What is art for me сочинение

Обновлено: 01.07.2024

Когда вы последний раз рисовали что–нибудь? Умеете ли вы разглядеть необычное в обычном и наоборот? А как у вас дела с воображением в принципе? Говорят, с теми, у кого оно бурное не соскучишься. Мы находим красоту вокруг нас и восхищаемся ею, делимся с другими и расчитываем на совпадение мнения с нашим и расстраиваемся, когда этого не происходит. Как бы то ни было, а все виды искусств служат величайшему из них — искусству жить на земле. What kind of artist are you?

Essay on About art

It does make sense, to start with that modern people, in general, are fond of grumbling. According to their point of view, life seems to be too complicated and unbearable. However, they always know better, how to make it easier. That's one of the main reasons, why school subjects are currently under debates. Many people reckon, that, for instance, subjects connected with art are of very little use today. That's why it's jolly urgent to pay our attention to this curious topic in order to indicate all advantages and drawbacks of art subjects.

To agree with the statement, I'd like to emphasize, that in our daily life art knowledge is not so demanded and needed. Actually, we are able to live well without art and be quite satisfied with ourselves. In addition, people could say that not everyone has some outstanding skills or natural talent to sing or dance, thus such people would always be worse than others. Bottom line, it will influence their self–respect. And that doesn't sound cool at all. Nonetheless, it is believed, that it is of vital importance to be aware of music and art history. People suppose, that it strongly effects and even improves the process of self-development, as well as psychism in general. So, there is a germ of truth in it.

Speaking of my opinion, firstly, it would be better to answer the question whether an individual who doesn't have any experience and knowledge in the art could be considered sophisticated in the modern society with its strict and moral standards. I guess it is almost impossible. From this perspective, everyone can agree, that art subjects are surely important for all students.

In conclusion, I'm going to mention, that we are all different. Opinions differ. We all have our own strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, therefore it's senseless to say that everyone should devote themselves to art or science only. At the same time, living in the 21st century, it's better to be educated, many–sided and maintain an open mind to reach goals. That's it.

Сочинение About art на английском с переводом, изображение 1

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Сочинение на тему Об искусстве

Имеет смысл начать с того, что современные люди, в общем, любят поворчать. По их мнению, жизнь кажется слишком сложной и невыносимой. Тем не менее, они всегда лучше знают как сделать ее легче. Это одна из основных причин, почему школьные предметы в настоящее время бурно обсуждают. Сегодня, многие считают, что, например, предметы, связанные с искусством, являются бесполезными. Вот почему очень важно обратить внимание на эту любопытную тему, чтобы определить все преимущества и недостатки дисциплин по искусству.

Соглашаясь с данным утверждением, я бы хотел подчеркнуть, что в нашей повседневной жизни искусство не так востребовано и необходимо. На самом деле, мы способны прекрасно жить без него и быть вполне удовлетворенными. В добавок, люди могли бы сказать, что не у всех есть какие-либо выдающиеся навыки или врожденный талант к пению или танцам. Таким образом, эти люди всегда будут хуже остальных. Короче говоря, это повлияет на их самоуважение. А это вовсе не круто. Тем не менее, считается, что жизненно необходимо иметь представление о музыке и истории искусства. Люди полагают, что это оказывает сильное воздействие и даже способствует улучшению саморазвития, а также умственных способностей в целом. Итак, в этом есть доля правды.

Беря во внимание мою мнение, сначала было бы лучше ответить на вопрос, может ли человек, не имеющий опыта и знаний в искусстве, считаться эрудированным в современном обществе с его строгими стандартами и моралью. Думаю, это почти невозможно. Исходя из этой точки зрения, каждый может согласиться с тем, что предметы искусства, безусловно, важны для всех учащихся.

В заключение, я хотел бы упомянуть, что мы все отличаемся. Cколько людей, столько и мнений. Также, у нас есть свои сильные и слабые стороны, и возможности, поэтому бессмысленно говорить, что каждый должен посвятить себя только искусству или науке. В то же время, в 21 веке лучше быть образованным, разносторонним и придерживаться широких взглядов, чтобы достичь целей. Вот так–то.

Some might say that art is not so important in a person's life. And indeed, scientific developments, inventions, and research in the natural Sciences are much more important. All this gives us knowledge about the world around us, helps us survive in it, and even, to some extent, manage certain processes.

But if you imagine that art never existed: no songs, no paintings, no art books, no movies, no theater… What would our life be like then? I am sure that it would be dull and gray, joyless, and people would be more like robots or animals that are only interested in the natural needs of the body.

Art gives a person the opportunity to open up, show the world their talent, their emotions, feelings, and soul. And the audience appreciates works of art not only out of idle interest, they get aesthetic pleasure from them, they are charged with energy and positive emotions.

Remember how many strings in your soul can touch your favorite melody? Or maybe you were crying from watching a movie or listening to an Opera Aria with your eyes closed? Some paintings can be viewed endlessly, finding a new meaning in them or simply being transferred to the place depicted on them.

That's what art is for, it makes a person feel. It gives joy, hope, sometimes sadness, a whole kaleidoscope of feelings and emotions.

It is enough to remember how during the war the people rallied to Patriotic songs and poems. They gave people hope, faith, and the strength to fight.

You can't underestimate the role of art in a person's life. Without emotions and feelings, a person will be one-sided and uninteresting. It should be developed comprehensively, and the sense of beauty plays an important role in this. I am sure that there is no person in the world who is not interested in absolutely any kind of art.

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The art always goes with the mankind. The different forms of art existed in Ancient times. Of course, all people know about cave art. The images of animals and people were found in many caves. It is hard to imagine but these images belong to the Paleolithic age! With the development different kinds and forms of the art have been appearing: paintings, sewing, embroidering, literature, film industry and even invisible art.

Искусство всегда сопутствует человечеству. Различные формы искусства уже существовали в Древние времена. Конечно, все знают о наскальной живописи. Изображения животных и людей были найдены во многих пещерах. Трудно себе представить, но эти изображения относятся к эпохе палеолита! С развитием появились различные виды и формы искусства: картины, шитье, вышивка, литература, киноиндустрия и даже невидимое искусство.

What is the art? People often argue about its definition because everyone understands it in his or her own way, especially people who make pieces of art. As for the broad sense of this word, here you also find different definitions of it. It can mean the figurative interpretation of the reality or the process or the result of the expressing of the world in an artistic way. There are more definitions of the art depending on the particular field.

Что такое искусство? Люди часто спорят о его определении, потому что все понимают его по-своему, особенно творческие личности. Что касается широкого смысла этого слова, вы также найдете здесь разные его определения. Искусство может означать образную интерпретацию реальности или процесс или результат выражения мира художественным образом. Существует несколько определений искусства в зависимости от конкретной области.

We can speak about art as a science. However I want to speak about its kinds, especially about film industry, paintings, literature and modern art. Let us start with the film industry. There are different genres of the films, for example, biopic, drama, comedies, thrillers and so on. I like breath-taking films. Films are, first of all, visual form of the art. Paintings are also visual form of the art. I like the works of I.K. Aivazovsky, for example. I am a bookworm so literature is my favourite kind of art. I like detective stories. Modern art is often misunderstood, for example, when we speak about invisible art.

Можно говорить об искусстве как науке. Однако я хочу поговорить о его видах, особенно о киноиндустрии, живописи, литературе и современном искусстве. Давайте начнем с киноиндустрии. Существуют разные жанры фильмов, например, биография, драма, комедии, триллеры и т.д. Мне нравятся захватывающие дух фильмы. Фильмы – это, прежде всего, визуальная форма искусства. Картины – это также визуальная форма искусства. Мне нравятся работы И.К. Айвазовского. Я книжный червь, поэтому литература – мой любимый вид искусства. Мне нравятся детективные рассказы, например. Современное искусство часто не понимают, например, когда мы говорим о невидимом искусстве.

The art is the important part of the life. I think it is impossible to imagine the life without art.

Искусство – важная часть жизни. Я думаю, что жизнь без искусства невозможно представить.

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Art plays an important role in the life of a man and sometimes it is next to impossible to live without it. It helps the people`s understanding of their culture. Art allows people to talk about emotionally meaningful experiences.

I think that art has many functions and it’s hard to overestimate the role of art in one’s life. Art has great influence on our souls, feelings, forms our moral values. Art forms our outlook and enriches our inner world. Art influences greatly the development and of evolution of consciousness of a person and of the mankind. Art makes us think of the sense of life, how people must live, what is ideal of beauty, what is love the eternal questions. Art helps us to understand people who lived hundred years ago and to learn the history of the humankind. Art creates our notion about beauty and harmony. Art helps people to understand outside world and each other. Art develops our good qualities. Art has a great educational significance. Art brings people up - makes them more humane and kind.

It is natural that the first thing that comes to my mind at the mention of the word ‘art’ is museums. A museum is a stock of the world’s masterpieces, it is the place, where you can enrich knowledge, you can look at the achievements of mankind, you can satisfy your aesthetic taste. Museums give the possibility to be always in touch with the past and every time discover something new for yourself. Besides, museums play an important role in the life of any nation. A museum is just the right place to find out lots of interesting things about history, traditions and habits of different peoples. One may find in museums papers, photos, books, scripts, works of art, personal things of famous people etc. All this helps us to understand historical events, scientific discoveries, character and deeds of well-known personalities better. I think museums somehow effect the formation of personality, his outlook. Every educated person is sure to understand the great significance of museums in our life; you may go to your favourite museum, relax there with your body and soul and acquire inner harmony and balance.

But to my mind everywhere you go art is evident. Parks often use sculptures to add interest and to inform people. Posters on walls give information and motivation. Music plays on the radio to keep your energy levels up. Without even realizing it we find ourselves immersed in the power of art most of the time!

Art is everywhere, influencing us on a daily basis, whether we realize it or not. With the art that we are surrounded by, whether it’s a painting, music or even videos it can have a huge impact on our mood and emotions. Of course, some art is very dark and can cause disturbing emotions, anger or even depression but we can choose what kind of art we want to be surrounded by in our own environment at home to make you feel good. All kinds of art can affect our mood in a positive way, making us feel happier, calmer, or even inspired to do something.

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Art is an integral and significant part of our life. It was born at the dawn of the human race. Ancient man already conveyed what he saw, his emotions and thoughts, drawing on the walls of rocks - this was the origin of art. It was drawing that was the first round in the history of art, then music and dancing. These types of art can be considered the earliest, to some extent primitive. Today, there is a great variety of art forms: from singing and versification to cinema and theater.

The concept of "art" has many different definitions and interpretations, but each person understands it in his own way. For me, art is a labor-intensive complex concept that includes many components.

In my opinion, art is an aesthetic force that brings a person to the beautiful, awakens different feelings and emotions, makes you think, enriches our spiritual world. Real art, in my opinion, should "take for the soul, " transfer a person to a fantasy world, instill faith in miracles. "When I hear the word art, I immediately imagine an art gallery. For thousands of years, famous artists have given us their talent and soul, imprinted in their works. The world does not cease to admire such creations as: "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci, "Sistine Madonna" by Raphael, "Starry Night" by Van Gogh, "Girl with a Pearl Earring" by Jan Vermeer, etc. These pictures are priceless, they are kept in different museums by all over the world, thousands of people every day admire them, admiring every line. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

An equally important art for me is architecture. I dream of traveling a lot, visiting architectural monuments and important architectural structures, for example: Big Ben, Red Square, the Statue of Liberty, the Colosseum, Egyptian pyramids, etc. It seems to me that they keep in themselves a secret and a part of the soul of their creators.

Art has a great influence on man. It can make you cry or laugh, hate or love, grieve or rejoice. Sometimes art can be the only means that will help to gather spirit and inspire a feat, even when we are spiritually and morally broken. This is how people during the war did not tire of fighting, although they were both physically and mentally exhausted, people were morally exhausted and suffered from the severity of the losses experienced. And even getting out of the way, the soldiers went into battle, singing songs about the Motherland and about the house, about love and happiness. Songs helped them survive the horrors of war.

It is worth noting that art, despite its appearance, has a great influence on the human worldview and occupies a significant place in the modern world.

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