The impact of the internet on society сочинение

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Скажи мне, что ты ищешь в Интернете, и я скажу кто ты. Одновременно являсь одним из гениальнейших изобретений человечества, это еще и самый мощный в мире инструмент для надзора за ним. Кто знает, возможно, скоро Интернет станет единственным источником информации для людей. We shall see.

Essay on Pros and cons of the Internet

The Internet is for sure one of the greatest inventions of last century. The point is that the invention and implementation of it to different spheres of our life has completely changed the way we live it. It has transformed the process of communication, study, search of information and even the way of thinking. But are all these changes positive?

First of all, the existence of the Internet doubtlessly had enormous effect on our lives. Furthermore, it brought more opportunities that had been unachievable before. As for the process of communication, it’s obvious that the appearance of the Internet has given us a chance to keep in touch with people from all over the world. We are able to hear and see our faraway relatives and friends as well as make a deal with clients and business partners from different continents. Moreover, we have unlimited access to any kind of information, which makes it easier to study and develop ourselves.

On the other hand, it’s disputable if we use all these advantages or not. The unlimited access to information can be treated as drawback, because people are not motivated to get knowledge. In addition, the information that is available for everyone is not so desirable any more. The vast majority of teenagers waste their free time surfing useless websites and chatting with each other. They stopped communicating face to face and don’t spend enough time outside. The problem is also that the Internet is like a drug for many people. More and more often we talk about the Internet addiction and how it ruins our lives.

As for me, I can see a lot of advantages and new opportunities that the Internet allows us to use. Nevertheless, we have to be vigilant and do not become addicted.

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Сочинение на тему "Интернет в нашей жизни: плюсы и минусы"

Интернет однозначно является величайшим изобретением прошлого века. Дело в том, что изобретение и внедрение его в различные сферы нашей жизни совершенно изменило ее образ. Это трансформировало процесс общения, учебы, поиска информации и даже образ нашего мышления. Но все ли эти изменения положительные?

Прежде всего, существование Интернета, несомненно, оказало огромное влияние на нашу жизнь. Кроме того, появилось больше возможностей, которые были недостижимы прежде. Что касается процесса общения, то это очевидно, что появление Интернета дало нам возможность поддерживать отношения с людьми со всего мира. Мы можем слышать и видеть наших далеких родственников и друзей, так же как и заключать сделки с клиентами и бизнес партнерами с других континентов. Более того, у нас есть безграничный доступ к любой информации, что делает нашу учебу и развитие более легким.

С другой стороны, спорным является тот факт, используем ли мы все эти преимущества или нет. Безграничный доступ к информации может считаться и недостатком, потому что люди не мотивированы получать знания. Более того, информация, которая доступна каждому не является больше желаемой. Большинство подростков впустую тратят свое свободное время, посещая бесполезные сайты и переписываясь друг с другом. Они не общаются лицом к лицу и не проводят достаточно времени на улице. Проблема также в том, что Интернет для многих людей подобен наркотику. Все чаще и чаще мы говорим об интернет-зависимости и как она разрушает нашу жизнь.

Что касается меня, то я вижу много преимуществ и новых возможностей, которые Интернет позволяет нам использовать. Тем не менее, мы должны быть бдительными и не становится зависимыми.

It is well-known fact that the Internet has become an essential part of our life and we will do nothing with it. I am sure that every person has Internet dependence whether hefinds necessary information orjustchats with other people. I am not exception.

However, when this mass medium had broken into my life, the Net changed it a lot. There are as good aspects as bad aspects. On the one hand, it gave me many new facilities. For instance, my life has become more convenient because I can do many things not leaving home. I may get access to all needed information. Finally, thanks to the Internet I’ve got a lot of different skills.

On the other hand, I’ve lost some of them. I feel more protected when I communicate with a person via the Net. What is more, the Internet has got too much information and sometimes it is rather difficult to understand what is truth and what is lie. Also I use gadgets with the Internet.You know, they damages my eyes, back and color of face.

To tell the truth, I would not like to change anything in my internet habits.

I am convinced that nobody will never abandon the Internet because it makes our life comfortable. Convenience is the thing are dreamt by all modern people.

Влияние интернета на мою жизнь

Хорошо известен тот факт, что Интернет стал неотъемлемой частью нашей жизни и мы ничего не сможем с этим сделать. Я убеждена, что каждый человек имеет интернет-зависимость, неважно: ищет он необходимую информацию или просто общается с друзьями. И я не исключение.

Как бы то ни было, но когда это средство массовой информации ворвалось в мою жизнь, оно её значительно изменило. В этом есть как положительные стороны, так и отрицательные. С одной стороны, это дало мне много новых возможностей. Например, моя жизнь стала более удобной, так как я могу делать много вещей, не выходя из дома. Можно получить доступ к любой необходимой информации. Наконец, благодаря Интернету, я обрела множество различных навыков.

Однако с другой стороны, я потеряла часть из них. Я чувствую себя более защищённой, когда я общаюсь с кем-нибудь в Интернете. Более того, в Интернете содержится так много информации, что порой довольно-таки сложно понять, что есть правда, а что — ложь. Также я использую гаджеты, которые позволяют выйти в Интернет. А ведь они вредны для глаз, спины и цвета лица.

Но честно говоря, я не стала бы менять мои интернет-привычки.

Я уверена, что никто и никогда не откажется от Интернета, потому что он делает нашу жизнь проще. Удобство — это та вещь, о которой мечтают все современные люди.

People have many different hobbies today. Some of them are interesting and good, but there are some useless and wasting of time. Very often people waste their time watching TV or using internet non-stop. There are many good things in internet and it helps us to communicate, to work and buy things online. Unfortunately people also play poker online and computer games, watch different videos and so on.

I think Internet is the biggest evil of our time. I have very limited time to use internet and my computer in general. I want to do some good and useful things. But some of my classmates are just crazy about internet. They can be online day and night. There are really many things to do in internet, but not all of them are good. I think computer games destroy our psyche. People have to pay more attention to the real life. Also in internet you can find a lot of harmful information, pictures, videos and articles. What is more there is no protection for children. Today any child can open a website and find everything. I think it’s not so good. Another thing that you can find in internet are swindlers. Accidentally you open an ad and the swindlers have got your password, full name, address and number of your credit card. You can also meet people there who ask money for medicine or treatment for family.

Of course internet helps us to keep in touch with our family, we can read last news and buy clothes online. Internet is so much useful when you need to prepare homework in history or literature. There are many vacancies online and even you can find a job.

As you see everything depends on you. The way how you use internet will give you a lot of advantages or kill your time, money and psyche.

Интернет - самое большое зло нашего времени

Сегодня у людей много различных хобби. Некоторые из них интересные и хорошие, а некоторые - совершенно бесполезные и пустая трата времени. Люди очень часто тратят своё время на просмотр телевизора или пользуются интернетом нон-стоп. В интернете есть много хороших вещей и он помогает нам общаться, найти работу и купить вещи онлайн. К сожалению, в интернете также можно играть в покер онлайн или другие компьютерные игры, смотреть видео и так далее.

Я считаю, что интернет - это величайшее зло нашего времени. У меня очень ограниченное время для пользования интернетом и компьютером тоже. Мне хочется заниматься хорошими и полезными делами. Но некоторые мои одноклассники просто без ума от интернета. Они могут сидеть онлайн дни и ночи напролёт. Конечно, в интернете можно много всего найти, но не вся эта информация одинаково хороша. Например, я думаю, что компьютерные игры разрушают нашу психику. Люди сегодня должны обращать больше внимания на реальную жизнь. А ещё в интернете содержится много вредной информации, картинок, видео и статей. Более того, вся эта инфа никак не защищена от детей. Сегодня каждый ребёнок может открыть любой веб-сайт и найти буквально все. Я думаю, что это совсем не хорошо. Ещё одна вещь, которую вы можете найти в интернете- это мошенники. Совершенно случайно вы открываете рекламу, а мошенники уже имеют доступ к вашему паролю, ваше полное имя, адрес и номер вашей кредитной карты. А ещё могут встретиться люди, которые просят денег на лекарство или на лечение своей семьи.

Как видите, все зависит только от нас. То, как вы пользуетесь интернетом, даёт вам много преимуществ или просто убивает вообще время, деньги и психику.

We all live in a digital era where it is inevitable to spend a day without electronic devices. There is a tendency among school teenagers use internet a lot both at school and home. This study is focused on how internet use influences teenagers’ academic achievement in Kazakhstan. School surveys were held to explore the issue at the site of Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Pavlodar city, Kazakhstan.

Key words: NIS, Internet use, academic achievement, teenagers, Kazakhstan

Statement of the problem

Modern teenagers of the 21-st century know everything about high technology that surrenders us, it is much easier for them to surf the internet to get information they want to know. Study in other countries, like Thailand, China, South Korea and others show that majority of young learners overuse internet and it leads to internet abuse and has an effect on teenagers’ academic achievement [1, 12 p; 2, 25 p; 3, 37 p]. Researchers have not investigated yet to what extent internet influences Kazakhstani schoolchildren. That is why there is a need of carrying out a research in this field to analyze the current situation in Kazakhstan and define whether the internet is a hindrance to teenagers’ academic achievement. By academic achievement or(academic) performanceis meant the outcome ofeducation — the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals. For the purpose of this research study, academic achievement refers to GPA (Grade Point Average) as it is essential to explore whether there is a correlation between internet use and teenagers’ average school GPA.

Being similar to their international peers, Kazakhstani teenagers like socializing and learning via internet and spend a lot of time using tablets or laptops. The recent study shows that there are 49.5 internet users for every 100 citizens; compared to only 15 users per 100 in 2008 [4, 31 p] and the increasing tendency of users can be observed among young learners. According to the data provided by Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 60 % of schoolchildren use internet and about 50 % of them stay online from 16 to 26 hours a week [5, 19 p]. There is a growing concern among parents, teachers and psychologists that our teenagers are influenced negatively by internet usage. It is vital to find out whether internet has an impact on Kazakhstani schoolchildren’s academic achievement and if the impact has a negative or positive trait.

The findings of the research will be beneficial for teenagers, their parents, psychologists and school staff.

Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study is to explore internet influence on teenagers’ academic achievement for 8–9 graders at the site of Nazarbayev Intellectual School (NIS) in Pavlodar. To investigate the research, school survey and questionnaires will first be organized and then analyzed to define to what extent internet use effects teenagers’ academic achievement. To analyze whether there is a connection between internet use and academic achievement, access to children’s GPAs is required with the permission from the school administration. To address the research questions, the data from the surveys and teenagers’ average GPAs will be compared to explore whether internet use has a positive or a negative influence on the academic achievement.

Research questions

This research study is guided by the following overarching question:

  1. To what extent internet use may affect schoolchildren’s academic achievement?

The sub-questions of the research are defined as following:

  1. Does internet use have a positive or negative impact on teenagers’ academic achievement?
  2. How much time do teenagers spend online on average?
  3. What are the main reasons for using internet by teenagers?

Hypothesis of the research

The research hypothesis is that there is a negative correlation between internet use and teenager’s academic achievement.

Literature review

Many researchers have explored the issue of the influence of internet on teenagers’ academic achievement. Such research was carried out in many countries around the world, among which are the USA, the UK, Canada and some Asian countries like Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and Turkey. Different methods were chosen to address the issue and research findings reflect to what extent internet use might be a hindrance to teenagers’ academic performance in various parts of the world. It should be mentioned that researchers from different countries came to various conclusions and their findings to some extent contradict each other. While some researchers proved that internet use distracted teenagers from study at school [1, 22 p; 6, 28 p] others believed that internet use led to teenagers’ improvement in academic performance [2, 14 p; 8, 11 p].

Some researchers explored the dependence of internet use on children’s academic performance. The findings indicate that “internet use predicts academic performance. Greater internet use was associated with higher subsequent GPAs, and with better performance on standardized tests of reading skills (but not mathematics skills) administered after the internet use period” [2, 17 p]. It can be noticed that internet use results in a better academic achievement.

The issue of internet addiction among adolescents was discussed in many papers [3, 21 p; 6, 14 p; 7, 29 p]. Internet addiction is described as an impulse control disorder that does not involve use of an intoxicating drug and is very similar to pathological gambling [10, 239 p]. There is an increasing anxiety about risks that internet may bring as youngsters spend a lot of time online. Such pastime negatively influences relationship with family and friends, causes academic problems, like low school presence, low grades and bad performance. Moreover, it leads to negative behavior, such as aggression isolation and depression [3, 22 p]. The solution can be found in parental control and guidance while teenagers use the internet [5, 16 p; 9, 12 p]. Since many parents feel concerned about an increasing involvement of their children in online activities, controlled parental guidance is sufficient and vital at this stage.

Some researchers admit that internet has also a positive impact on teenagers. Surveys prove that adolescents are taking advantage of a wide choice of online opportunities [8, 19 p]. The researchers found out that there is a correlation between teenagers’ family background and internet usage. They concluded that older and middle-class teenagers are using the internet to their advantage than are younger children from a working-class background [5, 22 p].

The internet use positively influences child and adolescent development [1, 24 p]. There is an evidence that computer games improve cognitive skills, such as spatial skills and iconic representation. Subrahmanyam et al. after some experiments found out that “computer game playing will only enhance a particular spatial skill if the game utilizes this skill”. However, the researchers mentioned that there is no actual proof on a connection between video game playing, attentional skills and progress in academic performance [1, 24 p].

Analyzing all the research dedicated to the influence of internet on academic achievement it can be concluded that the majority of teenagers in different countries overuse the internet and this negatively impacts their social life as well as academic performance. Many researchers are concerned about the increasing rate of internet usage by children aged 3 to 17 [1, 26 p; 6, 13 p; 7, 30 p].

Many researchers around the globe explored the issue of internet influence on academic achievement and their findings reflect that there is a link between internet use and academic performance. The majority of them tend to think that internet use has a positive influence on teenagers’ academic achievement. However, few researchers have investigated internet influence on Kazakhstani teenagers’ academic achievement. This proposal fills a gap in the international internet influence literature by conducting an exploration of the internet influence on Kazakh schoolchildren.

There is an urgent need for carrying out such a research as this phenomenon of internet use and its influence on teenagers’ academic achievement has not been investigated yet in Kazakhstani schools. It is not scientifically proven that internet use has a positive or negative influence on teenagers’ academic achievement. What is obvious is that many adolescents in Kazakhstan enjoy surfing the internet and to explore the research it should be observed how much time Kazakhstani teenagers spend online on average. It is also of great interest to define the main reasons of using internet by teenagers and whether internet use has a positive or a negative impact on teenagers’ academic achievement. To answer all the research questions, teenagers will participate in school surveys with the permission of school administration and parents of children. The close-ended questionnaires will provide with the data for further analysis and interpretation. Finally, all the data findings will be embedded and concluded. The collected data will contribute to further research on the issue of internet use and its impact on academic achievement. School surveys with close-ended questions were designed for students in 8–9 grades at NIS Pavlodar. The total number of participants was 100 students aged 13–14.

Findings of the research

To address the research questions I interviewed 100 students and after carrying out the research I came to some conclusions:

  1. On average, teenagers at NIS Pavlodar spent 8–10 hours online. The number of respondents who spend online more than 10 hours and 3–4 hours per day is equal (see Graph 1).
  2. The analysis of students’ interview answers shows that the main reasons for internet use are surfing for personal interests; 45 teenagers out of 100 write that they surf internet to learn more about their favorite celebrities or sport players or simply to watch some. A quarter of respondents admit they use internet to download their favorite music or movies. 15 teenagers respond they enjoy playing online computer games in their free time. 10 interviewers say that they use internet a lot to complete school tasks and home work. It is rare for teenagers to make friends online as only 5 respondents use internet with this purpose (see Graph 2).
  3. There is a positive correlation between teenager’s academic achievement and internet use. Most of the respondents, namely 65 students, say that internet use helps them to succeed in their learning. Teenagers surf the net to get information for projects and school presentations as well as to learn and revise for different school subjects. 30 participants claim that internet does not contribute to teenager’s academic achievement; instead, these students prefer to revise for lessons in the library. 15 teenagers think that internet use worsens their academic performance disturbing them from study and school preparation (see Graph 3).

Our research aimed to identify whether there is a correlation between internet use and average GPA of NIS students. After interviewing the students, we analyzed GPA of the participants and concluded that there is no correlation between how often teenagers use the internet and how well they study at school. It was stated clearly from the comparative analysis that those students who have a high GPA at school use internet in a different frequency: some of them spend more than 8 hours whereas others spend less than 3 hours online.

Здесь Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать Some people think that the Internet is a bad influence on teenagers. However, some people disagree. What is your opinion?.

Если материал и наш сайт сочинений Вам понравились - поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок!

Nowadays in the era of globalization the Internet plays a big role in humans, lives. The teenagers, attitude to the network is actively discussed nowadays. Some people claim that the Internet badly affects on teenagers minds, while others have the opposite position. In this essay I will try to look upon this issue.

Personally I belong to the second group said that there is nothing terrible in the using the Internet by teenagers.

To begin with, the Internet is the colossal discovery of the humanity, which opened the access to the knowledge and the resources from the whole world. Thank to this opportunity teenagers can pay more attention on the self-education and be more briefed. The second argument is that the Internet offers a communication using social networks. I mean in this way the teenagers become more social and open-minded. Moreover they can have friends from the other countries, that helps to destroy the language and the cultural barriers.

Many people believe that the network has a negative effect on the teenagers. They mention that surfing the Internet can turn into addiction. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

This addition leads to the wasting teenagers time and to the other addition called gaming.

I can not agree with such opinion because these problems exist not due to the Internet but due to humans features. Everything can be used both with a benefit and a harm, the method of the using depends only from the character of the teenager.

Despite the fact that many people think that the Internet is harmful for teenagers, I am convinced that there are a lot of advantages in using it by the teenagers.

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