What does home mean to you сочинение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

What does the word "home" mean to you? How do you say the word in French? in Spanish? in your language? Although people usually know what the word means, it often has no exact translation. It's not surprising really, because the idea of home varies from country to country and from person to person. A home is more than a roof and four walls. It's the cooking, eating, talking, playing and family living. And at home you usually feel safe and relaxed.

But it's not just that homes look different in different countries, they also contain different things and reveal different attitudes and needs. For example, in cold northern Europe, there's a fire in the living room or kitchen and all the chairs face it. In the south, where the sun shines a lot and it's more important to keep the heat out, there are small windows, cool stone floors and often no carpets. We asked some people about their homes.

What's the main room in your home?

The kitchen, because its warm and we have breakfast, lunch and dinner there every day.

Jackie, Cork, Ireland

Do you have a television ? If so, where ?

In the bedroom. We like to watch it in bed.

Maurice, Bruges, Belgium

Do you lock your door when you go out?

In cities we do. Although when I was a child in the Tatra mountains, we left the door open with bread and dishes of food and something to drink, such as a glass of milk, on a table inside, so that visitors and travellers could stop and refresh themselves.

Grazyna, Katowice, Poland

If you live in a town, do you stay there at weekends? Well, we live in the town, but only because i'm an architect and I work there. I really wouldn't call it home - that's what I call our house in the country where we go every weekend.

Elizabeth, San Paulo, Brazil What are typical features of homes in your country? In Britain, even in the town there's always a garden and sometimes a cellar. We have separate bedrooms and living rooms. But we don't often have balconies or terraces. The weather isn't warm enough!

Pat, Exeter, England

So home means different things to different people. What does it mean to you?

to vary ['vɛəri] - менять(ся), изменять(ся)

to reveal [ri'vi:l] - разоблачать, обнаруживать

attitude ['ætitju:d] - отношение, позиция

a cellar ['selə] - погреб, погреб

1. Read the first two paragraphs. What does home mean ? Do you agree?

2. What does home mean to you? Write five words or phrases, which you associate with the idea. Find out what other students in your class wrote. Read the rest of the passage and answer the questions for your country.

Правила дома

Но в разных странах дома не только выглядят по-разному, они также содержат различные вещи и проявляют различные позиции и потребности. Например, в холодной Северной Европе, в гостиной или кухне есть камин, и все стулья стоят перед ним. На юге, где много солнца и в первую очередь надо защититься от жары в домах маленькие окна, прохладные каменные полы и чаще всего не бывает никаких ковров. Мы опросили нескольких людей относительно их домов.

Какова главная комната в вашем доме?

Кухня, поскольку она теплая и мы там завтракаем, обедаем и ужинаем каждый день.

Джекки, Корк, Ирландия

У вас есть телевизор? Если да, то где?

В спальни. Мы любим смотреть его лежа в постели.

Морис, Брюг, Бельгия

Вы запираете дверь, когда выходите из дома?

В городах замыкаем. Хотя когда мы жили в горах Татрах, а я еще был ребенком, мы оставляли дверь незапертой, оставляли хлеб, тарелки с едой и что-нибудь

попить, например стакан молока, на столе в доме, чтобы посетители и путешественники могли остановиться и подкрепиться.

Гражина, Катовице, Польша

Если вы живете в городе, вы остаетесь там на выходные?

Мы живем в городе, но только потому, что я - архитектор и работаю там. Я и правда не назвала бы это домом. Домом я называю наш дом в деревне, куда мы ездим каждого выходного дня.

Элизабет, Сан-Паулу, Бразилия

Какие типичные черты имеют дома в вашей стране?

В Британии, даже в городе, всегда есть сад, а иногда и погреб. У нас отдельные спальни и гостиной. Но у нас мало кто имеет балконы или террасы. Погода не достаточно тепла!

Пэт, Экзетер, Англия

Итак, понятие дома означает разные вещи для разных людей. А что это понятие означает для вас?

Автор: Соловьева Светлана Геннадьевна

Организация: МБОУ СОШ №2

Населенный пункт: Оренбургская область, г. Бугуруслан

Учитель: Соловьева Светлана Геннадьевна

Тема: What does home mean to you? (Модуль 2)

УМК: “Английский в фокусе” для 9 классов общеобразовательных учреждений (авторы О.Подоляко, Ю.Ваулина, Д.Дули, В.Эванс), 2016 г.

Планируемые результаты:

Личностные: устойчивая мотивация к изучению английского языка; обучение сотрудничеству и работе в группах, формирование навыков межличностного общения; воспитание чувства взаимопомощи и поддержки через работу в парах и группах.

Метапредметные: Умение осуществлять самоконтроль и взаимоконтроль, адекватно оценивать себя и окружающих в различных видах деятельности, анализировать происходящие изменения.

Предметные: употребление изученных лексических единиц и грамматических структур в связной речи; чтение текста с извлечением определённой информации; совершенствование навыка аудирования и устной речи по теме; активизация самостоятельной деятельности учащихся.

Формируемые УУД:

Познавательные: -умение выделять общие и существенные признаки, делать обобщающие выводы; - умение анализировать, устанавливать причинно-следственные связи, строить логическое рассуждение; - умение использовать знаково - символические средства и схемы для решения задач.

Регулятивные: - умение оценивать правильность выполнения учебной задачи, собственные возможности её решения; - владение основами самоконтроля, самооценки, принятия решений и осуществления осознанного выбора в учебной и познавательной деятельности; - умение организовывать учебное сотрудничество; - умение работать индивидуально и в группе.

Коммуникативные: -умение организовывать учебное сотрудничество и совместную деятельность с учителем и сверстниками; - умение адекватно использовать коммуникативные, прежде всего речевые, средства для решения различных коммуникативных задач; - владение устной и письменной речью.

Личностные: -формирование коммуникативной компетенции; -осознание возможности самореализации средствами иностранного языка; - формирование мотивационной основы учебной деятельности, включающей социальные, учебно-познавательные и внешние мотивы; - формирование чувства прекрасного, основ экологической культуры.

Используемые личностно-ориентированные технологии: технология развития критического мышления, технология обучения в сотрудничестве и метод проектов. Цель данных образовательных технологий: развитие интеллектуальных умений учащихся, необходимых не только в учебе, но и в обычной жизни (умение принимать взвешенные решения, работать с информацией, анализировать различные стороны явлений и др.).

Формы организации учебной деятельности: фронтальная, парная и групповая работа.

Методы и приемы: наглядные (демонстрация видео и изображений), частично-поисковый (работа с текстом, выделение главной мысли, работа с рабочим листом), словесные (инструктаж, обсуждение).

Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, видеозаписи, раздаточный материал, материал для оформления доски, бейджи.

A home is a place where you can feel comfortable and safe. For me, a home is just an environment where you can be free and can be yourself. A place can also become a home with the people you surround yourself with.

My home is a place of safety, peace, and unity. A house is not a home, it is a place where you live, but a home is a place where you are comfortable and happy, a place where you can create a lot of positive, and maybe even not so positive memories. It is a place where you would be completely at peace with spending your life there.

Билет №9

Вопрос №1. Text №21 An interview

Read the interview with a British businessman and say in 2-3 sentences what it is about.

This interview with f British businessman is about technologies for communication. They speak about the development of technologies, mobile phones and different means of communication. A lot of people in Britain depend on modern devices and technologies.

What are the benefits of the computers? Read aloud the extract which describes them.

How do businessmen benefit from using technological means of communication at their workplace?

The benefits of using technological means of communication cannot be denied. They save valuable time and space. Time­consuming tasks such as checking bank accounts can now be done in a matter of minutes and a large volume of information is economically stored on tiny disks.

When are technological means of communication misused?

Many people spend hours just chatting about silly, unimportant things or looking through sites for no special reason even at work.

Вопрос №2. Text №3

Where does the action take place?

The action takes place in the class at school.

What happened to the furniture in the grandmother’s room?

All the furniture in grandmother’s room was on the left side of the room, and the carpet was on the other side of the room.

Why were Martin and his friend scared?

Martin and his friend were scared because they heard a noise upstairs. They went upstairs and saw that the all furniture in his grandmother’s bedroom was on the left side of the room and then they all heard a tiny noise.

Вопрос №3. Speaking

What does your immediate family mean to you?

My immediate family is the whole world for me. My parents are wonderful people and I appreciate them a lot because they brought me to the world. I know that they love me because I am who I am. No matter what they come to help me when I get in trouble. Another thing I am grateful to them for is that I can tell them about everything because they are always on my side even if I am not right; they forgive me and take care of me. So, I think that love, respect, support and understanding make a family happy.

I don’t communicate with my extended family so much as I do with my parents (I get on well both with my family circle and other members of our extended family).

I suppose my family to be tight-knit.

Are there any family traditions that you follow?

I suppose that family traditions are important because families become more close-knit, generations stay united and understand each other better, people understand what families are and what they mean in our life. From my childhood, I remember that on special occasions and holidays all the members of our family celebrate together. Much food is usually cooked and dinners usually last until night. We invite all the members of our family and have fun.

One more small but important tradition refers to everyday meals. At least one time a day, usually this is supper, we have a meal together, discuss what happened and make plans for tomorrow. We also have a weekly tradition to eat pizza and watch movies together.

What questions will you ask a British teenager about his/her extended family?

Have you got a big family? Have you got any family traditions? Do you like to spend your free time with your family? Is your family large? What are your parents? Are there any problems in your family? What is your parents’ attitude to your friends? Have you got close relations with your parents? How often do you have misunderstandings with your parents? What do you usually do to solve the problems in your relationships?

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Most teenagers actively help their parents about the house. Teenagers usually do the washing-up, vacuum the carpets, take out the garbage and go shopping. If there is a pet in the family, children may walk it after school.

In my opinion, the easiest household duty is walking a pet and doing the shopping. In these cases, you can have a breath of fresh air and even meet up with your friends.

As for difficult household duties, I think those are washing the dishes and vacuuming. Such duties take a lot of time and effort and are rather boring.

Personally, I like helping my mum with cooking. I believe that cooking skills will come in useful for me in the future. Moreover, cooking is always fun, because I know that soon there will be a delicious dish on our table.

Every teenager should help his or her parents and other family members about the house.

While some teenagers are too lazy and do not want to do anything, most of them are grown-up enough and ready to take on some household duties. Teenagers usually have such duties as doing the shopping, taking out the garbage, cleaning their own room or the whole apartment, dusting, etc. Advanced teenagers may also take part in the process of cooking.

I would not say that there are easy duties, because if you want to do something really well, it takes a lot of time and effort no matter what it is. But many teenagers consider walking their pets to be a simple thing to do as it feels more like a kind of entertainment than hard work.

To me, almost all household duties seem difficult. The most unpleasant one is washing the floors, because I have to bend down a lot and my hands get very dirty. Moreover, if you are unlucky, you can get a wood splinter under your fingernail, which is painful and dangerous.

When it comes to household duties, my preferences are as follows. I like doing the shopping and taking out the garbage. These duties give me a chance to spend some extra time outdoors.

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