Teens of the world сочинение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Modern teenagers are worse than the previous generation.

It is often believed that today’s teenagers are much worse than they used to be in the past. Some people are sure that it is true, while others disagree. Let me express my point of view.

In my opinion, teens are much better than they were in the past. Firstly, modern generation of young people is much more purposeful, I mean teens nowadays do their best to arrange their future career: leave school with good marks and enter prestigious universities. Secondly, teenagers use all the given possibilities to be successful: join the competitions, do volunteering and take part in charity actions. Finally, most teens think about researching our planet and try to make the world better.

However, many adults criticize teens for having bad habits, such as smoking, drinking and taking drugs.

These people are also sure that modern young generation pay no respect to adults and are often cruel and aggressive.

I strongly disagree with this point of view, because the majority of teenagers keep a heathy lifestyle: they do sports and keep diets to be in fit.

esides, it is not a secret that most of the families nowadays keep manners and traditions, I mean children are brought up in love and respect.

To sum up, I should say that negative attitude towards young generation is because of the eternal problem of “fathers and sons”. I agree that not all teens are ideal, but by the large they are no worse than their patents and do their best to become worthy citizen of the country.

I was glad to hear from you again. I wish you good luck in passing your exams.

Well, no doubt we also have final exams in school in my country in summer. Personally, I find it quite difficult to revise, because we have to get ready for 4 exams! That is why, I often sit up late night sometimes, because preparing for exams takes too much time. Anyway I would certainly advice both you and me to arrange weekly plans of doing given tasks and follow them.

So, what is the weather like in England in summer? Shall I take any warm clothes with me? Is it possible to visit Westminster Abbey?

Sorry, I have to go now. Keep in touch.

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Подскажите, нам задали найти статью в Интернете про жизнь английских подростков и описать ее, может кто нибудь знает какой нибудь сайт с такими статьями? Про жизнь современных подростков? На английском.

На английском языке с переводом
The Problems Of Teenagers
The life of a teenager can be complicated sometimes. It is a difficult age and there are many problems on the way of becoming adults. For example, the choice of free-time activities, parent-child misunderstanding, the choice of future profession, dealing with the first love and so on. All teenagers have their own views on their life and future. They often stay alone with their thoughts because nobody seems to understand them. In this situation it’s better to talk to someone who is more experienced in life matters. One of the most common problems is the misunderstanding between teens and their parents. It has always been a problem but each generation becomes more difficult than the previous. Teenagers think that they are old enough to have their own opinion, while their parents don’t take their opinion into account. It is not right. Adults should try to give more attention to their children especially at such a difficult age. Teenagers also need more freedom of choice and less pressure. They are the future of our country and a lot depends on what kind of people they will become. The problem of drug is also actual at this age. Many teenagers suffer from drug addiction. It often leads to health problems and serious consequences. Other issues include smoking and drinking alcohol. Teenagers often meet their first love. It is a wonderful time for them and one of the best stages of life. This event stays in one’s memory forever. Unfortunately, the first love can have unhappy endings. It leads to problems in communication even with the best friends. Clearly there are a lot of problems in teenagers’ lives. However, there are some wonderful moments that can happen only when you are young. So, it’s better to enjoy the time!
Проблемы подростков
Жизнь подростка может быть иногда сложной. Это трудный возраст, и на пути к взрослению есть много проблем. Например, выбор занятий для свободного времени, непонимание между детьми и родителями, выбор будущей профессии, решение проблемы с первой любовью, и так далее. Все подростки имеют свои собственные взгляды на жизнь и будущее. Они часто остаются наедине со своими мыслями, потому что, казалось бы, никто не понимает их. В этой ситуации лучше поговорить с кем-то, кто более опытен в жизненных вопросах. Одной из самых распространенных проблем является непонимание между подростками и их родителями. Это всегда было проблемой, но каждое поколение становится все более трудным, чем предыдущее. Подростки думают, что они достаточно взрослые, чтобы иметь собственное мнение, в то время как их родители не принимают их мнение во внимание. Это не правильно. Взрослые должны стараться уделять больше внимания своим детям, особенно в такой трудный период. Подростки также нуждаются в большей свободе выбора и меньшем давлении. Они являются будущим нашей страны, и многое зависит от того, какими людьми они станут. Проблема наркотиков является также насущной в этом возрасте. Многие подростки страдают от наркомании. Это часто приводит к проблемам со здоровьем и серьезным последствиям. Другие проблемы включают курение и употребление алкоголя. Подростки часто встречаю свою первую любовь. Это прекрасное время для них, и один из лучших этапов жизни. Это событие остается в памяти навсегда. К сожалению, первая любовь может быть несчастной. Это приводит к проблемам в общении даже с лучшими друзьями. Очевидно, что в жизни подростков есть много проблем. Однако есть некоторые замечательные моменты, которые могут произойти только тогда, когда вы молоды. Так что, лучше наслаждаться временем!

Many things have changed over the past decades. Same can be said about the life of modern teenagers. Today teens are more independent, have other interests, and are definitely lazier than before. Computer is the root of most changes in the society. Modern teenagers spend almost all their free time online, playing computer games, chatting with friends, surfing social networks, instead of going out and doing some outdoor activities. If you ask a teenager what the life was like twenty or thirty years ago, he won’t answer, because he doesn’t know. Modern children simply can’t imagine their life without cell phones, tablets and MP3 players. These gadgets have gradually replaced the whole world of childish games and live communication. Previous generations of teenagers could still be seen in the streets jumping, running around and playing active games. Today, teenagers are mostly seen online. From the one hand, it’s certainly not good. From the other hand, this can be understood. How can children avoid electronic toys if they are everywhere? Other than that, the life of teenagers is not easy. They have a number of problems, which they don’t want to discuss with adults. Chatting with friends, at least they can share with them. Being online, they can also find answers for many urgent questions or problems. Modern teenagers are luckier than other generations for having the freedom of choice and life full of possibilities. It’s a “computer-based” generation. Even their homework is done with the help of computers and the Internet.

The Problems Of Teenagers
The life of a teenager can be complicated sometimes. It is a difficult age and there are many problems on the way of becoming adults. For example, the choice of free-time activities, parent-child misunderstanding, the choice of future profession, dealing with the first love and so on. All teenagers have their own views on their life and future. They often stay alone with their thoughts because nobody seems to understand them. In this situation it’s better to talk to someone who is more experienced in life matters. One of the most common problems is the misunderstanding between teens and their parents. It has always been a problem but each generation becomes more difficult than the previous. Teenagers think that they are old enough to have their own opinion, while their parents don’t take their opinion into account. It is not right. Adults should try to give more attention to their children especially at such a difficult age. Teenagers also need more freedom of choice and less pressure. They are the future of our country and a lot depends on what kind of people they will become. The problem of drug is also actual at this age. Many teenagers suffer from drug addiction. It often leads to health problems and serious consequences. Other issues include smoking and drinking alcohol. Teenagers often meet their first love. It is a wonderful time for them and one of the best stages of life. This event stays in one’s memory forever. Unfortunately, the first love can have unhappy endings. It leads to problems in communication even with the best friends. Clearly there are a lot of problems in teenagers’ lives. However, there are some wonderful moments that can happen only when you are young. So, it’s better to enjoy the time!

Today teenagers in Russia almost do not differ from teenagers in other countries.

They wear similar clothes, have similar habits, many of them like fast food, although they know that it is wrong to eat a lot of burgers and potato crisps and drink a lot of fizzy drinks like Coca Cola.

Most teenagers rarely play football in the yard, go to the river or lake. They read few books and watch endless TV shows . Today every teenager has a smartphone and accounts in social networks. Boys and girls spend too much time on the Internet, and many of them don't like school. Those who like studying try not to show it.

Many things have changed over the past decades. Same can be said about the life of modern teenagers. Today teens are more independent, have other interests, and are definitely lazier than before.

Computer is the root of most changes in the society. Modern teenagers spend almost all their free time online, playing computer games, chatting with friends, surfing social networks, instead of going out and doing some outdoor activities. If you ask a teenager what the life was like twenty or thirty years ago, he won’t answer, because he doesn’t know. Modern children simply can’t imagine their life without cell phones, tablets and MP3 players. These gadgets have gradually replaced the whole world of childish games and live communication.

Previous generations of teenagers could still be seen in the streets jumping, running around and playing active games. Today, teenagers are mostly seen online. From the one hand, it’s certainly not good. From the other hand, this can be understood. How can children avoid electronic toys if they are everywhere? Other than that, the life of teenagers is not easy. They have a number of problems, which they don’t want to discuss with adults. Chatting with friends, at least they can share with them. Being online, they can also find answers for many urgent questions or problems. Modern teenagers are luckier than other generations for having the freedom of choice and life full of possibilities. It’s a “computer-based” generation. Even their homework is done with the help of computers and the Internet.

Жизнь современных подростков

Многое изменилось за последние десятилетия. То же самое можно сказать и о жизни современных подростков. Сегодня подростки более независимы, имеют другие интересы, и, безусловно, ленивее, чем раньше.

Компьютер является основой большинства изменений в обществе. Современные подростки тратят почти все свое свободное время в Интернете, играя в компьютерные игры, общаясь с друзьями в чате, проверяя свои социальные сети, вместо того, чтобы проводить время на улице, играя в подвижные игры. Если вы спросите подростка, какой была жизнь двадцать или тридцать лет назад, он не сможет ответить, потому что не знает. Современные дети просто не могут представить свою жизнь без сотовых телефонов, планшетов и MP3-плееров. Эти устройства постепенно заменили им мир детских игр и живого общения.

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5 тестов скорости!

The media, that giant intimidating creation has taken the stereotypes of teens, the way people view teens, and the way we view ourselves, and has turned it into a delusional monster.

The media at this point in time portrays teenagers as generally bad.

Well to be honest, not generally bad, but mostly horrible.

We are seen as the cause for alarm and trouble in society.

The media portrays us as manic delinquents with no solid past and no concrete future.

The main points of teenagers that are warped into a lie are appearance and generalization of actions.

The media spreads the idea that just because some teens choose to get more piercing done, or a tattoo, or decide to get a different hair color that it is somehow related to a dysfunctional sector of society.

People have to realize that the adolescent / teenager portion of ones life is a time of self realization and expression.

Teens are just finding these things as outlets for emotion and expression.

The media uses these things and utilizes them in a sort of campaign to portray us as bad and untrusting.

Teens are not only portrayed as delinquents but also as disloyal, jobless, untrusting monsters.

The media causes the public following to assume that all teenagers are bad and immoral just because of a few that have done things wrong.

And even when a teen does something wrong, that too is sensationalized.

We do not generalize that all adults are killers and rapists just because a few have chosen the "wayward path.

" In that sense, it contradicts one of the many other facets that the media represents unfairly.

Teenagers are seen as immature and with no future.

But are we not more mature than our adult role models by not generalizing about them?

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This essay is about how society is generalizing teens so that we are all the same.

Girls are all at risk of having sex and getting pregnant, but that's not true.

Guys are stereotyped as pot - smokers and drug - users and overall punks.

That's not true either.

Society needs to improve their vision and look a little closer.

It is true that we as teenagers are put under a microscope nowadays, and this increases the chances of our "rebeliousness".

However, it may be different in every country, as I have not felt such a harsh treatment here, in my country.

It is always interesting to learn how people my age are seen in other places.

I feel I can really relate to this in so many ways.

Just with the fact that I've seen so many people casting immediate judgement without any regard to the person they're judging at hand.

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