The childhood shows the man as morning shows the day сочинение

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

James T. Kirk & Spock, James T. Kirk/Spock, James T. Kirk & Leonard McCoy, James T. Kirk & Leonard McCoy & Spock, Nyota Uhura, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Crew of the Starship Enterprise, Original Characters, Janice Rand

De-Aged Spock, Cute, Fluff and Angst, kirk forced to be a grownup, unexpected plot, protective crew, Movie Night, aliens are to blame, prompted fic, Work In Progress, Humor, Friendship/Love, Pre-Slash

Based on the switched version of the prompt: A de-aged fic where Spock has to take care of a kid-Kirk; preferably Kirk only listens to Spock, and freaks out when he's not around. (Or, you know, switched). Written for the st_xi_kink meme.
[“The childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day” - John Milton]

Последнее обновление: 21 августа 2019.

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Paul Newman, actor, director, racing driver, was born so good-looking that people said it was a shame to waste such beauty on a boy. He was born in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1925 and did some acting in high school, but never seriously considered making it his future career. However, after graduating, he immediately started working in the theatre. He met his first wife, Jackie Witte, while they were acting together, and they got married in 1949. They had three children, a boy and two girls.

He found work in the theatre and on several TV shows in New York. When he was thirty, he went to Los Angeles and made his first film. It was what Newman called an 'uncomfortable' start in the movies, in the role of a Greek slave. The experience was so bad that he went back to the theatre, and didn't accept another film role for two years.

The film he chose was his big break. He played the boxer, Rocky Graziano, in the film "Someone up There Likes Me". Newman was an actor who believed in living the part before beginning the film. He spent days - from morning till night - with Graziano. He studied the fighter's speech and watched him box, and they talked endlessly about Graziano's childhood. The picture brought Newman stardom overnight.

He was living in Los Angeles away from his family when he met Joanne Woodward, an actress who he had first met in New York. They worked together in "The Long Hot Summer". His wife, Jackie, and Paul recognised that their marriage wasn't working, and got divorced. Newman and Miss Woodward were married in Las Vegas in 1958.

Newman went on to make films. He has made over forty-five films and has won many awards, but he has never won an Oscar.

His marriage to Woodward is one of the longest and strongest in Hollywood. They have three daughters, and they have co-starred in six films. Ever since the film "Winning", Newman has been passionately interested in car racing, and in 1979 he came second in the twenty-four hour race.

In 1978 his only son, Scott, died of a drug overdose. That is why Newman created the Scott Newman Foundation to inform young people on drug abuse.

Newman was more than just a movie star. "I would like to be remembered as a man who has tried to help people to communicate with each other", said Newman, "and who has tried to do something good with his life. You have to keep trying. That's the most important thing".

it was a shame [ʃeɪm] - было жалко

to waste [weɪst] - тратить впустую ( on - на что-то)

uncomfortable [ʌn'kʌmf(ə)təbl] start - неудачное начало

Greek slave [gri:k sleɪv] - греческий раб

to accept [ək'sept] - принимать; признавать; соглашаться

break [breɪk] - амер. разг. благоприятная возможность, счастливый случай, шанс

stardom ['sta:dəm] - ведущее положение в театре (в кино); положение звезды

drug abuse [ə'bju:s] - злоупотребление наркотиками

1. What you interested most about Paul Newman ?

2. When was he born ?

3. When did he start working in the theatre?

4. How many times has he been married? When did he get married for the first time?

5. What films and how many films has he made?

Пол Ньюмен: актер, режиссер, гонщик

Пол Ньюмен, актер, режиссер, гонщик, родился таким красивым на красоту, что людям даже жаль было, что она потрачена на мальчика. Он родился в Кливленде, Огайо, 1925 года. И хоть он немного играл в школе, но всерьез никогда не собирался делать цс своей будущей карьерой. Однако после окончания школы он сразу начал работать в театре. Там он встретил свою первую жену, Джеки Витт, когда они вместе играли в одном спектакле, и они поженились в 1949 г. У них было трое детей, мальчик и две девочки.

Ньюмен продолжал делать фильмы. Он сделал более сорока пяти фильмов, получил много премий, но среди них никогда не было Оскара.

1978 г. его единственный сын Скотт умер от чрезмерной дозы наркотиков. Ньюмен создал Фонд Скотта Ньюмена, чтобы информировать молодежь о последствиях злоупотребления наркотиками.

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Childhood is the most important period in the life of every person, because at that time the child has a worldview, the formation of the personality is taking place. It is no accident that VA. Soloukhin raises in this text the problem of the role of children's impressions in the future destiny of man.

At the beginning of the text the author tells about three Russian poets and what influenced their work. For example, in Lermontov's poems Oak is often found because of the fact that in his youth he loved spending time in an oak forest. Yesenin often mentioned birch in his works, as near to his house there was a birch grove. Blok's work was also influenced by nature, especially the Lutosnya River, over which magnificent fogs rose. The author says that his native places endowed the poet with a sense of the Motherland. Further, Soloukhin discusses the significance of children's impressions, calling them "the foundation of the future spiritual life." He leads a detailed metaphor, saying that "seeds are planted in childhood", which germinate (or do not germinate) throughout the life of a person and determine what it will be: "Some become bright and pure flowers, some - grain ears, evil thistle.

" At the end of the text, the author claims that in Blok's heart the flower was the feeling of the Motherland, which for decades blossomed and blossomed. This was the reason for the deep connection between the poet and Russia.

The author's position is expressed in the penultimate paragraph of this text. Soloukhin convinces the reader that the period of childhood determines how a person will grow up. He believes that any character trait of an adult was laid in him when he was still a child.

I fully share the author's point of view. Indeed, the period of childhood has a huge impact on the future life of a person, because at this time the child is very receptive to everything that is happening around him, because his mind has not yet formed views on the world and life position. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

That is why all childhood memories and impressions are reflected in adult life.

Agreeing with VA. Soloukhin, I want to turn to fiction and find arguments in it to confirm the author's position. Recall, for example, the product of M.Yu. Lermontov's "Mtsyri." The protagonist was forcibly taken away from his homeland when he was still a child, and was held captive in a foreign land. For many years he suffered in captivity, dreaming of returning home, and once he escaped. In the days of his freedom, when he was close to his homeland, Mtsyri recalled happy moments from his childhood, his native places, his family. Unfortunately, he could not get home, because he was weak from hunger. Dying, he said that he was unbearable to live outside the house. Thus, Lermontov shows the influence of childhood memories and the Motherland on a person.

Also, as an example, you can cite A. Alexin's work "Actress". This story tells of a man who came to the theater, which he went to as a child. After the performance, he watched one actress who performed in this theater when he was a child. The hero told her how he once walked with his grandmother to her performance. This was a very important event in his life, therefore, when he saw the actress playing as an adult, he was filled with memories of his grandmother. He thanked the actress, because she brought him a sense of happiness for one evening. Thus, the author shows how children's impressions affect adult life.

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that it is impossible to overestimate the significance of the period of childhood in a person's life, because it determines his entire future life.


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