Street festivals make moscow a better place to live сочинение

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Festivals are popular all over the world. There are different types of them: music festivals, sport festivals etc. People visit such events to have a good time and to see something extraordinary.

Recently I visited “Flower jam” fest. It is held in Moscow annually. It starts at the end of August and lasts about two weeks.

The fest was not limited to a single location. There were floral arrangements and jam fairs in many districts of Moscow. My parents and I went to the center of Moscow to see the most impressive art objects. I liked the most Installations in Stoleshnikov lane and compositions of roses in the square of the Revolution.

One could buy jam for any taste and other sweets. There were both traditional and exotic jams. We bought a jar of jam with blueberries and lavender. It turned out to be very tasty.

The program of the fest included excursions, competitions and master classes. I attended a master class on making a fruit tea. Now I can make it for my family.

The next day I took part in a flower bed design competition. It was held not far from my school. I did not win but it was an interesting exrerience.

So I liked “Flower jam” festival very much. I hope we will visit it again next year.

Фестивали популярны во всем мире. Есть такие разновидности как музыкальные фестивали, спортивные фестивали и др. Люди посещают такие мероприятия, чтобы хорошо провести время и увидеть что-то необычное.

Недавно я посетила фестиваль "Цветочный джем". Он проводится в Москве ежегодно. Он начинается в конце августа и длится около двух недель.

Фестиваль не ограничивался одной площадкой. Во многих районах Москвы были цветочные композиции и ярмарки варенья. Мы с родителями поехали в центр Москвы, чтобы посмотреть самые впечатляющие арт-объекты. Больше всего мне понравились инсталляции в Столешниковом переулке и композиции из роз на площади Революции.

Можно было купить варенье на любой вкус и другие сладости. Здесь были как традиционные, так и экзотические джемы. Мы купили банку варенья с черникой и лавандой. Оно оказалось очень вкусным.

Программа фестиваля включала экскурсии, конкурсы и мастер-классы. Я посетила мастер-класс по приготовлению фруктового чая. Теперь я могу делать такой чай для своей семьи.

На следующий день я принимала участие в конкурсе дизайна клумбы. Он проходил недалеко от моей школы. Я не выиграла, но это был интересный опыт.

Так что мне очень понравился фестиваль “Цветочный джем". Я надеюсь, что мы посетим его снова в следующем году.

я,анар.это моя школа.она большая и чистая.мы имеем большой спорт зал.

мы имеем буфет в нашей школе.он светлый и чистый.

мы имеем хорошую классную комнату.там есть 3 окон и дверь.

потолок высокий.мы имеем 15 досок и учительский стол в налем классе.доска на стене.это моя школьная сумка.у меня там есть книги,тетради,пенал и линейка.

мои ручки,карандаши,резинки в моем пенале

1. she is fifteen now but she has already travelled to over twenty countries.

2. some years ago he was a doctor but he decided to see the world.

3. the first time this man went abroad was three years ago.

4. i can't go there now, i have told you several times.

5. now it is the first time she is driving a car.

6. it seems to me that somebody has just knocked the door.

7. when he came, his family was sitting in the dining-room speaking in a whisper. why are you whispering ? - he asked them. what happened ?

8. when she entered the room, her daughter was drawing a picture. when she finished drawing, she said . look! what a funny dog i have just drawn ! do you like it ?

9. are you waiting for beth? - yes. why isn't she coming ? i think she is late.

10. you know what profession he chose as a career.

11. do you have money to pay for ticket ? - i am afraid i have forgotten my purse at home.

12. we made some good friends when we were in france.

Odessa is a beatiful hero-city on the black sea coast. it is often called the pearl by the sea. more than one million people live there. it is the third most populous city of ukraine and a major tourism centre, warm seaport and transportation centre. odessa is famous for its hospitable people. they have a remarkable sense of humor. the citizens and guests of odessa like its clear green streets and squares, interesting monuments, beautiful cathedrals, parks, fountains, theatres, delphinariy, arcadia beach. there are a lot of modern comfortable hotels for numorous tourists and guests of the city, film-making cinema studio, famous privoz-market and other landmarks. welcome to odessa and have a wonderful rest there! i am sure that you will like it. одесса - прекрасный город-герой на черноморском побережье. его часто называют жемчужиной у моря. там проживает более миллиона человек. это третий по численности населения город украины и крупный туристический центр, теплый морской порт и транспортный центр. одесса славится своим гостеприимным народом. у одесситов замечательное чувство юмора. горожане и гости одессы любят её чистые зеленые улицы и площади, интересные памятники, красивые соборы, парки, фонтаны, театры, дельфинарий, пляж аркадия. здесь есть множество современных комфортабельных отелей для многочисленных туристов и гостей города, киностудия по производству, фильмов, знаменитый рынок - привоз и другие достопримечательности. посетите oдессу! я уверен она вам понравится.

Задания Д40 C2 № 3324

Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных высказываний и выразите своё мнение по предложенной проблеме согласно данному плану.

Comment on one of the following statements.

1. Life in the countryside is not for young people.

2. It's reported that billions of dollars are spent on space exploration projects every year. Some people believe that this money should be used to solve problems on Earth.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200–250 words. Use the following plan:

− make an introduction (state the problem)

− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion

− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion

− explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

− make a conclusion restating your position

There are people who believe that kids should not live in the rural area. Others are convinced that countryside is perfect place for children.

I have all reason to believe that rural area is not the best living place for children. First of all, the level and the quality of education are higher in cities rather than in the villages because there are a majority of specialists. Also big cities offer wide career opportunities. A kid can become an astronaut or, for example, a real estate agent – both professions are available in cities. Moreover, we should keep in mind that in countryside there is a lack of modern technologies such as smartphones and computers and it can be a problem.

Other people are convinced that the countryside is perfectly fine for children. They say that there is a nice ecological situation. They also say that in the countryside relationships within the family are stronger than in cities.

I cannot agree with the above opinions as these people fail to understand that in the countryside children miss a lot of opportunities which are available in cities. All children want become successful in life and chances of that are higher if they live in the town.

There are two different points of view on the problem. I believe that countryside is not the best place for children because they miss a lot of career opportunities. A city life may be harsh but it suits children perfectly well.

неверное управление, - нам нужен человек, с которым мы можем делиться проблемами, а не человек, который делится нашими проблемами с нами

Thanks a lot for your last letter. It was great to hear from you so soon. Sorry I haven’t answered earlier because I was busy at school.

In your letter you asked me about my grandparents. Well, they live in Tambov. It is quite far from the place where I live, so I do not see them very often. I usually visit them twice a year. It makes me sad. I think it is better to live with your grandparents. Elderly people often can’t take care of themselves, so children and grandchildren can help them.

By the way, what about you? Was the festival good? What dance did you perform? Did you like the other participants?

I’d better finish now as I have to clean my room.

Write back soon!

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Неточ­ный от­вет на во­прос Why do elderly people in your country sometimes live with their children and grandchildren? Во­про­сы долж­ны бы­ли быть про фе­сти­валь, а не про уча­стие в этом фе­сти­ва­ле.

Friendship is the greatest gift of life

Nowadays, the problem of friendship has aroused strong emotions. Some people believe that having friends is a big value, while others claim that it is better to be alone.

In my opinion, a real friend is a gift of fate. Firstly, we need a person who can share our problems with us. Friends can support us in difficult situations. It is very important. Secondly, we always can rely on a friend. It is necessary to have a reliable person who can keep your secrets. Finally, friends charge us with a good mood. They give us a motivation to achieve the goals.

However, some people claim that friendship is not so valuable. In their view, it is easier to be alone, because you should not worry about somebody. Also, such people think that person without friends do not depend on someone's mind. According to this point of view, friendship is not a gift, but an obstacle to personal independence.

Personally, I do not agree with the above opinion. I am convinced that friendship is a great value because it teaches us to be responsible. When we worry about friends, we get rid of selfishness. Also, I think that lonely life is very boring, but not independent. For example, you cannot to do a lot of activities such as chatting and playing boarding games that require somebody else.

In conclusion, I believe that we cannot buy good relationships with people, so friendship is priceless. It is a real gift of life.

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