because you think you must do it, not because of someone’s orders.

You love nature and freedom. You don’t like rules. On weekends, you prefer to travel rather than stay at home. You enjoy travelling by airplane.

You like to be alone. You have a simple lifestyle, and you are polite and hard−working. You don’t care about what others have to say. Sometimes they hurt your feelings, but you just pay no attention to them.


• Have you got a pet? What is your favourite animal?
− Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. My favourite animal is a tiger / a cat / an elephant.
• Is it a dog, a cat, a bird, a mouse, a turtle? or is it a fish?
− Yes, it is. It’s a turtle. / No, it isn’t. It isn’t a fish.
• ARE YOU friendly? kind? loving? polite? modest? clean? tidy? hard−working?
− Yes, I am. I am friendly. / I am kind. / I’m loving. / I am polite. / I’m modest. / I’m clean. / I am tidy. / I am hard−working.

Перевод ответа
• У тебя есть домашнее животное? Какое твое любимое животное?
− Да. / Нет. Мое любимое животное − тигр / кот / слон.
• Это собака, кошка, птица, мышь, черепаха? или это рыба?
− Да. Это черепаха. / Нет. Это не рыба.
• Ты дружелюбный? Добрый? любящий? вежливый? скромный? чистый? аккуратный? трудолюбивый?
− Да. Я дружелюбный. / Я добрый. / Я любящий. / Я вежливый. / Я скромный. / Я чистый. / Я аккуратный. / Я трудолюбивый.

У каждого человека свой характер. Если вы собираетесь написать сочинение о своих личных качествах на английском языке, вам помогут примеры на этом сайте.

I am a cheerful person / Я жизнерадостный человек

My friends say that I am an optimist. I don’t know, maybe I am. But actually I don’t look at the world through rose-colored glasses. I just prefer not to worry about things that I can’t change. And I deal with one thing at a time. That helps me not to get stressed out.

I am a versatile person. I often drop my hobbies in order to try something new. Trying new activities makes me really happy. My mother says that I should be more persistent to achieve good results. But I don’t see the point in doing something I don’t like anymore. I think that a wide range of interests makes a person broad-minded.

I have many friends and I like to spend time with them. So I guess I am a sociable person and probably an extrovert. I like parties, concerts, sport festivals and other mass events.

I realize that I have some character faults. I am not always punctual. I may be forgetful and sometimes loose stuff. I have to use an organizer not to miss something important.

The assessment of your own personality might lack objectivity. But I guess that I am generally spontaneous and easy-going person.

Мои друзья говорят, что я оптимист. Не знаю, может, и так. Но на самом деле я не смотрю на мир сквозь розовые очки. Я просто предпочитаю не беспокоиться о вещах, которые я не могу изменить. И я решаю проблемы по мере поступления. Это помогает сохранять спокойствие.

Я разносторонний человек. Я часто бросаю свои увлечения, чтобы попробовать что-то новое. Пробовать новые виды деятельности - настоящее удовольствие для меня. Моя мама говорит, что я должен быть более настойчивым, чтобы добиться хороших результатов. Но я не вижу смысла делать то, что мне больше не нравится. Я думаю, что интерес к разным темам способствует расширению кругозора.

У меня много друзей, и мне нравится проводить с ними время. Поэтому я думаю, что я общительный человек и, вероятно, экстраверт. Мне нравятся вечеринки, концерты, спортивные праздники и другие массовые мероприятия.

Я понимаю, что у меня есть и отрицательные черты характера. Я не всегда пунктуален. Я бываю забывчивым и иногда теряю вещи. Мне приходится использовать органайзер, чтобы не пропустить что-то важное.

Оценка собственной личности может быть недостаточно объективной. Но думаю, что я довольно спонтанный и легкий на подъем.

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