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Обновлено: 05.07.2024

into something that will help them get ahead in life. These are the born survivors.

Those who are not born survivors are lacking that one key element; they don't have the need or the want to get down and

dirty and get the job done. Most of these people will either fall through the cracks or they will live out the rest of their

lives on a hand to mouth basis. They aren't able to look ahead, to plan, to scrimp and scavenge and do whatever it takes to

survive. Most of the Southern gentlemen in Gone With the Wind are not born survivors. "And raising good cotton, riding

well, shooting straight, dancing lightly, squiring the ladies with elegance and carrying one's liquor like a gentleman were the

things that mattered " (4).

One such gentleman is Ashley Wilkes. While Ashley is adept at the things that matter, he " was born of a line of men who

used their leisure for thinking, not doing, for spinning brightly colored dreams that had in them no touch of reality " (26).

Ashley comes home from the war a changed person. He tries to help Scarlett and the others with the farm work, but he just

isn't able. " 'I wonder not only what will become of us at Tara but what will become of everybody in the South ' " (526).

" 'In the end what will happen will be what has happened whenever a civilization breaks up. The people who have brains

and courage come through and the one's who haven't are winnowed out ' " (527). Ashley realizes that he doesn't belong in

this new life, the new South. He knows that he is out of place and it scares him.

While Ashley Wilkes is scared of his new life, Scarlett O' Hara is not. " ' You, Scarlett are taking life by the horns and

twisting it to your will ' " (529). Early in the story Scarlett is portrayed as a pampered Southern belle. Her soft white

hands are soon calloused and freckled, though. Scarlett does everything when the war is over. Her mother is dead, so

Scarlett not only does the menial work, but she also supervises the household as well. " ' I've struggled for food and for

money and I've weeded and hoed and picked cotton and I've even plowed until I can't stand it another minute ' " (531).

Scarlett does stand it however, because she is a born survivor and she will stand anything to keep her land and her folks safe.

Later in the story, Scarlett is living in Atlanta. She buys two saw mills as a money making project, because she is still

needing to survive. Scarlett is willing to risk social standing to survive; because she is successful the matrons of society

look down on her. Rhett Butler tells Scarlett, " ' All you've done is be different from other women and you've made a little

success at it. As I've told you before, that is the unforgivable sin in any society. Be different and be damned! Scarlett, the

mere fact that you've made a success of your mill is an insult to every man who hasn't succeeded ' " (678). Scarlett, a born

I've recently read a book, which has made a very deep impression on me. It is named "Gone with the Wind" The author of the book is Margaret Mitchell. She was born in Atlanta, Georgia, in a family of the president of the Atlanta Historical Society.

All the family was interested in American history and she grew up in an atmosphere of stones about the Civil War.

After graduating from the college Margaret Mitchell worked for a time for the Atlanta Journal. In 1925 she got married. In the following ten years she put on paper all the stories she had heard about the Civil War.

The result was Gone with the Wind. It was first published in 1936 and became the talking point of all America.

In 1939 the book was made into a highly successful film. Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable played the leading roles. Vivien Leigh won the Oscar. Everyone loved her high-spirited and beautiful heroine, Scarlett O'Hara.

The story is set around the time of the American Civil War (1861-1865), when the Southern states went to war with the North to defend their way of life.

It was a way of life in which rich gentry lived in large houses and owned huge areas of land, cultivated by black slaves. Scarlett O'Hara was born in one of those rich houses.

But "Gone with the Wind" is also about a love triangle. While Scarlett loves the quiet, gentlemanly Ashley Wilkes, the wild and decidedly ungentlemanly Rhett Butler is in love with her.

Not so long ago, in 1991, a publishing company asked Alexandra Ripley, a historical novelist, to write the continuation of the story. Her novel "Scarlett" was not in the same class as the original. Critics have been writing very bad reviews of "Scarlett" but the book is popular with the public.

Моя любимая книга (4)

Вся семья интересовалась американской историей, и девочка росла в атмосфере рассказов о гражданской войне.

История происходит во времена гражданской войны в Америке (1861-1865), когда южные штаты сражались с северными, чтобы защитить свои жизненные устои.

Это была такая жизнь, при которой богатое дворянство жило в больших имениях и имело огромные земельные угодья, обрабатываемые черными рабами. Скарлетт О'Хара родилась в одном из таких богатых домов.

Время действия XIX век, место — Юг Соединенных Штатов. Эта эпоха изящных леди с потрясающими туалетами и галантных джентльменов, однако мир это быстро разрушается: происходит гражданская война и резкая смена политической власти. Люди, которые жили в достатке, лишились этого: и авторитета, и рабов, и денег, и дома, и близких. В такой ситуации очень многие из них сломались и отчаялись, они поверили в то, что у них уже нет будущего. Но моя любимая героиня Скарлетт Охара не на секунду не сдавалась и продолжала бороться, чем она заслужила мое восхищение, не смотря на ее многие ухищрения. Да, возможно многие ее выходки можно назвать неправильными, но она думала не только о себе, но и о своей семье. Скарлетт с приходом бед в ее судьбу быстро поняла, что огромную роль играет дом и земля, за которые надо держаться и бороться. И какие же уловки она выдумывала, чтобы заплатить налог за дом, во многом я ее понимаю и сочувствую. Для меня эта сильная женщина является даже примером стойкости. И, конечно, ее любовная история не оставит никого равнодушным. Увлечение Скарлетт Уилом я считаю просто несерьезным и наивным, но, когда появляется Рет Батлер все становиться на свои места. Вот он этот ослепительный мужчина, который безупречно ей подходит и знает о ее следующем шаге все.

Рет – это очень интересный самобытный персонаж. Не две, а три стороны медали можно выделить в нем. Очень смелый, страстный мужчина, который не боится высказать свое мнение, не боится отвечать за свои поступки. Он так же, как и Скарлет не боится быть не похожим на других, не боится нарушить правила и желает много денег и успеха, что для него победа над всеми другими. Черта ночного кутилы делает его немного диким и неуправляемым, павшим до пьянства и разгульной жизни, промотанных денег. Это и безумно любящий отец, который заботлив и нежен со своей дочерью. Он хочет для своего ребенка самого лучшего и даже ради этого пытается понравиться обществу.

Персонаж, который является самым нежным и ангельским из всех это, конечно же, Мелани, которая очень запомнилась мне как воплощение истинной леди. Самый запоминающийся момент, связанный с ней для меня был, когда Скарлетт пришла на день рождение к Уиллу, после того, как все видели, как они с Ульямом целовались.

Тогда Мелани проявила благороднейший поступок, она ни капли презрения не испытала, ни капли сомнения в том, что Скарлетт ни в чем не виновата. Она так искренне ее любила, что я уверена в том, что Мелани за Скарлетт даже бы жизнь отдала.

Мелани проявляла свою душевную красоту и благородство на протяжении всего романа, что, безусловно, возвышает ее над всеми.

Скарлетт, Мелани и Рет Батлер — самые мои любимые персонажи в этой книге. И, по моему мнению, самые интересные и продуманные.

Сюжетная линия романа сталкивает этих героев между собой и разъединяет. И пока читаешь эту книгу, интрига не угасает, и хочется даже продолжения.

Я всегда советую всем своим друзьям прочитать эту книгу, поскольку она является очень интересной, а переживать за героев начинаешь сразу же с первых страниц.

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The research work

“ I recommend to watch Gone with the wind

The work is done by

Shugaikina Svetlana Valeryevna,

the teacher of English

School №3 Alexandrov-Gay

I Biographical background

II Reasons Why I like this Film

III Plot summary

IV Main characters


Nowadays it is impossible to imagine our life without cinema. Day by day it becomes more popular, and we can say without any doubts that it is one of the most popular kinds of entertainment. As for me, there is nothing like a good film which makes us sympathize to the main heroes, feel like they do, and think about our own life. Sometimes it is difficult to understand the sense from the first time; you can open a new side after another watch.

Movies play an important role in my life and of course I like to go to the cinema. As for me it is an available popular form of art, I find visiting cinemas is one of the best ways of spending my free time. And everyone can choose his favorite genre of film. There are such genres of films like romantic drama, western, adventure film, detective film, psychological thriller, a musical and a comedy. To my mind movies extend our knowledge about people, about the world we live. Everyone knows that we live in a very difficult time nowadays. But sometimes we do need something amusing, pleasant and funny. And there is no doubt that a good film gives us an excellent entertainment.

Sometimes I may watch a police drama or a historical film, but I'm not very keen on these types of films. Now let me tell you about one of my favourite films " Gone with the wind " by the novel by Margaret Mitchell . As it is seen from the title the film was based on the Margaret Mitchell’s novel with the same name. The novel was adapted into an American film and premiered on December 15, 1939 in Atlanta, where the main action of the film takes place. The film won 8 Oscars and it remained a record for a long time.

Biographical background

Born in 1900 in Atlanta , Georgia , Margaret Mitchell was a Southerner and writer throughout her life. She grew up hearing stories about the American Civil War and the Reconstruction from her tyrannical Irish-American grandmother, who had endured its suffering. Her forceful and intellectual mother was a suffragist who fought for the rights of women to vote.

As a young woman, Mitchell found love with an army lieutenant who was killed in World War I, and she would carry his memory for the remainder of her life. After studying at Smith College for a year, during which time her mother died from the Spanish flu , Mitchell returned to Atlanta. She married, but her husband was an abusive bootlegger. Mitchell took a job writing feature articles for the Atlanta Journal at a time when Atlanta debutantes of her class did not work. After divorcing her first husband, she married again, this time to a man who shared her interest in writing and literature.

Margaret Mitchell began writing Gone with the Wind in 1926 to pass the time while recovering from a slow-healing auto-crash injury. In April 1935, Harold Latham of Macmillan , an editor looking for new fiction, read her manuscript and saw that it could be a best-seller. After Latham had agreed to publish the book, Mitchell worked for another six months checking the historical references and rewriting the opening chapter several times. Mitchell and her husband John Marsh, a copy editor by trade, edited the final version of the novel. Mitchell wrote the book's final moments first and then wrote the events that led up to these. Gone with the Wind was published in June 1936.

Reasons Why I like this Film

The film shows an example of true feelings and a strong-willed female character. These two issues attract viewing audience.

But the reason why I especially like the film is its starring actors. They are Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable. These famous Hollywood actors gave a wonderful performance of their characters of Scarlet O’Hara and Rhett Butler.

I've recently read a book which has made a very deep impression on me. It's called Gone with the Wind and it makes really unforgettable reading. The author of the book is Margaret Mitchell. She was born in Atlanta, Georgia, in a family of the president of the Atlanta Historical Society. All the family were interested in American history and she grew up in an atmosphere of stories about the Civil War.

After graduating from college Margaret Mitchell worked for a time for the Atlanta Journal. In 1925 she got married. In the following ten years she put on paper all the stories she had heard about the Civil War. The result was Gone with the Wind. It was first published in 1936 and became the talking point of all America. In 1939 it was made into a highly successful film. Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable played the leading roles. Vivien Leigh won the Oscar. Everyone loved her high-spirited and beautiful heroine, Scarlett O'Hara.

The story is set around the time of the American Civil War (1861-65) when the Southern States went to war with the North to defend their way of life. It was a way of life in which rich gentry lived in large houses and owned huge areas of land, cultivated by black slaves. Scarlett O'Hara was born into one of these rich houses. When this way of life was destroyed and all her family's wealth taken away by the advancing Northerners, the spoilt, willful Scarlet had to grow up and use all her wit and intelligence — and beauty — to build a new life. I like the acting. Scarlett O'Hara — there is no more lively character, which makes the reader and the spectator palpitate (in the film this role was played by Vivian Lee). Maybe the words from the Irish song are about Scarlett: "if the Irish eyes are laughing, oh, they' re stealing your heart".

Plot summary

Gone with the Wind takes place in the southern United States in the state of Georgia during the American Civil War (1861–1865) and the Reconstruction Era (1865–1877). The film unfolds against the backdrop of rebellion wherein seven southern states initially, Georgia among them, have declared their secession from the United States (the "Union") and formed the Confederate States of America (the "Confederacy"), after Abraham Lincoln was elected president. The Union refuses to accept secession and no compromise is found as war approaches.

Main characters

Katie Scarlett O'Hara Hamilton Kennedy Butler : is the O'Haras' oldest daughter. Scarlett's forthright Irish blood is always at variance with the French teachings of style from her mother. Scarlett marries Charles Hamilton, Frank Kennedy, and Rhett Butler, all the while wishing she were married instead to Ashley Wilkes. She has three children, one from each husband: Wade Hampton Hamilton (son to Charles Hamilton), Ella Lorena Kennedy (daughter to Frank Kennedy), and Eugenie Victoria "Bonnie Blue" Butler (daughter to Rhett Butler). She miscarries a fourth child, the only one she wanted, during a quarrel with Rhett when she accidentally falls down the stairs. Scarlett is secretly scornful of Melanie Wilkes, wife to Ashley. The other woman shows nothing but love and devotion toward Scarlett, and considers her a sister throughout her life because Scarlett married Melanie's brother Charles. Scarlett is unaware of the extent of Rhett's love for her or that she might love him. Scarlett is very beautiful, flighty and noisy .She is strong in the difficult minutes of the life. Scarlett for the sake of love can pass through all the difficulties.

Captain Rhett K. Butler : is Scarlett's admirer and her third husband. He is often publicly shunned for his scandalous behavior and sometimes accepted for his charm. Rhett declares he is not a marrying man and propositions Scarlett to be his mistress, but marries her after the death of Frank Kennedy. He says he won't risk losing her to someone else, since it is unlikely she will ever need money again. At the end of the novel, Rhett confesses to Scarlett, “I loved you but I couldn't let you know it. You're so brutal to those who love you, Scarlett”

Major George Ashley Wilkes : The gallant Ashley marries his cousin, Melanie, because, "Like must marry like or there'll be no happiness." A man of honor, Ashley enlists in the Confederate States Army though he says he would have freed his slaves after his father's death, if the war hasn't done it first. Although many of his friends and relations are killed in the Civil War, Ashley survives to see its brutal aftermath. Ashley is "the Perfect Knight", in the mind of Scarlett, even throughout her three marriages. "She loved him and wanted him and did not understand him."

Melanie (Hamilton) Wilkes : is Ashley's wife and cousin. Melanie is a humble, serene and gracious Southern woman. As the story unfolds, Melanie becomes progressively physically weaker, first by childbirth, then "the hard work she had done at Tara," and she dies after a miscarriage. As Rhett Butler says, "She never had any strength. She's never had anything but heart."

The story opens in April 1861 at " Tara ," a plantation owned by Gerald O'Hara, an Irish immigrant who has become a successful planter, and his wife, Ellen Robillard O'Hara, from a coastal aristocratic family of French descent. Their 16-year-old daughter, Scarlett, is not beautiful, but men seldom realized it once they were caught up in her charm. It was the day before the men were called to war, Fort Sumte r having been fired on two days earlier.

There are brief but vivid descriptions of the South as it began and grew, with backgrounds of the main characters: the stylish and highbrow French, the gentlemanly English, the forced-to-flee and looked-down-upon Irish. Scarlett learns that one of her many beaux, Ashley Wilkes, will soon be engaged to his cousin, Melanie Hamilton. She is heart-stricken. The next day at the Wilkeses' barbecue at Twelve Oaks, Scarlett tells Ashley she loves him, and he admits he cares for her. However, he knows he would not be happy if married to her because of their personality differences. She loses her temper at him, and he silently takes it.

Rhett Butler , who has a reputation as a rogue, had been alone in the library when Ashley and Scarlett entered and felt it wiser to stay unseen during the argument. Rhett applauds Scarlett for the "unladylike" spirit she displayed with Ashley. Infuriated and humiliated, she tells Rhett, "You aren't fit to wipe his boots!"

After rejoining the other party guests, she learns that war has been declared and the men are going to enlist. Seeking revenge, Scarlett accepts a marriage proposal from Melanie's brother, Charles Hamilton. They marry two weeks later. Charles dies of pneumonia following the measles two months after the war begins. As a young widow, Scarlet gives birth to her first child, Wade Hampton Hamilton, named after his father's general. She is bound by custom to wear black and avoid conversation with young men. Scarlett feels restricted by these conventions and bitterly misses her life as a young, unmarried woman.

But Gone with the Wind is also about a love triangle. While Scarlett loves the quiet, gentlemanly Ashley Wilkes, the wild and decidedly ungentlemanly Rhett Butler is in love with her. After Ashley marries someone else, and after many adventures of her own, Scarlett does marry Rhett — but only for money.

The marriage is stormy and eventually Rhett walks out on her, but by that time Scarlett has realized that she loves him after all. Scarlett thinks of some way of getting him back, but we never know if she does.

Scarlett goes through many trials and troubles, but her sharp and strong mind, her strong will help her to survive. And not only to survive, but to render and to develop moral values in this cruel world. Rhett was telling her in vain that they were both scoundrels. He is cynical by conviction, she is under the pressure of circumstances.

Scarlett is a symbol of wonderful America, the child, who was crippled with greed, but didn't lose inner beauty. Even her name, which was found at the last moment in the publishing house contained the ideal and vice, innocence and regeneration. In English it sounds like Scarlett flower and illness (scarlet fever).

The soundtracks in the film are touching and romantic. All the scenes and feelings are depicted with great taste and tension. The camerawork and special effects are fantastic. The saga leaves a long-lasting impression and you are willing to watch it again and again. I believe it’s a modern masterpiece of American cinema industry.

In the end I would like to say once again that it is important to watch good films, which have sense and attitude for you, in which you can find something close to your own world.

At last, I’d like to add that Gone with the Wind is really worth watching for the cast, the music, the plot and all the rest. And I strongly recommend to watch it if you have not done it yet. You should see it, because it is good for people of different ages and characters and I am sure you will like it.

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