To live to be a hundred сочинение

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Can you imagine what our lives will be like in the year 2050? Perhaps you will be flying off for a holiday on the moon, or maybe you will be taking your dog for a walk in the virtual reality. We recently carried out a survey of 1,000 people from different countries to find out what they think life will be like in the future. The results clearly demonstrate both our hopes and fears. The survey suggests that friendship - one of the most important human relationships -will have changed dramatically. People will make friends through the Internet. What is more, a large number of people will even come across their future husbands or wives in this way! Computers will have become essential by 2050. Even now, some people describe them as their best friend! Others, however, say that we will become much more isolated from each other because we will have little real human contact. Education will have changed a lot too. As more and more children will be using computers in schools, certain abilities, such as mental arithmetic will not be necessary since there will be computer programs. Even writing by hand will have become outdated. According to the survey, home life will be better. Most people believe that by 2050 robots will be doing the housework and we will be eating ready-made food. A lot of people think that we might only cook for fun in the future. Space exploration will become increasingly popular. Fifty per cent of the people we talked to believe that man will regularly visit Mars. They also believe that travel on our own planet will probably change. Almost everyone thinks that there will be no cars in the city centers. Some even think that environmentally friendly electric or solar-powered cars will have replaced the cars we use nowadays. Pollution is something that seems to worry many people. Some fear that it will continue to get worse, and that our planet will become impossible to live on. Others even foresee that one day we will have to pay for clean air just as we do now for clean water. On the other hand, people seem to be quite optimistic about the benefits of genetic engineering, as they think scientists will use it to cure diseases like cancer and AIDS. If scientists manage to find a cure for these, we will have a much healthier society. Some people worry about the future, while others are full of hope and enthusiasm. No matter how dark or bright it may seem, it is up to us to look after our planet and try to make it a better place to live.

Жизнь в будущем

Можете ли вы себе представить, кокой будет наша жизнь в 2050 году? Возможно, вы будете летать в отпуск на Луну, или, может быть, вы будете выводить собаку на прогулку в виртуальной реальности. Мы недавно провели опрос 1000 человек из разных стран чтобы выяснить, что они думают о жизни в будущем. Результаты явно показывают наши надежды и страхи. Опрос показывает, что дружба – одно из самых важных человеческих отношений -- резко изменится. Люди будут дружить через Интернет. Более того, большое количество людей будут находить своих будущих мужей или жен таким образом! Компьютеры станут абсолютно необходимыми к 2050 году и даже сейчас, некоторые люди описывают их как лучших друзей! Другие, однако, говорят, что мы станем гораздо более изолированы друг от друга, потому что у нас будет мало реальных человеческих контактов. Образование тоже сильно измениться тоже. Поскольку все больше и больше детей будут использовать компьютеры в школах, некоторые способности, такие как счет, в уме не будут необходимыми, так как будут компьютерные программы. Даже письмо вручную уйдёт в прошлое. По данным опроса, быт будет лучше. Большинство людей считают, что к 2050 году роботы будут делать всю работу по дому, и мы будем есть готовую еду. Многие люди думают, что мы будем только для удовольствия в будущем. Освоение космоса будет становиться все более популярным. Пятьдесят процентов людей, которых мы опросили, сказали, что человек будет регулярно посещать Марс. Они также считают, что путешествия по нашей собственной планете изменятся. Почти все считают, что не будет никаких автомобилей в городских центрах. Некоторые даже думают, что экологически чистые электрические или на солнечных батареях автомобили заменят автомобили, которые мы используем в настоящее время. Загрязнение является проблемой, которая волнуют многих людей. Некоторые опасаются, что оно будет продолжать ухудшаться, и что наша планета станет невозможной для жизни. Другие даже предвидят, что в один прекрасный день нам придется платить за чистый воздух, как мы делаем сейчас для чистой воды. С другой стороны, люди, кажется, вполне оптимистично оценивают преимущества генной инженерии. Она будет использовать для лечения таких заболеваний, как рак и СПИД. Если ученым удается найти лекарство для них, мы будем иметь более здоровое общество. Некоторые люди беспокоятся о будущем, а другие полны надежд и энтузиазма. Независимо от того, насколько темным или ярким оно нам кажется, многое зависит от нас. Мы должны заботиться о нашей планете и попытаться сделать её лучшим местом для жизни.

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Нигде в Интернете не смог найти текста чудеснейшего юмориста и актёра Джорджа Бёрнса. Исправляю эту несправедливость. Его как-то спросили, как ему удаётся в таком преклонном возрасте так чудесно выглядеть, вести активную жизнь, а при этом ещё и пить, курить и заниматься сексом. И он, на наше с вами счастье, ответил. Предлагаю в качестве домашнего чтения изящный ответ блестящего человека на щемящий вопрос.

UPD. Перевод эссе вы можете просмотреть здесь.

How To Live To Be 100 Or More, by George Burns

People keep asking me, “George, you are 88, how do you do it?” You make films, you do television, you give concerts, you record albums, smoke cigars, drink martinis, go out with pretty girls—how do you do it?

It’s simple. For instance, a Martini. You fill the glass with ice; then pour in some gin and a touch of dry vermouth, add an olive, and you’ve got yourself a Martini.

Today you don’t have to worry about getting old; you have to worry about rusting. So I also do exercises and walk a lot. Walking is even easier than making a Martini. I take one foot and put it in front of the other foot; then I take the other foot and put it in front of the other foot, and before I know it I’m walking. And you don’t even need an olive. Every morning, I walk a mile and a half. My advice is to walk whenever you can. It’s free; you feel better and look trim.

If you want to live to be 100 or older, you can’t just sit around waiting for it to happen. You have to get up and go after it. There’s no point in kidding yourself. When you get older you slow down, you wear out a little. But right now I’m 88, and there isn’t a thing I can’t do today that I couldn’t do when I was 18. I wasn’t so hot when I was 25 either. I saved everything for now. I hate to brag, but I’m very good at ‘now’.

Here are my other secrets for long life:

Think positive. If you ask me what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it’ s avoiding worry, stress, and tension. And if you didn’t ask me, I’d still have to say it. Worry, stress, and tension are not only unpleasant but can shorten your life.

My attitude is, if something is beyond your control, there is no point worrying about it. And if you can do something about it, then there is still nothing to worry about. I feel that way when the plane I am on is bouncing around in turbulence, it’s not my problem. The pilot gets a lot of money to fly that plane; let him worry about it.

I can honestly say I was not even upright about my heart bypass several years ago. It was beyond my control. It was the doctor’s business.

When I came round from the anesthetic, I heard the surgeon say, ‘George, you did great. You’re just fine.’
I said, ‘Doctor, I wasn’t the least bit concerned.’
‘Really?’ he said,’ I was a nervous wreck.’
Even that didn’t bother me. Then he handed me his bill, and I passed out.

Stay active. I know that for some people retirement works out fine. They enjoy it. I also know that for a great many others it presents lots of problems.

To me the biggest danger of retirement is what it can do to your attitude. When you have all that time on your hands, you think old, you act old. It’s a mistake. I see people who, the minute they get to be 65, start rehearsing to be old. They practice grunting when they get up, and by the time they get to be 70 they’ve made it—they’re a hit—they are now old.

Not me. When you’re around my age you’ve got to keep occupied. You’ve got to do something that will get you out of bed. I never made any money in bed. Yes, find something that will make you get out of bed—like an interest, a hobby, a business, a pretty girl—there we are, back in bed again. At my age at least let me talk about it.

Challenge yourself. When my wife Gracie retired in 1958, I could have retired too. Even today I don’t have to travel round giving concerts, making movies, doing television specials, recording country-music albums, being a sex symbol.

I firmly believe that you should keep working as long as you can. And if you can’t, try to find something that will interest you. Don’t wait for it to happen; make it happen. Remember, you can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.

I look to the future, because that’s where I’m going to spend the rest of my life.

I feel sorry for people who live in the past. I know it was cheaper then, but you can’t keep looking in a rear-view mirror—unless you enjoy having a stiff neck. If you really think your life is over and you have no place to go, I advise you to take very short steps. It’ll take you longer to get there.

I don’t live in the past; I live in a house in Beverly Hills. It’s more comfortable. Actually, you may not believe this, but I don’t waste time looking through scrap-books of my career or rereading my old reviews—they were painful enough to read the first time. I find it’s best to fall in love with what you’re doing today. The things I did yesterday I was in love with yesterday. But that romance is over. I’m very fickle.

There’s an old saying. ‘Life begins at 40.’ That’s silly—life begins every morning when you wake up. Open your mind to it: don’t just sit there—do things. Swim the English Channel; find a cure for the common cold; be the first to go over the Niagara falls in a rocking chair. You see, the possibilities are endless.

If all else fails, try doing something nice for somebody who doesn’t expect it. You’ll be surprised how good you feel. The Scouts have the right idea. Many’s the time I’ve helped a young lady across the street and over to my place. You should see all my badges.

The point is, with a good positive attitude and a little bit of luck, there’s no reason you can’t live to be 100. Once you’ve done that you’ve really got it made, because very few people die over 100.

PS Спасибо Татьяне Коноплёвой, познакомившей меня когда-то с этим текстом.

the hundred-and-first, the hundred-and-second, etc - сто первый, сто второй и т. д.

one hundred per cent - на сто процентов, вполне [ ср. тж. 1)]

a hundred times - сотни /тысячу/ раз; без конца

a hundred to one it will be a failure - наверняка /сто против одного, что/ это не удастся

she has a hundred and one things to do - ≅ у неё хлопот полон рот

3 hundred

a hundred times — сотни раз; без конца

4 not if (или though) one lives to be a hundred

'You will never be a painter,' he said, 'not if you live to be a hundred' (C. E. Eckersley). 'You'll come round to a different way of thinking as you get older.' 'No. I won't, not if I live to be a hundred'

См. также в других словарях:

I Never Thought I'd Live to be a Hundred — Infobox Song Name = I Never Thought I d Live to be a Hundred Artist = The Moody Blues Album = To Our Children s Children s Children Released = 15 November 1969 Recorded = May September 1969 Length = 1:06 Label = Threshold Records Writer = Justin… … Wikipedia

if I live to be a hundred — phrase used for emphasizing that you will never do, know, or understand something If I live to be a hundred I’ll never understand why he did that. Thesaurus: way of saying that you will not do somethingsynonym ways of saying that you do not know… … Useful english dictionary

if I live to be a hundred — used for emphasizing that you will never do, know, or understand something If I live to be a hundred I ll never understand why he did that … English dictionary

live — live1 [ lıv ] verb *** ▸ 1 be/stay alive ▸ 2 have home in place ▸ 3 have kind of life ▸ 4 keep alive certain way ▸ 5 continue to exist ▸ 6 have interesting life ▸ 7 be kept in certain place ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) intransitive to be or stay alive: She s … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

live — I UK [lɪv] / US verb Word forms live : present tense I/you/we/they live he/she/it lives present participle living past tense lived past participle lived *** 1) [intransitive] to have your home in a particular place Paris is a nice place to live.… … English dictionary

Live Aid — infobox music festival music festival name = Live Aid location = London, Philadelphia participation = Madonna, Sting, Phil Collins, Eric Clapton, Bob Geldof, Duran Duran, Neil Young founders = Bob Geldof and Midge Ure years active = 1985 dates =… … Wikipedia

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Live A Live — Cover art Developer(s) Square Publisher(s) Square … Wikipedia

Live at the BBC (Status-Quo-Album) — Live at the BBC Livealbum von Status Quo Veröffentlichung 21. Oktober 2010 Label Universal Records F … Deutsch Wikipedia

Live at Birmingham Academy — Live album by Ocean Colour Scene Released 17 December 2006 Recorded … Wikipedia

There are more disadvantages than advantages in living in a big city

Life in a big city can be interesting and breathtaking. Here you can have many friends, you can do different hobbies, attend interesting classes and courses, use different services and do many other things. Here there is a possibility to do whatever you want and even you are able to find your vocation. Some people live in a city the whole life. People have been talking about advantages and disadvantages of a big city forever. There are many discussions about it and I also have my own opinion.

I think that there are more disadvantages than advantages in living in a big city. Nowadays cities are full of gases and pollution, because there are different factories and fabrics. Of course people have work there, but our health suffer because of it. In a city you will never have a possibility to eat fresh fruit and vegetables. You will buy them on the markets and they will have most probably a lot of additives. In a big city you will never see the nature, sunsets and sunrises like in a village. Even life there is more quiet and peaceful. In a city you are always in hurry, your job is far away and you run somewhere all the time. So you don’t see but your life passes.

But there are people who can not imagine their life in a village. They want to live in a big city all their life. You have friends and fellows here and they can help you any moment. There is always good service in a big city. Shops and markets are always full of clothes and food. There is also opportunity to choose a school and university for your child. Well I guess you can talk non-stop about advantages of living in a city.

For me life in a village is much more better. If I start to miss the rush I can always take a bus and go to the city. Anyway people choose whatever is closer to them. My life is much more better in a small town or in a village. But tastes are different.

Есть больше недостатков, чем преимуществ жизни в большом городе

Жизнь в большом городе может быть интересной и захватывающей. Здесь у вас есть возможность делать все, что хотите и найти своё призвание. Некоторые люди живут в городе всю свою жизнь. Вопрос преимуществ и недостатков большого города обсуждается постоянно. Существует много различных доводов и я готова выразить свою точку зрения по этому поводу.

И все-таки я нахожу больше недостатков, чем преимуществ в жизни в большом городе. Сегодня в городах полно выхлопных газов и загрязнений из-за различных фабрик и заводов. Конечно, у людей тут есть работа, но и здоровье страдает больше. В городе вы никогда не сможете кушать свежие фрукты и овощи. Вы покупаете продукты в магазинах и на рынке, но скорее всего, они будут с добавками. В большом городе вы никогда не увидите настоящую природу, закаты и рассветы такие, как в сельской местности. Жизнь там куда тише и спокойнее. В городе ты постоянно торопишься, место работы находится далеко и ты куда-то бежишь. Ты и не заметишь, как жизнь пройдёт мимо.

А есть люди, которые не представляют жизни в деревне. Они хотят пробыть в большом городе всю жизнь. Ведь здесь у вас друзья и приятели и они всегда придут на помощь. А ещё в городе есть хороший сервис. В магазинах и на рынках большой выбор одежды и продуктов. А также есть возможность выбирать школу и университет для ребёнка. Полагаю, что говорить о преимуществах жизни в большом городе я могу без остановки.

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